either intentionally or accidentally been released into this country. (non-native)

Introduced (Exotic) Species - Organisms that have
either intentionally or accidentally been released into
this country. (non-native)
starling - noisy, messy black birds that were released
in Central Park NY in 1890.
- now there are millions
- out compete native birds for food
- damage farm crops
- many are taken illegally from the South American
depleting the population there.
- carry a virus that attack poultry
(Avian bird flu) – geese from Asia
* Bird imports are now regulated to prevent disease
and to protect endangered species.
ring-necked pheasant - game bird from Asia.
- population is declining here due to habitat loss
(brushy fields and farm land).
fish - brown trout, Asian carp, goldfish came from
Europe or Asia.
, and Domesticated animals (pets), livestock are
common exotic species. * The Norway rat, house
mouse, house sparrow have also been introduced
into this country. Wheat, rice and most food crops are
introduced (exotic species)
Invasive species- organism that takes over an
environment and disrupts the community by outcompeting or destroying native species (Almost
always exotic)
List several characteristics that make species