Reflecting on Class & the Reading

WMU Math 1500, Grant
Unit 1
Reflecting on Class & the Reading
1. Read the section in the syllabus that explains how to organize your notebook,
and describes post-class notes. Your first assignment is always to create your
post-class notes.
2. Read the page in the coursepack that describes taking notes on the readings
(rather than simply highlighting). Your second assignment is to do any required
reading and create reading notes for that reading.
3. Reflecting on and extending issues from class:
a. Look up the definitions for odd and even numbers in two different
locations and record those definitions and the locations from which they
were taken.
b. Read and complete portions (indicated by “*”) of the glossary entry on
odd and even numbers. [Located in the last section of the coursepack.]
c. Discuss the ways in which the meanings for odd and even numbers in the
glossary are similar to, or different from, the ones you listed in part a
d. List two questions that you have about things raised in the first class.
At least one must be about a mathematical idea/issue.
4. Reflecting on the reading:
In Developing Mathematical Arguments, four students (Fiona, Samantha, Mannie
and Audrey) provide reasons why you get an even number when you add two odd
numbers. For each of these four students, indicate which (if any) of the
meanings of odd and even numbers indicated in your glossary are being used.
Adapted from Understanding Mathematics Deeply for Teaching Project
July 21, 2014