IAQ Check List Building: Spencer Loomis Elementary School Date: November 8, 2013 Building Inspection Performed by: Lyle Erstad Report Compiled by: Lyle Erstad Check List IAQ Check List True False N/A 1. Ground Level Indoor Inspection a. Univents are on and air discharge grills are free of obstructions. If false, send email to building principal and facilities director asking staff to be instructed to keep vents clear at all times. Record locations here: 2. Ground Level Outdoor Inspection (weather permitting) a. Univent air intakes are free of obstructions. If false, record locations here: b. Filters i. Medium efficiency filters are installed in all univents. If false, list locations and create work orders to initiate corrective action. ii. High efficiency filters are installed in the air handling units. If false, list locations and create work orders to initiate correction action. iii. Filters are being changed every six months and the installed date is written on the outer filter casing. If filter is older than 6 months, list locations and create work orders to initiate corrective action. c. Insects, bird nests, or droppings are not evident near outdoor air intakes. If false, indicate locations here: d. Trash dumpsters are located away from doors, windows, and outdoor air intakes. e. Potential sources of air contaminants do not exist near the building. (e.g. chimneys, stacks, industrial plants, exhaust from nearby buildings) f. Trucks and buses are not allowed to keep their engines idling near the building. Page 1 of 9 Revised 3/21/2011 AMJ Created 11/2010 IAQ Check List Building: Spencer Loomis Elementary School Date: November 8, 2013 Building Inspection Performed by: Lyle Erstad Report Compiled by: Lyle Erstad Check List g. No evidence of drainage problems exist. Water drains away from the building including roof downspouts. IAQ Check List True False N/A h. Sprinklers do not spray directly toward the building or into outdoor air intakes. i. Grass clippings from mowers are directed away from the building air intakes. j. Clean walk-off mats are present at exterior entrances. 3. Roof (Inspections conducted weather permitting) a. Roofing consultant has not found any issues requiring immediate repair. Most recent roofing inspection date/company: 5-year roofing plan completed 5/25/2010 with C. E. Crowley & Associates. Riddiford Roofing did a complete survey of all District roofs this summer and did repairs accordingly. All American Exteriors deals with issues that come up over the course of the year. b. There is no evidence of water ponding on the roof. This is a ballasted roof. No ponding was evident. c. Intake ventilation units are operating properly and free of debris. d. All exhaust fans are operating properly and free of debris. e. Air intake dampers are set to allow air flow even at minimum setting. f. Insects, birds, animal nests or droppings are not evident near outdoor air intakes. g. Plumbing stacks and exhaust vents are located away from air intakes. Flue stacks were raised with velocity cones installed. There have been no issues reported. 4. Attic a. There is no evidence of roof or plumbing leaks. Page 2 of 9 Revised 3/21/2011 AMJ Created 11/2010 IAQ Check List Building: Spencer Loomis Elementary School Date: November 8, 2013 Building Inspection Performed by: Lyle Erstad Report Compiled by: Lyle Erstad Check List IAQ Check List True False N/A There is no attic. b. There is no evidence in attic of insects, birds, animals, or nests. No Attic. 5. General Considerations a. Classrooms, offices and/or common areas appear recently cleaned. If examples of poor housekeeping are found, record locations below: b. Only vacuums with HEPA filters are being used. c. All supply and exhaust ventilation units are working properly. d. Occupied space temperatures and relative humidity levels are within the standards listed below. i. Temperature range: Winter temperatures 70-73 degrees. Summer temperatures 74-80 in air-conditioned spaces and 74-85 in non-air-conditioned spaces. Outdoor air temperature: 38; 44.4; 51.5 degrees. Highest temperature – Location: 208; 112; 102 ; Reading of 74.4; 69.1; 71.8 degrees. Lowest temperature – Location: Nurse; Principal; 190; Reading of 70; 68.1; 69.9 degrees. ii. Relative humidity range is 30% to 60%. Non-air-conditioned spaces may be higher on rainy or humid summer humid days. All spaces may be less than 30% when the out-door air temperature is less than 32 degrees. Outdoor relative humidity: 29.9; 28; 45.5% Highest relative humidity – Location: 107, 111; Principal; 102; Reading of 21.8; 25.2; 36.3% Lowest relative humidity – Location: Library; staff café; 190;Reading of 18.3; 23.7; 34.1% Page 3 of 9 Revised 3/21/2011 AMJ Created 11/2010 IAQ Check List Building: Spencer Loomis Elementary School Date: November 8, 2013 Building Inspection Performed by: Lyle Erstad Report Compiled by: Lyle Erstad Check List Readings not within acceptable standards will result in the creation of a work order, requesting maintenance to address. (Readings are noted on the attached test data sheet) IAQ Check List True False N/A e. Occupied space readings of carbon monoxide (CO) levels are less than 9.0 PPM. Outdoor Air CO Reading: 0; 0; 0.7 Highest CO Location: 102 Reading: 1.5 Lowest CO Location: Several Rooms Reading: 0 If the CO level is greater than 9.0 PPM in any space as measured with a handheld device or “leave-in” monitor, the space must be cleared of all occupants and steps taken to correct the problem. The issue will be immediately addressed by maintenance and the Fire Department. (Readings are noted on the attached test data sheet) f. CO2 levels in any occupied space are below threshold limits. i. Perform CO2 check with Gray Wolf or other portable device. Measure four times yearly or more often if needed. Measure only in fully occupied rooms. Reading should be less than 700 PPM plus outside air CO2 PPM. 700 PPM + 404; 401; 460 PPM = 1050; 1101; 1160 PPM Assume outside CO2 is 350 if temperature is below 41 degrees and air is not stagnant with no- wind. Record all occupied space CO2 levels on forms provided. Provide the outdoor CO2 level as well as the high and low CO2 extremes below: Outdoor reading: 404; 401; 460 PPM Highest CO2 reading – Location: 218, 219; 112, Principal; 102; Reading of 887; 633; 781 PPM Lowest CO2 reading – Location: Emmons; Staff café; 190 ; Reading of 534; 503; 492 PPM ii. If reading is above threshold, check univent and air handling dampers to ensure a value is set to Page 4 of 9 Revised 3/21/2011 AMJ Created 11/2010 IAQ Check List Building: Spencer Loomis Elementary School Date: November 8, 2013 Building Inspection Performed by: Lyle Erstad Report Compiled by: Lyle Erstad Check List provide at least 15 cfm of fresh air intake per student based on average space occupancies. If reading is consistently elevated, then use data logging to monitor CO2 concentrations over time and look for other sources of problems. IAQ Check List True False N/A iii. CO2 levels were checked three months ago. g. h. i. j. iv. CO2 levels on “leave-in” devices, where present, where checked. No Leave In devices Offensive odors are not apparent. If false, list problem areas: Water damage is not evident. Check for roof leaks, pipe leaks, spills, stained ceiling tiles, etc, visually and with moisture meter. Look for the source of any water leaks and schedule repairs. Discard porous items such as ceiling tiles if wet for more than 24 hours. For carpeting, if less than 9 square feet of wet area, shampoo with germicide and fan dry. For areas greater than 9 square feet, replace carpet with tile in reasonable timeframe. If carpet is over ACM tile, replace during next unoccupied break time (winter break, spring break, summer). If false, record findings and locations here: Mold or mildew growth is not evident. If false, record findings and locations here: All pest management issues are being handled by Integrated Pest Management. k. No other unresolved concerns or complaints by building personnel are known. If false, list any pending issues not previously mentioned in this report here: We switched cleaning companies this past summer and are dealing with issues of inconsistent cleaning. We are working on maintaining a consistent cleaning staff and thus maintaining consistent cleaning standards. l. There are no incomplete HVAC preventative maintenance (PM) work requests. If false, list any incomplete HVAC work request here: Page 5 of 9 Revised 3/21/2011 AMJ Created 11/2010 IAQ Check List Building: Spencer Loomis Elementary School Date: November 8, 2013 Building Inspection Performed by: Lyle Erstad Report Compiled by: Lyle Erstad Check List IAQ Check List True False N/A 6. Bathrooms and General Plumbing a. All locker or restroom exhaust fans are working. Inoperable or malfunctioning fans are listed as follows: Location: Problem: b. All of the following drain-trap maintenance procedures are being conducted according to the frequency indicated. If false, indicate all deviations and locations: i. Water is poured into floor drains once per week (approximately 1 quart of water) or water and a teaspoon of cooking oil poured into the drain once a month. ii. Water is poured into sinks at least once per week (about 2 cups of water). iii. Toilets are flushed at least once per week. 7. Lab Chemicals & Maintenance Supplies a. Lab chemicals are used with exhaust fans turned on. b. Lab chemical storage areas have been inspected yearly by ROE and Fire Department. Record last inspection dates below: ROE: 10/2013 LZFD: Yet to be scheduled. c. Flammables are not stored with igniters. d. All chemicals that may react or produce toxic or explosive by-products are separated and maintained in approved containers stored in approved storage. (e.g. lockable, with appropriate ventilation). Page 6 of 9 Revised 3/21/2011 AMJ Created 11/2010 IAQ Check List Building: Spencer Loomis Elementary School Date: November 8, 2013 Building Inspection Performed by: Lyle Erstad Report Compiled by: Lyle Erstad Check List IAQ Check List True False N/A e. Chemical disposal records for all lab chemicals are available for review. f. All cleaning products used in building contain no/low VOC. List any exceptions: g. Increased ventilation is considered when installing new carpets, cleaning upholstered furniture, shampooing carpets, etc. h. Exhaust ventilation systems in chemical and trash storage areas are turned on and functioning properly. i. Portable fuel containers are properly closed. j. Power equipment, like snow blowers and lawn mowers, have been serviced and maintained according to manufacturers’ guidelines. k. Oil based paints are stored in approved storage cabinets. No oil based paints allowed in the district. l. Green Cleaning products and processes are used in this building. 8. Combustion Appliances a. Combustion analysis is performed at the start of the heating season on all boilers. Adjustments are made to the burners to correct any abnormalities and improve efficiency. We have not conducted combustion analysis as our heating season has just begun. This will be scheduled and we will report back at the Winter IAQ meeting. b. In rooms that contain combustion appliances, there is no evidence of combustion gas or fuel odors. If false, record locations here: c. No leaks, disconnections, and/or deterioration were found on exhaust hoods. Page 7 of 9 Revised 3/21/2011 AMJ Created 11/2010 IAQ Check List Building: Spencer Loomis Elementary School Date: November 8, 2013 Building Inspection Performed by: Lyle Erstad Report Compiled by: Lyle Erstad Check List d. Flue components are clean and free of soot. IAQ Check List True False N/A e. All combustion appliances have flues or exhaust hoods and vent NO2. i. If false, inspect cooking hoods, chemical hoods. Assure that cooking stoves and appliances are correctly installed, used, and maintained according to manufacturers’ specifications. ii. If not vented, ensure that “leave-in” CO monitors are placed in room. Record locations here: iii. CO levels in rooms with combustion appliances are measured and recorded with an IAQ monitor. CO readings outside of normal CO range will result in an immediate response by maintenance to reduce CO level or vacating the room/building, if necessary. Record locations here: 9. Other a. Paint No peeling and/or flaking paint found. If planned building renovation will damage paint or if peeling paint is discovered, lead testing may be necessary. If peeling paint is found, send email to the building Principal and the Facilities Director alerting them of the problem. Staff and teachers need to pick up any flakes of paint to prevent children from being exposed. The Facilities Director will advise the Facilities Coordinator (a Certified Lead Paint Renovator) to test the paint for lead. Lead paint was discontinued in 1978. Buildings built after 1978 are exempt from lead paint testing. If lead is present, required repairs should be done immediately using lead-safe methods and, if necessary, a licensed lead contractor. Location(s) of known peeling paint in building: b. The following preventive measures are being taken to reduce lead exposure. i. Play areas and toys are cleaned nightly. ii. Floors are mopped nightly. Page 8 of 9 Revised 3/21/2011 AMJ Created 11/2010 IAQ Check List Building: Spencer Loomis Elementary School Date: November 8, 2013 Building Inspection Performed by: Lyle Erstad Report Compiled by: Lyle Erstad Check List IAQ Check List True False N/A iii. Dust at least weekly. c. Radon testing is recommended by IEMA every 5 years. Last testing date listed below: Date: 12/13/2011 - 12/15/2011; Reading of <1.3 pCi/L (Highest) in the Teacher's Lounge and 115 National concern: 4.0 pCi/L d. The IAQ testing equipment used for this inspection was calibrated and is in good working order. Equipment Used: Gray Wolf Last date of calibration: 1/8/13 Page 9 of 9 Revised 3/21/2011 AMJ Created 11/2010 Spencer Loomis Fall 2013 IAQ Data Site Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Location Date/Time Outdoor Air 10/24/2013 11:24:01 AM 102 A 10/24/2013 1:12:02 PM 106 10/24/2013 12:50:29 PM 107 10/24/2013 12:52:29 PM 108 10/24/2013 1:55:41 PM 109 10/24/2013 1:57:21 PM 110 10/24/2013 1:09:11 PM 111 10/24/2013 12:54:10 PM 113 10/24/2013 12:56:04 PM 114 10/24/2013 12:57:46 PM 115 10/24/2013 1:01:49 PM 116 10/24/2013 12:59:47 PM 200 10/24/2013 1:17:29 PM 202 10/24/2013 1:16:09 PM 203 10/24/2013 1:14:06 PM 204 10/24/2013 1:18:57 PM 205 10/24/2013 1:21:03 PM 207 10/24/2013 1:24:07 PM 208 10/24/2013 2:07:10 PM 209 10/24/2013 1:26:08 PM 210 10/24/2013 1:36:46 PM 211 10/24/2013 1:32:59 PM 212 10/24/2013 1:38:38 PM 213 10/24/2013 1:34:40 PM 214 10/24/2013 1:43:40 PM 215 10/24/2013 1:40:17 PM 216 10/24/2013 1:45:45 PM 217 10/24/2013 1:41:39 PM 218 10/24/2013 1:49:26 PM 219 10/24/2013 1:47:44 PM °F 38 71.2 70.6 71.1 72.9 73.4 71.7 71 71.7 70.2 71.3 70.7 72.2 72.3 72.2 71.9 72.4 72.6 74.4 72.6 72.9 72.9 72.8 72.5 71.8 72.9 72.5 71.2 72.7 72.5 %RH 29.9 19.4 21.4 21.8 19.9 20 20.8 21.8 20.2 20.6 21 21.7 20.7 21 20.7 20.8 20.8 20.4 19.4 20.9 21.3 20.5 20.7 20.6 20.8 20.9 21.3 19.8 21.5 21.2 CO ppm CO2 ppm Occupant 0 404 0 547 26 0 687 24 0 680 22 0 738 16 0 699 16 0 664 22 0 731 18 0 615 16 0 661 23 0 658 15 0 776 19 0 671 1 0 743 4 0 724 2 0 757 6 0 760 5 0 749 2 0 678 24 0 835 17 0 882 25 0 782 25 0 839 19 0 847 22 0 831 22 0 864 20 0 796 27 0 713 17 0 887 26 0 887 23 Window Note Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Conf Room Emmons Library Nurse Reception Office VanArsdale 10/24/2013 2:11:47 PM 10/24/2013 12:46:18 PM 10/24/2013 1:30:35 PM 10/24/2013 12:43:45 PM 10/24/2013 12:41:42 PM 10/24/2013 12:45:14 PM 73.6 70.3 72 70 70.3 70.3 19.7 20.8 18.3 21.4 21.1 21.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 740 534 547 601 548 657 7 1 20 2 6 4 CO2 Formula: 700 + 350 = 1050 (Use 350 ppm when outdoor temp is below 41 degrees). Site Location Date/Time Spencer Loomis Outdoor Air 10/25/2013 12:31:40 PM Spencer Loomis 112 10/25/2013 1:10:51 PM Spencer Loomis Principal 10/25/2013 1:04:29 PM Spencer Loomis staff café 10/25/2013 1:07:50 PM °F 44.4 69.1 68.1 68.5 %RH 28 24.8 25.2 23.7 CO ppm CO2 ppm Occupant 0 401 0 633 12 0 633 1 0 503 1 Window Note °F 51.5 69.9 70.4 71.8 70.8 %RH 45.5 34.1 34.9 36.3 35.2 CO ppm CO2 ppm Occupant 0.7 460 0 492 4 0 558 150 1.5 781 4 0 612 2 Window Note CO2 Formula: 700 + 401 = 1101 Site Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Spencer Loomis Location Date/Time Outdoor Air 10/29/2013 12:35:22 PM 190 10/29/2013 11:08:54 AM Cafeteria 10/29/2013 11:07:28 AM 102 10/29/2013 2:31:05 PM Principal 10/29/2013 11:10:25 AM CO2 Formula: 700 + 460 = 1160