ELSEVIER JOURNALOF IMMUNOLOGICAL METHODS Journal of Immunological Methods 168 (1994) 227-234 Effect of antibody density on the displacement kinetics of a flow immunoassay S i n a Y. R a b b a n y a, A n n e W . K u s t e r b e c k b, R e i n h a r d B r e d e h o r s t c, F r a n c e s S. L i g l e r .,b a Bioengineering Program, Department of Engineering, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11550, USA, b Centerfor Bio ~Molecular Science and Engineering, Code 6900, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375-5320, USA, c Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (Received 19 July 1993, revised received 4 October 1993, accepted 4 October 1993) Abstract This study investigates the effect of antibody density on the kinetics of a solid-phase displacement immunoassay. Conducted in flow under nonequilibrium conditions, the assay utilizes a monoclonal antibody to the cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine, which has been immobilized onto Sepharose beads and saturated with fluorophorelabeled antigen. Displacement of antibody-bound labeled antigen by non-labeled antigen occurs when sample is introduced in the buffer flow. Comparison of matrices coated with two different antibody densities revealed that the displacement efficiency is a function of the density of antibody-bound labeled antigen. A higher density of antibody provides a higher amount of displaced labeled antigen, but the displacement efficiency of the assay is decreased. The effect of antibody density on the immunoassay kinetics was analyzed using a mathematical formulation developed to characterize antibody-antigen interactions at solid-liquid interfaces. Higher antibody density proved to be associated with a lower apparent dissociation rate constant. The implications of these results on the design of immunoassays in flow are discussed. Key words: Biosensor; Displacement immunoassay; Antibody kinetics; Solid-phase immunoassay 1. Introduction Recently, we introduced a flow immunoassay which detects picomole quantities of low molecular weight antigens within seconds of sample injection (Kusterbeck et al., 1990). The specificity * Corresponding author. Tel.: (202) 767-1681; Fax: (202) 7671295. of the assay for the detection of cocaine and its major metabolite benzoylecgonine was demonstrated (Ogert et al., 1992). In this assay, immobilized antibody is saturated with fluorophorelabeled antigen and placed in a buffer flow. When unlabeled antigen is introduced, a proportional amount of fluorophore-labeled antigen is displaced from the binding sites of immobilized antibodies and subsequently detected downstream. Concentrations of cocaine as low as 5 ppb (5 ng/ml) could be detected in less than 1 min. 0022-1759/94/$07.00 © 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0022-1759(93)E0260-0 228 S.Y. Rabbany et al. /Journal of Immunological Methods 168 (1994) 227-234 The kinetics of antigen binding in the flow immunoassay differ fundamentally from those described for fluid phase systems and solid-phase ELISA-type assays. Therefore, we developed a theoretical framework describing antibody-antigen interactions at solid-liquid interfaces under non-equilibrium conditions of the flow immunoassay to evaluate the importance of individual assay parameters (Rabbany et al., 1992; Wemhoff et al., 1992). In this study, we investigate the effect of antibody density on the nonequilibrium kinetics of the flow immunoassay in order to develop a theoretical basis for an optimal assay design. By increasing the density of immobilized antibodies and, concomitantly, the concentration of antibody-bound labeled antigen, we alter the probability of unlabeled antigen displacing the labeled antigen. Using two matrices coated with different antibody densities, we analyzed the displacement efficiency and the apparent dissociation constant at different flow rates. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Preparation of immunoassay columns Antibody immobilization. A monoclonal antibody specific for both cocaine and its major metabolite, benzoylecgonine, was obtained as ascites from Biodesign (Kennebunkport, ME). A 10 mg membrane affinity separation system (MASS) cartridge (Nygene, Yonkers, NY) was used to isolate the IgG fraction from the ascites, as described previously (Wemhoff et al., 1992). Different densities of the IgG anti-benzoylecgonine antibody were immobilized on tresyl chloride-activated Sepharose 4B (Pharmacia, Piscataway, N J) using the following protocol. Tresyl chloride-activated Sepharose 4B gel was suspended in 1 mM HC1 and washed with approximately 200 ml of 1 mM HCI/g dry powder. Two concentrations of antibody, 1.0 mg of antibody/g dry Sepharose gel and 0.5 mg of antibody/g dry Sepharose gel, were prepared separately in 5 ml of coupling buffer (0.1 M NaHCO 3 with 0.5 M NaC1). Aliquots of freshly washed, activated Sepharose were added to the antibody solutions and incubated overnight with rocking in a stoppered vessel at 4°C. Uncoupled antibody was removed with coupling buffer and any remaining reactive groups were blocked by incubating with excess 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, for 4 h at 4°C (Bredehorst et al., 1991). The gel was washed with three cycles of alternating buffers consisting of: (i) 0.1 M acetate buffer, pH 4.0 containing 0.5 M NaC1, and (ii) 0.1 M Tris buffer, pH 8.0 containing 0.5 M NaCI. The amount of antibody coupled to the Sepharose 4B was measured with a dye-binding assay for immobilized proteins (Ahmad and Saleemuddin, 1985). The high and low antibody density Sepharose had 3.9-4.9 pmol and 0.8-1.0 pmol antibody immobilized on 1.0 mg of gel (approximately 4 ml of hydrated gel), respectively. Fluorophore-labeled antigen preparation. The fluorophore-labeled antigen was synthesized as described previously (Wemhoff et al., 1992). The starting materials, benzoylecgonine hydrate and fluorescein cadaverine, were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO) and Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR), respectively. The concentration of fluorophore-labeled benzoylecgonine was calculated by comparison to a standard curve depicting the absorbance at 490 nm of a known concentration of fluorescein cadaverine. Flow immunoassay. Antibody-coated Sepharose and a 100-fold molar excess of fluorophorelabeled antigen to immobilized antibody were incubated at 4°C. For each experiment, a 50 mg aliquot of the Sepharose matrix was dispensed into a small, disposable column (Isolab, Akron, OH) and phosphate buffer solution (PBS) was pumped through to remove unbound fluorophore-labeled antigen. The column eluent was monitored at an excitation of 490 nm and emission of 520 nm using a Jasco 821-FP fluorimeter (Easton, MD) equipped with an 8 /xl flow cell. When background fluorescence was less than 0.04 arbitrary fluorescence units, 200 jzl samples of cocaine diluted in PBS to various concentrations were introduced to the buffer flow. The samples were in the midrange of the concentrations which are measurable using these columns. Approxi- S.Y. Rabbany et al. /Journal of Immunological Methods 168 (1994) 227-234 229 mately 1 ml of buffer was used to wash the columns between samples. Ecgonine at a concentration of 1 /zg/ml was also injected as a negative control. A Hewlett Packard integrator (Palo Alto, CA) was used to record all data and quantify peaks. where the [loaded Ag] was constant during the repetitive displacement experiments (Wemhoff et al., 1992). The effect of antibody density at different flow rates on the apparent dissociation constant (k d) was analyzed by the following equation: Repetitive displacement experiments. For analysis kd of the kinetics of the displacement reaction, columns containing Sepharose 4B-immobilized antibody specific for both cocaine and its major metabolite, benzoylecgonine were prepared. After saturation of the antigen-binding sites with fluorophore-labeled benzoylecgonine, the total amount of labeled Ag* bound to the immobilized antibody ([bound Ag*]t= 0) was determined by repeated injections of large amounts of cocaine samples (100-fold molar excess of cocaine to immobilized antibody). Identical amounts of cocaine were injected repeatedly into the buffer flow and the fluorescence of the displaced labeled antigen was measured until the column was depleted of labeled antigen. For each density of immobilized antibody, the density of active antibody was determined by measuring the amount of displaceable labeled antigen. All calculations are relative to this value which is independent of any denatured or inactive antibody. 3. Mathematical analysis The undissociated fraction of labeled antigen was calculated from the difference between total bound labeled antigen and the amount displaced after each addition of unlabeled antigen using the following relation: [bound Ag*] - [displaced Ag*] 0= [bound Ag* ]t=0 (1) where Ag* represents the amount of displaceable labeled antigen and the denominator represents the concentration of Ag* initially bound to the column. The displacement efficiency (D e) is described by the relationship: [displaced Ag* ] 1 De = [loaded Ag] "O (2) In 0 t (3) where the time period available for displacement (t) was determined by dividing the volume of the column containing the immobilized antibody by the flow rate. The term "apparent" dissociation reflects the fact that the constant is calculated from the amount of labeled antigen released from the column. This constant is a function not only of the actual k d of the antibody but also of other factors such as nonspecific binding and accessibility of the antigen-binding sites. 4. Results 4.1. Determination o f undissociated fraction Fig. 1 depicts the labeled antigen released from the matrices coated with different densities of antibody. The upper panel illustrates the actual fluorescence signal released upon repeated addition of antigen, whereas the lower panel depicts the calculated values for the undissociated fraction (0) plotted as a function of the number of injections for the first ten injections at equimolar antigen-antibody concentrations. Neither column was depleted of more than 60% of the labeled antigen after ten injections. Using the 1 : 1 molar ratio of loaded unlabeled antigen per immobilized antibody, different slopes were observed for the two matrices. The exponential decrease of the undissociated fraction occurred faster on the low density matrix, suggesting an inverse relationship of antibody density and the rate of labeled antigen depletion. When the amount of displaced labeled antigen was normalized against the amount of loaded unlabeled antigen, a more complex relationship between antibody density and assay kinetics emerged. Using the low density matrix, the S.Y. Rabbany et aL /Journal of Immunological Methods 168 (1994) 227-234 230 8" • O E ~o High Density 6" ~ 3 4- 0.02 0.01 2~5 0 ¢- .g 0.9" 1 2 3 4 "~ "0 e- 0,5" 0.4" 0.3 0 7 8 9 10 Fig. 2. Comparison of assay response with different antibody density. Shown is the repetitive displacement of labeled antigen from a high and a low antibody density matrix. The experimental calculations are identical to those described in Fig. 1. The assay response is expressed as a ratio of displaced labeled antigen to loaded unlabeled antigen. The data represent the mean of two experiments. LL "0 0.7" 0.6" 6 Injection Number 0.8" ~ 5 . , 2 • , 4 - , 6 , 8 • , 10 12 Injection Number Fig. 1. Effect of antibody density on the displacement of labeled antigen (upper panel) and undissociated fraction, 0 (lower panel). Samples of cocaine were injected repeatedly at a flow rate of 0.75 m l / m i n into 200/zl columns containing 50 pmol or 245 pmol of immobilized anti-cocaine antibody. The concentration of cocaine in the samples was equivalent to the concentration of immobilized antibody. The data represent the m e a n + SE of two experiments. amount of labeled antigen displaced upon the first injection of unlabeled antigen was two-fold higher than that from the high density matrix (Fig. 2). Upon the second injection of unlabeled antigen, however, the amounts of displaced labeled antigen were almost identical for both matrices. Subsequent injections displaced larger amounts of labeled antigen from the high density matrix. 4.2. Effect of density on displacement efficiency Using the high density matrix, the relatively low displacement efficiency of the first injection increased by a factor of two upon the second injection step (Fig. 3). For subsequent injection steps, a slight decrease of the displacement efficiency was observed, most likely due to a gradual depletion of antibody-bound labeled antigen. For the low density matrix, the calculated displacement efficiency of the first injection was two to three-fold higher than that of high density matrix. 0.04 0.75 ml/min O C --0 ::1= W 0.03 "~ 0.02 E 0 ~t~. o.o~ ~ L o w Density a 0.00 2 '~ " 6 " ~ '10"12 Injection Number Fig. 3. Effect of antibody density on displacement efficiency. Samples of cocaine were injected repeatedly at a flow rate of 0.75 m l / m i n into a column containing matrix with a low or h i g h density of immobilized antibody. For experimental details see Fig. 1. The displacement efficiency was calculated using Eq. 2. T h e data represent the m e a n of two experiments. S.Y. Rabbany et aL /Journal of Immunological Methods 168 (1994) 227-234 Beginning with the third injection step, however, the displacement efficiency decreased sharply as a result of rapid depletion of antibody-bound labeled antigen. 4.3. Effect of flow rate 0.5 ml/mln 0.03 0.02 t"" o.o~ 0.4 i 0.2 i 0.0 0 2'0 40 60 80 100 Time (sec) Fig. 5. A p p a r e n t dissociation constant ( k d) as a f u n c t i o n o f a n t i b o d y density. T h e undissociated f r a c t i o n ( 8 ) calculated in Fig. 1 for the low and high antibody density matrices is plotted as - I n 0 versus time. ~o 4.4. Calculation of apparent dissociation constant 0.00 1.0 ml/min 0 ~_ • XD.,x_ Low Density LU EID 0.6 displacement efficiencies at the lower flow rate and, accordingly, decreased displacement efficiencies at the higher flow rate. The depletion of labeled antigen apparently alters the response of the low density columns after the first four injections. At the higher flow rate, the displacement efficiency for the low antibody density assay is decreased due to reduction in the time period available for displacement. 0.04 i-~ 0.8- ~) = To evaluate the effect of different flow rates on the displacement efficiency for low and high density matrices, the same experiment, originally performed at a flow rate of 0.75 ml/min, was repeated at lower and higher flow rates (Fig. 4). An increase of the flow rate to 1.0 ml/min, and a decrease to 0.5 m l / m i n , caused significant changes in the rate of labeled antigen release. The high density column and the first four injections of the low density column show increased 231 0.03- a 0.02 " 0.01 0.00 2 4 " 6 8 1(3 12 Injection Number Fig. 4. Relationship of antibody density, flow rate, and displacement efficiency. Samples of cocaine were injected repeatedly at flow rates of 0.5 m l / m i n (upper level), and 1.0 m l / m i n (lower panel) into the high and the low antibody density column as described in Fig. 1. Taking the analysis further, we investigated the effect of antibody density at different flow rates on the apparent k d. Fig. 5 depicts - I n 0 as a function of time, for both antibody densities, at a flow rate of 0.75 ml/min. A linear relation was observed for the first five consecutive injections. Table 1 summarizes the values calculated from the slope of - l n 0 versus time for these points at three different flow rates. The data demonstrate a reciprocal relationship between these two parameters and the density of immobilized antibody. An approximately five-fold increase in antibody density is associated with a two-fold decrease of the apparent dissociation constant. The apparent k d values are dependent on both antibody density and flow rate. For the high antibody density matrix, the apparent k d values are ap- 232 S.Y. Rabbany et al. /Journal of Immunological Methods 168 (1994) 227-234 Table 1 Relationship between antibodydensity, flow rate and apparent dissociation constant Antibodydensity Flow rate Apparentkd x 10 - 3 (ml/min) (I/s) Low density 0.5 4.5 0.75 8.0 1.0 10.0 High density 0.5 0.75 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 proximately two-fold lower than those obtained for the low antibody density matrix. Furthermore, an increase of the flow rate from 0.5 to 1.0 m l / m i n is associated with a two-fold increase of the apparent k d values, independent of the density of immobilized antibodies. 5. Discussion Immunological assays performed at solid-liquid interfaces have increased in popularity in recent years, since they provide a simple means of separating bound and free reactants. The density of immobilized antibodies has been shown to play an important role for antibody-antigen reactions in ELISAs, performed under static conditions. Coated microwells routinely used in ELISAs, with high densities of immobilized antibody or antigen, favor rapid reassociation instead of diffusion and transport away from the surface following dissociation. One study demonstrated that even in the presence of a large excess of free antigen the dissociation of antibodies from surface immobilized antigen was negligible over a period of approximately 3 days, although the affinity in solution was in the range of 10 -8 M (Nygren et al., 1985). These investigators observed that antibody binding can be so stable that the antibodyantigen reactions have been considered virtually irreversible. This functionally irreversible nature of antibody binding has been attributed primarily to mass transport limitations (Stenberg and Nygren, 1988). In contrast to the very slow dissocia- tion in ELISAs, the antibody-bound labeled antigen in the flow immunoassay is rapidly displaced from the binding sites upon the introduction of free antigen. Several mechanisms may account for the discrepancy between antibody-antigen interactions at solid-liquid interfaces in ELISA-type systems versus the continuous flow system. The low surface density of the immobilized antibodies appears to be one mechanism contributing to the discrepancy between antibody-antigen interactions in these systems. Assuming the smallest possible surface area of the solid support in the flow immunoassay columns, that of a perfectly smooth sphere of approximately 100/xm wet diameter (i.e., with no available internal surface area), the surface density of antibody immobilized onto the Sepharose beads in a high density column would be 3 x 10-14mol/cm z. This density is still 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than that of approximately 10-12mol/cm 2 typically found on ELISA microtiter plates (Stenberg and Nygren, 1988). Assuming an average diameter of 10 n m / I g G molecule, the surface of microtiter wells is completely covered with antibodies at a density of 1 pmol I g G / c m 2 (Nygren et al., 1987). Whereas maximally 1% of the external surface of spherical Sepharose beads would be covered with IgG molecules at a density of 30 f m o l / c m 2. If the internal surface area of the Sepharose beads is also considered for the calculations, the density of immobilized antibodies in the flow immunoassay is several orders of magnitude lower than those in ELISA type assays. As a result, the probability of reassociation events is significantly reduced in the flow immunoassay. Under flow conditions, however, reassociation of displaced antigen is not the only event that is affected by the density of immobilized antibody. A percentage of antibody-bound labeled antigen is slowly washed off the column by the flow, leaving some of the antibody-binding sites unoccupied. These unoccupied binding sites appear to be capable of binding unlabeled antigen, thereby reducing the available amount of unlabeled antigen for the displacement of labeled antigen as the first sample is added to the column. Furthermore, they may also rebind displaced labeled S.Y. Rabbany et al. /Journal of lmmunological Methods 168 (1994) 227-234 antigen, resulting in a reduced fluorescent signal. Our data suggests that the low and high antibody density matrices are affected to a different extent by the unoccupied binding sites. Using the high antibody density matrix, the displacement efficiency upon the first injection of unlabeled antigen was two to three-fold lower than that of the low antibody density matrix. Four injection steps were required to obtain displacement efficiencies that are comparable to that of low density matrix. One explanation for the different effect of unoccupied binding sites on the performance of low and high antibody density matrices may be that the binding efficiency of unlabeled antigen by unoccupied antibody binding sites is more a function of the density than of the absolute number of unoccupied binding sites. Furthermore, the local antibody densities of the two matrices used in this study could differ by a factor far beyond five. Studies from other laboratories provide support for the formation of antibody clusters (patches) upon immobilization onto solid supports (Werthern and Nygren, 1988; Schramm and Paek, 1992). Accordingly, local densities of antibody binding sites on the two antibody matrices could be very different. To allow for an improved design of the flow immunoassay, understanding of the dynamics of the relationship between antibody density and flow rate is critical. Both matrices exhibited an inverse relationship between displacement efficiency and flow rate. For the first four injections, the low antibody density matrix appears to be more affected by an increased flow rate than the higher antibody density matrix. Therefore, to optimize assay performance, parameters such as antibody density and flow rate must be carefully chosen. Furthermore, calculation of the apparent dissociation constant will enable development of an assay such that the sensitivity falls within the selected detection threshold. For example, low antibody density matrices are preferable if a high detection sensitivity is the most critical factor and columns are used for only a few analyses. If a flow immunoassay column is used to analyze many samples containing antigen, high antibody density matrices are preferable due to the slow depletion of labeled antigen. 233 In summary, this study reveals a complex relationship between antibody density, flow rate and apparent dissociation constant. Additional factors known to influence the performance of the flow immunoassays including antibody affinity, antibody immobilization procedures, and effects of the solid phase, such as nonspecific adsorption of displaced labeled antigen, remain to be analyzed. A detailed analysis of all these factors is necessary to allow for the development of a unified mathematical framework capable of considering the individual characteristics of the assay in question and predicting the response to a given sample. 6. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Dr. Greg Wemhoff and Mr. Bob Ogert for their assistance in the data collection. Dr. Sina Y. Rabbany is the recipient of the American Society for Engineering Education Summer Faculty Research Award at the Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering, Naval Research Laboratory. This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research through the Naval Research Laboratory. 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