Nicholls State University Fall 2011 Enrollment Statistics As of Fourteenth Class Day: 9/6/2011 Career Undergraduate Graduate Total Enrollment 6141 633 6774 Percent 90.66% 9.34% 100.00% Undergraduate In College UC 933 612 848 365 838 353 826 414 493 459 3938 2203 Total Graduate 1545 47 1213 100 1191 486 1240 0 952 0 6141 633 Status Full‐Time Part‐Time Total Undergraduate Graduate 4885 171 1256 462 6141 633 Total Percent 5056 74.64% 1718 25.36% 6774 100.00% Gender Female Male Total Undergraduate Graduate 3842 468 2299 165 6141 633 Total Percent 4310 63.63% 2464 36.37% 6774 100.00% Ethnicity White Black or Africa American Alaskan Native or American Indian Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Hispanic/Latino Two or More Races Unknown Total Undergraduate Graduate 4309 457 1180 123 104 7 84 7 4 1 145 11 125 3 190 24 6141 633 Total Percent 4766 70.36% 1303 19.24% 111 1.64% 91 1.34% 5 0.07% 156 2.30% 128 1.89% 214 3.16% 6774 100.00% College College of Arts & Sciences College of Business Administration College of Education College of Nursing & Allied Health University College Total Total 1592 1313 1677 1240 952 6774 Percent 23.50% 19.38% 24.76% 18.31% 14.05% 100.00% Nicholls State University Fall 2011 Enrollment Statistics As of Fourteenth Class Day: 9/6/2011 Entry Status First‐Time Continuing New Transfer Re‐Entry Visitor Status Early Admissions Cross Enrolled Total Undergraduate Graduate 1135 164 4208 451 286 0 297 18 32 0 149 0 34 0 6141 633 Total Percent 1299 19.18% 4659 68.78% 286 4.22% 315 4.65% 32 0.47% 149 2.20% 34 0.50% 6774 100.00% Age Under 18 18 ‐ 19 20 ‐ 21 22 ‐ 24 25 ‐ 29 30 ‐ 34 35 ‐ 39 40 ‐ 49 50 ‐ 64 Over 64 Total Undergraduate Graduate 223 0 1917 0 1709 8 1100 172 597 193 268 94 129 55 153 90 37 20 8 1 6141 633 Total Percent 223 3.29% 1917 28.30% 1717 25.35% 1272 18.78% 790 11.66% 362 5.34% 184 2.72% 243 3.59% 57 0.84% 9 0.13% 6774 100.00% Residency Louisiana Texas Arkansas Mississippi Other States and US Possessions Foreign Countries Total Undergraduate Graduate 5771 559 73 5 3 4 25 2 131 38 138 25 6141 633 Total Percent 6330 93.45% 78 1.15% 7 0.10% 27 0.40% 169 2.49% 163 2.41% 6774 100.00% Federal Pell Grant Recipients 2338 Nicholls State University Fall 2011 Enrollment Statistics As of Fourteenth Class Day: 9/6/2011 College Arts & Sciences Total Business Administration Total Education Total Nursing & Allied Health Total University College Total University Totals Department Art Biology Government and Social Sciences Graduate Studies History & Geography Languages & Literature Mass Communication Math Applied Sciences Music Physical Sciences Accounting & Information Systems Graduate Studies Management & Marketing Graduate Studies Psychology & Counselor Education Teacher Education Allied Health Sciences Nursing General Studies John Folse Culinary Institute Undergraduate In College UC 137 60 243 282 82 30 0 0 64 22 62 18 98 50 23 19 178 94 19 12 27 25 933 612 337 130 0 0 511 235 848 365 0 0 247 119 591 234 838 353 242 116 584 298 826 414 320 348 173 111 493 459 3938 2203 Total 197 525 112 0 86 80 148 42 272 31 52 1545 467 0 746 1213 0 366 825 1191 358 882 1240 668 284 952 Graduate 6141 633 47 47 100 100 486 486 Total 197 525 112 47 86 80 148 42 272 31 52 1592 467 100 746 1313 486 366 825 1677 358 882 1240 668 284 952 6774 Nicholls State University Fall 2011 Enrollment Statistics As of Fourteenth Class Day: 9/6/2011 College Arts & Sciences Department Art Biology Government and Social Sciences Graduate Studies History & Geography Languages & Literature Major Art Art Education Agricultural Business ‐ General Agricultural Business ‐ Production Agricultural Business ‐ Science Biology Biology ‐ Microbiology Biology ‐ Pre‐Medicine/Pre‐Dentistry Biology ‐ Environmental Biology Biology ‐ Marine Biology Biology ‐ Pre‐Physician Assistant Biology ‐ Pre‐Occupational Therapy Biology ‐ Pre‐Physical Therapy Biology ‐ Pre‐Medical Tech Biology ‐ Pre‐Veterinary Medicine Biology ‐ Pre‐Physician Assistant Program Biology ‐ Pre‐Pharmacy Pre ‐Clinical Laboratory Science Pre‐Dental Hygiene Government ‐ Criminal Justice Government Sociology Sociology ‐ Family/Youth Advocacy Community/Technical College Mathematics Marine & Environmental Biology Non‐Degree Holding Bachelor's Degree History English Undergraduate In College UC Total Graduate 134 57 191 3 3 6 1 0 1 4 0 4 1 0 1 22 27 49 3 3 6 95 108 203 8 7 15 25 26 51 2 1 3 6 5 11 25 35 60 3 6 9 9 25 34 4 0 4 21 21 42 3 1 4 11 17 28 2 0 2 38 11 49 30 18 48 12 1 13 25 21 1 64 22 86 35 8 43 Total 191 6 1 4 1 49 6 203 15 51 3 11 60 9 34 4 42 4 28 2 49 48 13 25 21 1 86 43 Nicholls State University Fall 2011 Enrollment Statistics As of Fourteenth Class Day: 9/6/2011 College Arts & Sciences cont. Department Languages & Literature cont. Mass Communication Math Applied Sciences Music Physical Sciences Business Administration Accounting & Information Systems Graduate Studies Management & Marketing Major English ‐ Creative Writing English ‐ Technical/Professional Writing Mass Communication ‐ Broadcast Journalism Mass Communication ‐ Print Journalism Mass Communications ‐ Public Relations Mathematics Mathematics ‐ Computer Science Mathematics ‐ Math Education Petroleum Services ‐ Associate Safety Technology ‐ Associate Geomatics Manufacturing Engineering Technology Petroleum Services ‐ Bachelor Pre‐Engineering Music Music ‐ Instrumental Music Education Music ‐ Vocal Music Education Chemistry ‐ Pre‐Med/Pre‐Dent Chemistry ‐ Professional Pre‐Optometry Accounting Computer Information Systems Business Administration ‐ Financial Services Marketing Finance ‐ Financial Services Marketing Business Administration ‐ Pre‐Law Finance Business Administration Marketing Undergraduate In College UC Total Graduate 24 10 34 3 0 3 46 31 77 17 5 22 35 14 49 19 11 30 3 1 4 1 7 8 18 13 31 31 18 49 45 10 55 2 0 2 73 21 94 9 32 41 19 4 23 0 4 4 0 4 4 7 8 15 19 14 33 1 3 4 203 86 289 87 32 119 16 3 19 1 2 3 39 31 70 30 7 37 100 54 11 65 Total 34 3 77 22 49 30 4 8 31 49 55 2 94 41 23 4 4 15 33 4 289 119 19 3 70 37 100 65 Nicholls State University Fall 2011 Enrollment Statistics As of Fourteenth Class Day: 9/6/2011 College Department Business Administration cont. Management & Marketing cont. Education Graduate Studies Psychology & Counselor Education Teacher Education Major Marketing ‐ Professional Sales Management Management ‐ Health Care Management ‐ Human Resources Business Administration Business Administration ‐ Entrepreneurship Business Administration ‐ Multinational Business Psychological Counseling MA in Teaching ‐ Grades 1 ‐ 5 MA in Teaching ‐ Grades 4 ‐ 8 MA in Teaching ‐ Grades 6‐12 MA in Teaching ‐ HPED in K‐12 Counselor Education Curriculum & Instruction ‐ Early Childhood Curriculum & Instruction ‐ Elementary Education Curriculum & Instruction ‐ Learning Disability Curriculum & Instruction ‐ Secondary Education Curriculum & Instruction ‐ Reading Education Education Leadership ‐ Higher Education Administration Education Leadership ‐ K‐12 Non‐Degree Holding Bachelor's Degree Non‐Master's Alternative Certification Program Specialist in School Psychology Psychology General Family and Consumer Science ‐ Social Science Child Development ‐ Preschool Management Art Education Certification English Education ‐ Primary Certification Undergraduate In College UC Total Graduate 22 6 28 73 19 92 9 0 9 58 15 73 227 141 368 10 5 15 19 7 26 79 8 5 16 2 39 11 12 28 18 9 16 64 19 133 27 144 94 238 103 25 128 18 10 28 7 1 8 25 8 33 Total 28 92 9 73 368 15 26 79 8 5 16 2 39 11 12 28 18 9 16 64 19 133 27 238 128 28 8 33 Nicholls State University Fall 2011 Enrollment Statistics As of Fourteenth Class Day: 9/6/2011 College Education cont. Department Teacher Education cont. Nursing & Allied Health Allied Health Sciences University College Nursing Interdisciplinary Studies Major Social Studies Ed Certification Instrumental Music Certification Vocal Music Certification Elementary Ed ‐ PK‐3 Certification Elementary Ed ‐ 1‐5 Certification Elementary Ed ‐ 4‐8 Certification Birth to Five Early Interventionist / Spec Education Business Ed ‐ Primary Certification Family & Consumer Science Education General Family & Consumer Science General Science Ed ‐ Primary Certification Health and Physical Ed Certification Math Education ‐ Primary Certification Secondary Education ‐ Family & Consumer Science Secondary Education ‐ General Science Secondary Education ‐ English Secondary Education ‐ Social Studies Cardiopulmonary Care Science Health Sciences ‐ Advanced Cardiopulmonary Care Health Sciences ‐ Pre‐Professional Health Sciences ‐ Supervision & Management Athletic Training Communicative Disorders Dietetics Nursing General Studies (Associate) General Studies (Bachelor) Dual Enrolled (High School Students) Undergraduate In College UC Total Graduate 62 11 73 16 3 19 4 0 4 134 60 194 96 42 138 50 18 68 91 20 111 4 3 7 16 1 17 3 0 3 11 1 12 29 29 58 16 3 19 2 4 6 2 2 4 1 10 11 4 8 12 1 0 1 5 0 5 36 22 58 20 2 22 44 59 103 73 14 87 63 19 82 584 298 882 21 18 39 285 126 411 4 145 149 Total 73 19 4 194 138 68 111 7 17 3 12 58 19 6 4 11 12 1 5 58 22 103 87 82 882 39 411 149 Nicholls State University Fall 2011 Enrollment Statistics As of Fourteenth Class Day: 9/6/2011 College University College cont. University Totals Department Interdisciplinary Studies cont. John Folse Culinary Institute Major Undecided (Non‐Degree) Culinary Arts (Associate) Culinary Arts (Bachelor) Undergraduate In College UC Total Graduate 10 59 69 5 11 16 168 100 268 3938 2203 6141 633 Total 69 16 268 6774 Nicholls State University Fall 2011 Enrollment Statistics As of Fourteenth Class Day: 9/6/2011 NUMBER OF NUMBER OF MASTERS SEMESTER UNDERGRADUATE SEMESTER HOURS ON (1) (2) (3) (4) HOURS ON SCHEDULE STUDENTS SCH STUDENTS SCH SCHEDULE 0 6 0 1 0 0 1 7 7 0 0 1 2 7 14 0 0 2 3 277 831 148 444 3 4 13 52 0 0 4 5 21 105 0 0 5 6 217 1,302 307 1,842 6 7 97 679 3 21 7 8 42 336 3 24 8 9 250 2,250 127 1,143 9 10 215 2,150 5 50 10 11 104 1,144 2 22 11 12 933 11,196 31 372 12 13 596 7,748 2 26 13 14 415 5,810 2 28 14 15 1,284 19,260 2 30 15 16 615 9,840 0 0 16 17 331 5,627 0 0 17 18 506 9,108 0 0 18 19 87 1,653 0 0 19 20 47 940 0 0 20 21 68 1,428 0 0 21 22 2 44 0 0 22 23 0 0 0 0 23 24 0 0 0 0 24 25 0 0 0 0 25 26 0 0 0 0 26 27 0 0 0 0 27 28 0 0 0 0 28 29 0 0 0 0 29 30 1 30 0 0 30 TOTAL 6,141 81,554 633 4,002 TOTAL