Dormir = _________________

Esp. 2 – Cap. 6A
Dormir = _________________
Dormir is a STEM-CHANGING verb. The O changes
to UE in every form except for nosotros and vosotros. Conjugate
the verb dormir in the shoe-shaped box below.
Poder = ___________________
Poder is another STEM-CHANGING verb. Once again, the O
changes to UE in every form except nosotros and vosotros.
* Only infinitive forms of verbs may follow the conjugated form
of poder.
Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
Miguel (poder)
Ana (dormir)
Diego y yo (poder)
Margarita (dormir)
Elena y yo (dormir)
Pablo y Julio (poder)
Cristina y tú (poder)
tu hermano menor (dormir)
____ _________
How would you say the following sentences in Spanish?
I sleep in a yellow bed.
He can dance very well.
We sleep a lot.
We can study tonight.
They can watch t.v. with me.