Marketing in Today’s World CHAPTER 13 BRAINSTORM Why were you able recall the name of these companies based solely on the corporate logo? Marketing Essentials Chapter 13.1 The Basics of Marketing Market Marketing The Functions of Marketing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Distribution Financing Marketing Information Management Pricing Product/Service Management Promotion Selling The Marketing Mix Create the graphic organizer in your notes as shown on the board. Product Price Place Promotion Product Demand Appeal to customers Design, color, size, brand name, etc. Place Channel Direct of distribution distribution Indirect distribution Price Break-even How point much are customers willing to pay? Is the price competitive with other products? Can the company make a profit? Promotion INCLUDES Product Billions advertising awareness of dollars spent In your notes, create a marketing mix for the product below. Facebook Example PRODUCT Social Allows media networking site user to share photos, messages, and personal information Facebook Example PLACE Internet Any device that allows online access Facebook Example PRICE Free for individual users Companies must pay for advertising to individual users Facebook Example PROMOTION Word of mouth Icons/links on business websites In your notes, create a marketing mix for the product below. Oreo Example PRODUCT Cookie Always Iconic shown with milk blue packaging Oreo Example PLACE Stores Vending machines Oreo Example PRICE Price varies on size and product Family pack, regular, or individual servings Oreo Example PROMOTION TV commercials Co branding Interactive website In your notes, create a marketing mix for the product below. Most Recent Home Game Warriors Game Example PRODUCT Sporting Event (Basketball) Sunday, March 7th– Orlando, Magic Entertainment and fun Warriors Game Example PLACE Oracle Arena Oakland, Sports CA TV Channels Warriors Game Example PRICE Price will vary based on location while watching the event At home (little expense), at the game – will vary based on location in the arena (more expensive than at home, need a ticket) Warriors Game Example PROMOTION TV commercials Billboards Interactive Google Radio website Market Research and Product Development Chapter 13.2 Market Research The gathering and analysis of information on the size, location, and makeup of a market. Market concept – determining the wants and needs of customers and providing them more efficiently and effectively than competitors. Information About Consumers Demographics Target Marketing Market Segmentation 7 Steps of Product Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Generate Ideas Screen Ideas Develop a Business Plan Develop the Product Test-Market the Product Introduce the Product Evaluate Consumer Acceptance