Site:______________________ Barren County Schools Barren River District Health Department Orthostatic Intolerance/ Hypertension Individualized Health Plan Please fax back to:_____________________________________________ Student Name__________________________ Date of Birth_____________ Classroom ______________________Hospital of Choice_________________________ DIAGNOSIS: (SPECIFY): ________________________________________________________________ RESTRICTIONS/ EXCLUSION AT SCHOOL:___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ INTERVENTIONS TO BE PROVIDED AT SCHOOL: ___Drink at least 100 ounces daily (Two, 12 ounce glasses with each meal) ___Begin the day with fluids ___Increase salt in diet (saltine crackers, pretzels, pickles, potato chips) ___Eliminate caffeine ___Moderate amount of exercise 3-4 times/ week ___Carry a water bottle and drink throughout the school day ___Allow to use restroom as needed ___OTHER:_______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNS/ SYMPTOMS OF A ORTHOSTATIC INTOLERANCE CAN INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: Lightheadedness Headache Fatigue Altered vision (blurred vision, "white outs," black outs) Weakness Hyperpnea or sensation of difficulty breathing or swallowing (see also hyperventilation syndrome) Tremulousness Sweating Anxiety Heart palpitations, as the heart races to compensate for the falling blood pressure Exercise intolerance Sensitivity to heat Nausea Neurocognitive deficits, such as attention problems (4-2014) 6A-1 BC Site:______________________ Sleep problems Pallor EMERGENCY PLAN OF ACTION FOR ALL STAFF: 1. If student exhibits any of the signs/ symptoms of a possible orthostatic intolerance, as listed above, or you have any other concerns, please send to nurse immediately. 2. If student’s color becomes pale, cyanotic (bluish), or ashen OR student has other signs of respiratory distress (difficulty breathing, gasping, etc.), call 911. 3. If student complains of chest pain or pressure, call 911. 4. Notify school personnel trained in CPR/first aid to stay with student and initiate CPR if needed prior to EMS arrival. 5. Contact parent/guardian immediately. 6. If EMS is called student must be transported via EMS to emergency facility, or parent/guardian must sign release with EMS and parent/guardian then assumes responsibility for student. Student may not return to school that day. 7. When student is transported via EMS a staff member must accompany the student unless parent and/or emergency contact accompanies them. 8. Other: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ This order and plan of care is valid for current school year. Parent must supply all special needs equipment. ______________________________________ _________________ _____________ PRINTED NAME OF PHYSICIAN/ ARNP PHONE NUMBER DATE ____________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PHYSICIAN/ ARNP ____________________________ FAX NUMBER ____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS OF PHYSICIAN I give permission for (name of child) _________________ to receive the above stated medication(s) at school according to standard school policy and expressly hold harmless and waive any liability on behalf of, the Barren County School District / Barren River District Health Department or either of its employees and agents concerning any injuries or reactions resulting from the administration of the above medication unless such is the result of negligence or misconduct on behalf of the school, Health Department or any of their employees. ________________________________ Parent Signature _______________ Phone Number __________________ Date Reviewed by School Nurse________________ Copy to Pertinent school staff_____________ Copy to District Nurse______________ Copy to medication delegated trained bus driver_______________ (4-2014) 6A-1 BC Site:_______________________ (4-2014) 6A-5 BC