FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Michael Egan FROM: Jodi Wirt and Crystal Steker DATE: August 28, 2014 SUBJECT: Mobile Learning Initiative Update PURPOSE OF REPORT: Informational BACKGROUND: The Technology Department and building administrators and administrative assistants distributed 2129 iPads to middle and high school students over the course of 8 days in August. This left only 23 to be distributed to middle school students and 70 for the HS. Having such a high percentage of students “IPad ready” for the first day of school maximizes instructional time. To support teachers in planning on how to utilize the iPad with their students, the Curriculum Office offered the following professional development opportunities: iPad Blaster June 26-27, 2014 46 participants This two day workshop on iPad provided opportunities to explore a variety of apps and ideas for how these apps might be used in the learning process. The training included conversations about the use of multimedia, improving workflow, recommended apps, classroom “best practices”, and more. Connecting Curriculum and Technology August 13-14, 2014 55 participants Participants spent two days of training focused on Understanding by Design as a curricular framework, the power of inquiry across the curriculum. The workshop focused on how the iPad provides teachers and students with the opportunity to: Pursue in depth questions generated during the learning process Use essential questions and planning for students to use the iPad to investigate, curate, collaborate and communicate Explore how Google Apps assists us in meeting the Common Core Standards Use SAMR to migrate practice Develop new classroom project The Connected Educator – Began June 30, 2014 13 participants This 6 week, online course promoted autonomy and choice in learning with a focus on the range of applications that can be used in the new 1 to 1 classroom environments. Each participant created 3-5 job-embedded projects for their classroom along with a mini portfolio of work to celebrate success. Some project options included: iPad Apps for Education Google Apps FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT Multimedia Web Publishing Online and Blended Learning Social Media and Professional Learning Communities August 22- Opening Day Institute- Utilizing Canvas 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. All secondary teachers were provided the level of support that met their needs. We were able to offer these sessions thanks to our Technology Integration Specialists as well as some of our faculty who were willing to share their expertise. Sessions were offered for: Session Description First time users Anyone who had not yet logged into Canvas or set up classes meet with Alice, Emily and Relton to get started. Exporting/importing preexisting content This session was for anyone who may have created a free Canvas account and needed to transfer (input and export) content from the free account or Moodle. – Peter Kupfer, Marcia Day & Jackie Haney were available to help with this process. Creating new content This session was for anyone who had set up classes but needed help with the basics- how to create the syllabus/assignments/ pages - Beth Schoo , Libby Reimann, Eric Hamilton, and Brian Agustin were available to assist individuals. Independent team work on Canvas This session was for teams who were ready to create content to add to the course. Teams used this time to collaborate to create/design/ plan for opening week or the first unit. Learning Management System: Canvas One of the ways we are measuring the effectiveness of these trainings is through the use of the Learning Management System- Canvas. Last Spring, after a 3 month search, a districtwide Committee selected Canvas as the tool that would best fit our environment. Why do we need a Learning Management system? Many teachers were using a variety of resources including Moodle and Edmodo which meant students were navigating multiple sites or resources. It was suggested that we could work more efficiently as we explored how to use technology to deepen student understanding of content. A LMS is one way to enhance our use of technology while moving to simplify the number of resources we expect students to learn and use. Canvas is a web-based teaching system that can be used by teachers and students anytime, anywhere and with multiple devices in order to access learning content. Some of the features teachers will use in Canvas are: FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT Multiple ways to deliver content through posting documents, embedding multimedia links, creating video or audio recorded messages Provide feedback on assignments through written, video or audio messages Communicate to students by using course notifications- calendar updates, due dates, posting assignments or announcements, or discussion replies Provide students with collaborative workspaces using GoogleDocs, threaded discussions, gathering for realtime chats or web conferencing, etc… Provide students with a variety of tools to demonstrate understanding Speedgrader which allows teachers to give audio and/or written feedback to students Using the Canvas API, we developed custom programming which integrates Canvas with our student management system, eSchool. Each teacher has the ability to push course and students from eSchool to Canvas and then to push grades and assignments from Canvas to eSchool. By the end of the day on August 25th, there were: 327 137 1,143 1,576 142 3,841 6 Courses Teachers Students Assignments Discussion Files Media Topics Uploaded Recordings FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: The district paid $30,000 for teacher stipends and $14,000 for the development and facilitation of the workshops. These expenses were budgeted in the Curriculum and Instruction Office’s budget. The Learning Management system is an annual cost of $53,000 and is budgeted through the Mobile Learning Initiative 1B.