University Mandatory Fee Proposals for 2006-2007 Academic Year University Mandatory Fee Category

University Mandatory Fee Proposals for 2006-2007 Academic Year
Mandatory Fee Category
(Please circle)
Career Services
Sub-Categories (Please circle)
Other Details (Please specify)
Actual 2005-06 Fee Amount ($)
Proposed increase ($ & %):
Proposed Amount ($)
$6, or 100% increase in rate
Discussed with leadership of:
Discussed with other university
Provide clear and concise
explanation along with convincing
justification for proposed increase
(use as much space as
The Pomerantz Career Center has proposed the creation of a Des
Moines Center, modeled on the highly successful Washington Center
Program. Like that program, the Des Moines Center would serve as a
base of operation for the creation and oversight of internships and other
experiential learning opportunities for UI students in the state capital. In
this program, students would live and work as interns in the Des Moines
area and be awarded academic credit for their participation.
To increase opportunities for Iowa graduates and to encourage them to
stay in the state of Iowa, internships are of paramount importance.
However, the costs of internships can limit students’ ability to accept
them. While many UI students have had the opportunity to serve as
summer interns with organizations in Des Moines, this valuable
experience has been difficult to arrange during the fall and spring
semesters due to housing costs, travel time from the University, etc. In
preliminary discussions with Des Moines employers, they have indicated
an overwhelming interest in hiring University of Iowa students as interns,
although practical considerations frequently prevent them from coming to
campus to interview candidates.
The Des Moines Center would focus on internship development, with
outreach to prospective employers throughout the area. This mutuallybeneficial arrangement would increase the visibility of the University of
Iowa in the region and increase the likelihood of Iowa employers coming
to campus for visits and recruiting. Internships frequently lead to full-time
employment and as employers hire successful Iowa interns as full-time
employees, full-time placement within the state of Iowa would increase.
In a natural progression this would lead to the development of more
internships for Iowa students.
Students participating in the program would enjoy a number of benefits.
In addition to opportunities to investigate and interview for internships in
Des Moines, students hired as interns would be eligible for academic
University Mandatory Fee Proposals for 2006-2007 Academic Year
credit for their experience. And, as housing costs are a significant
impediment for college-aged interns, a residence facility providing
reduced-cost housing would be a significant benefit to students wishing to
intern in the Des Moines area. The program would add value to the
practical experience of the workplace by scheduling lectures, discussions,
company visits, and other programs with area executives, dignitaries, and
business and community leaders.
The Career Center will work in conjunction with the Undergraduate
Program Office (UPO) in the Tippie College of Business to coordinate the
academic implications and opportunities available through the Des
Moines Center. The UPO will work to encourage students to take
advantage of this opportunity to enhance their academic and professional
Fiscal Considerations
The increased student fee monies will support student tuition assistance,
residence assistance, internship stipend, marketing, administrative costs,
and faculty supervision, totaling $120,000.
Concisely describe how
proposed increase will assist the
university in making progress on
strategic goals and objectives
Anticipated Revenues (include
revenue projections for FY 2007
and compare to FY 2006)
In The Iowa Promise: A Strategic Plan for the University of Iowa 20052010, the University has codified its mission and outlined its most
important goals. The present proposal, if implemented, would have a
positive impact on all four of the primary aspects of the strategic plan.
For both undergraduate and graduate education, it would improve the
University’s ability to recruit quality students, to help them prepare for
their future lives, and provide more and better opportunities for them as
they prepare to leave the University. In the area of engagement, this
proposal would offer significant opportunities for improved community
involvement and interaction between the University, our students and
alumni, and government, community and non-profit organizations, and
employers large and small. Finally, in the realm of diversity initiatives, the
proposed plan has the potential to successfully increase the diversity of
incoming students, to improve retention rates, and, with improved and
expanded connections with potential employers in the region, to provide
them with a broad spectrum of opportunities when they graduate.
FY 2006 = $124,000
FY 2007 = $244,000