The Comet Academy Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

The Comet Academy
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
The Comet Academy has the unique mission of identifying and meeting the instructional, social,
and emotional needs of small populations of students. The services include intervention
programs as well as enrichment activities.
It is not the goal to necessarily create new programs and services but to ensure students and
needed service meet to improve the academic and social growth of the individual. A unique
range of programs are in place including the STARS FRYSC and the Student Support Services
STARS FRYSC addresses 11 core components to reduce barriers to education. Programming
throughout the year addresses drug education, student motivation, PALS, and individual
student needs. The Student Support Services Coordinator has a focus on increasing, supporting,
and sustaining parental involvement. The Student Support Services Coordinator coordinates the
ASAP program that is community-wide effort to support anti-drug and anti-tobacco through
healthy living.
Unique programs such as the alternative room to meet short and long term needs of some
learners are in existence. The Carlisle County Virtual High School is an on-line curriculum to
assist students in completing the high school diploma requirements. The Secondary GED
programs targets students at-risk of dropping out to support their efforts to obtain a GED
without withdrawing from school.
Carlisle Students Investigate is an after-school and summer program to provide enrichment
activities to students in grades 6-10. Summer feeding program is offered by the School Food
Services that provides free meals during the summer to students up to the age of 18.
The Director of Pupil Personnel is the coordinator of The Comet Academy. The DPP coordinates
with the various programs to attempt to meet the needs of identified students. This may
include identifying new services. Other programs directly serving the needs of small
populations include Home & Hospital instruction, credit recovery provided in SuccessLabs, and
two school nurses.