KDE Needs Assessment Hiseville Elementary School Barren County Jeffrey Richey, Principal

KDE Needs Assessment
Hiseville Elementary School
Barren County
Jeffrey Richey, Principal
Hiseville, KY 42152
Document Generated On December 21, 2015
Data Analysis
Areas of Strengths
Opportunities for Improvement
KDE Needs Assessment
Hiseville Elementary School
The purpose of the School Needs Assessment is to use data and information to prioritize allocation of resources and activities.
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© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
KDE Needs Assessment
Hiseville Elementary School
Data Analysis
What question(s) are you trying to answer with the data and information provided to you? What does the data/information tell you?
What does the data/information not tell you?
We did a survey based on the ten attributes for School Improvement. Our district CRT helped us prepare this document to best meet the
needs of our school. We analyzed the results and made changes to our CSIP Plan based on this needs assessment.
Our goal was to find our top three strengths and weaknesses as a school, based on assessment data and our needs assessment. Once we
compiled our data, we met to create a plan to accentuate our strengths and to improve our weak areas that were clearly defined in this
Another important piece was our data disaggregation and added in the Lead to Learn Data Retreat model with our staff, building data teams.
We analyzed our K-Prep data, as well as our Renaissance STAR data, and NWEA MAP assessment in the areas of reading, math and
language identifying concerns and next steps.
An additional piece of information that we used in our needs assessment was the information we received from our Tell survey. The
Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning Working Conditions Survey, known as TELL Kentucky, allows us to learn the perceptions of all
school-based certified educators about teaching and learning working conditions through an anonymous process.
By analyzing how educators view critical teaching and learning conditions, this provides us with data that can become a part of the ongoing
improvement planning processes in our buildings.
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© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
KDE Needs Assessment
Hiseville Elementary School
Areas of Strengths
What were the areas of strength you noted? What actions are you implementing to sustain the areas of strength? What is there
cause to celebrate?
Our top three strength areas were: 1. School Climate and Culture. 2. Data Driven Decisions and 3. Leadership according to our 10 Critical
Attributes of School Improvement.
Our Tell Survey data indicated that are strengths were:
Instructional time with students
Community Support and Involvement
Managing Student Conduct
Teacher Leadership
School Leadership
Overall, that Hiseville Elementary is a good place to work and learn. We will continue to utilize our leadership team, and we constantly look
for ways to improve the culture and climate of our school by rewarding students and staff and celelbrating both large and small
accomplishments. We meet in PLCs to look at multiple forms of data to drive classroom instruction.
We have also seen our Parent University as a strength in building open communication with families. We provide information about our
school in order to be transparent and allow parents to be a part of decision-making at our school.
We celebrate often!!!
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© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
KDE Needs Assessment
Hiseville Elementary School
Opportunities for Improvement
What were areas in need of improvement? What plans are you making to improve the areas of need?
The three areas for growth that our needs assessment targeted were: 1. Closing the achievement gap for ECE students 2. Business and
Educational Partnerships 3. Closing the achievement gap for students on free/reduced lunch.
From our Tell Survey Data the areas in need of improvement were:
Planning time with colleauges, PLCs, Professional Development, Accessing Instructional resources including technology and professional
support from SBDM council leadership.
We have identified the need for successful partnerships and we were able to bring new partners on board for this school year. We received a
$5,000 grant from the Dart Corporation. We have strong support from our local businesses and stakeholders. Because of our CEP program,
which provides meals to all of our students, parents have been more able to contribute more to our school.
We restructured our mission statement to focus on meeting the needs of every child, every day at our school. We meet and use all available
resources to develop an articulated curriculum.
K-Prep data indicated that our ECE students are a focus group for the area of reading and we have a target area of growth in mathematics
with our ECE population. Teachers have collaborated to determine the best strategies for improving student performance in these areas. All
teachers will be working towards standards mastery, remediating skills that are lacking and activities built into this CSIP to address those
initiatives. We have a "name them and claim them" strategy to identify specific students and their needs during our data dives. All students
reading below grade level in grades 1-3 were identified and will have a special reading club with incentives during our 21st Century Program.
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KDE Needs Assessment
Hiseville Elementary School
Reflect on your answers provided in the previous sections. What are your next steps in addressing areas of concern?
This is an on-going, every day accountability document that all stakeholders work to ensure academic fidelity. We will continue to monitor all
aspects of our school and collaboratively work together to address areas of improvements while continuing to build on our strengths. We will
be monitoring our CSIP on a regular basis to ensure goals are met.
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