Kurt Salzinger, Ph.D. Senior Scholar in Residence, Department of

Kurt Salzinger, Ph.D. Senior Scholar in Residence, Department of
Psychology, Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y. 11549
Date of Birth: November 15, 1929
Place of Birth: Vienna, Austria
Citizenship: United States
New York University A.B. 1951 Psychology
Columbia University A.M. 1952 Psychology
Columbia University Ph.D. 1954 Psychology
Certified to practice psychology in the State of New York
Member of Psi Chi, Sigma Xi
Recipient of the Stratton Award in 1964 from the American Psychopathological
Member of Advisory Board, Institutum Philosophiae Naturalis -- a foundation
advancing interdisciplinary theory and research
Fellow: American Psychological Association (Divisions 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 25, 52)
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Psychopathological Association
Association for Behavior Analysis
New York Academy of Sciences
American Psychological Society
Behavior Therapy and Research Society (Clinical Fellow)
Recipient of the Sustained Superior Performance Award in
1981 given by the NSF
The Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry Award for the
most meritorious article in 1994
Presidential Scholar, Association for Behavior Analysis 2002
Who’s Who in America
APA Presidential Citation 2009
Professional Organizations
New York Academy of Sciences
Chair of the Psychology Section in 1974 and 1975;
Chair of the Section Activities Committee, 1976;
Chair of the Science and Public Policy Committee,
1976-1979; Member of the Board of Governors 1977-1979;
Vice-President 1981-1984; President-elect 1984;
Member of the advisory boards of the sections on Psychology,
Linguistics, and Science and Public Policy 1981-1985;
President, 1985; Academy representative to the Non-governmental organization
associated with the United Nations, 1987
Member of the Steering Committee of the Psychology section 2003 - 2009
The American Institute of Science and Technology
Chair 1985
The New York Science Policy Association
Chair 1985
Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
Chair of the Board 1986-1988; member of the Board (1988-1991)
Co-chair of the Program Committee, 1989-1990.
Member of the Board (2004 – 2008)
American Psychological Association
Program Chair of the Section for the Development of Clinical Psychology as an
Experimental-Behavioral Science of the Division of Clinical Psychology, 1977
Representative of the Study for psychological Study of Social Issues on the
Behavioral Diagnosis Committee;
Member of the Membership Committee 1980-1981; Chair 1981
Member of the Continuing Education Committee, 1982-1984
Member of the Board of Scientific Affairs, 1986-1988; Chair 1988-1989; member
1996- 1998
Liaison to the Publications and Communications Board, 1987-1988
President Elect of the Division of the Experimental
Analysis of Behavior of the American Psychological
Association, 1987; President, 1988-1989
Member of the Executive Committee of the Division of the Experimental
Analysis of Behavior of the American Psychological Association, 1989Chair of the Science Divisions of the Division Leadership Conference, 1987-1989
Liaison from the Division of the Experimental Analysis of
Behavior of the American Psychological Association to the Association for
Behavior Analysis, 1988-1989
Representative of the Board of Scientific Affairs of the American Psychological
Association to the Ontario Science Centre
Council Representative of the Division of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
in the APA, 1989-1991; re-elected 1991-1993; re-elected 2005 – 2008; re-elected
2009 - 2011
Secretary/Treasurer of the Coalition for Academic, Scientific and Applied
Psychologists of the APA Council, 1992 Board of Directors, 1993-1996
Board of Scientific Affairs 1996-1998
APA representative to COSSA 1994-1995
APA representative to the section on Psychology of the AAAS 1996
APA representative to Human Capital Initiative in the production of "Reducing
Mental Disorders: A behavioral research plan for psychopathology" 1995-1996
Division Representative (Div. 25) to the Golden Anniversary Commission, 19961997
President Elect: Division 1, Society for General Psychology, 1998
President: Division 1, Society for General Psychology, 1999
Past President: Division 1, Society for General Psychology, 2000
Member Policy and Planning Board 2000 – 2001, 2009 - 2011
American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology
President 1996 – 1998
Eastern Psychological Association Board member
EPA representative to the AAAS Section on Psychology (J) 2006
President Elect, 2008
President, 2009 - 2010
Association for Behavior Analysis
Council Member-at-Large 2007 - 2010
Member of the Editorial Board
Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1966-1970)
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1971-1973)
Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (1974-1975)
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (1975- )
Origins of Psychology (1978-1980)
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (1986-1989)
Advisory Editorial Board of the John Wiley Series on General
and Clinical Psychiatry (1986- )
The Analysis of Verbal Behavior (1987- )
The Behavior Analyst (1989-1992)
Behavior and Social Issues (1989- )
PSYCOLOQUY, Experimental abnormal psychology (1991- )
PsycSCAN: Behavior Analysis & Therapy (1994 - )
PsycCRITIQUES-Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books 2006 Consulting Editor
The Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Behavior Therapy
Canadian Journal of Behavior Science
Psychological Bulletin
Psychological Review
American Psychologist
The Behavior Analyst
Child Development
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Journal of Communication Disorders
Reviewer of Research Proposals
NIMH, NSF, VA Hospital Research System, N.Y. State Research
Council, Medical Research Council of Canada
Member of the Power Frequency Field Health Effects Research
Science Advisory Panel of the Department of Energy of the U.S.
Consultant to the new Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Research, NIH
University Activities
At Polytechnic University:
Executive Committee of the Department of Social Sciences
Faculty Governance Committee
Tenure and Promotions Committee
Graduate Curriculum and Standards Committee
Student Conduct Committee
Faculty Nominations Committee
Educational Policies Committee of the Faculty (Chair 1977-1978) (1989-1992)
Executive Committee of the Faculty
Educational Committee of the Board of the Admissions Committee
Safety Committee
Steering Committee for the merging of science and engineering with the liberal
arts program
Student Retention Committee
Speaker of the Faculty Senate (1986-1987)
Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum and Standards Committee (1989-1992)
Member of the IACUC (committee on welfare of animals utilized at the
Polytechnic University)
Supervised high school students and high school teachers in special research
Freshman advisor (1990-1992)
At Hofstra University:
Intentional Community Planning Committee for the Saltzman Community Center
Department DPC Committee member
Department Tenure Committee member
L. A. Stessin Prize Review Committee
President's Library Committee
Chair: DPC for promotion to Full Professor
Miscellaneous Activities
Member of the Columbia University Health Sciences
General Education Seminar: Task Force on Behavior
Modification and Control (1974-1979)
Judge of Templeton Awards in Positive Psychology (2002)
Work History
1954-1956: Research Psychologist at the Linden Hill School for Disturbed
Adolescents, Hawthorne, NY.
1956-1991: From Associate Project Director to Principal Research
Scientist (1967) New York State Psychiatric Institute
1959, 1960 (summers): Visiting Investigator at the Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial
Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine
1960: Lecturer in Graduate Seminar in Abnormal Psychology at Rutgers
1959-1970: Lecturer, Psychology Department, Columbia University
1971: Visiting Professor at the City College of the City University of New York
(Graduate Course in Learning Theory)
1961-1999: Research Associate in Medical Psychology, Columbia University
1964-1992: From Associate Professor to full Professor of Psychology
(1968), Polytechnic University (formerly Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn)
1981-1984: Head, Dept. of Social Sciences, Polytechnic University
1979-1981: Program Officer of the Applied Experimental Psychology Section of
the National Science Foundation (created and managed the section while on leave
from concurrent positions)
1992-2001: Professor of Psychology and Director of the Graduate Program in
Clinical/School Psychology, Hofstra University.
2001: Professor Emeritus
2001-2003: Executive Director for Science, American Psychological Association
2004 – present: Senior Scholar in Residence, Department of Psychology, Hofstra
Salzinger, K., & Salzinger, S. (Eds.) (1967). Research in verbal behavior and some
neurophysiological implications. New York: Academic Press.
Salzinger, K., Feldman, R.S., & Portnoy, S. (1969). The application of operant
conditioning to the behavior of children. New York City (mimeograph).
Salzinger, K. (1969). Psychology: The science of behavior. New York: Springer.
Salzinger, K. (1973). Schizophrenia: Behavioral aspects. New York: Wiley.
Salzinger, K., & Feldman, R.S. (Eds.) (1973). Studies in verbal behavior: An
empirical approach. New York: Pergamon.
Hammer, M., Salzinger, K., & Sutton, S. (Eds.) (1973). Psychopathology:
Contributions from the social, behavioral and biological sciences. New York: Wiley.
Salzinger, K. (Ed.) (1976). Psychology in progress. Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences, Volume 270.
Rieber, R. W., & Salzinger, K. (Eds.) (1977). The roots of American psychology:
Historical influences and implications for the future. Annals of the New York Academy
of Sciences, Volume 291.
Salzinger, K., & Denmark, F. (Eds.) (1978). Psychology: The state of the art. Annals
of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 309.
Rieber, R.W., & Salzinger, K. (Eds.) (1980). Psychology: Theoretical-historical
perspectives. New York: Academic Press.
Salzinger, K., & Portnoy, S. (1988). When memory fades. Manual prepared for
Alzheimer's Disease Project.
Rieber, R.W., & Salzinger, K. (Eds.) (1998). Psychology: Theoretical-historical
perspectives. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, Second Edition.
Salzinger, K. (Ed.) (2006). Protecting science and academic freedom from
Institutional Review boards. Special issue: Journal of Social distress and the Homeless,
15, No. 1.
Salzinger, K. & Serper, M. R. (Eds.) (2009). Behavioral mechanisms and
Psychopathology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Salzinger, K. (1959). The experimental approach to the interview. In J. Zubin (Ed.)
Experimental abnormal psychology. New York: Columbia University Library.
Zubin, J., Sutton, S., Salzinger, K., Salzinger, S., Burdock, E.I., & Peretz, E. (1961).
A biometric approach to prognosis in schizophrenia. In P. Hoch and J. Zubin (Eds.)
Comparative epidemiology of the mental disorders. New York: Grune & Stratton, pp.
Salzinger, K., Feldman, R.S., Cowan, J., & Salzinger, S. (1965). Operant
conditioning of verbal behavior of two young speech-deficient boys. In L. Krasner and
L.P. Ullman (Eds.) Research in behavior modification. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., & Feldman, R.S. (1966). Verbal behavior in
schizophrenics and some comments toward a theory of schizophrenia. In P. Hoch & J.
Zubin (Eds.) Psychopathology of schizophrenia. New York: Grune & Stratton. Given the
Stratton Award by the American Psychopathological Association in 1964.
Salzinger, K. (1967). The problem of response class in verbal behavior. In K.
Salzinger & S. Salzinger (Eds.) (1967). Research in verbal behavior and some
neurophysiological implications. New York: Academic Press.
Salzinger, K. (1968). On the operant conditioning of complex behavior. In J. Shlien
& H.F. Hunt (Eds.) Research in psychotherapy. Washington, DC: APA.
Salzinger, K. (1969). The place of operant conditioning of verbal behavior in
psychotherapy. In C.M. Franks (Ed.) Behavior therapy: Appraisal and status. New York:
McGraw Hill.
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., & Feldman, R.S. (1966). Verbal behavior in
schizophrenics and some comments toward a theory of schizophrenia. In P. Hoch & J.
Zubin (Eds.) Psychopathology of schizophrenia. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Salzinger, K. (1973). Some problems of response measurement in verbal behavior:
The response unit and intraresponse relations. In K. Salzinger, & R. S. Feldman (Eds.)
Studies in verbal behavior: An empirical approach. New York: Pergamon.
Salzinger, K., & Salzinger, S. (1973). Behavior theory for the study of
psychopathology. In M. Hammer, K. Salzinger, & S. Sutton (Eds.) Psychopathology:
Contributions from the social, behavioral, and biological sciences. New York: WileyInterscience, pp. 111-125.
Salzinger, K. (1973). Animal communication. In D.A. Dewsbury & D.A.
Rethlingshafer (Eds.) Comparative psychology: A modern survey. New York: McGraw Hill.
Salzinger, K. (1975). Behavior theory models of abnormal behavior. In M.
Kietzman, S. Sutton, & J. Zubin (Eds.) Experimental approaches to psychopathology.
New York: Academic Press, pp. 213-244.
Salzinger, K. (1978). Language behavior. In A.C. Catania & T.A. Brigham (Eds.)
Handbook of applied behavior research. New York: Irvington Press.
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., & Feldman, R.S. (1978). Communicability deficit in
schizophrenics resulting from a more general deficit. In S. Schwartz (Ed.) Language and
cognition in schizophrenia. Hillside, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.
Salzinger, K. (1978). A behavioral analysis of diagnosis. In R.L. Spitzer, & D.F.
Klein (Eds.) Critical issues in psychiatric diagnosis. New York: Raven.
Salzinger, K. (1979). A radical behavior theory approach to behavior. In R.W.
Rieber, & D. Aaronson (Eds.) Psycholinguistic research: Past, present, and future.
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Salzinger, K. (1980). The concept of the behavioral mechanism in language. In O.H.
Mowrer (Ed.) Psychology of language and learning. New York: Plenum.
Salzinger, K. (1980). Schizophrenia. In A.E. Kazdin, A. S. Bellack, & Hersen (Eds.)
New perspectives in abnormal psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Salzinger, K. (1980). Sitzfleisch, the Zeitgeist, and the Hindsightgeist. In R. W.
Rieber and K. Salzinger (Eds.) Psychology: Theoretical-historical perspectives. New
York: Academic Press.
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., Feldman, R.S. & Patenaude-Lane, J. (1980). From
method to madness. In R. W. Rieber & J. Jaffe (Eds.) Applied psycholinguistics and
mental health. New York: Plenum.
Salzinger, K. (1981). Remedying schizophrenic behavior. In S. Turner, K. Calhoun,
& H. Adams (Eds.) Handbook of clinical behavior therapy. New York: Wiley.
Salzinger, K. (1982). Epilogue: An exaltation of cross-cultural research: The nature
and habits of the hyphenated elephant. In L.L. Adler (Ed.) Cross-cultural research at
issue. New York: Academic Press.
Salzinger, K. (1984). The immediacy hypothesis in a theory of schizophrenia. In
W.D. Spaulding, & J. K. Cole (Eds.) Nebraska Symposium on motivation: Theories of
schizophrenia and psychosis. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.
Salzinger, K. (1986). Diagnosis: Distinguishing among behaviors. In T. Millon, & J.
Klerman (Eds.) Contemporary issues in psychopathology. New York: The Guilford
Salzinger, K. (1989). A review of behavioral effects of electromagnetic fields.
Report to the California Public Utility Commission.
Salzinger, K. (1990). On the average...In V.P. Makosky et al. (Eds.) Activities
handbook for the teaching of psychology. Volume 3. Washington, D.C.: American
Psychological Association.
Salzinger, K. (1991). The experimental analysis of verbal behavior in schizophrenia.
In S. Steinhauer, J. H. Gruzelier & J. Zubin (Eds.) Handbook of schizophrenia.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers. Pp. 465 - 484.
Salzinger, K. (1991). Cognitive problems, behavioral solutions. In L.J. Hayes, &
P.N. Chase (Eds.) Dialogues on verbal behavior. Reno, Nevada: Context Press.
Freimark, S., Salzinger, K., McCullough, M., Phillips, D., & Birenbaum, L. (1992).
Operant response rate as a function of time of day and early electromagnetic exposure on
rats tested as adults. In M. Moore-Ede, S. Campbell & R. Reiter (Eds.) Electromagnetic
fields and circadian rhythmicity. Boston, MA: Birkhaeuser (pp. 151-166).
Salzinger, K. (1992). Encyclopedia entry: B. F. Skinner. In L. Squire (Ed.)
Encyclopedia of learning and memory. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. (pp. 598600).
Salzinger, K. (1993). The experimental approach to psychopathology. Master
Lecture. In T. Fagan, & R. VandenBos (Eds.) Exploring applied psychology: Origins and
critical analyses. Washington, DC: America Psychological Association.
Salzinger, K. (1994). On Watson. In J.T. Todd, & E.K. Morris (Eds.) Modern
perspectives on classical and modern behaviorism. Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press.
Salzinger, K. (1994). Electric and magnetic effects on animal behavior. In D. O.
Carpenter & S. Ayrapetyan (Eds.) Biological effects of electric and magnetic fields. San
Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Salzinger, K. (1994). Animal behavior as an index of the environment, or the miners
had a good idea. In J.E. Hickey, & L.A. Longmire (Eds.) The Environment: Global
Problems, Local Solutions. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press.
Salzinger, K. (1995). A behavior-analytic view of anger and aggression. In H.
Kassinove (Ed.) Anger Disorders: Definition, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Bristol, PA.:
Taylor & Francis Int. Publishers.
Salzinger, K. (1998). Schizophrenia: From behavior theory to behavior therapy. In J.
J. Plaud & G. H. Eifert (Eds.) From behavior theory to behavior therapy. Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Salzinger, K. (2003). Skinner, B. F. (1904 - 1990). In J. H. Byrne (Ed.) Learning &
memory. 2nd edition. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 616 - 618.
Serper, M., Goldberg, B. R., Salzinger, K. (2004). Behavioral assessment of adults
in inpatient/residential settings. In M. Hersen (Ed.) Comprehensive Handbook of
Psychological Assessment. S. N. Haynes & E. M. Heiby (Eds.) Volume 3 Behavioral
Assessment. New York: John Wiley. Pp. 320 – 345.
Levant, R. F. & Salzinger, K. (2004). Psychology responds to terrorism. In T. L.
Jackson & L. VandeCreek (Eds.) Innovations in clinical practice: Focus on violence
treatment and prevention. Sarasota, FL. Professional Resource Press. Pp. 151 – 164.
Salzinger, K. (2008). On the average... In Benjamin, Jr., Ludy T. (Ed.) Favorite
activities for the teaching of Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association. Pp. 11 – 13,
Salzinger, K. (1956). Techniques for computing shift in a scale of absolute
judgment. Psychological Bulletin, 53, 394-401.
Salzinger, K. (1957). Shift in judgment of weights as a function of anchoring stimuli
and instructions in early schizophrenics and normals. Journal of Abnormal & Social
Psychology, 55, 43-49.
Salzinger, K. (1957). Academic achievement in a group of mentally disturbed
adolescents in a residential treatment setting. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 90, 239253.
Salzinger, K. (1958). A method of analysis of the process of verbal communication
between a group of emotionally disturbed adolescents and their friends and relatives.
Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 39-53.
Salzinger, K., & Pisoni, S. (1958). Reinforcement of affect responses of
schizophrenics during the clinical interview. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,
57, 84-90. (Reprinted in Reader of Abnormal Psychology by Sarbin and in Human
Learning and Memory by Slamecka.)
Salzinger, K. (1959). Experimental manipulation of verbal behavior: A review.
Journal of General Psychology, 61, 65-94.
Salzinger, K., & Pisoni, S. (1960). Reinforcement of verbal affect responses of
normal subjects during the interview. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60,
Salzinger, K., & Pisoni, S. (1961). Some parameters of the conditioning of verbal
affect responses in schizophrenic subjects. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,
63, 511-516.
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., & Feldman, R.S. (1962). The effect of order of
approximation to the statistical approximation to English on the emission of verbal
responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 52-57.
Salzinger, S., Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., Eckman, J., Bacon, N., Deutsch, M., &
Zubin, J. (1962). Operant conditioning of continuous speech in young children. Child
Development, 33, 683-695. (Reprinted in Reader on Complex Human Behavior by A.
Staats, Ed.)
Salzinger, K., & Waller, M. (1962). The operant control of vocalization in the dog.
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5, 383-389. (Reprinted in Reader on
Operant Behavior by A.C. Catania.)
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., Zlotogura, P., & Keisner, R. (1963). The effect of
reinforcement on continuous speech and on plural nouns in grammatical context. Journal
of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1, 477-485.
Hammer, M., & Salzinger, K. (1964). Some formal characteristics of schizophrenic
speech as a measure of social distance. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
105, 861-889.
Portnoy, S., & Salzinger, K. (1964). The conditionability of different verbal
response classes: Positive, negative, and non-affect statements. Journal of General
Psychology, 70, 311-323.
Portnoy, S., Portnoy, M., & Salzinger, K. (1964). Perception as a function of
association value with response bias controlled. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68,
Salzinger, K., Feldman R.S., & Portnoy, S. (1964). The effect of reinforcement on
verbal and nonverbal responses. Journal of General Psychology, 70, 225-234.
Salzinger, K., & Portnoy, S. (1964). Verbal conditioning in interviews: Application
to chronic schizophrenics and relationship to prognosis for acute schizophrenics. Journal
of Psychiatric Research, 2, 1-9.
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., & Feldman, R.S. (1964). Verbal behavior of
schizophrenic and normal subjects. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 105,
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., & Feldman, R.S. (1964). Experimental manipulation of
continuous speech in schizophrenic patients. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,
68, 508-516. (Reprinted in Language Behavior in Schizophrenia, 1968, H. J. Vetter, Ed.)
Salzinger, S., Salzinger, K., & Hobson, K.S. (1966). Memory for verbal sequences
as a function of their syntactical structure and the age of the recalling child. Journal of
Psychology, 64, 79-90.
Salzinger, K., & Eckerman, C. (1967). Grammar and the recall of chains of verbal
responses. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 6, 232-239.
Salzinger, S., Salzinger, K., & Hobson, S. (1967). The effect of syntactical structure
on immediate memory for word sequences in middle- and lower-class children. Journal
of Psychology, 67, 146-159.
Salzinger, K. (1968). On the operant conditioning of complex behavior. In J. Shlien
& H. F. Hunt (Eds.) Research in Psychotherapy, Volume 3, Washington, DC: APA.
Salzinger, K., Freimark, S.J., Fairhurst, S.P., & Wolkoff, D.F. (1968). Conditioned
reinforcement in the goldfish. Science, 160, 1471-1472.
Hammer, M., Polgar, S., & Salzinger, K. (1969). Speech predictability and social
contact patterns in an informal group. Human Organization, 28, 235-242. (Reprinted in
J.A. Fishman (Ed.) Advances in the sociology of language. The Hague: Mouton, 1972)
Kristt, D., Freimark, S., & Salzinger, K. (1970). The effects of puromycin on
retention of a positively reinforced response in the goldfish. Psychonomic Science, 20,
Salzinger, K. (1970). Pleasing linguists: A parable. Journal of Verbal Learning and
Verbal Behavior, 9, 725-727.
Salzinger, K. (1970). Discussion of Mr. Cohen's paper. In J. Zubin & A.M.
Freedman (Eds.) The psychopathology of adolescence. New York: Grune & Stratton, pp.
Salzinger, K. (1970). Diagnosis: Who needs it? Journal of Clinical Issues in
Psychology, 1, 25-27.
Salzinger, K. (1970). Behavior theory and problems of the deaf. American Annals of
the Deaf, 115, 459-468.
Salzinger, K., Hammer, M., Portnoy, S., & Polgar, S. (1970). Verbal behavior and
social distance. Language and Speech, 13, 25-37. (Translated into German and reprinted
in D.C. Kochan (Ed.) Sprache und Kommunikative Kompetenz. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett,
Salzinger, K., Feldman, R.S., & Portnoy, S. (1970). Training parents of braininjured children in the use of operant conditioning procedures. Behavior Therapy, 1, 432.
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., Pisoni, D.B., & Feldman, R.S. (1970). The immediacy
hypothesis and response-produced stimuli in schizophrenic speech. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology, 76, 258-264. (Reprinted in 1972 book of outstanding work in schizophrenia:
R. Cancro (Ed.) Annual Review of the Schizophrenic Syndrome).
Salzinger, S., Salzinger, K., & Patenaude, J. (1970). Effect of verbal response class
on shift in the preschool child's judgment of length n response to an anchor stimulus.
Developmental Psychology, 2, 49-57.
Salzinger, K. (1971). An hypothesis about schizophrenic behavior. American
Journal of Psychotherapy, 25, 601-614.
Salzinger, K. (1972). Schizophrenia and the immediacy hypothesis. American
Journal of Psychotherapy, 26, 567-570.
Salzinger, K. (1973). Inside the black box, with apologies to Pandora. A review of
Ulric Neisser's Cognitive Psychology. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior,
19, 369-378. (Reprinted in M. Marx (Ed.) Theories in contemporary psychology. New
York: Macmillan, 1976 and in Catania, A. C. & Hineline, P.N. (Ed.) (1996). Variations
and Selections. Bloomington, Ind.: Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.).
Salzinger, K., Fairhurst, S. P., Freimark, S.J., & Wolkoff, F.D. (1973). Behavior of
the goldfish as an early warning system for the presence of pollutants in water. Journal of
Environmental Systems, 3, 27-39.
Salzinger, K. (1975). Behavioral analysis section of Zubin et al. Abnormal and
clinical psychology: Biometric approach to psychopathology. Annual Review of
Psychology, 26, 623-629.
Salzinger, K. (1975). Are theories of competence necessary? In D. Aaronson & R.
W. Rieber (Eds.) Developmental psycholinguistics and communication disorders. Annals
of the New York Academy of Sciences, 263, 178-196.
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., & Feldman, R.S. (1977). Intrusions in schizophrenic
speech: The immediacy hypothesis vs. the lapse-of-attention hypothesis. Comprehensive
Psychiatry, 18, 255-261.
Salzinger, K. (1978). Managerial psychiatry or The chickens have come home to
roost. Man and Medicine, 3, 183-188.
Salzinger, K. (1978). Psychology applied: A dream. Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences, 309, 95-97.
Salzinger, K. (1978). A death too soon reported. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
1, 75-76.
Salzinger, K. (1979). The road to bedlam. Man and Medicine, 4, 11-13.
Salzinger, K. (1979). Modeling neurosis: One type of learning is not enough. The
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2, 181-182.
Salzinger, K., McShane, W.R., Cantilli, E.J., & Horodniceanu, M. (1979).
Behavioral analysis of verbal interaction between pilots and air traffic controllers.
Transportation Research Record, 732, 64-72.
Salzinger, K. (1980). The behavioral mechanism to explain abnormal behavior.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 340, 66-87.
Salzinger, K. (1981). A behavioral analysis of the psychiatric patient's right to refuse
treatment. In B. L. Rosenberg (Ed.) Papers in Science and Public Policy I. Annals of the
New York Academy of Sciences, 368, 129-132.
Salzinger, K. (1986). The President's report. The Sciences, 26, 57-61.
Salzinger, K. (1987). Course syllabus: Introduction to behavioral science. Science,
Technology & Society, 59, 6-9.
Salzinger, K. (1987). Oral history of Dr. Joseph Zubin, Archives of the American
Psychological Association.
Salzinger, K. (1988). After the Flight from the Laboratory. Behavior Analysis, 23, 36.
Salzinger, K. (1988). Live in interesting times. Behavior Analysis, 23, 35-37.
Salzinger, K. (1988). The future of behavior analysis in psychopathology. Behavior
Analysis, 23, 53-60.
Salzinger, K. (1988). Living in interesting times (continued). Behavior Analysis, 23,
Salzinger, K. (1988). Pax operant: Peace, delayed reinforcement, avoidance
behavior and crocodiles. Behavior Analysis, 23, 89-92.
Salzinger, K. (1988). Living in interesting times: A serial. Behavior Analysis, 23,
Salzinger, K. (1988). APA reorganization defeated; now what? Science Agenda, 1,
Salzinger, K., Freimark, S., McCullough, M., Phillips, D., & Birenbaum, L. (1990).
Altered operant behavior of adult rats after perinatal exposure to a 60-Hz electromagnetic
field. Bioelectromagnetics, 11, 105-116.
Salzinger, K. (1990). Why we are (and should be) members of Division 25 or How
to influence our fellow psychologists. Division 25 Recorder, 24/25, 4-5.
Salzinger, K. (1990). B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) American Psychological Society
Observer 3, 1-4. (reprinted in PSYCOLOQUY, Vivek: A Quarterly in Artificial
Intelligence, and Diskriminanten).
Salzinger, K. (1990). Speak no more of his renown. Division 25 Recorder, 25, 3132.
Salzinger, K. (1991). What should a theory of schizophrenia be able to do?
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14, 44-45.
Salzinger, K. (1991). Now that we know how low the reliability is, what shall we
do? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14, 162.
Salzinger, K. (1991). The road from vulnerability to episode: A behavioral analysis.
PSYCOLOQUY 2, 5. Electronic journal: psyc on listserv@pucc.bitnet, April 16, 1991.
Salzinger, K. (1991). Definitions and usage, or a rose by any other name smells as
sweet. Behavior Analyst, 14, 213.
Salzinger, K. (1992). Connections: A search for bridges between behavior and the
nervous system. In D. Friedman and G. Bruder (Eds.) Psychophysiology and
experimental psychopathology: A tribute to Samuel Sutton. Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences, 658, 276-286.
Salzinger, K. (1992). Cognitive therapy: A misunderstanding of B. F. Skinner.
Journal of Behavior Therapy & Experimental Psychiatry, 23, 3-8. (Chosen as the most
meritorious article of the year in 1994)
Salzinger, K. (1993). How do we know when private events control behavior?
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 15, 660-661.
Salzinger, K. (1994). The lad was a lady, or the mother of all language learning: A
review of Moerk's first language: Taught and Learned. Journal of the Experimental
Analysis of Behavior, 62, 323-329. (Reprinted in Catania, A. C. & Hineline, P.N. (Ed.)
(1996). Variations and Selections. Bloomington, Ind.: Society for the Experimental
Analysis of Behavior.)
Salzinger, K. (1994). The one with the most citations wins. American Psychologist,
49, 816.
Salzinger, K. (1994). Sitzfleisch 2: The platzgeist and cognitive environmental
psychology. In H.E. Adler & R.W. Rieber (Eds.) Aspects of the History of Psychology.
Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences,727, 139-142.
Salzinger, K. (1995). The academic life. Psychological Science Agenda, 8, 7.
Salzinger, K. (1995). Distinctive features of clinical behavior analysis, The Clinical
Behavior Analyst, Winter, 4-7.
Salzinger, K. (1996). How many new discoveries do we need to avoid a crisis in
psychology? Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, 5, 353-357.
Salzinger, K. (1996). The Hofstra Ph.D. Program in clinical and School psychology.
The Clinical Behavior Analyst, 1, 13-15.
Salzinger, K. (1996). Fred Keller, my teacher. Division 25 Recorder. 31, 10-11.
Salzinger, K. (1996). Reinforcement history: A concept underutilized by behavior
analysts. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 27, 199 - 207.
Moritz, E., K., Kent, K.A., Grunes, M. S., Salzinger, K., Neziroglu, F. (1997)
Estudo piloto de tratamento do TOC: terapia compartamental com criancas.(A pilot study
in an OCD treatment: Behavioral treatment with children). Jornal Brasileiro de
Psiquiatria outubro, 46, 523-525.
Leibman, M. & Salzinger, K. (1998). A theory-based treatment of psychotic
symptoms in schizophrenia: Treatment successes and obstacles to implementation. The
Journal of Genetic Psychology, 159, 404 - 420.
Salzinger, K. (1998). The verbal operant: Cause and/or effect. The Analysis of
Verbal Behavior, 15, 135 - 137.
Salzinger, K. (1999). The loss of the romantic: Gain for the science. Journal of
Humanistic Psychology, 39, 30 - 37.
Salzinger, K. (1999). Words, words, words: The psychologist's dilemma. The
General Psychologist, 34, 17-21.
Salzinger, K. (1999). Behaviorism inside out: The private event. The General
Psychologist, 34, 82 - 89.
Salzinger, K. (2000). The behavioral mechanism: In search of causal relationships.
The General Psychologist, 35, 69 - 76.
Salzinger, K. (2001, February 16). Scientists should look for basic causes, not just
effects. The Chronicle Review, Section 2, 47, B14.
Salzinger, K. (2003). Some verbal behavior about verbal behavior. The Behavior
Analyst. 26, 29 - 40.
Salzinger, K. (2003). Terrorism is behavior. NYS Psychologist, 15, 7 - 10.
Salzinger, K. (2003). War zone: Learning from social psychology: An interview
with Herbert Kelman. Psychology Today, May/June.
Salzinger, K. (2003). On the verbal behavior of relational frame theory: A PostSkinnerian account of human language and cognition. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior ,
19 , 7 - 9.
Salzinger, K. (2004). Life is complicated; analysis should be simple. Behavior and
Social Issues, 13, 140 – 142.
Salzinger, K. & Serper, M. (2004). Schizophrenia: The Immediacy Mechanism.
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 4, 397 – 409.
Salzinger, K. (2005, April 6). Politically correct thinking about psychology?
[Review of the book Critical thinking about psychology: Hidden assumptions and
plausible alternatives]. PsycCRITIQUES-Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of
Books, 50 (No. 14) Article 1. Retrieved April 6, 2005, from the PsycCRITIQUES
Salzinger, K. (2005, October 19). Time: The unexamined variable? [Review of the
book Understanding behavior in the context of time: Theory, research, and application].
PsycCRITIQUES-Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 50 (No. 42)
Article 10. Retrieved October 19, 2005, from the PsycCRITIQUES database.
Lam, K , Marra, C., & Salzinger, K. (2005). Social reinforcement of somatic versus
psychological description of depressive events. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43,
Salzinger, K. (2005). Clinical, statistical and broken-leg predictions. Behavior and
Philosophy, 33, 91 – 99.
Salzinger, K. (2006). What makes speech schizophrenic? PsycCRITIQUESContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 51 (3).
Salzinger, K. (2006). The mystery of mindreading. PsycCRITIQUESContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 51 (8).
Salzinger, K. (2006). We’re not in Kansas anymore. PsycCRITIQUESContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 51 (16).
Salzinger, K. (2006). Schizophrenia and the Immediacy Mechanism. American
Psychologist, 61, 74 – 75.
Salzinger, K. (2006). The Institutional Review Board: A modest proposal. Journal of
Social Distress and the Homeless, 15, 5 – 11.
Salzinger, K. (2006). Why? Because we are curious. PsycCRITIQUESContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books,
Salzinger, K. (2006). Behavior analysis in the real world. Behavior and Social Issues.
15, 192 – 195.
Salzinger, K. (2007). Twenty-five thousand entries in one book! PsycCRITIQUESContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 52 (1).
Salzinger, K. (2007). Why? Because we are curious. PsycCRITIQUES, 52 (2).
Salzinger, K. (2007). You are what you read (and what you view and listen to).
PsycCRITIQUES, 52 (10).
Salzinger, K. (2008). Back to Basics. PsycCRITIQUES, 53 (47).
Salzinger, K. (2008). Waves or ripples? The Behavior Therapist. 31, 147 – 148.
Salzinger, K. (2008). Skinner’s Verbal Behavior. International Journal of Psychology
and Psychological Therapy. 8, 287 – 294.
Salzinger, K. (2011). More rules and regulations: Why we need reporting standards
for research. PsycCritiques, 56(9).
Salzinger, K. (2011). Therapeutic change viewed through behavior analytic lenses.
Clinica y Salud, 22, 237 - 244.
Psychological Science Agenda
APA Monitor on Psychology
Are We All Salman Rushdie Now?
Volume 32, No. 10 November 2001
Before the Beginning
September/October 2001
It's the Behavior
November/December 2001
Psychology is Science: Spread the Word
January/February 2002
The Science Organization
March/April 2002
Ask Not What Psychology Can Do for You…
May/June 2002
The Splintering of Psychology
Summer 2002
One Book, One Psychology
Fall 2002
What if We Stopped Keeping Our
Experimental Findings a Secret?
Winter 2003
Waiting for Science
Spring 2003
Moving Graveyards
Summer 2003
Talk to Someone Who Does Research
Volume 33, No. 2 February 2002
Take Back Psychology
Volume 33, No. 4 April 2002
Volume 33, No. 6 June 2002
Volume 33, No. 8 September 2002
What if All Psychologists Understood Each
Other? Volume 33, No. 11 December 2002
Foolish Behavior
Volume 34, No. 2 February 2003
A Fable for Our Times (with apologies to James
Volume 34, No. 4 April 2003
Walt Kelly's Pogo is Right: We Have Met the
Enemy, and They Are Us
Volume 34, No. 6 June 2003
A Google's-eye View of Psychology
Volume 34, No. 8 September 2003
Just How Stubborn are Facts?
Convention 2003
How Many Psychology Majors Does it Take
to Produce an Informed Public?
October 2003
Humpty Dumpty Is Alive and Well, Living
in the Psychological Literature
November 2003
Salzinger, K. (1957). An experimental approach to the interview. Paper read at the
International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium. Salzinger, K., Pisoni, S., &
Reisel, A. (1959). The identification of response classes in operant conditioning of verbal
behavior. Paper read at meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Atlantic City,
Salzinger, K., Pisoni, S., Feldman, R.S., & Bacon, N. (1961). The effect of drugs on
verbal behavior. Paper read at the symposium for Control of Verbal Behavior. American
Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, CO.
Salzinger, K. (1967). Some comments on behavior theory: The importance of the
stimulus. Behavior Therapies Institute, VA Hospital, Brecksville, OH.
Salzinger, K. (1968). Behavior theory and urban problems. Paper read at the
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Symposium: New approaches to the solution of
problems in urban communities. Brooklyn, NY.
Salzinger, K. (1968). Verbal behavior and behavior theory. Paper read at the
Symposium on Current Problems in Psycholinguistics. New Jersey Psychological
Association, Asbury Park, NJ.
Salzinger, K. (1973). Behavior theory: Applied. Paper read at the Symposium on
Psychology 1974: Where we are and where we are going. New York Academy of
Sciences, New York City.
Salzinger, K., Portnoy S., & Feldman, R.S. (1973). The communicability of essays
contrary to their author's beliefs. Paper read at the American Psychological Association,
Montreal, Canada.
Salzinger, K. (1974). Applications of behavior therapy. Paper read at the Annual
Research Review Symposium of the New York State Department on Mental Hygiene,
New York City.
Salzinger, K. (1974). Experimental Psychology's 100th Birthday. Paper read at a
Symposium on the History of Psychology. New York Academy of Sciences, New York
Salzinger, K. (1975). Language and learning: The future. Paper presented at the New
York League for the Hard of Hearing. New York City.
Salzinger, K. (1975). Applications of behavior theory to the problems of the aged.
Workshop presented at the 10th International Congress of Gerontology, Jerusalem, Israel.
Salzinger, K. (1975). Schizophrenic behavior as a result of control by immediate
stimuli. Presented at the Second International Congress of Collegium Internationale
Activitatis Nervosae Superioris. Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Salzinger, K. (1980). Ecolinguistics: Where behavior theory meets cognitive
psychology. Invited address at the Annual Meetings of the Association for Behavior
Analysis, Dearborn, MI.
Salzinger, K. (1981). The behavioral mechanism and theories of psychopathology.
Invited address at the Annual Meetings of the Association for Behavior Analysis,
Milwaukee, WI.
Salzinger, K. (1982). Stressful life events: A behavioral analysis. Invited address at
the Annual Meetings of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI.
Salzinger, K., & Chitayat, D.G. (1983). Stressful life events and reduction in
reinforcement frequency. Invited address at the Association for Behavior Analysis,
Milwaukee, WI.
Salzinger, K. (1984). the maintenance of verbal behavior. Invited address at the
Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville, TN.
Salzinger, K. (1984). The concept of the behavioral mechanism in abnormal
psychology. Paper presented in the Symposium on the Behavior Analysis of Clinical
Phenomena at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville, TN.
Salzinger, K. (1985). Verbal behavior. Presented at the Pavlovian Physiological
Laboratory, Leningrad, USSR.
Salzinger, K. (1985). Science: The great equalizer. Invited paper presented at the
Third World Academy of Sciences. Trieste, Italy.
Salzinger, K. (1985). A behavioral analysis of the verbal behavior of Alzheimer's
Disease patients. Invited address at the Association for Behavior Analysis. Columbus,
Salzinger, K. (1985). Intraverbal behavior. Presented at the American Psychological
Association. Los Angeles, CA.
Freimark, S., Salzinger, K., McCullough, M.R., Phillips, D.S., Coll, G., &
Birenbaum, L. (1985). Effects of 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the response rate
of adult and pre-perinatally exposed rats. Paper presented at the Bioelectromagnetics
Society. San Francisco, CA.
McCullough, M. R., Salzinger, K., Freimark, S., Coll, G., Phillips, D., &
Birenbaum, L. (1985). The effect of electromagnetic fields on the behavior of rats. Paper
read at the American Psychological Association. Los Angeles, CA.
Salzinger, K., Freimark, S., McCullough, M.R., Phillips, D., Birenbaum, L., &
Paduano, J. (1985). The effect of electromagnetic fields on the operant behavior of rats.
Paper presented at the Contractors' Review Meeting.
Freimark, S., Salzinger, K., McCullough, M.R., Phillips, D.S., Birenbaum, L., &
Paduano, J. (1986). Response rate decrement in rat mothers and offspring after
electromagnetic field exposure during pregnancy. Paper presented at the Eastern
Psychological Association, New York City.
Salzinger, K. (1986). Invited address: A behavioral view of the cognitive revolution.
Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI.
Salzinger, K. (1986). Cognitive problems, behavioral solutions. Invited paper
presented at the Verbal Relations Conference in Bad Kreuznach, Germany.
Salzinger, K. (1986). Behavioral analysis in the 1950's: Panel discussion with Joel
Greenspoon, Fred Keller, and Murray Sidman. Third Annual Meeting of the Southeastern
Association for Behavior Analysis. Savannah, GA.
Salzinger, K. (1986). Verbal behavior. Invited paper presented at the Third Annual
Meeting of SEABA, Savannah, GA.
McCullough, M., Salzinger, K., Freimark, S., Phillips, D., Paduano, J., &
Birenbaum, L. (1986). Behavioral effect of electromagnetic fields: Short or long lived?
Third Annual Meeting of SEABA, Savannah, GA.
Salzinger, K. (1986). Chaired and organized a symposium: The plasticity of the
aged. American Psychology Association.
Salzinger, K., & Portnoy, S. (1986). A behavioral analysis of the aged. Paper
presented at the American Psychological Association.
Salzinger, K., & Portnoy, S. (1987). Some aspects of the speech of Alzheimer's
Disease patients. Paper presented at the International Neuropsychological Society,
Washington, DC.
Salzinger, K. (1987). A behavioral analysis of cognition. Invited paper presented at
the Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville, TN.
Salzinger, K. (1987). Pax operant: Peace, delayed reinforcement, avoidance
behavior and crocodiles. Invited paper presented at the Association for Behavior
Analysis, Nashville, TN.
Portnoy, S., Salzinger, K., Stern, Y., Sano, M., & Mayeux, R. (1987). Hesitation
phenomena in Alzheimer's patients. Paper presented at the American Psychological
Association, New York City.
Salzinger, K., Portnoy, S., Stern, Y., Sano, M., & Mayeux, R. (1987). Intraverbal
control in Alzheimer's Disease. Paper presented at the American Psychological
Association, New York City.
Salzinger, K. (1988). The future of behavior analysis and psychopathology. Invited
paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Philadelphia, PA.
Salzinger, K. (1988). Creativity is an oxymoron. Keynote address presented at the
Critical Thinking Conference at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ.
Portnoy, S., Salzinger, K., Stern, Y., Sano, M., & Mayeux, R. (1988). Hesitations
and word predictability in probable Alzheimer's Disease. Paper presented at the 24th
International Congress of Psychology, Australia.
Salzinger, K. (1988). How a radical behaviorist worked in abnormal psychology and
found behavior. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Atlanta,
Salzinger, K. (1988). Discussant in Symposium: Psychology as the behaviorist
views it at 75. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Salzinger, K. (1989). Chair and moderator of a symposium on Behavior Analysis at
the Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI. (Members of the symposium
were B.F. Skinner, F. Keller and W.N. Schoenfeld).
Salzinger, K. (1989). How to exhibit behavior in a science museum. Paper presented
at the Ontario Science Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Salzinger, K. (1989). Introduction of Todd Risley's Presidential Address. American
Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Salzinger, K. (1989). Organizer and Chair of Symposium: What's in a Name? Take
psychology for example. American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Salzinger, K. (1989). Introduction and discussion of James Holland's invited address
on psycholinguistic research. American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Salzinger, K. (1989). Advocacy. Paper presented at the American Psychological
Association, New Orleans, LA.
Salzinger, K. (1990). Nonbehaviorist theories of psychology as subsets of behavior
analysis. Invited address at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville,TN.
Salzinger, K. (1990). Animal behavior as an index of the environment, or the miners
had a good idea. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment.
Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY.
Salzinger, K. (1990). A behavioral analysis of human error. Invited address
presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Salzinger, K. (1990). Chair of the symposium: The vulnerability model of
schizophrenia. American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Salzinger, K. (1990). The road from vulnerability to episode: A behavioral analysis.
Presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Salzinger, K. (1990). Human error and the reinforcement contingency. 22nd
International Congress of Applied Psychology, Kyoto, Japan.
Salzinger, K. (1991). Memorial to Joseph Zubin presented at the American
Psychopathological Association, New York City.
Salzinger, K. (1991). Technology and human error. Paper presented for Downtown
Brooklyn Community of Metrotech at the Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, NY.
Salzinger, K. (1991). Discussant: An examination and appreciation of Israel
Goldiamond's contributions to behavior analysis. Presented at the Association for
Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, GA.
Salzinger, K. (1991). Cognitive therapy: A misunderstanding of B.F. Skinner.
Invited address at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York
Salzinger, K. (1991). Human error. Invited address presented at the American
Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Salzinger, K. (1991). The diminished relationship between basic and applied
behavior analysis: The fruits of success? Invited address presented at the New York State
Association of Behavior Analysis, Rhinebeck, NY.
Salzinger, K. (1992). Discussant: Workshop on aspects of the history of psychology
in America (1892-1992) at the New York Academy of Sciences, New York City.
Salzinger, K. (1992). The experimental approach to psychopathology. Master lecture
presented at the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (1992). Behavior therapy: A history. Invited paper presented at the
American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Salzinger, K. (1992). Social distress. Paper presented at the University of St.
Petersburg, Russia.
Salzinger, K. (1992). Women in psychological research: Subjects and authors. Paper
presented at the International Council of Psychology. Amsterdam, Holland.
Salzinger, K. (1992). Discussant: Cognitive and behavior therapy, cross-fertilization
or cross-sterilization? Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior
Therapy, Boston, MA.
Salzinger, K. (1993). A behavioral analysis of the concept of personality. Paper
presented at the Association for Behavioral Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Salzinger, K. (1993). Reinforcement history and other concepts neglected by
behavior analysts. Invited address. American Psychological Association, Toronto,
Salzinger, K. (1993). Participant in President's forum on the future: The second
century assembly -- A new vision for psychology. American Psychological Association,
Toronto, Canada.
Grehan, P.M., Salzinger, K. & Castaneda, J. (1993) Depressed patients' reactions to
incongruent nonverbal behavior. Poster presented at 17th Annual Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Salzinger, K. (1993). Human error: Blame it on the machine or to err is human but
to avoid it is better. Invited address presented at Federation of Behavioral, Psychological
and Cognitive Sciences, Washington, DC.
Salzinger, K. (1994). A behavioral-analytic view of anger and aggression. Invited
address presented at American Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
Grehan, P., & Salzinger, K. (1994). Frequency and sequential analysis of depressed
patients' behavior in planned interactions. Presented at Association for the Advancement
of Behavior Therapy Convention, San Diego, CA.
Hyatt, Lauren F., Terjesen, Mark D., Scuitto, Mark J., and Salzinger, K. (1994).
Poster presented at Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Convention,
San Diego, CA.
Salzinger, K. (1994). How shall we measure human reinforcement history. Invited
address presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, GA.
Salzinger, K. (1994). Participant in the APA Assembly of the 21st Century
Conference convened by invitation of the President. Washington, D. C.
Salzinger, K. (1994). Psychopathology and how to study it. Texas State
Psychological Association, Houston, Texas.
Salzinger, K. (1995). Psycholinguistics through behavior analytic lenses. Invited
address presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D. C.
Todaro, J., McKay, D., Salzinger, K. (1995). An operant approach to panic disorder
with agoraphobia. Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D. C.
McKay, D., Todaro, J., Salzinger, K. (1995). An operant approach to obsessivecompulsive disorder. Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, D. C.
Altabet, S. C. & Salzinger, K. (1995). Intelligence and circadian rhythms. Eastern
Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
Salzinger, K. (1995). Psi Chi distinguished lecture: Can scientific psychology
inform psychological practice? Eastern Psychological Association, Boston,
Salzinger, K. (1995). Moderator of a public debate: Is U.S. Psychology in crisis?
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, New York City.
Salzinger, K. (1995). Participant in Education Miniconvention Symposium:
Education and training in science relating to life span issues. American Psychological
Association, New York City.
Salzinger, K. (1995). Discussant in Miniconference: Is there a crisis in psychology?
II - Applied psychology, science, and postmodernism. American Psychological
Association, New York City.
Moritz, E. K., Kent, K., Grunes, M.S. & Salzinger, K. (1995). The treatment of
obsessive compulsive disorder: A child-oriented behavioral approach. World Congress of
Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Salzinger, K. (1995). Prevention: How to do it and having done it, how to know that
you did it. New York State Psychological Association, Monticello, N.Y.
Salzinger, K. (1995). The scientist/practitioner: An oxymoron? American
Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology. New York City.
Leibman, M. & Salzinger, K. (1995). Treating schizophrenic patients' hallucinations
and delusions through control transfer to remote stimuli. Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C.
McKay, D., Todaro, J., Salzinger, K., &McCullough, M. (1995). Behavior
modification of delusional speech in chronic schizophrenics. Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy Convention, Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (1996). Discussant: A clinical behavior analytic case conference.
Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, Calif.
Salzinger, K. (1996). What is clinical behavior analysis? Association for Behavior
Analysis, San Francisco, Calif.
Salzinger, K. (1996). A behavioral analysis of informed consent. Association for
Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, Calif.
Salzinger, K. (1996). Conversation hour. American Psychological Association,
Toronto, Canada.
Chitayat, D. & Salzinger, K. (1996). Behavioral analysis of "deaning" behavior.
Third International Congress on Behaviorism and the Sciences of Behavior. Yokohama,
Salzinger, K. (1996). In memoriam: William N. Schoenfeld. Third International
Congress on Behaviorism and the Sciences of Behavior. Yokohama, Japan.
Moritz, E. K., Grunes, M.S., Kent, K.A., Salzinger, K. & Neziroglu, F.A. (1996).
The treatment of OCD: A child oriented behavioral approach. Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York City.
Lam, K. Marra, C. & Salzinger, K. (1996). Effect of verbal conditioning on somatic
versus psychological description of depressive events. Association for the Advancement
of Behavior Therapy, New York City.
Xydas, M., van den Berg, M. & Salzinger, K. (1997). The effect of depressive
symptomatology and reassurance seeking on affective states of others. Eastern
Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K., Carragher, D., Nguyen, D., Miros, N., Miller, A. (1997). Informed
consent: Measurement and improvement of its intelligibility. Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami Beach, FL
Lancaster, J., Hsia, C. & Salzinger, K. (1997). Standardization of placebos in
psychotherapy research. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami
Beach, FL
Korn, Z. & Salzinger, K. (1997). Cold pressor pain tolerance over repeated trials
using acceptance/commitment and cognitive-behavioral interventions. Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami Beach, FL
McKay, D., Morgan, C., Attea, O., Salzinger, K., McCullough, M. (1997).
Delusional speech in schizophrenia: Scheduled-induced changes and sequential analysis.
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami Beach, FL
Salzinger, K. (1997). Discussant: Stimulus control and 'emotion': Processes relevant
to clinical change. Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Salzinger, K. (1997). A clinical behavior analytic case conference. Association for
Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Salzinger, K. (1997). Implied behavior analysis. Association for Behavior Analysis,
Chicago, IL.
Moran, D. J. & Salzinger, K. (1997). Rules and reinforcement contingency changes
in persons with obsessive-compulsive disorders. Association for Behavior Analysis,
Chicago, IL.
Salzinger, K. (1998). Prevention through a behavior analytic lens. Presidential
address (American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology) American
Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
Basse, W., Carragher, D. J. & Salzinger, K. (1998) The effects of adding a direct
audio component to computer presented text to increase reading comprehension.
American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (1998). Clinical and School Psychology -- A teaching combination.
American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Salzinger, K. (1998). Participant in conversation hour: APA convention -- a place
for the scientist? American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Salzinger, K. (1998). Words, words, words: How shall we speak about psychology?
American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Salzinger, K. (1998). Participant in VIP town hall meeting -- vision, integration,
passion. American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Salzinger, K. (1998). Why we need behavior analysis to explain and modify
psychopathology. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington,
Salzinger, K. (1998). Co-chair of symposium: What causes psychosis?
Schizophrenia: Behavioral mechanism. Association for the Advancement of Behavior
Therapy, Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (1998). From biology to psychotic behavior: The behavioral
mechanism. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C.
Grehan, P. & Salzinger, K. (1998). Depressed subjects' response latency to mood
congruent and incongruent equivalence relations. Association for the Advancement of
Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (1998). What is the behavioral route from test to behavior? Fourth
International Congress on Behaviorism and the Sciences of Behavior, Seville, Spain.
Salzinger, K. (1999). Behavior analysis at Hofstra University. Association for
Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Salzinger, K. (1999). Roots and fruits. Paper presented in symposium: Is clinical
radical behaviorism remaining true to its roots? Association for Behavior Analysis,
Chicago, IL.
Moran, D.J. & Salzinger, K. (1999). The effects of rules and reinforcement
contingency changes for persons with obsessive compulsive disorder. Association for
Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Grehan, P., Salzinger, K. & Fields, L. (1999). Using incompatible stimuli with
depressed subjects in a stimulus equivalence paradigm. Association for Behavior
Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Salzinger, K. (1999). Behaviorism inside out: The private event. Presidential address
(Division 1) presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Salzinger, K., Mancebo, M., Goldman, S., Melika, D., Miller, A., & Marcus, R.
(1999). Word production in men and women: A replication of a 100-year-old study.
Paper accepted by Women’s Worlds 99, 7th International Interdisciplinary Congress on
Women, Tromso, Norway.
Salzinger, K. (2000). Lies to Live By. Association for Behavior Analysis,
Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (2000). Teaching clinical behavior analysis. Association for Behavior
Analysis, Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (2000). Acceptance and commitment: Implied behavior analysis.
Association for Behavior Analysis,Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (2000). Sharing reinforcers or zero sum games. Association for
Behavior Analysis,Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (2000). The behavioral mechanism: In search of causal relationships.
Invited address at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (2000). Instant Psychological Messenger. Poster at the American
Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Gerstner, C. L., Kenney, K. M. & Salzinger, K. (2000). Assessing psychiatric
symptoms and coping responses in Lyme Disease. Poster at the American Psychological
Association, Washington, D.C.
Rose, R. D. & Salzinger, K. (2000). Speech anxiety and covert verbal behavior.
Poster at the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.
Chang, R., Mancebo, M. C. & Salzinger, K. (2001). Coping behaviors and
acculturative stress of Asian immigrant students. Poster presented at the American
Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Salzinger, K. (2001). How do I measure thee? Let me count the ways. Invited
address at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Salzinger, K. (2001). Behavior analysis of everyday life events. Association for
Behavior Analysis, New Orleans, LA.
Salzinger, K. (2001). The functions of silence. Association for Behavior Analysis,
New Orleans, LA.
Salzinger, K., McAleer, E., Goldman, S., Melika, D., Levine, E., Goldman, S.
(2001). Verbal behavior and depression. Poster at the Association for Advancement of
Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, PA.
Salzinger, K. (2002). Key note address: Behavior analysis of bureaucratic behavior.
Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI.
Salzinger, K. (2002). The splintering of psychology. Southeastern Psychological
Association, Orlando, FL.
Salzinger, K. (2002). Private events: Analyzing their functions in new light. Panel
discussion. Association for Behavior Analysis, Toronto, Canada
Salzinger, K. (2002). Presidential Scholar’s Address: Some verbal behavior on
verbal behavior. Association for Behavior Analysis, Toronto, Canada
Salzinger, K. (2002). Terrorism is behavior. Invited paper. New York State
Psychological Association, Verona, N.Y.
Salzinger, K. (2002). Behavior analysis of terrorism and its consequences. American
Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.
Salzinger, K. (2002). Moderated roundtable debate - - psychology at the front lines:
Is it time for action? American Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.
Salzinger, K. (2002). I speak, therefore I am: The functions of verbal behavior.
Invited plenary address. Sixth International Congress on Behaviorism and the Sciences of
Behavior. Auburn, Alabama.
Salzinger, K. (2003). What if all psychologists were behavior analysts? The
developmental case. Invited address presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis,
San Francisco, CA.
Mancebo, M. & Salzinger, K. (2003). Ability to postpone reinforcement by boys
with ADHD. American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Salzinger, K. (2004). Lost in translation: Not the movie. Paper presented at the
Applied Organizational Psychology Conference, Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y.
March 19 – 20, 2004.
Salzinger, K. (2004). Psychological science: Not for dummies. Psi Chi
distinguished lecture presented at the Long Island Psychology Conference, Dowling
Salzinger, K. (2004). Chair and discussant of Symposium: Protecting science and
academic freedom from institutional review boards. American Psychological Association,
Waikiki, Hawaii.
Salzinger, K. (2005). Psychology among the sciences: The New York Academy of
Sciences. Paper presented at the 33rd Hunter College Psychology Convention, NYC
Salzinger, K. (2005). Are we ready to explain and modify complex human behavior?
Invited address presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis. Chicago, Illinois.
Salzinger, K. (2005). Panelist at Testing the Efficacy of RET/REBT. Paper presented
at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington, D.C.
Salzinger, K. (2006). Psychology at the New York Academy of Sciences. Paper
presented at the Eastern Psychological Association. Baltimore, Md.
Salzinger, K. (2006). Behavior-analytic description of political behavior. Paper
presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, GA.
Salzinger, K. (2007). Behavioral and explanatory compexities. Invited paper
presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Salzinger, K. (2007). Panelist at ACT and ABA: Natural progression or Conceptual
Regression? Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.
Salzinger, K. (2007). Panelist at Behavior and Social Issues: Behavior Analysis,
Biological Psychiatry, and the Treatment of Severe Behavior Disorders. Paper presented
at the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.
Salzinger, K. (2007). New developments in basic behavior analysis and their
implications for application. Invited address presented at the 41st Annual Convention of
the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
Salzinger, K. (2007). Panelist at a discussion: The three waves of behavior therapy:
course corrections or navigation errors? 41st Annual Convention of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
Salzinger, K. (2008). Chair, The Search for behavioral mechanisms in
psychopathological research. 42nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL.
Serper, M. & Salzinger, K. (2008). Just what are behavioral mechanisms? Causal
theories in schizophrenia research. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Convention of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL.
Salzinger, K. (2009). Selection of behavior. Paper presented at Darwin’s Reach: A
celebration of Darwin’s Legacy across Academic Disciplines. Hofstra University,
Hempstead, N.Y.
Chin, K., Salzinger, K., & Valenti, S. S. (2009). Evaluation of early social
contingency behavior in children with autism. Poster presented at the Association for
Behavior Analysis, Phoenix, Arizona.
Salzinger, K. (2009). Joseph Zubin and the reinforcing value of information. Paper
presented at the Eastern Psychological Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
Salzinger, K. (2010). Back-translation: Behavior explained. Presidential address at
the Eastern Psychological Association, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Salzinger, K. (2010). Ode to the Law of effect. Paper presented at the Association
for Behavior Analysis International. San Antonio, Texas.
Salzinger, K. (2011). Presidential perspectives on psychology. Paper presented at
Eastern Psychological Association, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Salzinger, K. (2011). Is the IRB in the business of prevention? Paper presented at
the Psi Chi Forum on the IRB. Fordham University. New York, N.Y.
Salzinger, K. (2011). Therapeutic change viewed through behavior analytic lenses.
Paper presented at the Association for Behavior analysis International. Granada, Spain.