Carlisle County High School Site-Based Decision-Making Council Writing Program Policy

Carlisle County High School
Site-Based Decision-Making Council
Writing Program Policy
The following responsibilities outline the role of administrators, teachers, and students in supporting the
school writing program policy. The principal shall communicate and monitor implementation of the
responsibilities. The school council will revisit this policy annually at its July meeting.
Administration Responsibilities:
Appoint a school literacy team. The school literacy team will make reports to the SBDM council
and make recommendations regarding policy changes.
Ensure that all teachers are adequately familiar with the writing process and what constitutes
proficient and progressive communication skills.
Provide professional development and resources to help support and improve writing within the
school and ways to effectively embed communication instruction opportunities in the classrooms.
Identify an ILP expert as overseer of access to the web-based portfolio collection.
Teacher Responsibilities:
Include a variety of types of writing (i.e. multi-media presentations, recorded speeches, videos,
blogs, and more traditional types of writings) regularly in instruction in all classrooms across all
grades and content areas to demonstrate real world communication.
Provide regular opportunities that flow naturally with the content being taught to write to learn
(i.e. journaling, bell ringers, clear written responses), write to demonstrate learning, and write for
Model and practice extended written response questions with students; provide models of’s.
Provide regular opportunities for students to practice on-demand writing in all classrooms across
all grades and content areas (letter, article, speech, editorial).
Provide 21st Century skills opportunities (web pages, smart board, research, speeches, voice
recording, video recordings, multi-media presentations).
Allow student choice when appropriate.
Guide students in the development of authentic polished pieces for their portfolio and provide
digital feedback on the ILP document by adding comments.
By the end of 12th grade, student portfolios shall contain writings in a variety of forms: Personal
(narratives, memoirs, essays), creative (short stories, poems, songs, plays),
informational/explanatory (multi-media presentations, lab reports, research papers, brochures)
and argument (editorials, feature articles, speeches, letters)
Model idea development in all classes and provide models of N, A, P, D
Provide a rubric for student writing pieces.
Allow adequate computer time to upload pieces to ILP documents.
Conference with students and provide opportunities for students to revise and reflect on pieces.
Analyze and evaluate student writing samples in bi-weekly learning club meetings that will be
documented in minutes written by learning club teacher leaders.
Refer to new LA Speaking and Listening CCR standards.
Provide descriptive feedback throughout revision process and conclude 12th grade ILP with
evaluation of writing progress and final product with a score of N, A, P, D.
Student Responsibilities:
Ensure work is original, avoiding plagiarism.
Complete grade-level requirements.
Save each draft and any multi-media presentations, videos, etc… to ILP document.
Read teacher/student comments periodically.
Set writing goals on ILP site.
Reflect on writing progress on ILP site.
Justify communication skills used.