Name Law of Conservation: Kinetic and Potential Energy Directions

Name: _____________________________
Law of Conservation: Kinetic and Potential Energy
Skiing Accident (Glacier Fall)
Directions: You will be able to use this sheet as an example to do Kinetic and Potential Energy
calculations where an object freefalls, but does NOT LAND on the ground. This problem will be complex
and require multiple types of unit conversions so if you can handle this problem, you will be in good
~What is the equation that relates the Law of Conservations of Energy to Free-Fall situations with
Kinetic and Potential Energy? Write it out below
SITUATION DETAILS: The mountain is 1000ft (305m) tall, and he and his equipment total 200lbs(91kg).
When Stefan falls off the wrong side of the mountain, he finally comes to rest about 35 meters from the
#1) What is Stefan Ager’s Potential and Kinetic Energy at the top of the Mountain?
#2) What is Stefan Ager’s Potential and Kinetic Energy at the bottom of the fall?
#3) What is the velocity of the skier as he hits the bottom?