Document 14148870

 The Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York RAMPS 1948 – 2014 The Earliest OrganizaEon of Medical Physicists in the United States History of RAMPS During the mid 1940’s, physicists associated with medical insEtuEons in the metropolitan New York City region commenced meeEngs to compare instrumentaEon and their measurements of the quanEty of radioacEvity in soluEons in medical use. This was necessary for uniformity, and also for accuracy since the naEonal standard available appeared to be inconsistent. This was just prior to the availability of megavoltage x rays and electrons, and the primary concern of the physicists was associated with the uses of radioacEve nuclides. The clinical uses of iodine-­‐131 and other radionuclides (phosphorus-­‐32, ycrium-­‐90, etc.) were being acEvely explored and agreement on the amount of acEvity being administered was essenEal. Such measurements led to the ‘‘New York Millicurie,” which served a vital purpose. By 1948 the meeEngs of these medical physicists were on a scheduled basis with elected officers and records. Those iniEally acEve in RAMPS included Mones Berman, Hanson Blatz, Carl Braestrup, Giacchino Failla, Sergei Feitelberg, Elizabeth Focht, Hiram Hart, Lillian Jacobson, Robert Loevinger, Leo Marinelli, Eleanor Oshry, Edith Quimby, Edward Siegel, Aaron Yalow, Rosalyn Yalow, and others. This group established the measurement procedure for the ‘‘New York Millicurie,’’ and their meeEngs served both scienEfic and professional funcEons. A consEtuEon was wricen in 1954 by R. Yalow and J. Laughlin, and revised in 1957 by them. RAMPS has conEnued to grow from its modest beginning to a current membership of about 150 and conducts monthly meeEngs which are well acended. Their meeEngs usually include scienEfic presentaEons by a member or guest on physical aspects of treatment, diagnosis, nuclear medicine, or protecEon. Also, a symposium on a perEnent scienEfic topic is held annually. RAMPS welcomed the iniEaEon of the AAPM and became a chapter in it. From J. S. Laughlin and P. N. Goodwin: History of the AAPM 1958–1998, Medical Physics 25(7, part 2): 1240-­‐1241; 1998. Reproduced here with the permission of the AAPM 1948 1958 1965 1968 1973 Major Awards to RAMPS Members Rosalyn Yalow, Founding Member of RAMPS and Charter Member of AAPM, received the 1977 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. RAMPS Presidents Laughlin Schulz 1968 Hart 1969 Orton 1971 Shapiro 1973 St. Germain 1974 Hodara 1975 Astarita 1976 Vacirca 1977 Goodwin 1978 Rothenberg 1979 Marshall 1980 Heller 1981 Chan 1982 Olson 1983 High 1984 Summers 1985 Schoenfeld 1986 Barish 1987 Masterson 1988 Nickoloff 1989 Belanich 1990 Barish-­‐Brownie 1991 Pipman 1992 Fontenla 1993 Kutcher 1994 Riley 1995 DeWyngaert 1996 Galvin 1997 Ling 1998 Obcemea 1999 Anderson 2000 Balter 2001 Belanich 2002 Humm 2003 DeWyngaert 2004 Lo 2005 Lief 2006-­‐07 Mageras 2008 Burman 2009 Wuu 2010 Chang 2011 Sabbas 2012 Lovelock 2013 Cohen 2014 2014 25th Anniversary, NY Academy of Sciences American AssociaEon of Physicists in Medicine was established 10 years later John Robert Hiram Colin Gerald Jean Morris Harry Salvatore Paul Lawrence Christopher MorEmer Bun Arthur Maynard James Alan Robert Mary Ellen Edward Mark Susan Yakov Doracy Gerald Richard J. Keith James C. CliOon Ceferino Lowell Stephen Mark John J. Keith Yeh Chi Eugene Gig Chandra Cheng-­‐Shie Jenghwa Albert Michael Gil’ad 1977 John Laughlin became the President of AAPM AAPM Coolidge Award John S. Edith E. Lowell L. C. CliOon Mary Lou Meurk, John Laughlin Laughlin Quimby Anderson Ling 1974 1977 2000 2004 AAPM Quimby LifeYme Achievement Award Lawrence N. James M. Lawrence E. Howard I. Edward L. Rothenberg Galvin Reinstein Amols Nickoloff 2007 2008 2009 2014 2014 Marvin MD Williams Professional Achievement Award From leO: Edith Quimby, Shirley Quimby, Emma Goodwin, Paul Goodwin, Shirley Epp John S. Edward L. Laughlin Nickoloff 1992 2008 52nd Anniversary of the Failla Memorial lecture RAMPS, in conjuncEon with the Greater New York Chapter of the Health Physics Society, holds the Annual Failla Lecture. The lecturer is an internaEonally known expert on Medical Physics and/or RadiaEon ProtecEon. This year's lecture presented by David W. O. Rogers marked the 52nd Anniversary of the Failla lecture, which honors the memory Of Dr. Failla, a Medical Physics pioneer. Other Failla lecturers over the past 8 years are: Gioacchino Failla (1891-­‐1961) v 
Antone L. Brooks, Ph.D. 2013 C. CliOon Ling, Ph.D. 2012 Michael T. Ryan, Ph.D. 2010 Radhe Mohan, Ph.D. 2009 Lawrence N. Rothenberg, Ph.D. 2008 Above picture from the 2014 John R. Cunningham, Ph.D. 2007 Failla Lecture. StarEng from leO, William F. Hanson, Ph.D. 2006 GNYCHPS president Lori Glander, RAMPS president Gil’ad Cohen, John D. Boice, Ph.D. 2005 and Dr. David W. O. Rogers. AAPM Officers from RAMPS “The Mutants” From leO: Saul Harris, Joyce Davis, Shirley Vickers, Barbara Heller, Mort Heller In 1968, in order to assist the training of residents in the various radiological physics specialEes, RAMPS appointed a commicee to prepare an examinaEon on radiological physics. This examinaEon was administered on a voluntary basis to radiological residents in the New York City area at a session held at the New York Academy of Medicine with the cooperaEon of the New York Roentgen Ray Society. The response was so enthusiasEc that this examinaEon has become an annual event. It is now being used throughout the United States through the courtesy of RAMPS and of the AAPM. In recent years, separate examinaEons for DiagnosEc Radiology and RadiaEon Oncology have been produced. Teaching has always been an important acEvity of the medical physicist in his/her insEtuEon and the establishment of this examinaEon procedure was a method of assisEng the educaEon of residents in the physical aspects of radiology. Gathering of RAMPS Presidents (1988) From LeO: Rob Barish, Maynard High, Alan Schoenfeld, Arthur Olsen, Larry Rothenberg, Jean StGermain, Morris Hodara, Paul Goodwin, Bob Schulz (hidden), Chris Marshall, John Laughlin, Gerry Shapiro, Mort Heller, Mary Ellen Masterson, Ed Nickoloff, Jim Summers RAMPS Membership Categories Emeritus Junior Affiliate AAPM Fellows 6 194 19 AAPM Charter Members 16 3 28 108 42 ACMP Fellows 355 20 0% 20% 71 40% 60% Laughlin Rothenberg Amols Secretary Jean M. St.Germain RAMPS VACIRCA YOUNG INVESTIGATOR SYMPOSIUM Each year RAMPS conducts a Young InvesEgators Symposium named in honor of Salvatore Vacirca, a past RAMPS President. Young InvesEgators are encouraged to submit abstracts for the compeEEon. The speaker judged to have made the best presentaEon is provided funding to acend an AAPM naEonal meeEng. Recent winners are 1st Place Michael Liu* Eric Williams* * Ziad Saleh
Sean Berry*,† Hans Stabenau* Joseph P. Santoro* 2nd Place 3rd Place Year Louise Fanchon* Xin Wang‡ Russell Kincaid* Grace Tang* Machew Mille$ Xuan Zhao§ Xin Wang‡ Oleksandr Dzyubak* Lili Zhou‡ Rachel M. Bartlec* Joseph McNamara* Stewart J. Becker§ 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 * Memorial Sloan Kecering Cancer Center ¥ Mount Sinai Medical Center $ Rensselaer Polytechnic InsEtute 80% 100% RAMPS 1965 1998 2005 1985 THE WINNERS OF THE 2014 VACIRCA YIS AWARD Michael Liu, MS Louise Fanchon, MS Xin Wang, PhD CURRENT RAMPS OFFICERS † Columbia University § New York University ‡ Cornell University Recent RAMPS Symposia 2014 AdapEve RadiaEon Therapy 2013 Focal Therapies 2012 State of the Art in SBRT 2011 Novel RadiaEon Detectors and their ApplicaEons in Dosimetry, Imaging and Health Physics 2011 The Nuclear Accident in Fukushima Japan , Co-­‐sponsored by RAMPS 2010 Error PrevenEon and PaEent Safety for RadiaEon Treatment and Diagnosis 2009 60th Anniversary CelebraEon: Past, Present and Future of Medical Physics 2008 InnovaEon & ImplementaEon: Medical Physics in Cancer Care 2007 A Survey of In-­‐Room Image Guided Radiotherapy RAMPS Membership Full President John S. Lawrence N. Howard I. Past President Michael Lovelock, PhD AAPM Board RepresentaYve Yakov M. Pipman, DSc President Gil’ad N. Cohen, MS President Elect Cesar Della-­‐Biancia, PhD della-­‐ Treasurer Sandra Fontenla, MS Secretary Li Cheng Kuo, PhD We would like to thank the following RAMPS members for their contribuEons to make this poster possible: L. Rothenberg, J. Jeong, Z. Saleh, J. Sillanpaa, J. St. Germain, C. Marshall, D. Fontenla, Y. Pipman, G. Mageras 