Turkey In The Straw |----Intro 3 3/4 Measures----|

Turkey In The Straw
|----Intro 3 3/4 Measures----|
As___ I was go-in' down the road with a wag-on team and a heav-y load.
I___ cracked my whip and the hors-es ran I___ yelled "Yee-Haw," and the fun be-gan.
Tur-key in the straw_____________
Tur-key in the straw_____________
Tur-key in the hay_____________
Tur-key in the hay.
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuck-a-haw, and hit 'em with a tune called
Turkey in the Straw.
|----Rest 3 3/4 Measures----|
I came to the riv_____er______.
Oh I came to the riv-er and I
could-n't get a-cross
I came to the riv_____er______.
so I paid five dol-lars for an
old blind horse.
I came to the riv_____er______.
Oh he wouldn't go a-cross and he
would-n't stand still so he
went up and down like an
Like an old saw mill.
old saw mill
Tur-key in the straw_____________
Tur-key in the straw_____________
Tur-key in the hay_____________
Tur-key in the hay.
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuck-a-haw, and hit 'em with a tune called
Turkey in the Straw.
|----Rest 3 3/4 Measures----|
Old Mac-Don-ald had a horse,
And that old horse was blind of course.
But the horse sang
Tur-key in the straw_____________
Tur-key in the hay_____________
Old Mac-Don-ald had a horse.
Old Mac-Don-ald had a horse.
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuck-a-haw, and hit 'em with a tune called
Turkey in the Straw.
|----Rest 3 3/4 Measures----|
Tur-key in the straw_____________
Tur-key in the straw_____________
Tur-key in the hay_____________
Tur-key in the hay.
Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuck-a-haw, and
Hit 'em with a tune
Hit 'em with a tune
Hit 'em with a tune called
Tur_______key_______ in________ the_________
Yee Haw!