Chapter 15- Genetics Mendelian Mendelian Basics Principles

Chapter 15- Genetics
Mendelian Basics
Who is Mendel? What is
Difference between allele,
gene, and trait
What is a hybrid?
Homozygous (HH, hh),
heterozygous (Hh)
Dominant (H), recessive (h)
Difference between phenotype
and genotype
True breeder/pure strain (P
How does probability
play a role in genetics
Calculate probability of
single and consecutive
events occurring
Interpret Punnett square
based on probabilities.
Apply rules of
multiplication and addition
Mendelian Genetics
Filial Generations
•What do the parents of the F1
generation look like, what is
genotype and phenotype of F1
•What parents give rise to the F2 in
Mendel’s experiments?
•What do parents and offspring of
F2 generation look like? Genotype
of both?
Dominance vs. recessive
Law of segregation – how
did Mendel test, what was
the evidence?
Law of independent
assortment – how did
Mendel test, what was the
Why did Mendel start with
true breeders?
How do these principles
relate to meiosis?
Monohybrid and
Dihybrid crosses
•Perform both monohybrid and
dihybrid crosses
•Set up the crosses based on
description of parents
•Interpret results from crosses
•Determine probabilities
•Determine proportions of
offspring with particular traits
•Genotypic/phenotypic ratios
Chapter 15 Genetics
Other Patterns of
 Codominance
Incomplete Dominance
Multiple alleles (phenotypes A,
B, AB, O), (genotypes IAIA, IAi,
IBIB, IBi, IAIB, ii)
Know how to do problems for
each type mentioned above
What are polygenic traits (eye
color, hair color, skin color, etc.)
Environmental control of
genes – ex. hydrangea flower
Formula will be provided
Calculate expected results
based on information
provided in question
Apply equation for Chisquare (X2) and determine
degrees of freedom
•Interpret symbols – male,
female, marriage, children
generations, etc.
•Determine genotype of
specific individuals
•Identify pattern of
inheritance (autosomal
dominant or recessive)
Use X2 value in distribution
table and determine if
deviation dictates that
hypothesis should be
accepted or rejected based on
probability values.