1. The four layers of a normal soil profile are

1. The four layers of a normal soil profile are
A. topsoil, subsoil, and root zone
B. sand, silt, and clay
C. root zone, topsoil, and subsoil
D. topsoil, subsoil, parent material and
2. Transpiration is a plant process that occurs more
a. In winter
b. In shady places
c. at night
d. during the day
3. Which of the following pH ranges do most
landscape plants perform best?
A. 3.0 – 4.5
B. 5.6 – 7.0
C. 6.8 – 9.2
D. above 10
4. How is pH raised and acidity lowered in acidic soil?
5. There are twelve basic textural classes that can
be determined after a soil test using which of the
following resources?
A. textural square
B. ribbon test
C. textural triangle
D. texture test
6. Which of the following components make up fifty
percent of a typical soil structure?
A. peat moss, organic matter
B. sand, silt
C. water, air
D. peat moss, inorganic matter
7. Which of the following is a commonly used
component of a soilless growing media?
A. peat moss
B. silt
C. clay
D. sand
8. Which of the following components of a soilless
media provides aeration?
A. Spagnum moss
B. Perlite
C. Vermiculite
D. Peat miss
A. The addition of nitrogen to the soil
B. The addition of lime to the soil
C. The addition of sulfur to the soil
D. The addition of potash to the soil
9. In the United States most of the flowers used for
retail and wholesale are:
a. Hybrid
b. Dihybrid
c. Imported
d. Exported
10. Grafting consists of which two pieces of a plant?
A. root and stem
B. pollen and egg
C. scion and stock or rootstock
D. root and bud
11. Asexual propagation involves
A. pollination
B. reproduction of plants using only
vegetative parts
C. new genetic combinations in the
D. fertilization of an egg by sperm
12. How are chrysanthemums propagated?
A. seed
B. leaf cuttings
C. stem cuttings
D. air layering
13. Sexual reproduction involves which of the
A. genetically identical offspring
B. offspring called clones
C. new genetic combinations in the
D. reproduction without the need of egg or
sperm cells
14. Nitrogen causes plants to
A. Grow rapidly and develop a dark green color
B. Resist disease and develop strong roots
C. Harden off more readily
D. Produce more blooms
15. Lime provides the plant with which element?
A. nitrogen
B. potash
C. calcium
D. magnesium
16. All of the following statements are benefits of
Potassium except
A. Increases the resistance to disease
B. Develops a strong root system
C. Essential in developing chlorophyll
D. Flowers and seeds cannot form without it
17. Which of the following is not an indication of a
phosphorus deficiency?
A. Purple coloring on the underside of
B. Reduced flower
C. Reduced fruit production
D. Yellowing of leaf margins
18. What term is used to describe when chemicals, oil,
and other substances leak into the land?
A. contamination
B. natural erosion
C. salinization
D. soil erosion
19. On the United States Department of Agriculture
Plant Hardiness Map, Kentucky is located in region
A. 5
B. 6
C. 8
D. 9
20. Which of the following would be used to eliminate
insects such as aphids or white flies?
A. Fungicide
B. Insecticide
C. Miticide
D. Herbicide
21. Which of the following would be used to
eliminate pests such as johnsongrass and other
A. Fungicide
B. Insecticide
C. Miticide
D. Herbicide
22. Which of the following are the four main routes that
a pesticide can enter the body?
A. oral, dermal, inhalation, eye
B. oral, hair, blood, eye
C. blood, lymph nodes, dermal, inhalation
D. kidneys, dermal, hair, eye
23. A pesticide that has the signal word “DANGER”
on the label would be which of the following acute
toxicity levels?
A. Moderately toxic
B. Slightly toxic
C. Highly toxic
D. Relatively toxic
24. Which of the following would be the first step in the
proper mixing of pesticides?
A. Fill the sprayer with two-thirds of the water
B. Test the sprayer with water to check for
leaks and other malfunctions
C. Read the label to determine the proper
D. Mix chemicals in a grassy area
25. Which of the following insect is considered to
be an insect with sucking mouthparts?
A. Aphid
B. Beetle
C. Thrip
D. Grasshopper
26. Which of the following insects is considered to be a
“chewing” insect?
A. Scale
B. Aphids
C. Thrips
D. Beetle
27. It is recommended to clean hand tools, such as
a hand trowel or shovel
A. once a month
B. after 5 uses
C. after every use
D. at the end of summer
28. If a serious accident occurs in the workplace,
which of the following should you do first?
A. Immediately administer CPR
B. Move the victim to a safe place
C. Leave the victim
D. Call 911 for Emergency Medical Services
29. If a pesticide is spilled on the skin, it should be
washed off immediately with which of the
A. Soap and Water
B. Water only
C. Moist towel
D. Rubbing alcohol
30. Which of the following agencies approve pesticide
A. Kentucky Department of Agriculture
B. United States Department of Agriculture
C. Food and Drug Administration
D. Environmental Protection Agency
31. A workplaces’ policies and procedures are
used to:
32. A customer is very confrontational to you as you are
attempting to check them out at the cash register. The
best way to handle the situation is to:
a. Immediately call the police to remove the
Prevent salary and bonuses from
customer from the store
Escort the customer out of the store
Establish a clear set of guidelines for
employees to follow
c. Yell at the customer
Keep most customer’s satisfied
d. Attempt to calm the customer down and
Prevent companies from bankruptcy
contact your manager
33. Your coworker makes a comment about a
blouse you are wearing. The comment makes
you very uncomfortable. This is an example of:
a. Flattery
b. Harassment
c. Discrimination
d. Inequality
At your store, you offer a 5% discount to
customers enrolled in a college/university. What
would be the total discount for a student that
spends $12.80 at your store?
a. $0.64
b. $6.40
c. $12.16
d. $5.00
35. 16 of 35 customers gave one of your products
a bad review. About what percentage of these
customers were unsatisfied with your product?
a. 5.6%
b. 56%
c. 46%
d. 21%
36. Using the graph, identify which of your company’s
products was most popular among consumers in
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
2008 2009 2010 2011
37. Sara receives her work schedule for the
week and realizes that she is scheduled
to work for an evening that she had made
previous arrangements with her family.
What would be the best option for Sara to
solve this scheduling conflict?
a. Not show up for work
b. Call and let boss know that she is
ill and will not be at work
c. Attempt to switch shifts with
another employee
d. Quit her job
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 2 and 3 were equally popular
38. The process where plants take in carbon
dioxide and exhale oxygen is:
a. Photosynthesis
b. Respiration
c. Transpiration
d. Evaporation
39. The government agency responsible for
regulations regarding pesticide use is:
b. EPA
c. KY Department of Agriculture
40. Plants that come back year to year are
a. Perennial
b. Annual
c. Biannual
d. Bulbs
41. Trees that lose their leaves during the
dormant season are:
a. Annuals
b. Perennial
c. Evergreen
d. Deciduous
42. The process of determining levels of pest
damage and deciding on a course of action to
solve the problem is:
a. Inspection of plant
b. Environmental Control
c. Integrated Pest Management
d. Management of Chemical
43. When filling out an application or mailing
address on an envenlope, the best choice
for color of ink is:
a. Purple
b. Blue
c. Red
d. Black
44. When determining the amount of lime,
fertilizer or any other ground amendments
necessary on farm land it is best to use what
method of testing:
a. Soil Testing
b. Water Testing
c. Sun Testing
d. Acreage Testing
45. Checking the oil, gas, blade sharpness
and spark plugs in a lawnmower on a
regular basis is considered:
a. Practical Mechanics
b. Shock Testing
c. Preventative Maintenance
d. Fuel Revival
46. Money that a business takes in is considered:
a. Disbursement
b. Revenue
c. Charity
d. Surcharge
47. Sales tax is based on percentage and
a. State to State
b. County to County
c. Largely depending on population
d. Slightly due to weather
48. Selling to the public for use is considered:
a. Wholesale
b. Retail
c. Brokering
d. Bartering
49. Selling of goods in large quantities to be
retailed by others is:
a. Wholesale
b. Retail
c. Brokering
d. Bartering
50. Process which seeds sprout and begin to
a. Photosynthesis
b. Respiration
c. Annual
d. Germination