UABC Monthly News/Updates  June 17, 2011 

UABC Monthly News/Updates June 17, 2011 UABC TEAM UPDATES  UABC will be instituting a summer pilot program for members of our staff. 4/10 hour day schedules will be implemented for those staff members who have chosen to participate. Out of office email and phone messages will be left on the affected phones. We have set up the schedule to make sure that there is full coverage for our customers. A supervisor will be in the office each day from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. Please contact Laurie if you have any questions or concerns at 7‐4128  Carol Babcock (the UABC Accounting Manager) has announced her retirement effective July 31, 2011! She has provided wonderful service and support to UABC and has kept all of our customers and the UABC staff on track with her knowledge of OSU and OUS policies. She has graciously chosen a retirement date of July 31 to assist us with yearend close and we all appreciate her assistance. She will be missed and we want to thank her for her years of service to OSU. We have opened her position for an OSU search and we will keep you posted on the results of the search.  The UABC staff would like to thank all of our customers for the great year we have had and would like to ask for your patience during the year end close process, which has already started. We will do our best to meet everyone’s needs, but please contact us if you are experiencing unexpected delays. It’s the end of FY11 but the beginning of a great FY 2012. Enjoy the sun while it’s here!! UABC FINANCE NEWS 
We are pleased to announce that Aracely Arredondo will be joining the Finance team as an Accountant 2 on Monday June 20th Fiscal year end reminders:  Please review your unit’s budgets to ensure that all expected budget transfers have been received. Contact your designated Accountant or Christen Oien as soon as possible if you are expecting funding/support from other unit(s) that have not yet posted.  Please review your expense transactions for any needed index or activity code corrections. Notify your designated Accountant as soon as possible for needed corrections. UABC ACCOUNTING NEWS 
The Accounting unit has a change in staff assignments. LeAnne Rutland is now approving documents and processing deposits for our County Extension Offices. LeAnne has worked closely with Laura Frye since the end of April and is ready to assist staff and answer any questions you may have. LeAnne can be reached at 7‐0730,  We would like to remind our units of some academic and fiscal year end procedures that will help us process requests and transactions as efficiently as possible.  For payments, please send all approved invoices to our business center as quickly as possible to ensure that the expenditure is posted in the correct fiscal year. 
If your unit plans to make any year‐end awards or distribute gift certificates, please contact our business center to ensure that the correct procedure is used. An employee cannot be reimbursed for purchasing gift certificates either by OSU or by the OSU Foundation. We can assist your unit with purchases by processing vendor payment requests in advance that will eliminate the need for employees to make purchases with their personal funds. The link to the UABC website, below, can assist you with the correct procedure and we are available by phone or email for your questions, just let us know! UABC HR NEWS 
Supervisor Updates Just a reminder to please send us supervisor updates so there is accurate information in the system. We will be going live with a new performance evaluation tracking program for classified positions (excluding IT positions) in September and it is critical to have the supervisor information in the system accurately so the evaluations and reminders are delivered to the right person. If you want a list of your department’s supervisors along with the staff members they supervise, please notify your UABC HR contact or Jo Dee Bernal at 7‐8387. If you have updates, please send them to us on email and we will make sure they get updated. We also need to record supervisors for your student workers ‐ please include those updates as well. 
2011‐12 Notices of Appointment Please remember to return signed copies of all Notices of Appointment for your unclassified staff so we can scan them into the employee’s personnel file. 
Furlough and Personal Leave All Furlough and Personal Leave for the 2010‐11 year must be used by June 30. Any remaining personal leave will be zeroed out after June 30 and the new balances will be added July 1. As furlough time is already being taken out of employees paychecks, please make sure these hours are used. If you have any questions regarding how much time is available for your staff members, please contact your UABC representative and they will assist you. 
Student Workers If you have had students graduate or won’t be working for you in the future, please send us notice so we can terminate them in the Banner system. You can send an email to your UABC contact at and they will take care of this for you. Thanks and have a great summer – Carol Babcock Jo Dee Bernal Christen Oien Laurie Solum 