Unit 2!!! Level F

Unit 2!!!
Level F
Ameliorate (v)
to improve or make better
 Clue: Amelia Earhart ameliorated the
negativity people had about women in
Aplomb (n)
Poise and self confidence
Bombastic (adj)
 Pompous language intended to conceal a
lack of substance.
Callow (adj)
 Inexperienced or undeveloped
 (n) saliva or mucus
 (n) Nonsense or foolish talk
 (v) to let saliva flow from the mouth or nose
 (v) to talk foolishly or aimlessly
Epitome (n)
 The perfect example or model of a reality.
Exhort (v)
 To urge or strongly advise
ex officio (adj, adv)
Latin: “From the office”
 By virtue of holding a certain office
Ex. The President is
the ex officio
Commander in Chief.
 EX. A chairperson
can be an ex officio member
of all board-appointed committees.
Infringe (v)
 To violate or go beyond bounds
Clue: to go beyond the fringe; copyright infringement.
Ingratiate (v)
 To establish favor through deliberate effort.
It would be unctuous to
ingratiate oneself by
using bombastic flattery.
Interloper (N)
 One who interferes or moves in where not
The uninvited guest was an interloper who infringed upon the
comfort of all present.
Intrinsic (adj)
 Native, natural, internal
Inveigh (v)
 To verbally protest against or violently attack
in words.
Lassitude (n)
 A lack of energy; exhaustion.
Millennium (n)
 1,000 years; period of great joy
Occult (adj; n)
From Latin meaning “knowledge of the hidden”
 (adj) Mysterious, magical, secret, hidden
 (n) matters regarded as involving the action
or influence of supernatural .
(used with the article “the”)
Permeate (v)
 To spread through, penetrate, or pervade
Precipitate (v, adj, n)
 Verb: to fall as moisture; to cause or produce
 Adjective: hasty, rash
 Noun: moisture; the product of an action or
 Clues: precipitation, precede
Stringent (adj)
 Severe, strict; bitter
 Clue: strings, strict,
Surmise (v, n)
 (v) To make a guess without much evidence
 (n) a likely guess that lacks proof