PARRAF Call for Projects 2013

PARRAF Call for Projects 2013
For further information, please contact:
Mr Antoine Bricout, DPF/AIRD on +33 (0)4 91 99 94 45
Mrs Penda Bary, DPF/AIRD on +33 (0)1 48 02 55 00
The application is divided into two
An Excel form containing the
following Excel worksheets:
Summary sheet
Mobility Plan Year 1 sheet
Research_Coord sheet
Research_Partner2 sheet
A Word document containing 12
1. Excel Form
Scientific context and current practice
Goals and results expected, activities and time frame
Mobility Plan
Budget and reasoned justification
Information on the added value by integrating the project
into the network
Coordination of the project
Presentation of partners
Research project in progress
Training requirements identified
Supervision of students
Signed CV of the project coordinator and their North or
South partner
Explanatory note
Summary sheet:
Part 1: complete the information concerning the research
team applying for funding and its partner (South OR North)
Part 2: only the direct beneficiary (see terms of reference of
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the call for projects) may sign the global funding request in
Part 2
Research_Coord sheet:
Part 3.1: operating costs should be understood in the
strictest sense of the term (laboratory products, field study
costs, miscellaneous consumables, etc.)
Part 3.2: equipment costs are capped at 40%
Part 3.3: costs relating to the partnership are limited to 20%
of the budget (coordination assignments, inter-team
meetings, etc.). Management costs are limited to 10%
The maximum budget is €30,000 per project. PARRAF does not
pay for major equipment (> €12,000).
Background (2 pages maximum): In this section, describe
the scientific context and current practice, as well as the
political environment and development challenges (Uemoa,
Ceeac, etc.) that surround the network project
2. Word Document
It contains the sections
Goals and results expected, activities and time frame
(10 pages maximum): This section should clarify the
publication plan – publication in peer-reviewed scientific
journals should not cause journals aimed at a wider
audience to be neglected. The cost of publication covering
rights in subscription-based journals must be included in
the budget
Mobility (2 pages maximum): In this section, provide a
general presentation of the Mobility Plan, which will be
funded outside of the budget reserved for the Research
Budget and justification of the funding request (2 pages
maximum): In this section, provide information to justify the
funding request made in Part 3 of the "Research_Coord"
sheet of the Excel form
Value added by integrating the project into the network
(1 page maximum): In the case of a research project
affiliated with an already identified network, describe the
additional benefits that the network would enjoy by
integrating the team that is applying
Coordination of the project (1 page maximum)
Presentation of the partners (1 page maximum per
Research project in progress (1 page maximum)
Training requirements identified (2 pages maximum):
Provide details of forecasts in terms of training (supervision
of doctoral students, training of junior researchers, etc.)
Supervision of students (2 pages maximum): In this
section, describe the research work carried out as part of
coursework leading to a diploma – PhDs, Diplômes
d'Etudes Approfondies (DEAs) or Master's degrees – over
the past five years for each partner
Signed CV of the project coordinator and their North or
South partner
Explanatory note
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The application shall be created under the responsibility of the project coordinator. They will be the
preferred contact person for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Executive Secretariat of the
Parraf programme.
The application must be submitted via e-mail by 18 March 2013 at the latest to:
Should you encounter problems when submitting the application, an electronic version of the application on a CD or floppy disk
may be sent by post to the Executive Secretariat (date as per postmark)
Explanatory note
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The following declaration must be signed by the coordinator of each team associated with the project being
submitted. Furthermore, it shall be stamped and signed by the manager of the establishment (person
authorised to sign a contract).
I …, the undersigned, certify that the information provided in the application responding to the PARRAF call for
projects is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and assure the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the
Agence Inter-Etablissement de Recherche pour le Développement (AIRD) that this application was granted
approval from the authorities to whom I report, as well as their commitment to support the project.
I confirm the commitment of the ….. team to the ….. project.
In the event that the project is selected, I undertake to:
- carry out, within the periods stipulated in the project documents, the actions required by the project
from the date on which funding is announced
- complete the project with participation from external teams, a list of which is included in the project
- implement all scientific, academic and material resources required for the completion of the project
- allocate the funding obtained, where applicable, exclusively for the completion of the project in
accordance with the funding commitment submitted to the PARRAF selection committees and, in the
event of partial completion of the project, I undertake to repay the remaining balance of the sums
received from the AIRD
- send the project coordinator and the AIRD a technical report and a report on the use of funding signed
by the Finance Department of my institution for each instalment received
- mention the support provided by the PARRAF programme in my communication concerning the
assisted project and its results
I therefore request that the project be submitted to the PARRAF programme committees.
Project name:
Project coordinator:
Name and position of the team coordinator signing:
Date and signature of the team coordinator:
Stamp and signature of the manager of the Name:
establishment to which the team coordinator belongs:
Explanatory note
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