Homework Weekly News – 01/22 01/19

Homework 01/19 – 01/22
Weekly News
Happy 2016
Monday MLK Holiday
o 4 Vocabulary Sentences
o Math Page 5-7
o 30 min reading/ log signed
o LA page
o Math Page 6-1
o 30 min reading/ log signed
o LA page
o Math Page 6-2
o 30 min reading/ log signed
o Writing Prompt Response: Describe in
detail something about yourself that makes
you special- a special talent, a special
interest, an interesting personality trait…
o Math Page 6-3
o 30 min reading/ log signed
*Review phonics (Project Read)
skills for weekly test.
Math News: We are beginning Topic 6 in Math,
introducing subtracting with regrouping. A handout regarding about the topic was sent home
today (Tuesday.)
Reading News: We will continue to discuss the
author’s voice and the use of dialogue in stories.
We will also review and reinforce strategies to
read with accuracy, fluency, and meaning.
Writing News: This week, we will edit, revise,
and publish our story about how we will make the
world a better place to live.
Social Studies News: How do we get the products
that are in our homes? Who is involved in getting
them to us? These are questions that we will answer
in our new SS unit on manufacturing of goods.
Our assembly line lunch will be this Friday.
You do not need to send lunch for your child
on this day.
Each second grade class will make a complete
lunch for another second grade class using an
assembly line approach. We are serving hotdogs,
raw veggies, chip, pretzels, and cookies. If your
child does not like hotdogs, please send in an
alternate for him/her. Thank you for sending in
items for this activity.