Room 219 Update - Week of November 30, 2015 Dear Families,

Room 219 Update - Week of November 30, 2015
Dear Families,
I hope you had a relaxing Thanksgiving break! Thank you again for taking the time to
meet with me for conferences; it was great to catch up with all of you about your
wonderful kiddos!
Here is what we are working on in our classroom:
Math: Topic 5 begins this week and students will learn more strategies to solve
multiplication and division facts. We will look at identifying patterns in a multiplication
table, and then take this work a step further by using reasoning skills to find missing
numbers in a multiplication table. A strong emphasis will also be put on solving and
writing multiplication and division number stories.
Reading: We wrapped up and celebrated our Character Studies unit right before
Thanksgiving break. Students did a great job of comparing and contrasting both the
book and the movie of Because of Winn-Dixie. Ask your child about the similarities and
differences between the two! This week we begin our Informational Reading unit in
which students will focus on reading to learn. The emphasis in the beginning of the unit
will be on grasping main idea and considering text structure. For your information, the
majority of independent reading done in school during this unit will focus on
nonfiction/informational texts; however, students are still encouraged to read fiction texts
at home on their independent level.
Writing: Our informational writing continues as the focus shifts to revision, revision,
revision! You can help your writer at home by assisting them in fact-checking any facts
they were unsure of in their informational books. Writers will revise by considering how
to break their writing into paragraphs, using checklists and self-assessments, and asking
questions that help the revision process. The week will end with some editing in
preparation to begin final copies next week!
Social Studies: This week students will work hard on researching one of three
communities to create a travel brochure. The brochure needs to include the
community’s natural resources, physical geography, and climate. Ask your child about
the community he or she is researching! Also, a small quiz will be given this Friday on
natural resources, physical geography, and climate; however, students will be able to
use their social studies textbook.
Upcoming Events:
12/11 – Scholastic book orders due
**If you would like any part of your order to be a surprise for holiday gifts, please send
me an email and we can figure out a way to secretly get them to you!
12/24 – School closes for Winter Break
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your
dedication to your child’s education!
Kaylee Viscuso