Archimedes discovered density.
Matter – Anything that has mass and takes up space.
Mass – The amount of matter in an object measured in grams or kilograms.
Volume – The amount of space an object takes up measured in milliliters or liters.
Density - The amount of matter in a given space measured in grams per milliliter.
Formulas needed:
• Density = Mass/Volume
• Mass = Volume(Density)
• Volume= Mass/Density
D = m/v
m = vD
v = m/D
Label - g/ml or kg/L or g/cm3
Label – g or kg
Label – mL or L
The density of a material is constant,
regardless the size and shape of the substance.
• Density can be described by how tightly packed the molecules are in a given space.
• You can compare the densities of any two objects if they have the same volume by
obtaining their mass. The denser item will be heavier.
• You can compare the densities of any two objects if they have the same mass by
obtaining their volume. The denser item will have a lower volume.
Density is affected by:
• Temperature – Usually materials become denser as they cool down. Water is the
exception to this rule. When water freezes it expands; greater volume results in
lower density. The density of liquid water is 1 g/ml
• Pressure – Increase in pressure results in an increase of density. By increasing the
pressure, you are putting more molecules in the same space or the same amount of
molecules in a smaller space.