WHO RULES? Definitions Terms

_____1. Rule by none
A. Direct Democracy
_____2. Rule by a single person who gained power through force
B. Representative Democracy
_____3. Rule by a king or queen
C. Monarchy
_____4. Rule by the citizens without representatives
D. Anarchy
_____5. Rule by the people with elected representatives
E. Dictatorship
Circle the type of government that is described by each clue.
6. Students vote on the class period for “Stall Day.” (Democracy or Dictatorship)
7. The ruler of a country threatens to beat up anyone who doesn’t vote for him in the next
election. (Democracy or Dictatorship)
8. You are invited by your community association to attend a meeting to decide where your
community’s playground will be built. (Direct Democracy or Representative Democracy)
9. You vote for a congressman who votes on issues in the legislature. (Direct Democracy or
Representative Democracy)
10. Your ruler is born with their power. (Dictatorship or Monarchy)
Your Opinion
11. Which form of government do you think is the best? ________________________________
12. List two reasons why you think that form of government is the best:
a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________
13. Which form of government do you think is the worst? _______________________________
14. List two reasons why you think that form of government is the worst:
a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________