Document 14168306

Claudia Mall, Principal
TEACH and inspire, LEARN continuously, SERVE responsibly at Sarah Adams.
Cultivating responsible, caring citizens in a global community.
PARCC State Mandated Tests
All Sarah Adams third, fourth and fifth grade students will
participate in PARCC tests between April 5th and April 29th.
Students will take three reading/language arts tests and four
math tests.
We appreciate your cooperation in making sure your
child is in school on those days unless they are ill. Please do not
schedule vacations as well as doctor or dentist appointments on
these days.
ALL students are required to take these sate mandated
Don’t Forget!
Spring Break
March 25th—April 1st
Parent Book Discussion,
5:30 SA Library
4th grade field trip,
Elgin Symphony
5th Grade Manners Lunch
All District Science Fair,
8-Noon, MSS
20-22 5th Grade Students to Taft
tests, so if a student is absent they will need to make them up
upon their return.
Club Corner
upcoming club dates
Computer Coding Club —
Mondays—April 4, 11, 18, 25
Yearbook Club —
April 13, 27
It’s time to get those bikes out and ready for
spring riding! And take out your comfy walking
shoes! Every day can be a bike or walk to school
day at Sarah Adams. Why not start tomorrow? Wake up your
brain before school starts so that its ready for learning. Did you
know that exercise is good for brain function?
The Science Fair is Coming to Town
Lake Zurich CUSD 95 will be hosting our 8th annual Science Fair on Saturday, April 16, 2016 sponsored by the District 95 Educational Foundation.
The objective of this event is to excite our students about science. Participation is open to all K-8 students including District 95 students, parochial and private school students, and home schooled students. This event will be both educational and fun.
Talk with your child about participating in the science fair. Sign up has been extended to April 12th at
11:30, so sign up now to ensure your spot! Visit the website below for registration information.
Sarah Adams Elementary School
Tel: 847. 438-5986
Fax: 847. 438-7740
Buddy’s PTO Buzz
President’s Note
What a great time was had by all at the Silent Auction and
Trivia Night! Laura Rogers and Christina Sachs topped
themselves yet again. People —-there was some karaoke!!
And our Sarah Adams parents in attendance hit our goal and
then some. Fun and successful- doesn't get better than that!
Have a wonderful and relaxing Spring Break. Please take a
look at the Open Slate for volunteer opportunities for next
year. Lots of ways to help lend a hand!
- Emily Niepomnik (SA PTO President)
Yearbook! The deadline for having your personal
pages completed is the end of April! Each book includes a
free 2-page spread to customize however you like. It's the
best way to make sure your child's picture is included in the
Yearbook! When uploading pictures for your free personal
page, be sure you upload that photo as "Private". To do this,
go to your personal folders, click on "add photo", and you
can set your privacy setting to "Only me/Private". Yearbooks
can still be ordered from for $15 per
book! The school code is: 1013788267072150. If you have
questions, please contact Rebekah Morrison
at, or Suzanne Hilton
April 4-15
Spring Box Top Contest
April 5th—Variety Show
Forms DUE
April 7th— Variety Show
April 11th—PTO Meeting
at 6:30 in library
April 28th - Variety Show
Dress Rehearsal
April 29th— Variety
May 3-5—Spring BOGO
Book Fair
May 5—Open House
May 9-13—Teacher Appreciation Week
Variety Show! If you haven’t gotten your Variety Show permission slip in yet,
there is still time! We are extending the deadline to Tuesday, April 5th! Try outs
are April 7th after school, dress rehearsal is April 28th after school, and the show
will be the evening of April 29th!
Permission slips are available by clicking HERE
PTO Mission Statement:
The Sarah Adams Elementary School PTO will actively collaborate with the school community to support the common goals of parents and teachers by
enhancing the educational process and providing additional academic and recreational opportunities to assist in making each child feel valued, chal-
If you would like to receive PTO related information via email, please contact
Buddy’s PTO Buzz
Silent Auction/Trivia
Night! A HUGE thank you goes out
to our head co-chairs, Laura Rogers
and Christina Sachs, who put an
amazing event once again! The Silent
Auction was a wonderfully successful
night, raising over $10,000 for recess
equipment and playground enhancements! Thanks to all who donated,
volunteered their time, and bid on
Check out the SA PTO
website for these flyers!
Variety Show information
How to Raise an Adult
Book Discussion Information
Manna Order Form
Benefit Mobile App Information
Click Here to go there directly!
Spring Box Tops Contest! Our Spring Box Top Contest will run
from 4/4 through 4/15. The family that submits the most Box Tops will win
a $25 Manna gift card of their choice! Please mark baggies with your oldest child’s teacher.
Help Needed for Next Year’s Slate! As we make way for next year, there
are tons of opportunities to help lend a hand. Take a look at our Open Positions and grab a friend to pitch
in! Click here to see what is available!
Next PTO Meeting: Monday, April 11
All parents are invited to attend our PTO meeting held at 6:30 in the school library. Babysitting is available!
Please contact Emily Niepomnik at if you would like to take advantage of
babysitting services so we know how many volunteers to have on hand. Hope to see you there! Can’t
make it? Minutes are posted to the PTO web site a few days after each meeting. Take a look to catch up
on what you missed!
Click Here for Minutes
If you would like to receive PTO related information via email, please contact