Spencer Loomis
Hawthorn Woods, IL
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ch an ge t h e wo r ld. ” M a n de la
Mrs. Slaters’ Friday Note!
Dear Parents,
Thank you for the most incredible gestures of love and effort this week. I have been flooded
with heartfelt acts of kindness! Have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones, and as always, be
*MAP testing will partake for the final session this upcoming Monday. Your little learners’ scores will
be available within the upcoming weeks!
This Week’s Highlights
Upcoming Events
Reading –
As we dove deeper i nto Poetry this week, the students
l earned that i t is important to read all the way through all of the stanzas in
a poem in order to understand the a uthor’s message. They a lso learned to
us e other s trategies to gain meaning while reading poetry, s uch as
vi s ualizing and reading aloud. Sometimes, deeper understanding ca n
come from reading multiple poems in a collection too!
Writing – Thi s week students learned to use descriptive language to
express themselves i n their poetry. Word choice i s very i mportant when
onl y wri ting a few powerful lines! They wrote shape poems, a crostic
poems, simile poems, and rhyming poems to help create just the right
mes sage a nd mood for their readers.
Math – The students showed how much they learned on
the Module 10 Post-Test. They used their strategies to
compose and decompose numbers, add 3-digit numbers,
and identify the attributes of polyhedrons. The students
then learned how to turn-around many of those same
strategies to begin subtracting from 3-digit numbers.
Science – The students investigated animals and
their traits this week to answer the big question:
How are animals alike and different? Did you
know that there are many groups of animals
that share similar traits?
Star Student Status
Congratulations to Maya Lupinski for
surpassing her star student status with her
kindness and gentle manners towards others.
Maya has out forth great effort into
promoting a positive attitude within and
outside of the classroom. She takes
initiative on assignments and enjoys a good
challenge! Way to go, Maya!
May 9th – MAP testing
May 13th – High Tech High Touch Visit
May 20th – Early Release – Children are
dismissed at 12:50 PM
May 27th- Early Release – Children are
dismissed at 12:50 PM
June 3rd – Last day of school
*Please check out the newest Class Dojo
videos and posts to listen to Roominate
presentations given by your little learners.
Though not everyone felt comfortable
presenting, all students contributed their ideas
and brilliant engineering to create their
Star Student Status
Marcos Farias has earned his star student
status by focusing on the power of yet
throughout this school year. Marcos is a funny
character who is always smiling and aims to
He is a joy to be around and takes pride in
battling peers with the Rubrix Cube! Keep up
the great work, Marcos!