Service Description: Unified Contact Center Custom Application Software Services

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Service Description: Unified Contact Center Custom Application
Software Services
This document describes Cisco’s Unified Contact Center Custom Application Software Services.
Related Documents:
This document should be read in conjunction with the following documents also posted at : (1) Glossary of Terms; (2) List of Services Not Covered; and (3) Severity and Escalation
Guidelines. All capitalized terms in this description have the meaning ascribed to them in the Glossary of Terms.
Direct Sale from Cisco. If you have purchased these Services directly from Cisco, this document is incorporated into your Master
Services Agreement (MSA), Advanced Services Agreement (ASA), or equivalent services agreement executed between you and Cisco.
In the event of a conflict between this Service Description and your MSA or equivalent services agreement, this Service Description
shall govern.
Sale via Cisco Authorized Reseller. If you have purchased these Services through a Cisco Authorized Reseller, this document is for
description purposes only; is not a contract between you and Cisco. The contract, if any, governing the provision of this Service will be
the one between you and your Cisco Authorized Reseller. Your Cisco Authorized Reseller should provide this document to you, or you
can obtain a copy of this and other Cisco service descriptions at
Cisco shall provide the Unified Contact Center Custom Application Software Services described below as selected and detailed on the
Purchase Order for which Cisco has been paid the appropriate fee. Cisco shall issue a Quote for the Services (“Quote”); the Purchase
Order should reference such Quote.
Service Summary
The Unified Contact Center Custom Application Software Services may provide the services contained within to assist in deploying a
Customer’s Cisco Unified Contact Center solution.
Unified Contact Center Custom Application Software Services
Under this Service, Cisco shall provide some or all of the Unified Contact Center Custom Application Software Services, as selected by
Customer during Standard Business Hours, unless stated otherwise:
Workforce Management Real Time Gateway (RTAGateway) Aspect Adapter
The WorkForce Management Real Time Gateway (RTAGateway) Aspect Adapter provides a real time adherence interface
between a Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise and Aspect’s eWFM software. The Cisco WFM RTAGateway Adapter takes
agent state event messages from redundant pairs of Unified ICM Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Servers, converts them
into the format required by the Aspect’s eWFM product and then forwards them to the Aspect Real Time adherence server.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate WFM integration requirements.
Configure the WFM RTAGateway Adapter on the Customer provided server.
Test the RTAGateway application to verify the agent state information is being sent to Aspect eWFM
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Workforce Management Real Time Gateway (RTAGateway) IEX Adapter
Controlled Doc. #346898 Ver: 1.0 Last Modified:10/7/2009 9:51:34 PM
Unified Contact Center Custom Application Software Services Description.doc
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The WorkForce Management Real Time Gateway (RTAGateway) IEX Adapter provides a real time adherence interface between a
Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise and IEX’s Totalview software. The Cisco WFM RTAGateway Adapter takes agent state
event messages from redundant pairs of Unified ICM Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Servers, converts them into the format
required by the IEX’s Totalview product and then forwards them to the IEX Real Time adherence server.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate WFM integration requirements.
Configure the WFM RTAGateway Adapter on the Customer provided server.
Test the RTAGateway application to verify the agent state information is being sent to IEX Totalview
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Real Time Gateway Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Adapter
The Real Time Gateway (RTAGateway) ODBC Adapter provides a real time agent state change interface between the Unified
Contact Center Enterprise system and any ODBC compliant database supporting stored procedures. The WFM RTAGateway
Adapter takes real time agent state event messages from redundant pairs of Unified ICM Computer Telephone Integration (CTI)
Servers, invokes a configurable stored procedure passing the agent state information to the external database through the stored
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate WFM integration requirements.
Configure the RTAGateway Adapter on the Customer provided server.
Test the RTAGatewayODBC application to make sure that agent state changes are being written to the
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Workforce Management Historical Database Server Aspect Adapter
The WorkForce Management (WFM) Historical Adapter for Aspect eWFM provides historical data integration between a Cisco
Unified Contact Center Enterprise and Aspect’s eWFM software. The WFM adapter runs on the Unified ICM Historical Database
server and accumulates historical contact center statistics into reports that make these reports available to the Aspect eWFM
system. These reports will contain agent, skill group, and call type statistics. The reports will be generated in 30 minute reporting
intervals in ASCII file format that can then be retrieved by Aspect either by remote file mount or File Transport Protocol (FTP). MSSQL Enterprise Manager Scheduler on the Historical Database Server will handle the scheduling of these reports.
o Cisco Responsibilities
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate WFM integration requirements.
Configure the WFM Historical Adapter.
Test the WFM Adapter to make sure that WFM reports are being properly generated and made available to
the Aspect eWFM application.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Workforce Management Historical Database Server IEX Adapter
The WorkForce Management (WFM) Historical Adapter for IEX Totalview provides historical data integration between a Cisco
Unified Contact Center Enterprise and the IEX Totalview WorkForce Management software. The WFM Adapter for IEX runs on the
Unified ICM Historical Database Server and accumulates historical contact center statistics into reports and makes these reports
available to the IEX Totalview WorkForce Management system. These reports will contain agent, skill group and call type (option)
statistics. The reports will be generated in 30 minute reporting intervals in ASCII file format that can then be retrieved by IEX
Totalview either by remote file mount or FTP. The MS-SQL Enterprise Manger Scheduler on the Historical Database server will
handle the scheduling of these reports.
o Cisco Responsibilities
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate WFM historical adapter requirements.
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Configure of the WFM Historical Adapter.
Test the WFM Adapter to make sure that WFM reports are being properly generated and made available to
the IEX Totalview application.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Gateway Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Application Gateway Extension
The Gateway ODBC provides the capability for a Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise routing or administration script to access
information from or store information to an external ODBC-compliant database. Information is passed from an Unified ICM script to
a Customer developed stored procedure; the stored procedure processes the information as needed, and then optionally passes
results back to the Unified ICM script for use in routing or administration decisions. The stored procedure performs the
customization needed by the Customer, such as queries to tables, writing information to tables or performing logical checks on the
information. Select statements are also supported. Up to 9 instances (software copies) of the Gateway ODBC application may be
installed on a single server and each instance mapped to a unique stored procedure or select statement. This integration project is
performed remotely.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate Gateway ODBC requirements.
Configure the Gateway ODBC software extension.
Verify the Customer installed the external ODBC database and passing information back to the UICM
routing script installed.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Gateway XML Application Gateway Extension
The Gateway XML provides the capability for a Unified Contact Center Enterprise routing script to access information from or store
information to an external Web Server. Information is passed from a Unified ICM script to a Web Server via a XML document; the
Customer’s backend system processes the information as needed, and then optionally passes results back to the Unified ICM
script for use in routing or administration decisions. Up to 9 instances (software copies) of the GatewayXML application may be
installed on a single server and each instance mapped to a unique web service.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate GatewayXML requirements.
Configure the Gateway XML Software Extension
Verify the Web Service can be accessed and information returned back to the U ICM script.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Gateway MQ Application Gateway Extension
The Gateway MultiQueue Application Gateway Extension provides the capability for a Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise
Routing or Administration script to access information from or store information to an external IBM MQSeries messaging system.
Information is passed from an Unified ICM (UICM) script to a Customer’s backend system via a MQ message; the backend system
processes the information as needed, and then optionally passes results back to the ICM script for use in routing or administration
decisions. Up to 9 instances (software copies) of the GatewayMQ application may be installed on a single server and each
instance mapped to a unique MQ Series queue.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate GatewayMQ requirements.
Configure the Gateway MQ Software Extension.
Verify the Gateway MQ can pass requests to the MQ Series System can access and return information back
to UICM script.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Java Voice Response Unit (VRU) Client
The Java VRU software package provides an object oriented Java interface to the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Unified
ICM/VRU interface specification of the Cisco UICM VRU PerpheralGateway (PG). This package currently supports the service
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control, call routing and event data feed Application Level Interfaces (APIs) of the Unified ICM/VRU Interface specification to
enable the routing of contacts to monitored call centers by the Cisco Unified ICM/UCCE system.
The package includes a Java class for each message needed for the service control; call routing and event data feed APIs. In
addition, the package includes a transport manager class that handles the TCP/IP socket management to VRU PG.
A sample application along with source code is provided that demonstrates the use of the Java Message Class Library and the
Transport Manager Class. Documentation for the Java VRU Client is provided in the form of HTML Java format.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Provide Java VRU software package to Customer.
Perform a transfer of information session about the Java VRU software package and its usage with the
IP Phone Control Service (IPPCS) Server License
The IP Phone Control Service (IPPCS) package allows agents to perform agent state and call control tasks directly from their IP
phone in a Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE), and thus alleviate the need for using desktop computer telephony
interface (CTI) software. IPPCS can be used stand-alone as the primary call center phone capability for agent and call control, or
as a backup to an existing CTI desktop softphone.
The IPPCS Server License covers the purchase of the right to use license plus deployment services for a single IPPCS Server.
Each IPPCS server is capable of handling up to 500 agents with multiple IPPCS servers may be required for the total solution. For
valid deployment, the license must be purchased in conjunction with the appropriate number of IPPCS Agent Licenses.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate IP Phone Control Software requirements.
Configure the IP Phone Control Software.
Verify the IP Phone Service allows for agent state and call control.
Perform a transfer of Information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
IP Phone Control Service (IPPCS) Agent License Service
The IP Phone Control Agent License Service (IPPCS) package allows agents to perform agent state and call control tasks directly
from their IP phone in a Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise, and thus alleviate the need for using desktop CTI software.
IPPCS can be used stand-alone as the primary call center phone capability for agent and call control, or as a backup to an existing
CTI desktop softphone.
The IPPCS Agent License covers the purchase of the right to use license for the IPPCS software for a single agent. This license
must be purchased in conjunction with an IPPCS Server License. In addition, a CTIOS agent license must also be purchased for
each agent using the IPPCS solution.
o Cisco Responsibilities
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate IP Phone Control Software requirements.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Custom Reporting Extract Development
Provide custom development of one (1) Unified ICM Database Extract to be used for a Unified Intelligence Suite report or WebView
report within the Cisco Unified Contact Center products.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate Cisco Unified Intelligence Suite or Cisco WebView
Database Extract requirements.
Develop custom database extract software.
Configure the custom database extract software.
Verify that custom database extract software is functioning properly.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
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Custom Report Development
Provide custom development of one (1) Cisco Unified Intelligence Suite report or Cisco WebView report to be used within the Cisco
Unified Contact Center products.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate custom reporting requirements.
Develop custom report.
Configure the custom report.
Verify report operation with Customer.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Cisco Unified Intelligence Suite Custom Connector Development
Provide custom development of one (1) Cisco Unified Intelligence Suite (CUIS) custom connector to be used within the Cisco
Unified Communication products. A CUIS Connector allows data from Customer’s back-end databases to be pulled and written to
the CUIS Archiver for use in custom CUIS reporting.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate CUIS custom connector requirements.
Develop custom connector.
Configure the custom connector.
Verify proper operation of custom connector.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Knowlagent Adapter
The Knowlagent Adapter provides integration between Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise and Knowlagent so that
Knowlagent can receive agent-skill group mappings as well as skill group statistics from ICM. The Knowlagent Adapter will be
delivered in the form of a Windows Service that will run on the Knowlagent application server. This service will implement a CTIOS
client connection in order to get information about agents and skill groups from ICM. The service will also use web services
provided by Knowlagent in order to communicate the agent and skill group information to the Knowlagent application.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Provide installation checklist to Customer.
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate Knowlagent Adapter requirements.
Configure the Knowlagent adapter at the Customer site on the Knowlagent server and work in the Customer
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Virtual Agent Simulator (VAS) Server License
The Virtual Agent Simulator (VAS) provides the ability to simulate agents and optionally interfaces to an Empirix Testing System to
provide end-to-end testing within a Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise environment. Through user defined scripts the Virtual
Agent Simulator can log agents in, make them not ready, ready, answer calls, go on hold, retrieve calls, transfer calls, and release
calls. When a call is released a message is optionally sent to Empirix along with call data, allowing the Empirix to report on end-toend testing. The Virtual Agent Simulator does not simulate phone end points.
The VAS Server License covers the purchase of the right to use license plus deployment services for a single VAS Server. This
license must be purchased in conjunction with the appropriate number of VAS Agent Licenses for valid deployment.
Cisco Responsibilities:
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate VAS testing requirements.
Configure the VAS.
Provide configuration of VAS (excluding agent and script configuration).
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
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Virtual Agent Simulator Agent (VAS) License
The Virtual Agent (Simulator VAS) provides the ability to simulator agents and optionally interfaces to an Empirix testing system to
provide end-to-end testing within a Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE) environment. Through user defined scripts the
VAS can log agents in, make them not ready, ready, answer calls, go on hold, retrieve calls, transfer calls, and release calls. When
a call is released a message is optionally sent to Empirix along with call data, allowing the Empirix to report on end-to-end testing.
The VAS does not simulate phone end points.
The VAS Agent License covers the purchase of the right to use license for the VAS software for a single agent. This license must
be purchased in conjunction with a VAS Server License. In addition, a CTIOS Agent license must also be purchased for each
agent using the VAS solution.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Provide Customer VAS Software Installation Package.
Perform a transfer of information session about the configuration information with the Customer.
Subject Matter Expert Consulting, Training, and Development Services
Provide one (1) day of Subject Matter Expert Services within the area of custom development utilizing Cisco Unified Contact
Center Enterprise Application Programming Interfaces. These Services could include consulting, training or development in the
area of CTI Server, CTIOS, Reporting, Cisco Customer Voice Portal Custom Elements, and Cisco IPIVR Custom Interfaces. It
could also be used to add value to the installation of any of the SASG Extensions, such as consulting on the Gateway COM or
Gateway XML Extension. Proficiencies include Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Product knowledge, programming design
and development in .NET, Java, C++, Visual Basic, Database languages specifically related to the Unified Contact Center
Enterprise environment.
o Cisco Responsibilities:
Schedule and hold Customer kick off meeting.
Consult with the Customer to review and validate requirements.
Provide Subject Matter Expert (SME) assistance.
Customer Responsibilities
Workforce Management Real Time Gateway (WFM RTAG) Aspect Adapter
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system software to support the WFM
RTAGateway Adapter.
Provide site and server access for installation of WFM RTAGateway Adapter.
Provide IP/Port information for the RTA feed on the Aspect WorkForce Management Server.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of knowledge session.
Workforce Management Real Time Gateway IEX Adapter (WFM RTAG)
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system software to support the WFM
RTAGateway Adapter.
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Provide site and server access for installation of WFM RTAGateway Adapter.
Provide IP/Port information for the real time adapter (RTA) feed on the IEX Totalview Server.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of knowledge session.
Real Time Gateway Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Adapter
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Purchase or provide licensing to external Database.
Provide stored procedure called by RTAGateway ODBC Adapter.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system software to support the RTAGateway
ODBC Adapter.
Provide site and server access for the installation of the RTAGateway ODBC Adapter.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of knowledge session.
Workforce Management Historical Database Server Aspect Adapter
Customer Responsibilities
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort and verify the reports are being
properly imported to the Aspect eWFM database.
Complete the installation checklist provided by Cisco personnel prior to installation.
Provide site and server access to Unified Contact Center Enterprise Historical Database server for
installation of Workforce Management Historical Adapter.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of knowledge session.
Workforce Management Historical Database Server IEX Adapter
Customer Responsibilities
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort and verify the reports generate
the proper information.
Complete the installation checklist provided by Cisco personnel prior to installation.
Provide site and server access to Unified Contact Center Enterprise Historical Database server for
installation of WFM Historical Adapter.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of knowledge session.
Gateway Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Application Gateway Extension
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
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Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system software required for Gateway ODBC
Software Extension.
Provide site and servers access for installation of Gateway ODBC Software Extension.
Provide stored procedure that will be used to access the database from Gateway ODBC.
Provide information needed to access the ODBC database.
Provide the data source and destination.
Install and configure Unified ICM Application Gateway.
Configure the UICM script which will access Application Gateway node.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
Gateway XML Application Gateway Extension
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system software required for Gateway XML
Software Extension.
Provide site and servers access for installation of Gateway XML Software Extension.
Provide web server and XML documents that the Gateway XML will use to interface to the web.
Provide Information needed to access the web server and custom application.
Install and configure Unified ICM Application Gateway.
Configure the UICM script which will access Application Gateway node.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
Gateway MultiQueue (MQ) Application Gateway Extension
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system software for the Gateway MQ Software
Extension software.
Provide site and servers access for installation of Gateway MQ Software Extension.
Provide MQ Queues and Messages used by Gateway MQ to access the MQ Series system
Provide Information needed to access the MQ Series system.
Install and configure Unified ICM Application Gateway.
Configure the UICM script which will access Application Gateway node.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
Java Voice Response Unit (VRU) Client
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
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Development of the encapsulating Java application. The application must handle the delivery of
asynchronous events, which includes the handling of heartbeat events for the socket connection.
IP Phone Control Service (IPPCS) Server License
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system software for IP Phone Control Software
Provide site and server access for installation of IP Phone Control Software
Provide information required to access the Unified ICM Computer Telephony Integration server
Provide information required to access the Call Manager server
Configuration of Cisco Unified Call Manager as required for IPPCS phone service
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
IP Phone Control Service (IPPCS) Agent License Service
Customer Responsibilities
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
Custom Reporting Extract Development
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort.
Provide site and system access to Unified ICM Historical Database Server.
Provide requirements for database extract to Cisco.
Test with Cisco to verify database extract operation is functioning properly.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
Custom Report Development
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort.
Provide custom report requirements to Cisco.
Verify custom report operation with Cisco.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
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Cisco Unified Intelligence Suite Custom (CUIS) Connector Development
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort.
Provide custom connector requirements to Cisco.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system software for CUIS as required.
Provide site and server access for CUIS server(s).
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
Provide lab or test environment so that the CUIS custom connector can be tested.
Knowlagent Adapter
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Fill out installation checklist and return to Cisco prior to kick off meeting.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system software for Knowlagent server.
Provide site and server access to Knowlagent servers for installation of Knowlagent adapter.
Provide site and server access to the required CTIOS servers and HDS server.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
Virtual Agent Simulator (VAS) Server License
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation effort.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system for VAS software.
Provide server access to the server where the VAS software is to be installed.
Provide server access to the CTIOS Server(s) being used in the testing.
Provide Phone endpoints either through simulator or IP Phones.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
Virtual Agent Simulator (VAS) Agent License
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Attend kick off meeting.
Assign resources to work with Cisco personnel to support installation.
Purchase and install the required server hardware/operating system for VAS software.
Provide server access to the server where the VAS software is to be installed.
Provide server access to the CTIOS Server(s) being used in the testing.
Provide phone endpoints either through simulator or IP phones.
Assign and schedule resources to attend the transfer of information session.
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Subject Matter Expert Consulting, Training, and Development Services
Customer Responsibilities:
Designate a single point of contact for all Cisco communication. This person has the authority to act on all
aspects of the work being performed.
Designate a back up contact when Customer contact is unavailable. This person has the authority to act on
all aspects of the work being performed in absence of the primary contact.
Assign resources to attend kick off meeting and work with Cisco personnel for the duration of the
Services Not Covered
In addition to those Service Not Covered posted at, the following are not supported under the
UCC Custom Application Software Support Services:
Any customization, upgrade, porting of the Custom Application Software, or labor to install the UCC Custom Application
Software. Such services may be provided under a separately contracted engagement
Support of any changes made by Customer to the UCC Custom Application Software.
Support of UCC Custom Application Software problems that are diagnosed by Cisco to be Enhancement requests or
changes by Customer to the system configuration for which the UCC Custom Application Software was developed.
Resolution of the problems is viewed by Cisco as an Enhancement for which a separate statement of work between the
parties is required.
Any Hardware or third party product that Customer may need to acquire that is related to this Service Description.
Support or replacement of UCC Custom Application Software that are altered, modified, mishandled, destroyed or
damaged by natural causes or damaged due to a negligent or willful act or omission by Customer other than as specified
in the applicable Cisco-supplied documentation.
Services to resolve Product or UCC Custom Application Software problems resulting from third party products or causes
beyond Cisco’s control or Customer’s failure to perform its responsibilities under this Service Description.
Any support, upgrade or maintenance for Product other than UCC Custom Application Software as defined in this Service
Services for non-Cisco development tools or any non-Cisco software installed in the Product.
Any Hardware upgrade required to run new or updated UCC Custom Application Software.
Customer acknowledges that it is only entitled to receive support services against the Support Option for which it has paid
a separate support fee. In the event additional Cases or Custom Applications are supported by Cisco beyond that which
Customer has ordered, Cisco reserves the right to charge for support if Cisco determines that unauthorized support is
being provided.
Customer acknowledges that it is not entitled to support on Cisco products not covered under this Agreement. Support for
Cisco products is covered under separate service maintenance agreements.
Cisco shall not be required to perform any on-site support under this Service Description. If Cisco is requested to perform
on-site diagnostic and remedial maintenance, except where mutually agreed, Customer shall reimburse Cisco for all labor
and travel expenses at Cisco’s then-current time and material rates.