Digestive System Digestive Tract  begins with ______________________ Digestion occurs _____________________________

Digestive System
Digestive Tract  begins with ______________________
Digestion occurs _____________________________
Enzymes for digestion are found in __________________
Enzymes break down______________, ____________,
and________________________. These smaller
molecules are used by_______________________.
The Mouth
Mouth is lined with_________________________, which
are connected to the brain via ________________
_____________________________also contribute to our
sense of taste
Most humans have _____________________
Each tooth consists of a __________________which is
dense with_____________, and the__________, which is
rich with _____________________________
Dental ________________ are caused by ____________on
the tooth that _______________________which erode the
Fluoride _____________________________________
Parts of the Mouth
Hard palate___________________________. Found
toward the _____________________________
Soft palate  __________________________of the mouth
that __________________________
Salivary glands  _________________found at the side of
the ____________________and
_______________(little___________________). Saliva
contains__________________, an enzyme which begins
the _______________________________
After physical ________________and some chemical
digestion, food in the mouth is mixed into a____________
___________________, which is then swallowed
The pharynx is the crossroads between the ___________
Once food is swallowed, the _____________moves back to
cover the________________; the trachea presses against
The esophagus is a tube that conducts food from the _____
The esophagus is covered by ___________________that
help the food ___________________________
Smooth muscles in the esophagus _________________to
push the food along, these contractions are _____________
Food passes through to the ______________and enters
through the _______________________
Sphincter muscles are ____________________________
The valve ______________________________________
If the valve doesn’t_________________, contents of the
stomach _______________________________________
The Stomach
Stomach is a __________________on the left side of the
body below the ___________________
The stomach has many________, which expand when food
is inside (____)
Inside the ________________of the stomach are
many________________, which secrete the enzyme
HCl is present in __________________________(pH =__).
It breaks down ________________________and also kills
many _______________present in food.
HCl stays in the ____________of the stomach. Mucus lines
the _______________of the stomach, which protects the
wall of the stomach from ____________
Although food is broken down in the stomach, ________
Food leaves the stomach (_______________) in a pasty
form called____________. _____________________ and
enters the_____________________________________.
Small Intestine
Diameter: _________
Length: ______________
What does it do?
 Receives ________________________
 Receives _________________________________
 Absorbes ______________________________________
 1st __________ of the SI is _____________________
 __________________ is released into the __________
and contains ______________________
 _____________________________________
 SI contains small _____________________________
 These projections ____________________ into small,
____________________ that are absorbed into
________________________, which are then
 Active Transport takes __________________ and
passes them _______________________; ______ are
passed into the _____________________________
Large Intestine
Diameter: ________
Length: ___________
What does it do?
Parts of the LI
Cecum: ____________________________________
Appendix: _________________________________
The Colon
Ascending Colon travels up _______________________
Transverse Colon  ______________________________
Descending Colon  _____________________________
Last 20cm _____________________________
Opening at the end of the ___________ is called the _____
_____________ occurs out the anus
What is my Feces?
 ___________________________
 __________________________
 Lots of ________________________ that die in the
presence of oxygen; they also provide us with some
Caused by ____________________________________
In the case of infection, __________________________
 Feces are ______________________
 Usually caused by ______________________; body
 Laxatives usually make a ______________________
 Milk of _____________________________________
Accessory Organs of the Digestive System
Pancreas lies deep___________________; on posterior
______________; _________ organ
Produces ________________, which contains enzymes that
Pancreatic fluid flows through ______________________
The Liver
 _________________ in the body
 Located in the _______________________________
 Liver produces almost _____________________
 Bile is sent to the _____________________________
 Bile salts (____________________) _______________
__________________ are broken down my pancreatic juice
Liver & Blood Filtration
Once nutrients are have been absorbed by the ___________,
they are sent to the _________________________________
Liver _____________, removing ____________________; then
sends the _________________________________
 Liver removes __________________________________
 Liver, in times of need, can ________________________
 Liver _________________________________________
Liver tissue turns to __________________; no longer ________
Caused by excessive ____________________________
Digestive Enzymes
 Amylase: Found ____________________________
 Pepsin: found ________________________________
 Pancreatic amylase: found _________________________
 Trypsin: made by ____________________________
 Lipase: made by ____________________________
 Peptidase & Maltase; secreted ____________________
Hormones of the Digestive System
 Gastrin: found __________________________________
 Secretin: found ___________________________________
 Cholescystokinin (CCK); found ____________________