QC Review 2009 - 2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT Interim Performance Report In March 2009, the Kentucky General Assembly passed Senate Bill 1 (SB1) that was subsequently signed into law by the Governor. SB1 calls for a significant overhaul of the state's assessment and accountability system. The new assessment system begins in the spring of 2012. The school years of 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 are described in SB1 as an interim period. This three-year period allows Kentucky to develop the new assessment system and to carry on state andd federal testing requirements. School: District: Code: Grade: Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 00 - 05 The Interim Performance Report includes the Kentucky Core Content Test (KCCT) in Reading (grades 3-8 and 10), Mathematics (grades 3-8 and 11), Science (grades 4, 7 and 11), Social Studies (grades 5, 8 and 11) and Writing On-Demand (grades 5, 8 and 12). The KCCT is based on the Kentucky Core Content for Assessment (Version 4.1) and contains multiple choice and open response questions. The Writing On-Demand test uses writing prompts that require students to craft a piece of writing in a 60 minute period. The KCCT is developed under the direction of content advisory committees of Kentucky educators who draft, review and select test questions. All test items are reviewed by a bias review committee to enhance the fairness of items for all Kentucky students. CONTENTS OF THIS REPORT The KCCT continues to fulfill the requirements of the federal statue known as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. A separate accountability report for No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is published by the Kentucky Department of Education. The Interim Performance Report focuses entirely on the five state-required content areas and provides data for schools or districts. The data in this report is not used directly for state accountability; although, these results can fulfill the requirements of Senate Bill 168 from 2002 and may be used by schools or districts for their own accountability needs. Performance standards are based on descriptions of Novice, Apprentice, Proficient and Distinguished (NAPD) student performance levels specific to the content area and grade being assessed. The performance standards, in conjunction with Kentucky's Core Content for Assessment, should allow instruction to better focus on the content area to be taught and on how well students must demonstrate achievement in each content area. Reporting Changes Began in 2009 Elementary Academic Trend Data Reading Results Mathematics Results Science Results Social Studies Results Writing Results 29161922- 8 15 18 21 24 Based on SB1, Kentucky will not be reporting state accountability and academic indices as in the past. The report does have several familiar pages with performance level (NAPD) trend, core content and disaggregation data per content area. Districts and schools will still see distributions of how students scored in the Novice (with sublevels), Apprentice (with sublevels), Proficient and Distinguished performance levels. Confidentiality Changes Due to federal regulations around the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the numbers of students have been removed. Though there is a need to report as much data as possible, there is also a paramount need to maintain the confidential aspects of individual scores. When scores are reported in what is commonly called "amall cells" where very few students may be categorized, there is the possibility of revealing individual scores when numbers are reported. Numbers are reported to each district in a confidential report that accompanies the public Interim Performance Report. For more information, refer to the 2010 Interim Assessment Interpretive Guide on the Kentucky Department of Education Web site (www.education.ky.gov). School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT READING TREND DATA Performance Level Percents Novice Low 2007 2008 0.64 6.37 2008 8.43 2009 0.50 10.05 2010 20 40 60 80 100 0 25 Novice - Medium 2007 0.68 2008 0.64 2009 2010 75 100 0 25 2007 2008 1.91 2008 2.41 50.68 64.33 54.22 2009 3.52 2010 25 50 75 100 59.80 0 25 Apprentice - Low 2008 2009 2010 0 3.82 2008 5.42 2009 3.02 2010 50 75 100 13.01 2007 25 50 Distinguished 7.53 2007 50 Proficient 2.05 0 100 10.05 2010 2007 2010 75 16.27 2009 1.51 Novice - High 2009 100 14.65 2.41 50 75 16.44 2008 25 50 Apprentice - High 2007 0 QC Review 8.90 2007 0 Page Apprentice - Medium 0.68 2009 0.00 2010 Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 Elementary 75 100 7.64 10.84 11.56 0 The horizontal bar represents the percent of students scoring at a performance level within a particular year. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. 25 50 75 100 2007 2009 2008 2010 2 QC Review Page 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT READING DISAGGREGATION Performance Level Percents 0% All Students Female Male White (NonHispanic) AfricanAmerican Hispanic Asian Migrant Identified LEP Free/ Reduced Lunch Approved Disability 20% 40% 60% School: District: Code: Grade: 80% 3 Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 03 100% N% A% P% D% P+D% Total 6 21 64 9 72.86 Female 8 24 59 8 67.57 Male 3 18 70 9 78.79 8 White (Non-Hispanic) 4 21 66 9 74.63 9 African-American Asian 6 21 64 9 72.86 11 28 58 3 61.11 20 40 40 0 40.00 Tested Students Tested 6 Accountable 6 Tested 21 8 Accountable 64 19 24 9 9 66 9 59 20 63 Hispanic Tested 3 18 70 9 Accountable 3 18 70 9 Tested 4 21 Accountable 5 18 *** Other Title I 66 9 68 Migrant 9 *** Identified LEP Tested Accountable Extended Sch Services *** Gifted/Talented *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Tested Disability Accountable *** Alternate Assessment Tested Accountable NCLB Accountable Students Total 6 19 66 9 75.00 Tested Female 9 20 63 9 71.43 Accountable Male 3 18 70 9 78.79 White (Non-Hispanic) 5 18 68 9 76.92 6 19 66 9 75.00 11 28 58 3 61.11 20 40 40 0 40.00 Tested African-American Accountable Hispanic *** Asian Tested 11 28 58 3 Other Accountable 11 28 58 3 Title I Migrant *** Tested 20 40 40 0 Identified LEP Accountable 20 40 40 0 Extended Sch Services *** Gifted/Talented *** Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. "***" indicates unreportable populations with fewer than 10 students or populations where all students score at the same performance level. F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Disability Alternate Assessment *** QC Review Page 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT READING DISAGGREGATION Performance Level Percents 0% All Students Female Male White (NonHispanic) AfricanAmerican Hispanic Asian Migrant Identified LEP Free/ Reduced Lunch Approved Disability 20% 40% 60% School: District: Code: Grade: 80% 4 Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 04 100% N% A% P% D% P+D% Tested Students Tested 8 24 52 16 Accountable 8 23 53 16 Tested 10 Accountable 9 23 22 45 47 8 24 52 16 68.25 10 23 45 23 67.74 Male 6 25 59 9 68.75 23 White (Non-Hispanic) 8 22 53 17 69.49 22 African-American *** Hispanic *** 8 24 52 16 68.25 18 35 47 0 47.06 9 24 68 0 67.65 Total Female Tested 6 25 59 9 Accountable 6 25 59 9 Asian Other Title I Tested 8 22 53 17 Accountable 8 22 53 17 Migrant Identified LEP Extended Sch Services Tested Gifted/Talented Accountable *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Tested Accountable Disability *** Alternate Assessment *** Tested Accountable NCLB Accountable Students Total 8 23 53 16 68.75 Tested Female 9 22 47 22 68.75 Accountable Male 6 25 59 9 68.75 White (Non-Hispanic) 8 22 53 17 69.49 8 23 53 16 68.75 18 35 47 0 47.06 9 24 68 0 67.65 Tested African-American *** Accountable Hispanic *** Asian Tested 9 24 68 0 Other Accountable 9 24 68 0 Title I Migrant Tested Identified LEP Accountable Extended Sch Services Gifted/Talented Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. "***" indicates unreportable populations with fewer than 10 students or populations where all students score at the same performance level. *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Disability *** Alternate Assessment *** QC Review Page 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT READING DISAGGREGATION Performance Level Percents 0% All Students Female Male White (NonHispanic) AfricanAmerican Hispanic Asian Migrant Identified LEP Free/ Reduced Lunch Approved Disability 20% 40% School: District: Code: Grade: 60% 80% N% A% P% D% P+D% Total 3 28 58 10 68.66 Female 0 18 63 18 81.58 Male 7 41 52 0 51.72 3 29 58 11 68.18 3 28 58 10 68.66 4 43 46 7 53.57 3 38 59 0 58.97 Tested Students 3 28 58 10 Accountable 3 27 60 10 Accountable Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 05 100% Tested Tested 5 0 18 63 18 White (Non-Hispanic) 0 18 63 18 African-American Hispanic Tested 7 Accountable 7 41 52 38 0 55 Asian 0 *** Other Title I Tested 3 Accountable 3 29 58 27 11 59 Migrant 11 *** Identified LEP Extended Sch Services Tested Gifted/Talented Accountable *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Tested Disability Accountable *** Alternate Assessment Tested Accountable NCLB Accountable Students Total 3 27 60 10 70.15 Tested Female 0 18 63 18 81.58 Accountable Male 7 38 55 0 55.17 White (Non-Hispanic) 3 27 59 11 69.70 3 27 60 10 70.15 3 41 48 7 55.17 3 36 62 0 61.54 Tested African-American Accountable Hispanic Asian Tested 3 Accountable 3 38 36 59 62 0 Other 0 Title I Migrant Tested Identified LEP Accountable Extended Sch Services Gifted/Talented Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. "***" indicates unreportable populations with fewer than 10 students or populations where all students score at the same performance level. *** *** *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Disability Alternate Assessment *** School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT READING CORE CONTENT Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Page Carlisle County 095060 03 STATE SCHOOL Percents Percents B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean Std. Err. B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean School -State Mean 02 .x.x Developing Understanding 1 68 0 4 26 54 13 1 1.8 0.1 50,684 0 3 19 56 18 3 2.0 -0.2 03 .x.x Interpreting Text 1 68 0 6 28 51 12 3 1.8 0.1 50,684 0 5 23 54 15 3 1.9 -0.1 OPEN RESPONSE No. Items No. Observations MULTIPLE CHOICE Correct Incorrect No. Observations Omit/Mult Correct Incorrect Omit/Mult 01 .x.x Forming a Foundation 26 395 85 15 0 0.85 0.02 303,851 85 14 0 0.85 0.00 02 .x.x Developing Understanding 98 1,800 80 20 0 0.80 0.01 1,334,918 82 18 0 0.82 -0.02 03 .x.x Interpreting Text 23 326 72 28 0 0.72 0.02 236,694 75 25 0 0.75 -0.03 05 .x.x Critical Stance 25 330 81 19 0 0.81 0.02 253,110 82 18 0 0.82 -0.01 6 School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT READING CORE CONTENT Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Page Carlisle County 095060 04 STATE SCHOOL Percents Percents OPEN RESPONSE No. Items No. Observations B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean Std. Err. No. Observations B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean School -State Mean 02 .x.x Developing Understanding 5 102 0 3 22 56 18 2 1.9 0.1 83,783 0 3 14 58 21 3 2.1 -0.2 03 .x.x Interpreting Text 6 167 0 2 17 53 25 3 2.1 0.1 134,034 0 3 10 54 27 5 2.2 -0.1 Correct Incorrect 17 227 78 23 0 0.78 0.03 184,794 82 17 0 0.82 -0.04 109 1,588 76 24 0 0.76 0.01 1,289,482 80 20 0 0.80 -0.04 15 207 72 28 0 0.72 0.03 167,373 80 20 0 0.80 -0.08 4 93 68 32 0 0.68 0.05 75,317 74 26 0 0.74 -0.06 MULTIPLE CHOICE 01 .x.x Forming a Foundation 02 .x.x Developing Understanding 03 .x.x Interpreting Text 05 .x.x Critical Stance Correct Incorrect Omit/Mult Omit/Mult 7 School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT READING CORE CONTENT SCHOOL Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Page Carlisle County 095060 05 STATE Percents OPEN RESPONSE 02 .x.x Developing Understanding 03 .x.x Interpreting Text No. Items 8 No. Observations 201 3 146 MULTIPLE CHOICE Percents B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean 0 5 23 54 15 2 1.9 Std. Err. 0.1 0 3 18 57 18 3 2.0 0.1 106,776 Correct Incorrect No. Observations 148,041 Omit/Mult B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean School -State Mean 0 4 20 53 19 5 2.0 -0.1 0 2 16 54 22 6 2.1 -0.1 Correct Incorrect 01 .x.x Forming a Foundation 23 301 79 21 0 0.79 0.02 230,317 79 21 Omit/Mult 0 0.79 0.00 02 .x.x Developing Understanding 79 1,377 84 16 0 0.84 0.01 1,020,160 84 16 0 0.84 0.00 03 .x.x Interpreting Text 27 424 81 19 0 0.81 0.02 303,927 82 18 0 0.81 0.00 05 .x.x Critical Stance 15 174 71 29 0 0.71 0.03 123,231 71 29 0 0.71 0.00 8 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT MATHEMATICS TREND DATA Performance Level Percents QC Review Page Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 Elementary School: District: Code: Grade: Apprentice - Medium Novice - Low 8.22 0.68 2007 2007 3.18 0.64 2008 2008 5.42 3.01 2009 2009 6.03 3.02 2010 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Novice - Medium 60 80 100 60 80 100 60 80 100 Apprentice - High 2.74 13.01 2007 2007 2.55 5.73 2008 2008 2.41 10.24 2009 2009 9.55 3.02 2010 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Novice - High Proficient 2.74 32.88 2007 2007 0.64 42.68 2008 2008 3.01 37.35 2009 2009 3.52 41.21 2010 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Apprentice - Low Distinguished 8.90 2007 30.82 2007 3.82 2008 40.76 2008 5.42 2009 33.13 2009 7.04 2010 26.63 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 The horizontal bar represents the percent of students scoring at a performance level within a particular year. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. 20 40 60 80 100 2007 2009 2008 2010 9 QC Review Page 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT MATHEMATICS DISAGGREGATION Performance Level Percents 0% All Students Female Male White (NonHispanic) AfricanAmerican Hispanic Asian 20% 40% School: District: Code: Grade: 60% 80% Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 03 100% N% A% P% D% P+D% Total 10 27 40 23 62.86 Female 16 27 38 19 56.76 Male 3 27 42 27 69.70 9 27 40 24 64.18 10 27 40 23 62.86 14 39 33 14 47.22 30 50 20 0 20.00 Tested Students Tested 10 27 40 23 Accountable 9 28 40 24 Tested 16 Accountable 27 14 29 38 19 White (Non-Hispanic) 37 20 African-American Hispanic Tested 3 27 42 27 Accountable 3 27 42 27 *** Asian Other Title I Tested 9 27 40 24 Accountable 8 28 40 25 Migrant *** Identified LEP Tested Accountable Extended Sch Services *** Gifted/Talented *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Tested Disability Accountable *** Alternate Assessment Tested Accountable NCLB Accountable Students 9 28 40 24 63.24 14 29 37 20 57.14 Male 3 27 42 27 69.70 White (Non-Hispanic) 8 28 40 25 64.62 9 28 40 24 63.24 14 39 33 14 47.22 30 50 20 0 20.00 Total Migrant Identified LEP Free/ Reduced Lunch Approved Disability 10 Tested Female Accountable Tested African-American Accountable Hispanic *** Asian Tested 14 39 33 14 Other Accountable 14 39 33 14 Title I Migrant *** Tested 30 50 20 0 Identified LEP Accountable 30 50 20 0 Extended Sch Services *** Gifted/Talented *** Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. "***" indicates unreportable populations with fewer than 10 students or populations where all students score at the same performance level. F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Disability Alternate Assessment *** QC Review Page 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT MATHEMATICS DISAGGREGATION Performance Level Percents 0% All Students Female Male White (NonHispanic) AfricanAmerican Hispanic Asian Migrant Identified LEP Free/ Reduced Lunch Approved Disability 20% 16 Accountable 16 Accountable 60% 80% Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 04 100% N% A% P% D% P+D% Total 16 25 37 22 58.73 Female 16 26 45 13 58.06 Male 16 25 28 31 59.38 13 White (Non-Hispanic) 15 22 39 24 62.71 13 African-American *** Hispanic *** 16 25 37 22 58.73 24 53 24 0 23.53 21 29 35 15 50.00 Tested Students Tested Tested 40% School: District: Code: Grade: 11 25 37 27 16 26 16 22 36 22 45 28 44 Tested 16 25 28 31 Accountable 16 25 28 31 Tested 15 22 39 24 Accountable 15 22 39 24 Asian Other Title I Migrant Identified LEP Extended Sch Services Tested Gifted/Talented Accountable *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Tested Accountable Disability *** Alternate Assessment *** Tested Accountable NCLB Accountable Students Total 16 27 36 22 57.81 Tested Female 16 28 44 13 56.25 Accountable Male 16 25 28 31 59.38 White (Non-Hispanic) 15 22 39 24 62.71 16 27 36 22 57.81 24 53 24 0 23.53 21 29 35 15 50.00 Tested African-American *** Accountable Hispanic *** Asian Tested 21 29 35 15 Other Accountable 21 29 35 15 Title I Migrant Tested Identified LEP Accountable Extended Sch Services Gifted/Talented Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. "***" indicates unreportable populations with fewer than 10 students or populations where all students score at the same performance level. *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Disability *** Alternate Assessment *** QC Review Page 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT MATHEMATICS DISAGGREGATION Performance Level Percents 0% All Students Female Male White (NonHispanic) AfricanAmerican Hispanic Asian Migrant Identified LEP Free/ Reduced Lunch Approved Disability 20% 40% 60% School: District: Code: Grade: 80% N% A% P% D% P+D% Total 4 13 48 34 82.09 Female 5 11 39 45 84.21 Male 3 17 59 21 79.31 5 14 48 33 81.82 4 13 48 34 82.09 7 21 50 21 71.43 8 18 54 21 74.36 Tested Students 4 13 48 34 Accountable 4 13 48 34 Accountable Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 05 100% Tested Tested 12 5 11 39 45 White (Non-Hispanic) 5 11 39 45 African-American Hispanic Tested 3 17 59 21 Accountable 3 17 59 21 Asian *** Other Title I Tested 5 14 48 33 Accountable 5 14 48 33 Migrant *** Identified LEP Extended Sch Services Tested Gifted/Talented Accountable *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Tested Disability Accountable *** Alternate Assessment Tested Accountable NCLB Accountable Students Total 4 13 48 34 82.09 Tested Female 5 11 39 45 84.21 Accountable Male 3 17 59 21 79.31 White (Non-Hispanic) 5 14 48 33 81.82 4 13 48 34 82.09 7 21 52 21 72.41 8 18 54 21 74.36 Tested African-American Accountable Hispanic Asian Tested 8 18 54 21 Other Accountable 8 18 54 21 Title I Migrant Tested Identified LEP Accountable Extended Sch Services Gifted/Talented Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. "***" indicates unreportable populations with fewer than 10 students or populations where all students score at the same performance level. *** *** *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Disability Alternate Assessment *** School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT MATHEMATICS CORE CONTENT Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Page Carlisle County 095060 03 STATE SCHOOL Percents Percents No. Observations 148 01 .x.x Number Prop Oper 0 14 26 29 9 22 2.0 0 14 25 29 13 19 2.0 0.0 03 .x.x Geometry 3 89 0 16 43 22 16 3 1.5 0.1 67,527 0 9 24 31 26 11 2.1 -0.6 04 .x.x Data Analysis & Probabilit 2 29 0 17 24 31 14 14 1.8 0.2 17,017 0 11 27 25 19 18 2.1 -0.3 05 .x.x Algebraic Thinking 3 35 0 11 6 31 29 23 2.5 0.2 25,405 0 8 11 26 27 27 2.5 0.0 Correct Incorrect 31 913 70 30 0 0.70 0.01 684,161 78 22 0 0.78 -0.08 3 204 86 14 0 0.86 0.02 152,052 91 9 0 0.91 -0.05 MULTIPLE CHOICE 01 .x.x Number Prop Oper 02 .x.x Measurement 03 .x.x Geometry 04 .x.x Data Analysis & Probabilit 05 .x.x Algebraic Thinking B 0 1 2 Correct Incorrect 3 4 Mean No. Observations 109,804 School -State Mean Std. Err. 0.1 OPEN RESPONSE No. Items 3 Omit/Mult B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean Omit/Mult 19 554 77 23 0 0.77 0.01 413,870 86 14 0 0.86 -0.09 6 241 57 43 0 0.57 0.03 177,495 65 35 0 0.65 -0.08 14 332 84 16 0 0.84 0.02 244,994 84 16 0 0.84 0.00 13 School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT MATHEMATICS CORE CONTENT Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Page Carlisle County 095060 04 STATE SCHOOL Percents Percents No. Observations 93 B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean 01 .x.x Number Prop Oper 0 25 22 24 24 6 1.7 0 19 17 30 19 15 1.9 -0.2 02 .x.x Measurement 2 21 0 62 10 5 19 5 1.0 0.3 16,810 0 44 10 10 20 15 1.5 -0.5 03 .x.x Geometry 1 62 0 5 53 21 13 8 1.7 0.1 50,249 0 5 41 20 22 12 1.9 -0.2 05 .x.x Algebraic Thinking 4 93 0 5 12 18 53 12 2.5 0.1 75,355 0 3 9 17 52 19 2.8 -0.3 MULTIPLE CHOICE B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean Correct Incorrect No. Observations 75,392 School -State Mean Std. Err. 0.1 OPEN RESPONSE No. Items 4 Correct Incorrect 01 .x.x Number Prop Oper 24 765 57 43 Omit/Mult 0 0.57 0.02 619,798 69 30 Omit/Mult 0 0.69 -0.12 02 .x.x Measurement 11 267 60 40 0 0.60 0.03 217,721 68 32 0 0.68 -0.08 03 .x.x Geometry 16 373 65 35 0 0.65 0.02 301,398 78 22 0 0.78 -0.13 04 .x.x Data Analysis & Probabilit 12 332 57 43 0 0.57 0.03 267,959 64 36 0 0.64 -0.07 05 .x.x Algebraic Thinking 12 331 70 30 0 0.70 0.02 268,055 78 22 0 0.78 -0.08 14 School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT MATHEMATICS CORE CONTENT Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Page Carlisle County 095060 05 STATE SCHOOL Percents Percents No. Observations 92 01 .x.x Number Prop Oper 0 1 12 23 36 28 2.8 0 4 14 21 28 32 2.7 0.1 02 .x.x Measurement 1 11 0 45 27 18 0 9 1.0 0.4 8,247 0 39 23 13 11 14 1.4 -0.4 03 .x.x Geometry 2 79 0 1 19 19 30 30 2.7 0.1 57,429 0 2 19 20 28 31 2.7 0.0 04 .x.x Data Analysis & Probabilit 2 78 0 3 6 35 41 15 2.6 0.1 57,647 0 6 18 29 36 11 2.3 0.3 05 .x.x Algebraic Thinking 2 21 0 5 19 33 19 24 2.4 0.3 16,494 0 11 16 26 14 33 2.4 0.0 MULTIPLE CHOICE B Correct 0 1 2 3 4 Mean Incorrect No. Observations 65,837 School -State Mean Std. Err. 0.1 OPEN RESPONSE No. Items 3 Omit/Mult B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean Correct Incorrect 01 .x.x Number Prop Oper 27 859 70 30 0 0.70 0.02 633,287 68 32 Omit/Mult 0 0.68 0.02 02 .x.x Measurement 11 233 70 30 0 0.70 0.03 172,575 66 34 0 0.66 0.04 03 .x.x Geometry 19 436 84 16 0 0.84 0.02 320,853 78 22 0 0.78 0.06 04 .x.x Data Analysis & Probabilit 8 312 73 27 0 0.73 0.03 230,211 65 35 0 0.65 0.08 05 .x.x Algebraic Thinking 9 324 76 24 0 0.76 0.03 238,488 69 31 0 0.69 0.07 15 School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT SCIENCE TREND DATA Performance Level Percents 1.72 0.00 2007 2007 2.33 0.00 2008 2010 2008 0.00 0.00 2009 3.13 0.00 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Novice - Medium 60 80 100 60 80 100 60 80 100 Apprentice - High 0.00 6.90 2007 2007 6.98 0.00 2008 2008 0.00 3.28 2009 2009 7.81 1.56 2010 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Novice - High Proficient 1.72 41.38 2007 2007 9.30 0.00 2008 2008 50.82 0.00 2009 2009 39.06 4.69 2010 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Apprentice - Low Distinguished 0.00 2007 48.28 2007 0.00 2008 81.40 2008 1.64 2009 44.26 2009 3.13 2010 0 16 Apprentice - Medium Novice Low 2009 Page Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Carlisle County 095060 Elementary 40.63 2010 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 The horizontal bar represents the percent of students scoring at a performance level within a particular year. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. 40 60 80 100 2007 2009 2008 2010 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT SCIENCE DISAGGREGATION Performance Level Percents 0% All Students Female Male White (NonHispanic) AfricanAmerican Hispanic Asian 20% 40% 60% School: District: Code: Grade: 80% QC Review Page Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 04 100% Identified LEP Free/ Reduced Lunch Approved Disability N% A% P% D% P+D% Tested Students Tested 6 13 40 41 Accountable 6 14 39 41 Tested 13 Accountable 10 13 42 13 34 Tested 0 16 38 47 Accountable 0 16 38 47 13 40 41 80.95 10 42 35 77.42 Male 0 16 38 47 84.38 White (Non-Hispanic) 7 8 41 44 84.75 6 13 40 41 80.95 0 29 59 12 70.59 9 18 38 35 73.53 Female 35 41 6 13 Total African-American *** Hispanic *** Asian Other Title I Tested 7 8 41 44 Accountable 7 8 41 44 Migrant Identified LEP Extended Sch Services Tested Gifted/Talented Accountable *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Tested Accountable Disability *** Alternate Assessment *** Tested Accountable NCLB Accountable Students 6 14 39 41 79.69 13 13 41 34 75.00 Male 0 16 38 47 84.38 White (Non-Hispanic) 7 8 41 44 84.75 6 14 39 41 79.69 0 29 59 12 70.59 9 18 38 35 73.53 Total Migrant 17 Tested Female Accountable Tested African-American *** Accountable Hispanic *** Asian Tested 9 18 38 35 Other Accountable 9 18 38 35 Title I Migrant Tested Identified LEP Accountable Extended Sch Services Gifted/Talented Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. "***" indicates unreportable populations with fewer than 10 students or populations where all students score at the same performance level. *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Disability *** Alternate Assessment *** School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT SCIENCE CORE CONTENT Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Page Carlisle County 095060 04 STATE SCHOOL Percents Percents OPEN RESPONSE No. Items No. Observations B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean Std. Err. No. Observations B 0 1 2 3 4 Mean School -State Mean 01 .x.x Physical Science 1 62 0 11 11 35 34 8 2.2 0.1 50,249 0 9 16 35 32 8 2.1 0.1 02 .x.x Earth Space Science 3 83 0 0 19 45 35 1 2.2 0.1 66,998 0 4 21 43 27 4 2.1 0.1 03 .x.x Biological Science 5 103 1 3 21 31 33 11 2.3 0.1 83,749 0 7 27 25 27 13 2.1 0.2 Correct Incorrect 01 .x.x MULTIPLE CHOICE Physical Science 20 568 Correct 83 Incorrect 17 Omit/Mult 0 0.83 0.02 460,574 80 20 Omit/Mult 0 0.80 0.03 02 .x.x Earth Space Science 17 487 83 17 0 0.83 0.02 393,600 79 21 0 0.79 0.04 03 .x.x Biological Science 24 609 82 18 0 0.82 0.02 494,192 79 20 0 0.79 0.03 04 .x.x Unifying Concepts 13 392 89 11 0 0.89 0.02 318,184 79 21 0 0.79 0.10 18 Page Carlisle County Elementary QC School Review Carlisle County 095060 Elementary School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT SOCIAL STUDIES TREND DATA Performance Level Percents Apprentice - Medium Novice Low 4.44 2.22 2007 2007 3.70 0.00 2008 2009 2010 2008 6.52 2.17 2009 2.99 0.00 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Novice - Medium 60 80 100 60 80 100 60 80 100 Apprentice - High 4.44 17.78 2007 2007 0.00 27.78 2008 2008 8.70 23.91 2009 2009 1.49 25.37 2010 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Novice - High Proficient 6.67 51.11 2007 2007 1.85 51.85 2008 2008 8.70 39.13 2009 2009 7.46 50.75 2010 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Apprentice - Low Distinguished 4.44 8.89 2007 2007 11.11 3.70 2008 2008 6.52 4.35 2009 2009 5.97 2010 0 19 2010 20 40 60 80 100 0 5.97 20 The horizontal bar represents the percent of students scoring at a performance level within a particular year. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. 40 60 80 100 2007 2009 2008 2010 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT SOCIAL STUDIES DISAGGREGATION Performance Level Percents 0% All Students Female Male White (NonHispanic) AfricanAmerican Hispanic Asian Migrant 20% 9 Accountable 9 Accountable 60% 80% QC Review 100% Free/ Reduced Lunch Approved Disability 20 N% A% P% D% P+D% 36 49 34 6 51 6 Total 9 36 49 6 55.22 Female 8 32 53 8 60.53 10 41 45 3 48.28 9 35 50 6 56.06 9 36 49 6 55.22 18 29 50 4 53.57 15 41 41 3 43.59 Male 8 32 53 8 White (Non-Hispanic) 8 32 53 8 African-American Hispanic Tested 10 Accountable 10 Tested 9 Accountable 9 41 45 38 3 48 Asian 3 *** Other Title I 35 50 33 6 52 Migrant 6 *** Identified LEP Extended Sch Services Tested Gifted/Talented Accountable *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Tested Disability Accountable *** Alternate Assessment Tested Accountable NCLB Accountable Students Total 9 34 51 6 56.72 Tested Female 8 32 53 8 60.53 Accountable Male 10 38 48 3 51.72 9 33 52 6 57.58 9 34 51 6 56.72 17 28 52 3 55.17 15 38 44 3 46.15 White (Non-Hispanic) Identified LEP Page Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 05 Tested Students Tested Tested 40% School: District: Code: Grade: Tested African-American Accountable Hispanic Asian Tested 15 Accountable 15 41 38 41 44 3 Other 3 Title I Migrant Tested Identified LEP Accountable Extended Sch Services Gifted/Talented Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. "***" indicates unreportable populations with fewer than 10 students or populations where all students score at the same performance level. *** *** *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Disability Alternate Assessment *** School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT SOCIAL STUDIES CORE CONTENT Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Page Carlisle County 095060 05 STATE SCHOOL Percents Percents 01 .x.x Government & Civics No. Items 2 02 .x.x Cultures & Societies 2 19 OPEN RESPONSE No. Observations 79 0 1 2 3 4 Mean 0 5 30 62 3 0 1.6 Std. Err. 0.1 0 11 47 42 0 0 1.3 0.2 16,532 B No. Observations 57,427 B 0 1 2 0 10 29 0 10 33 School -State Mean 3 4 Mean 54 6 1 1.6 0.0 45 10 1 1.6 -0.3 -0.1 03 .x.x Economics 3 145 0 19 35 41 6 0 1.3 0.1 106,939 0 15 37 39 8 1 1.4 04 .x.x Geography 1 12 0 8 25 42 25 0 1.8 0.3 8,224 0 11 32 39 16 2 1.7 0.1 05 .x.x Historical Perspective 2 80 0 25 29 44 3 0 1.2 0.1 57,613 0 19 33 39 8 1 1.4 -0.2 Correct Incorrect 01 .x.x MULTIPLE CHOICE Government & Civics 15 444 Correct 76 Incorrect 25 Omit/Mult 0 0.75 0.02 329,083 70 30 Omit/Mult 0 0.70 0.05 02 .x.x Cultures & Societies 11 353 78 22 0 0.78 0.02 255,092 76 24 0 0.76 0.02 03 .x.x Economics 12 414 81 19 0 0.81 0.02 304,162 79 21 0 0.79 0.02 04 .x.x Geography 15 390 71 29 0 0.71 0.02 287,802 71 29 0 0.71 0.00 05 .x.x Historical Perspective 24 767 69 31 0 0.69 0.02 567,475 70 30 0 0.70 -0.01 21 School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT ON-DEMAND WRITING TREND DATA Performance Level Percents Page Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Carlisle County 095060 Elementary Apprentice - Medium Novice Low 24.44 2.22 2007 2007 11.11 0.00 2008 2009 2010 2008 17.39 0.00 2009 14.93 0.00 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Novice - Medium 60 80 100 60 80 100 60 80 100 Apprentice - High 2.22 13.33 2007 2007 0.00 29.63 2008 2008 10.87 19.57 2009 2009 0.00 31.34 2010 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Novice - High Proficient 11.11 22.22 2007 2007 1.85 48.15 2008 2008 6.52 41.30 2009 2009 4.48 34.33 2010 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Apprentice - Low Distinguished 13.33 11.11 2007 2007 7.41 1.85 2008 2008 2.17 2.17 2009 2009 13.43 2010 0 22 2010 20 40 60 80 100 0 1.49 20 The horizontal bar represents the percent of students scoring at a performance level within a particular year. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. 40 60 80 100 2007 2009 2008 2010 2009-2010 INTERIM PERFORMANCE REPORT WRITING ON-DEMAND DISAGGREGATION Performance Level Percents 0% All Students Female Male White (NonHispanic) AfricanAmerican Hispanic Asian Migrant Identified LEP Free/ Reduced Lunch Approved Disability 20% 40% 60% School: District: Code: Grade: 80% 100% 4 60 34 1 Accountable 4 60 34 1 Accountable Page 23 N% A% P% D% P+D% Total 4 60 34 1 35.82 Female 3 45 50 3 52.63 Male 7 79 14 0 13.79 5 59 35 2 36.36 4 60 34 1 35.82 7 71 21 0 21.43 8 69 23 0 23.08 Tested Students Tested Tested QC Review Carlisle County Elementary School Carlisle County 095060 05 3 45 50 3 White (Non-Hispanic) 3 45 50 3 African-American Hispanic Tested 7 79 14 0 Accountable 7 79 14 0 Asian *** Other Title I Tested 5 59 35 2 Accountable 5 59 35 2 Migrant *** Identified LEP Extended Sch Services Tested Gifted/Talented Accountable *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Tested Disability Accountable *** Alternate Assessment Tested Accountable NCLB Accountable Students Total 4 60 34 1 35.82 Tested Female 3 45 50 3 52.63 Accountable Male 7 79 14 0 13.79 White (Non-Hispanic) 5 59 35 2 36.36 4 60 34 1 35.82 7 72 21 0 20.69 8 69 23 0 23.08 Tested African-American Accountable Hispanic Asian Tested 8 69 23 0 Other Accountable 8 69 23 0 Title I Migrant Tested Identified LEP Accountable Extended Sch Services Gifted/Talented Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. "***" indicates unreportable populations with fewer than 10 students or populations where all students score at the same performance level. *** *** *** F/R Lunch Approved Vocational/2 Credits Disability Alternate Assessment *** School: District: Code: Grade: 2009-2010 KENTUCKY PERFORMANCE REPORT WRITING ON-DEMAND CORE CONTENT Page Carlisle County Elementary School QC Review Carlisle County 095060 05 SCHOOL State Percents Percents No. Observations B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mean B 0 1 2 Content 25 0 0 4 20 20 32 12 12 0 0 3.64 0 1 1 Structure 25 0 0 0 20 28 36 12 4 0 0 3.52 0 2 2 Convention 25 0 0 0 12 24 44 8 12 0 0 3.84 0 0 Content 23 0 4 4 17 17 39 17 0 0 0 3.35 0 Structure 23 0 0 13 9 22 48 9 0 0 0 3.30 0 Convention 23 0 0 0 26 13 39 22 0 0 0 3.57 Content 19 0 0 0 26 26 47 0 0 0 0 Structure 19 0 0 16 16 26 42 0 0 0 0 Convention 19 0 0 0 37 16 37 11 0 0 0 WRITING PROMPT Mean School -State Mean 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 35 21 19 4 1 4.41 -0.77 9 11 40 19 13 3 1 4.15 -0.63 0 10 11 38 21 16 3 1 4.35 -0.51 2 2 11 12 35 18 16 3 1 4.16 -0.81 3 3 12 15 36 17 11 2 1 3.90 -0.60 0 0 0 14 13 38 17 13 3 1 4.14 -0.57 3.21 0 1 2 11 13 43 16 12 2 1 4.01 -0.80 2.95 0 2 3 12 15 46 14 7 1 0 3.78 -0.83 3.21 0 0 0 13 15 44 17 9 1 1 4.00 -0.79 Persuade Inform Narrate for a purpose Editing 34 487 71 29 0 0.71 Std. Err. 0.02 0 0.73 -0.02 Writing Process 52 804 72 28 0 0.72 0.02 592,164 73 27 0 0.73 -0.01 Revising 18 317 73 27 0 0.73 0.02 230,445 74 26 0 0.74 -0.01 MULTIPLE CHOICE Correct Incorrect Omit/Mult Correct Incorrect 361,719 73 27 Omit/Mult 24