REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS VOLUME 73, NUMBER 3 MARCH 2002 A small volume, rapid translation cryostat insert constructed from commercial components for the detection of ultrafast optical signals Delmar S. Larsena) Faculty of Sciences, Division of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Biophysics and Physics of Complex Systems, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands 共Received 10 September 2001; accepted for publication 17 December 2001兲 A linear motion device was designed and built to move small sample cells within the confined space of a liquid nitrogen Dewar cryostat. Instead of the often-used methods of flowing or rotating samples to generate motion, this cryostat insert simply translates the sample cell while maintaining atmospheric isolation. Accurate, repeatable and rapid translation over a 5 cm range with peak linear velocities of 1 m/s is attainable. The insert is constructed mainly from commercially available components and can be built with minimal effort. Another benefit is that the cryostat insert uses commercially available sample cells, allowing for maximal flexibility in satisfying pathlength and volume requirements and the cells can be easily replaced during the duration of the experiment. The motion device system can be easily installed into existing experimental apparatuses with confined volumes with minor modifications and can be used with liquid helium cryostats or for use in high vacuum applications. This motion is demonstrated by collecting temperature dependent ultrafast signals from the laser dye Rhodamine 640 in viscous glycerol at 170 and 293 K. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1448904兴 temperature liquid samples, to limit these detrimental contributions to the collected signals 共e.g., flowing sample or rotating cells兲. Although, these methods have their own problems; dead volume within mechanical pumps may waste or damage expensive or difficult to obtain sample and the potential exists 共especially for biological systems兲 for macromolecular aggregates 共e.g., proteins and aggregated chromophores兲 to ‘‘stick’’ to the surface of the cell. In contrast, rotating cells allow the use of smaller sample volumes, but require the use of bulky machinery to generate the rotational motion. Additional effort is also required to ensure high quality, flat cell surfaces, with constant pathlengths to reduce scattering off uneven surfaces or variable signal intensities from uneven pathlengths, and any movement along the direction of the propagating laser beams will similarly affect the measured signals. Neither flowing the sample nor rotating the sample works effectively in the confined spaces within cryostats, where the collection of many time-resolved signals are often desired. In these cases, experimentalists have previously been forced to measure signals without the benefits of sample motion. This note describes the modifications made to a commercial OXFORD® liquid nitrogen Dewar cryostat 共Optistat-DN®兲 to achieve rapid motion of the sample cell at variable temperatures. The limited space within the OXFORD® cryostat precludes the use of flow cells 共due to high viscosity of the sample at decreased temperatures兲 or rotating cells, and their required machinery, for use in data collection. A simple solution is to use an external translational motion system consisting of 共1兲 an external air actuated linear feedthrough assembly that generates and controls sample cell motion, and 共2兲 an internal cryostat insert that mounts directly in the inner vacuum chamber of the cryostat to transfer high preci- Variable temperature studies allow researchers to study additional dynamic properties not evident with single temperature measurements. Such studies also offer the possibility of observing interesting dynamics that room temperature effects may obscure. For example, features such as the zerophonon lines in absorption spectra are often observable in low temperature systems, but are commonly blurred by homogeneous broadening at room temperature.1 This broadening also obscures important information about the degree of disorder in biological systems,2 and energy transfer dynamics where broad, overlapping spectra limit the selectivity of exciting of certain transitions. The use of thin sample cells with well-characterized, small 共⬃100 m兲 pathlengths is integral to nonlinear, time-resolved spectroscopic studies, where slow dynamic processes 共longer than the inverse repetition rate of the laser兲 may accumulate from one shot sequence to the next. Such accumulated effects can lead to undesired contributions to the measured signals. These accumulated effects include: thermal gratings,3 long-lived triplet states,4 and ground or excited state conformational states.4 Many photoactive systems have additional long-lived dynamical processes such as isomerization 共e.g., stilbene5 and photoactive yellow protein兲6 or time-consuming steps in the photocycles 共diffusion-limited steps,7 partial denaturation,6 and proton transfer reactions6兲 that require extended time for returning to the initial nonreacting state before probing with another pulse sequence. Repeated excitation of sample volumes may result in permanent photodamage and increased scatter due to the presence of the damaged sample within the optical pathlength. Well-established methods do exist, in the case of room a兲 Electronic mail: 0034-6748/2002/73(3)/1325/4/$19.00 1325 © 2002 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 03 Apr 2002 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 1326 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 3, March 2002 Delmar S. Larsen TABLE I. Summary of commercial parts.a Part Linear ball bearing Ground rod stock Sleeve coupling Pneumatic linear motion feedthrough w/24 V dc air control solenoid valve ISO KF kwik-flange reducer NW16 flange assembly w/flanges, clamp, ring, O-ring NW25 flange assembly Reference number Part number ALMB-1 ASI-12 ACT-3 K075-ABLM-275-2 687 000 684 001 684 001 662 008 K100-x075 K050-CA 732 000 700 000 K100-CA 700 002 a With the exception of the homemade retaining plugs and the stationary rod mount, all parts were purchased from MDC Vacuum Products Corporation. sion motion to the sample cell mount. With the exception of the internal cryostat insert housing, all the components used in the construction of the cryostat insert are commercially available 共Table I兲. The feedthrough assembly, displayed in Fig. 1, controls the translation of the stock rod, and consequently, the sample cell. The air actuated linear feedthrough generates translational motion by applying a pressure difference between two air ports. When a pressure differential is applied, the stock rod translates to equalize the applied pressure. Motion in the opposite direction is then generated by applying an opposite pressure differential. Applying an oscillating pressure difference can thus produce an oscillating translational motion. A pressure control solenoid can generate this oscillating pressure differential when driven by an electric wave form function generator. The frequency and magnitude of the motion is controlled with the wave form generator and input pressure to the solenoid respectively, whilst increasing the air pressure into the solenoid increases the range of motion for the sample cell; increasing the wave form frequency increased the frequency of oscillation. The tuning of these two features allows for the generation of smooth and continuous motion of the sample cell. A frequency of 10 Hz and a translation of 5 cm half per cycle results in an average velocity of 1 m/s for the sample cell. For comparison, a 1 kHz train of laser pulses focused to a 50 m diameter in the sample requires a cross beam velocity of 5 cm/s to insure the illumination of a new sample volume between successive laser pulses. The linear feedthrough assembly alone generates rapid, oscillating linear motion, however consistently reproducible motion is imperative for data collection with the thin sample cells 共⬃100 m兲 often used in nonlinear measurements. The internal cryostat assembly, displayed in Fig. 2, consists of two components: a stationary housing and a mobile rod. The mobile rod is connected directly to the sample cell mount and the linear feedthrough, and translates during operation. The stationary housing braces the mobile rod and insures the precision required to maintain the sample within the spatial overlap of the laser pulses during translation. To maintain this accuracy, two linear bearings are used to guide the rod 共Table I兲; one located near the sample cell mount and the other near the neck of the cryostat and are separated by approximately 25 cm. Flow holes 共for the cryostat contact gas兲 were drilled into the sides of the stationary rod mount to allow for effi- FIG. 1. Linear air-actuator pneumatic feedthrough that generated the linear motion. The sample cell is shown mounted directly to the moving rod for illustration, and is connected to mobile rod in the internal assembly when used in a cryostat. cient cooling of the cryostat chamber in the presence of the insert. All components within the cryostat, including the cell mount, are constructed of stainless steel to reduce complications from thermal expansion. Because the high thermal conductivity of stainless steel leads to a faster loss of liquid nitrogen in the cryostat Dewar, a newer version of the insert is currently under construction using Teflon© instead of stainless steel for the stationary housing. Due to the thermal properties of Teflon©, the loss of liquid nitrogen will be greatly reduced. The coupling between the linear feedthrough and the internal housing is covered with a highvacuum stainless steel bellows. Use of a stainless steel bellows maintains an airtight barrier between the contact gas at cryostat temperatures and the room temperature atmosphere which also eliminates moisture contamination and reduces thermal leakage. The motion device can be adapted for used in low-vacuum chambers since the steel bellows can maintain a vacuum of 10⫺9 mbar. No evidence of leaks has been Downloaded 03 Apr 2002 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 3, March 2002 Notes 1327 FIG. 3. Preliminary temperature dependent echo signals for Rhodamine 640 in glycerol, measured at 170 and 293 K. 共a兲 Zero-population time echo profiles for moving sample 共solid line兲 and for stationary sample 共dotted line兲. Temperature was 293 K. 共b兲 3PEPS profiles at 170 K 共solid circles兲 and 293 K 共solid triangles兲. Insert displays the collected 3PEPS signals on a longer 共log兲 timescale. FIG. 2. Internal assembly design includes two linear bearings locked with retraining plugs into a home-built housing and a mobile rod to transfer motion to the sample cell mount. The insert is attached to the cryostat and the pneumatic feedthrough via a Kwik Flange© 24 O-ring connection. Insert is shown inside the inner vacuum chamber of the cryostat. observed in the bellows after weeks of use with the cryostat. Time-resolved, resonant, third-order, nonlinear spectroscopies have been employed as valuable techniques in investigating many dynamical processes including solvation dynamics,10 resonant energy transfer dynamics,8 and protein fluctuations.9 Previously, it was shown that three pulse stimulated photon echo peak shift 共3PEPS兲 technique is a powerful tool to characterize solvation dynamics with sub100 fs resolution across a large dynamic range.10 The details behind the 3PEPS technique are described elsewhere,10 but the experimental essentials are presented here for illustration of the utility of the cryostat insert. In short, three laser beams, with wave vectors: k1 , k2 , and k3 , are arranged in an equilateral triangle geometry and are focused into the sample. The generated echo signals are simultaneously measured in two different phase-matched directions, k⫽k3 ⫾(k1 ⫺k2 ), and are collected by varying the time between the first two pulses 共coherence time兲 and the last two pulses 共population time兲. The resulting two-dimensional data are then mapped onto a one-dimensional curve by plotting the peak of the echo signals at fixed population times versus coherence time. At short population times, the echo profiles 共as a function of coherent time兲 peak at nonzero values, but as the population time is increased, the echo peak steadily moves toward smaller values, until eventually the signals peak at zero. The 3PEPS profiles are constructed by plotting the peak of the echo profiles versus the population time; hence reliable determination of the echo profile is necessary for measurement of the peak shift value. The OXFORD® cryostat with the constructed motion device was used to collect preliminary variable temperature echo signals of the Rhodamine 640 laser dye dissolved in Downloaded 03 Apr 2002 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 1328 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 73, No. 3, March 2002 glycerol 共Fig. 3兲. Figure 3共a兲 clearly illustrates the advantage of moving the Rhodamine dye/glycerol sample during the data collection. The echo profile, at zero-population time, collected while the sample was in motion demonstrates a clear, well resolved peak at a nonzero coherence time, whilst the echo profile for the stationary sample exhibits multiple peaks with a poorly resolved maximum. The initial peak shift values for the moving and stationary echo profiles were 13 fs and 23 fs, respectively, and were determined by fitting the integrated echo signals to Gaussian functions. The error bars for the moving and stationary samples were 1 fs and 26 fs, respectively, at a 95% confidence 共3兲. The constructed 3PEPS profiles for the Rhodamine dye/ glycerol sample measured at both liquid phase 共293 K兲 and below the glass transition temperatures 共170 K兲 are shown in Fig. 3共b兲. These data corroborate predicted temperature dependent 3PEPS profiles and previous temperature dependent 3PEPS data.11 The uncertainties in the peak shift values 共not shown兲 for the data collected with the motion device are estimated at around ⫾500– 800 attoseconds at a 95% confidence, whilst the uncertainties for the signals collected without the motion device were ⬃10–20 fs 共a signal to noise ratio of ⬃0.5兲. It is clear that measuring photon echo traces and 3PEPS profiles for the Rhodamine 640/glycerol system requires the use of sample motion that is accomplished with the motion device. The data presented in Fig. 3 were collected with a 100 m pathlength sample cell. The echo signals can only be produced when all three laser beams are spatially overlapped 共focused to 50 m for the data shown Delmar S. Larsen in Fig. 3兲 and since no noticeable decrease in the signal intensity was observed during the sample translation, the precision of the motion was smaller than the cell pathlength, which is accurate enough for most time-resolved measurements. Sincere gratitude goes to Professor Graham R. Fleming 共UC Berkeley兲 for providing the financial support for constructing the initial version of this translating cell cryostat insert. Additional thanks goes to Dr. Jeffery Musiak 共Boeing Company兲 for useful and informative discussions concerning the initial design. K. K. Rebane, J. Lumin. 86, 167 共2000兲. S. Mukamel, Principles of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy 共Oxford University Press, New York, 1995兲. 3 H. J. Eichler, P. Günter, and D. W. Pohl, Laser-induced Dynamic Gratings 共Springer, New York, 1986兲. 4 J. P. Simons, Photochemistry and Spectroscopy 共Wiley, New York, 1971兲. 5 W. Hage, M. Kim, H. Frei, and R. A. Mathies, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 16026 共1996兲. 6 K. J. Hellingwerf, Photochem. Photobiol. 54, 94 共2000兲. 7 D. M. Jonas, M. J. Lang, Y. Nagasawa, T. Joo, and G. R. Fleming, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 12660 共1996兲. 8 R. Agarwal, B. P. Krueger, G. D. Scholes, M. Yang, J. Yom, L. Mets, and G. R. Fleming, J. Phys. Chem. 104, 2908 共2000兲. 9 X. J. Jordanides, M. J. Lang, X. Y. Song, and G. R. Fleming, J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 7995 共1999兲. 10 T. Joo, Y. Jia, J.-Y. Yu, M. J. Lang, and G. R. Fleming, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 6089 共1996兲. 11 Y. Nagasawa, S. A. Passino, T. Joo, and G. R. Fleming, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 4840 共1997兲. 1 2 Downloaded 03 Apr 2002 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see