SOLICITATION PERMIT INFORMATION FORM PLEASE PRINT Name of Organization (No Initials) CSI Box# Date of Solicitation Solicitation Time Start End Place(s) of Solicitation Describe item(s) to be distributed, sold, etc Purpose of Activity ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Contact Person PeopleSoft ID# UH Email Phone Additional Comments ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Organization Representation Signature _______________________ Date _________________________________________ Center for Student Involvement Representative _______________________ Date Approved Note: Conference and Reservations Services does not provide any equipment for locations outside the Student Centers PLEASE READ AND SIGN BACK OF FORM UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON REGISTRATION OF ON-CAMPUS SALES AND SOLICITATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE FILLING OUT THE FORM ON BACK 1. A sign indicating the name of the organization and reason for selling goods or soliciting funds must be displayed at the sales site. 2. In making solicitations, organization representatives are expected to not pressure people to contribute to their cause. 3. For each day selected, one sandwich sale or one bake sale may be conducted. Each organization can choose which of the two they would like to conduct for its monthly sale. 4. Permits are issued for each event and do not extend towards other events. 5. Only currently enrolled students may request a solicitation permit. The organization’s copy of this request must be with the person who solicits at all times. Students are required to show UH identification and approved solicitation permits to University Police Officers and official University personnel upon request. 6. Individual students are not allowed to solicit for personal gains. 7. Profit making corporations or organizations may not use campus organizations to advertise or sell their products. 8. The Conference and Reservations Office will advise on policies and procedures for building/areas that require special permission or additional paperwork. 9. Violations of the solicitation policy will result in disciplinary action and/or revocation of the permit. New permits will not be granted until cleared by the Director of the Center for Student Involvement. 10. Requests for permits must be turned in two (2) business days prior to the event. 11. If there are any questions concerning sales or solicitation procedures, consult with the Center for Student Involvement. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE ABOVE PROCEDURES. Organization Representative Signature Date “State law requires that you be informed of the following: (1) with few exceptions, you are entitled on request to be informed about the information the University collects about you by use of this form; (2) under sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Government Code, you are entitled to receive and review the information; and (3) under section 559.004 of the Government Code, you are entitled to have the University correct information about you that is incorrect.” Print Reset