Chapter 6 –A Bus and Boat Tour of the Southeast

Name:_____________________________________ Date:_______________________
Chapter 6 –A Bus and Boat Tour of the Southeast
1. The Everglades National Park is located in the state of _________________________.
2. A __________________ is an area of low land covered by _____________________
at least part of the year.
3. How many kinds of birds live in the Everglades?
4. Florida is in a part of the United States called ________________________________.
5. Where is the home of the space shuttle located?
6. What town was the site of the first permanent English settlement in America?
7. What is an ancestor?
8. The Appalachia mountain region is located in the ___________________________
part of the ________________________________ Mountains.
9. A natural material found in rock is called ______________________________.
10. What type of mines does most of the coal come from today?
11. What is coal mainly used for?
12. What do the states in the Sun Belt have in common?
13. What is a delta?
14. What was a large crop in the Southeast region?
15. New Orleans, Louisiana is the birthplace of what type of music?
16. A ______________ is a stream flowing through swampy land.
17. What are the states that make up the Southeast Region of the United States?
18. Another name for oil is ________________________________________.
19. What is the factory called that turns oil into useful products?
20. What war took place in the Southeast Region?
21. The civil rights movement began as a struggle to end
22. Who were the first immigrants to settle in New Orleans?