Identifying Prepositional Phrases 

Mr. Sinkinson, p.
English 9
Identifying Prepositional Phrases
A preposition is a word that shows the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to some
other word in the sentence. A preposition never stands alone in a sentence. It is
always followed by a noun or a pronoun that is called the object of the preposition. All
together a preposition, its object, and the object's modifiers (if there are any) make up
a prepositional phrase.
A prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun is an adjective phrase.
A prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb is an adverb phrase.
An adverb phrase answers the questions How? When? Where? or To what extent?
In each sentence:
1. Underline the prepositional phrase.
2. Draw an arrow to the word it modifies.
3. Label the part of speech of the word being modified.
4. On the blank, write ADJ or ADV to identify what kind of prepositional phrase it is.
Last night I had a dream about a strange castle.
As I remember, I was walking down a long hall.
On either side were beautiful statues.
Suddenly, a little man with a long beard called my name.
He asked me to follow him through the wall.
The wall before me was solid and hard.
The man disappeared before my eyes.
I decided his request was impossible and continued my walk toward a tiny door.
The door had a small lock with a tiny key.
10. After I opened the door, I stepped into a dark forest.
11. People always park on this street when it is rush hour.
12. During those long summer afternoons, we read many books.
13. The family camped beside the clear lake.
14. I found an old photo of my great-grandmother.
15. I know little about any flowers.
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