Miss Fox’s Classroom Newsletter Week of: February 24 th Walton Farm Elementary North Penn School District What we are learning this week Language Arts- We are reading a story this week called “Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” Thomas Huxley “The case of Pablo’s Nose”. It is a fun mystery that we have to try to solve! While we are reading, we are going to work on sequencing, possessive pronouns, new vocabulary words and spelling words with prefixes. This week we are also going to start with some PSSA review material! Math- This week, we are starting unit 7! In this unit we will be working with fractions! Social Studies- We are starting Chapter 3 this week. We are going to take a look at PA many years ago. We are going to talk about the land, climate and Native Americans that lived in PA. Questions? Email: Foxna@npenn.org Upcoming tests, quizzes and projects Upcoming Events Get Up and Move Family Night! Friday 2/29 at 6:30pm Change for Chop fundraiser extended to March 7th! Spelling Contract due Friday 2/28.