Document 14165532

Lake Zurich Community Unit School District #95
Board of Education
Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting
February 11, 2016 – 6:15 PM
Lake Zurich High School, Lake Zurich, IL
300 Church St., Lake Zurich, Illinois
Board President Doug Goldberg called the meeting to order at 6:17 p.m.
A call of the roll showed members present: Ms. Kathy Brown, Mr. Doug Goldberg, Mr. Chris Ketcham, Mr. Tony
Schneider and Ms. Lisa Warren. Members Absent: Ms. Eileen Maloney and Mr. Scott McConnell.
Public Comments
There were no comments from the public.
Small Auditorium Presentation – DLA Architects
Steve Wright updated the Board on the feedback received from the High School staff and students regarding the
design of the small auditorium space. A rendering of what the space might look like was presented. High School
students Grace Williams and Collin Rasbin provided the student’s perspective of the design.
Employee Incentive Program
This item was tabled; the Board will not pursue this project further.
Data Sharing Agreement
Lake Zurich CUSD 95 has been asked to enter into an intergovernmental shared data agreement with the College
of Lake County. This agreement would meet the requirements set forth by Institutional Review Boards (IRB) for
educational research and will abide by both the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the
Illinois School Student Records Act (ISSRA) to protect the privacy of students’ education records. The College of
Lake County will analyze and correlate student Grade Point Average (GPA), course placement, and course
success for students shared by participating institutions. A report will be developed and shared with participating
institutions comparing high school course sequence and subsequent CLC course success in attempts to better
develop a student profile for students who are placed into development and/or college level courses at CLC. Upon
completion of the study, CLC will destroy/delete datasets shared from District 95. The Board had some questions
regarding this agreement. The administration will invite a representative from CLC to attend the February 25,
2016 Board of Education meeting when the Board will take action on this item.
Cash Flow
Cash flow projections for FY16 were presented. The months of July through December represent actual figures
reconciled to the cash at the end of the month. Projections were made for January through June.
Quarterly Financial Report
Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations, provided the revenue and expenditures
comparing the budget to actuals through the second quarter of the FY16. Overall the reports are similar to
previous years.
Property Tax Appeal with the Village of Lake Zurich
The Village of Lake Zurich sent a letter to the District regarding a property appeal that has reached the Property
Tax Appeal Board level. The Village has filed as an intervenor on these two petitions and they contacted the
District’s administration to see if we would be willing to enter into a cost sharing agreement for these specific
appeals as well as entering into an agreement for future interventions. The Village of Lake Zurich has recently
approved a Resolution Authorizing Intervention in all 2014 through 2016 Tax Appeals before the Lake County
Board of Review and the State of Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board.
The appeal for 477 Rand Road and 696-728/744-888 South Rand Road are two separate appeals. They are
owned by one property owner. The impact of a decision at the Property Tax Appeal Board level of a favorable
determination for the property owner means that the tax dollars are returned to the property owner in a future tax
year as a deduction to the taxes remitted to the taxing body receives. There is not any recalculation to redistribute
the burden. If the property owner prevailed on both petitions it would mean that the District would be required to
Meeting of the Committee of the Whole, Open Session February 11, 2016
return $214,429.50 plus interest. The Board directed the administration to enter into a cost sharing agreement
with the Village.
FBG Contract Renewal
The current three year contract with FBG for custodial services will expire on June 30, 2016. The current base
contract is $1,213,396.20. The administration is recommending that we extend the contract for an additional year.
With the Affordable Care Act, FBG has been required to provide insurance to their full-time employees, which was
not part of their initial bid. They have requested that we increase the contract based on the current cost of the
benefit to create a new base number. Then for subsequent years they would be eligible for an increase of the new
bases. Current insurance costs are $50,920.80. The proposed contract amount would be $1,213,396.20 x .7%
(CPI) = $1,221,889.97 + $50,920.80 = $1,272,810.77. The Board will be asked to approve the FBG Contract
Renewal at the February 25, 2016 meeting.
Food Service Point of Service Contract
The business office, technology and food service staff have been reviewing software options to replace the
current point of service software for our food service program. The current software is being phased out and will
no longer be supported. The first choice of the team was PushCoin from Geneva, Illinois. PushCoin is a relatively
new company that has designed a sophisticated Point of Sale and accountability system with the parents in mind.
It meets the need of the school district with ease of implementation and customization options but it really sets
itself apart in the parent interface. There is no initial hardware or software cost for the system to District 95.
PushCoin is compensated per transaction. The fee per transaction is $.10 or 1.5% whichever is less. For free and
reduced lunches the cost per transaction is $.00675. This fee can be absorbed in our current lunch program
pricing structure. If approved by the Board the target for implementation will be April. The Board will be asked to
approve the PushCoin Contract at the February 25, 2016 meeting.
Non-Resident Tuition Rate
Illinois School Code states that only those students who are residents of the District may attend a district’s
schools on a tuition free basis. In some cases students are accepted for enrollment on a tuition paying basis, and
the School Code allows for collection of those payments calculated as follows: “tuition in an amount not exceeding
110% of the per capita cost of maintaining the schools of the district for the preceding year.” The Annual Financial
Report dated June 30, 2015 shows that 110% of the per capita tuition cost is $13,996.94 ($12,233.72 last year).
The administration recommends that the Board approve the Non-Resident Tuition Rate for 2016-2017 in the
amount of &13,996.94 at the February 25, 2016 meeting.
Facilities Usage Fees 2016-2017
Annually the Board approves the facility usage fees paid by groups to use the District’s facilities. This month we
will be considering the fees for the Performing Art Center. The amount paid by groups is based on their
classification. We are not recommending any change to our pricing structure. The administration recommends
that the Board approve the Facilities Usage Fees for 2016-2017 as recommended at the February 25, 2016
Facilities Usage Fees 2016-2017
Board Policy 6:240 requires prior approval of the Board for any field trip in which students will travel beyond a
200-mile radius of the school or which extends overnight. The following proposed trip falls under these guidelines:
Lake Zurich High Girls Softball Trip, March 29 – April 1, 2016; Bloomington, IL. The Board will be asked to
approve the field trip request in the consent agenda at the February 25, 2016 meeting.
Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings
Board Policy 2:220, Board of Education Meeting Procedures requires that all closed session meetings be audio
recorded. After 18 months have passed from the date of the meeting, the audio recording of a closed session is
destroyed provided the Board approved the written minutes of that closed session and also approved the
destruction of the audio recording. At this time there are 11 recordings of closed session meetings that are eligible
to be destroyed. The Administration recommends that the Board approve the destruction of eligible audio tapes of
closed session meetings at the February 25, 2016 meeting.
Meeting of the Committee of the Whole, Open Session February 11, 2016
Release of Closed Session Minutes
Board Policy 2:220, Board of Education Meeting Procedures – E3 Closed Meeting Minutes and the Open
Meetings Act requires public bodies to periodically, but no less than semi-annually, review minutes of all closed
sessions. The Administration recommends the review of minutes held as “closed” and release those that can be
made available for public inspection at the February 25, 2016 Board meeting
As there were no further items on the agenda, Mr. Goldberg asked to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m. Ms.
Warren motioned, seconded by Mr. Ketcham. Voice vote - Motion Carried.
Mr. Doug Goldberg
President, Board of Education
C.U.S.D. #95, Lake Zurich, IL
Ms. Lisa Warren
Secretary, Board of Education
C.U.S.D. #95, Lake Zurich, IL
Respectfully submitted, Celia Schneider, Board Clerk,
Date Minutes Approved by the Board of Education
Date Minutes Made Available for Public Inspection
Date Minutes Posted on the District Website
Meeting of the Committee of the Whole, Open Session February 11, 2016