3 Rocks 3.3 Notes Formation of Sedimentary Rocks Dynamic Earth p 176-177 1. . The process that ___________ down rocks at Earth’s surface into ____________________. The process by which ________________, _________, ____________ or ________________ move fragments of rock or soil. MECHANICAL * freezing and ________ * growth of __________ * grinding away rock by particles of rock is called ___________________ CHEMICAL What causes chemical changes? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3. The process by which _______________ (sediments) settle out of _______________ or the ______________ carrying it. * ______________ water * _______________ loosen and carry away rock fragments * _______________ pulls rock or soil fragments down off hills or mountains. 5. The process in which _______________ ______________ crystallize and glue particles together.. * Sediments- _________________ and _____________________ of rocks and pieces of __________________ ________________ such as shells, bones, leaves and stems. * The pieces of living things form ________________. 4. The process that ______________ rocks together due to ________________ and the_____________ of overlying layers. How compaction takes place. * Occurs during _______________________. * Dissolved ____________________ fill in the spaces between sediments. * Loose _____________ * Layers build and become _____________ pressing down * More _______________ form and add _______________, which presses down and ________________ the rock. * Creates _________________layers. Rocks 3 3.3 Notes Classification of Sedimentary Rocks Dynamic Earth p 176-177 3. Rock _____________________ are __________________ together. Grouped by _________________. Forms where the remains of __________ and ______________ are deposited in thick layers. Forms when ________________ that are dissolved in solution _________________________. Shale forms from tiny particles of _____________. Very _______________ layers Coal forms from the _______________ of swamp _________________ buried in _________________. Rock salt made of __________________ and forms from ___________________________. No ________________ is needed. Shale is ____________________ and ______________splits easily into pieces. The ___________________ of each layer squeezes the _________________ growth. _______________ comes out of Sandstone forms from ____________ on beaches, ocean floor, in river beds and ______________ dunes. _________________ of years later _______________________ if formed. Need ____________________ and cementation of _____________. Limestone forms from the ____________ ______________ of living things. (calcite) Sandstone is mostly made of _____________ and it absorbs ______________ easily. Layers of ________________ build up. Conglomerate forms from a mixture of ______________ ______________________ of different sizes. Pressure __________________ the shells together. Conglomerate has _________________ edges. Breccia forms like conglomerate but has ________________ edges. Limestone can form when dissolved Dissolved calcite _________________ the ________________ together. Can form the rock ______________. _____________________. Sandstone and limestone have been used for _______________ _____________________ for thousands of years. Sedimentary rocks can be easily cut into _______________. ___________________ is used in cement. The White House is made of _______________.