Investigation Force, Mass, Acceleration Purpose:


Name: __________________________________ Period: __________ Date: __________


Force, Mass, Acceleration


To determine the relationship between applied force, mass of an object, and it’s acceleration.


(1) Set up equipment as instructed in class (see below).

Part 1

(2) Set the distance between the gates and record (d).

(3) Allow 3 washers (Force) to accelerate the cart forward from rest.

(4) Record time to move distance (d).

(5) Increase the number of washers (Force) by 3.

(6) Repeat step 4.

(7) Repeat steps 5-6 so you have a total of 6 pieces of data.

(8) Using Kinematics equations determine acceleration.

(9) On Graph A plot acceleration vs. force.

Part 2

(1) Use same set-up as part 1 – keeping same distance.

(2) Choose a constant accelerating force, record (F).

(3) Allow the force to accelerate the cart.

(4) Record time to move distance (d).

(5) Increase the mass of the cart by adding a 0.5 kg mass.

(6) Repeat steps 3-4.

(7) Keep adding additional mass to the cart in increments of 0.5 kg until you have 6 data points.

(8) Using Kinematics equations determine acceleration.

(9) On graph B plot acceleration vs. mass.


Table A

Force ( # of

Washers) (sec) (m/s 2 )

Table B

(kg) (sec) (m/s 2 )

Evaluation of Data:

Tables A & B

Answer in sentence form below each Graph

(1) From Graph A what relationship can you conclude exists between acceleration and force?

(2) From Graph B what relationship can you conclude exists between acceleration and mass?

(3) Combine both relationships into one expression stated mathematically and in sentence form.

a = _______

(4) Will the cart ever begin to move without a force acting on it?
