El Paso Community College Discipline - English (SLO's)

Area Effectiveness Plan Report - Four Column
El Paso Community College
Discipline - English (SLO's)
Discipline Mission The mission of the English discipline at El Paso Community College is to provide students the best instruction possible to
Statement: enhance their writing creatively and academically. We will foster reading, researching, literature, and creative and
academic critical thinking skills as needed in school and on the job, and provide sufficient in- and out-of-class
opportunities to assist students in that process.
Student Learning Outcomes
Discipline - English (SLO's) - English Apply Writing Process - A student will apply
the writing process effectively, including the
ability to edit for clear sentence structure
and correct grammar, when writing
academic, creative, and professional
Outcome Types:
Student Learning
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Means of Assessment:
Instructors evaluate student end-of-course
Assessment Tool:
Standard - Criteria for Success:
70% of students will score an Adequate or
better on each individual SLO
08/15/2012 - During the Fall 2011-Spring 2013
Academic year the discipline assesed this SLO for
English 0309 and English 0310. The results are
as follows:
English 0309: A total of 480 students were
assessed. 87% of those students passed the
final, indicating a grade of 70 or above.
English 0310: 939 students assessed. 88% of
those students passed the final, indicating a
minimum grade of 70.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The results indicate mastery of outcomes at
a high level in both courses. While further
assessment will provide more data for
comparison and reflection, currently the
outcomes in these courses are very
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
08/29/2012 - While the discipline is
confident that our outcomes reflect
the reality of student writing and is
pleased with the information
gathered from the data collected,
faculty will continue to implement
teaching practices and approaches
to support the success and learning
of students. The discipline Exit
committee continues to evaluate
outcome grading/assessment to
maintain a consistency across
campuses. This includes instituting
a discipline-wide norming session
before grading for the exit begins.
This will help to support a collegewide standard for passing in these
course, assuring that students do
meet the outcome requirements.
Related Documents:
2012 Fall Discipline Report
02/08/2010 - Students evaluated: 258
Standard met:
Yes: 217 84%
No: 41
Result Type:
08/30/2012 6:56 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/15/2012 - The dicipline is in the
final stages of addressing the issue
of discipline-wide standards for the
Freshman Composition courses.
Means will be in place for the Fall
2012 assesement to deal with this
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
At this point it seems that we are doing well
in helping students achieve this outcome.
Looking at our standards and norming our
assessment may be something we should
consider as we continue this process.
Related Documents:
Report to Discipline Sp10
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
08/18/2010 - Again, students
exceeded our minimal standards in
all categories. But, the results from
this assessment made us further
question whether or not instructors
were approaching student writing
with a common understanding of the
performance indicators. It was at
this point we decided to further
examine our impressions of various
criteria and performance levels and
work to create a clearer standard
across the discipline. An instructor
survey will be developed and
administered during the 2010 2011
academic year.
08/29/2012 - While it?s clear
based on this view of our
students? outcome writing that
we are serving students well in
this course, the two factors that
show the most need for
improvement are
3.c: In-text citations are used
correctly(20% below Adequate),
3.d: Works cited page is correctly
formatted and corresponds with in
-text citations (14% below
The committee recommends that
we develop a best practices
08/30/2012 6:56 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
website or workshop for teaching
citation to share and generate
ideas on how to better help
students as they struggle with
these issues.
09/01/2009 - Exemplary:21.1%
Good: 36.1%
Unacceptable: .5%
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Students evaluated: 45
Passed: 89.5%
Failed: 10.5%
08/29/2012 - We will be assessing
the following SLOs
?SLO 3: A student will evaluate and
document sources to support a
thesis for research papers.
?SLO 4: A student will formulate
meaningful approaches and
techniques to interpret literary texts.
Please send us suggestions about
what kinds of indicators or criteria
you look for in student writing to
assess these SLOs. The
committee will compile them and
create a rubric to pilot this semester.
Target met
As the pilot semester, we believe we are off
to a good start and will seek ways to work
with both facuty and students to develop
better assesements.
Related Documents:
SLOs in Progress
Spring 2010 SLO Committee
Means of Assessment:
English 0309 In-Class Paragraph
Assessment Tool:
Exit/Final Exam
08/30/2012 6:56 PM
08/15/2012 - During the Fall 2011-Spring 2013
Academic year the discipline assessed this SLO
for English 0309. A total of 480 students were
assessed. 87% of those students passed the final,
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/29/2012 - While our initial
assessment indicated that we are
exceeding our criteria for success,
we questioned whether individual
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
indicating a grade of 70 or above.
Standard - Criteria for Success:
70% of students will meet the related
objectives in the course syllabus.
Write sentences that are structurally,
grammatically, and mechanically correct and
that are appropriate
for situation, purpose, and audience.
Write a variety of sentence types by
appropriately using different means of
subordination and
Identify and correct sentence errors such as
fragments, run-ons, and comma splices.
Develop an understanding of and be able to
apply basic rules of grammar and mechanics
appropriate to
this level of writing.
Write paragraphs that meet acceptable
grammatical and mechanical standards and
that are unified, well organized, coherent,
and adequately developed.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The results indicate mastery of outcomes at
a high level the course. While further
assessment will provide more data for
comparison and reflection, currently the
outcomes are very positive. (See related
documents for full data and discussion.)
instructors were assessing similarly.
As it can be such a subjective thing,
and the discipline values a holistic
approach to writing, the committee
is working to assess instructor
attitudes toward levels of writing in
order to establish standards for
various levels of work. This will be
instituted during the next full
Related Documents:
Engl 0309 Fall 2011 Data
2012 Fall Discipline Report
Means of Assessment:
Final English 0310 In-Class Exit Essay or
Assessment Tool:
Exit/Final Exam
Standard - Criteria for Success:
70% of students will meet the passing
requirements as outlined in the related
syllabus objectives.
08/15/2012 - During the Fall 2011-Spring 2013
Academic year the discipline assessed this SLO
for English 0310. The results are as follows:
English 0310: 939 students assessed. 88% of
those students passed the final, indicating a
minimum grade of 70.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Compose and edit sentences so that they
Evaluation of the Assessment:
are correct in grammar, punctuation, and
The results indicate mastery of outcomes at
a high level the course. While further
Develop an understanding of and be able to assessment will provide more data for
apply basic rules of grammar and mechanics comparison and reflection, currently the
appropriate to this level of writing.
outcomes are very positive. (See related
Improve and vary sentence structure by
documents for full data and discussion.)
08/30/2012 6:56 PM
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/29/2012 - While our initial
assessment indicated that we are
exceeding our criteria for success,
we questioned whether individual
instructors were assessing similarly.
As it can be such a subjective thing,
and the discipline values a holistic
approach to writing, the committee
is working to assess instructor
attitudes toward levels of writing in
order to establish standards for
various levels of work. This will be
instituted during the next full
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Student Learning Outcomes
Discipline - English (SLO's) - English Thesis Research Papers - A student will
evaluate and document sources to support
a thesis for research papers
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
using subordination and coordination.
Related Documents:
Fall 2011 English 0310 Data
2012 Fall Discipline Report
Means of Assessment:
Instructors evaluate student end-of-course
Assessment Tool:
Standard - Criteria for Success:
70% of students will score an Adequate or
better on each individual SLO
05/21/2010 - Yes:95%
No: 5%
Students evaluated: 61
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
While our numbers are good, we are
planning to evaluate and norm our faculty
Related Documents:
Report to Discipline Sp10
Fall 2010 Survey Instructions
Survey-Print copy
08/30/2012 6:56 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
08/29/2012 - While the discipline is
confident that our outcomes reflect
the reality of student writing and is
pleased with the information
gathered from the data collected,
faculty will continue to implement
teaching practices and approaches
to support the success and learning
of students. The discipline Exit
committee continues to evaluate
outcome grading/assessment to
maintain a consistency across
campuses. This includes instituting
a discipline-wide norming session
before grading for the exit begins.
This will help to support a collegewide standard for passing in these
course, assuring that students do
meet the outcome requirements.
08/29/2012 - While it?s clear based
on this view of our students?
outcome writing that we are serving
students well in this course, the two
factors that show the most need for
improvement are
3.c: In-text citations are used
correctly(20% below Adequate), and
3.d: Works cited page is correctly
formatted and corresponds with intext citations (14% below
The committee recommends that we
develop a best practices website or
workshop for teaching citation to
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Fall 2010 Instructor Criteria
Discipline - English (SLO's) - English Interpret Literary Texts - A student will
formulate meaningful approaches and
techniques to interpret literary texts.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment:
Instructors evaluate student end-of-course
Assessment Tool:
Standard - Criteria for Success:
70% of students will score an Adequate or
better on each individual SLO
05/21/2010 - Yes:94%
No: 6%
Students Evaluated: 61
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
While our numbers are good, we are
planning to evaluate and norm our faculty
Related Documents:
2009-2011 SLO End of Cycle Report
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
share and generate ideas on how to
better help students as they struggle
with these issues.
08/29/2012 - While it's clear based
on this view of our students'
outcome writing that we are serving
students well in this course, the two
factors that show the most need for
improvement are
3.c: In-text citations are used
correctly(20% below Adequate), and
3.d: Works cited page is correctly
formatted and corresponds with intext citations (14% below
The committee recommends that we
develop a best practices website or
workshop for teaching citation to
share and generate ideas on how to
better help students as they struggle
with these issues.
08/29/2012 - While our initial
assessment indicated that we are
exceeding our criteria for success,
we questioned whether individual
instructors were assessing similarly.
As it can be such a subjective thing,
and the discipline values a holistic
approach to writing, the committee
is working to assess instructor
attitudes toward levels of writing in
08/30/2012 6:56 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Page 6 of 9
Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
order to establish standards for
various levels of work. This will be
instituted during the next full
08/29/2012 - See related
document: 2009-2011 SLO End
of Cycle Report-English
Discipline - English (SLO's) - English Creative Thinking - A student will use
creative thinking and approaches to connect
with audiences through writing involving
varied techniques and genres.
Outcome Types:
Student Learning
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment:
4th essay of 1301 class scored with English
SLO rubric
Assessment Tool:
Inclass - Test
Standard - Criteria for Success:
70% of students will score an Adequate or
better on each individual SLO
02/03/2010 - Exemplary:24.7%
Good: 38.5%
Unacceptable: 0%
Total Students evaluated: 258
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Passed: 92.6%
Failed: 7.4%
08/29/2012 - We will be assessing
the following SLOs SLO 3: A
student will evaluate and document
sources to support a thesis for
research papers. SLO 4: A student
will formulate meaningful
approaches and techniques to
interpret literary texts.
Faculty were asked for indicators or
criteria they look for in student
writing to assess these SLOs. The
committee will compile them and
create a rubric to pilot this semester.
Total Students evaluated: 258
Target met
Related Documents:
Report to Discipline Sp10
Means of Assessment:
English 0309 Final Exam (In-Class
Assessment Tool:
Exit/Final Exam
Standard - Criteria for Success:
08/30/2012 6:56 PM
08/15/2012 - During the Fall 2011-Spring 2012
Academic year the discipline assessed this SLO
for English 0309. A total of 480 students were
assessed. 87% of those students passed the final,
indicating a grade of 70 or above.
Result Type:
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/29/2012 - While our initial
assessment indicated that we are
exceeding our criteria for success,
we questioned whether individual
instructors were assessing similarly.
As it can be such a subjective thing,
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The results indicate mastery of outcomes at
Follow an effective writing process to
a high level the course. While further
complete paragraph-length compositions.
assessment will provide more data for
Exhibit different types of paragraph structure.
comparison and reflection, currently the
outcomes are very positive. (See related
documents for full data and discussion.)
70% of students will meet the passing
requirements as outlined in the related
syllabus objectives.
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
and the discipline values a holistic
approach to writing, the committee
is working to assess instructor
attitudes toward levels of writing in
order to establish standards for
various levels of work. This will be
instituted during the next full
Related Documents:
Fall 2011 0309 Data
Fall 2011 and Spring 2012
0309_0310 Data
2012 Fall Discipline Report
Means of Assessment:
In-Class Exit/Appeal Exam
Assessment Tool:
Exit/Final Exam
Standard - Criteria for Success:
70% of students will meet the passing
requirements as outlined in the related
syllabus objectives.
08/15/2012 - During the Fall 2011-Spring 2012
Academic year the discipline assessed this SLO
for English 0310. A total of 939 students
assessed. 88% of those students passed the final,
indicating a minimum grade of 70.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Develop writing processes that are
Evaluation of the Assessment:
appropriate for timed and untimed situations The results indicate mastery of outcomes at
and that include effective strategies related a high level the course. While further
to prewriting, writing, and rewriting.
assessment will provide more data for
Write well-structured short essays that are
comparison and reflection, currently the
unified, coherent, and adequately developed, outcomes are very positive. (See related
and that contain an introduction, at least two documents for full data and discussion.)
body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Related Documents:
Develop short essays that are rhetorically
Fall 2011 and Spring 2012
appropriate for a variety of subjects and
0309_0310 Data
audiences and that meet the following
Spring 2012 0310 Data
purposes: relating personal experiences,
Fall 2011 English 0310 Data
informing, and persuading.
2012 Fall Discipline Report
08/30/2012 6:56 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/29/2012 - While our initial
assessment indicated that we are
exceeding our criteria for success,
we questioned whether individual
instructors were assessing similarly.
As it can be such a subjective thing,
and the discipline values a holistic
approach to writing, the committee
is working to assess instructor
attitudes toward levels of writing in
order to establish standards for
various levels of work. This will be
instituted during the next full
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Student Learning Outcomes
08/30/2012 6:56 PM
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
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