Techniques for Structuring Database Records SALVATORE T. MARCH Department of Management Science, School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Structuring database records by considering data item usage can yield substantial efficienciesin the operating cost of database systems. However, since the number of possible physical record structures for database of practical significanceis enormous, and their evaluation is extremely complex, determining efficientrecord structures by full enumeration is generally infeasible.This paper discusses the techniques of mathematical clustering, iterative grouping refinement, mathematical programming, and hierarchic aggregation, which can be used to quickly determine efficientrecord structures for large, shared databases. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.4.2 [Operating Systems]: Storage Management-segmentation; D.4.3 [Operating Systems]: File Systems Management--file organization;D.4.8 [Operating Systems]: Performance--modeling andpredietion; E.2 [Data]; Data Storage Representations; E.2 [Data]; Data Storage Representationsn composite structures, primitive data items; H.2.1 [Database Management]: Logical Design--schema and subschema; H.2.2 [Database Management]: Physical Design-- access methods General Terms: Economics, Performance Additional Key Words and Phrases: Aggregation, record segmentation, record structures INTRODUCTION Computer-based information systems are critical to the operation and management of large organizations in both the public and private sectors. Such systems typically operate on databases containing billions of data characters [Jefferson, 1980] and service user communities with widely varying information needs. Their efficiency is largely dependent on the database design. Unfortunately, selecting an efficient database design is a difficult task. Many complex and interrelated factors must be taken into consideration, such as the logical structure of the data, the retrieval and update patterns of the user community, and the operating costs and accessing charac- teristics of the computer system. Lum [1979] points out that despite much work in the area, database design is still an art that relies heavily on human intuition and experience. Consequently, itspractice is becoming more difficult a s t h e applications that the database must support become more sophisticated. An important issue in database design is how to physically organize the data in secondary memory so that the information requirements of the user community can be met efficiently [Schkolnick and Yao, 1979]. The record structures of a database determine this physical organization. The task of record structuring, is to arrange the database physically so that (1) obtaining "the next" piece of information in a user Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission. © 1983 ACM 0010-4892/83/0300-0045 $00.75 Computing Surveys,Vol:.15,No. 1,March 1983 46 • Salvatore T. March CONTENTS person who works for the company is an instance of that entity). Clearly, an entityinstance cannot be stored in a database (e.g., people do not survive well in databases); therefore, some useful description is actually stored. The description of an INTRODUCTION entity-instance is a set of values for selected I. P R O B L E M DEFINITION A N D R E L E V A N T characteristics (commonly termed data TERMINOLOGY 2. R E C O R D S E G M E N T A T I O N T E C H N I Q U E S items) of the entity-instance (e.g., "John 2.1 Mathematical Clustering Doe" is the value of the data item EMP2.2 InterativeGrouping Refinement NAME for an instance of the entity EM2.3 Mathematical Programming PLOYEE). Two types of data items are 2.4 A Comparative Analysis of Record Segmentation Techniques distinguished: (1) attribute descriptors (or 3. H I E R A R C H I C A G G R E G A T I O N attributes), which are characteristics of a 4. S U M M A R Y AND DIRECTIONS FOR single entity, and (2) relationship descripFURTHER RESEARCH tors, which characterize an association beACKNOWLEDGMENTS tween the entity described and some other REFERENCES (describing) entity. Typically, each entity-instance is described by the same set of data items which, along with some membership criteria, is used to define the entity. In addition, each request has a low probability of requiring entity has some (subset of) data item(s), physical access to secondary memory and termed the identifier schema, whose (2) a minimal amount of irrelevant data is value(s) is(are) used to identify unique entransferred when secondary memory is ac- tity.instances. The entity EMPLOYEE, for cessed. This is accomplished by organizing example, might be defined by the data the data in secondary memory according to items: EMP-NAME, EMP-NO, AGE, SEX, the accessing requirements of the user com- DEPARTMENT-OF-EMPLOYEE, and munity. Data that are commonly required ASSIGNED-PROJECTS. The membertogether are then physically stored and ac- ship criterion is, of course, people who work cessed together. Conversely, data that are for the company; individual EMPLOYEEs not commonly required together are not (entity-instances) are identified by the stored together. Thus the requirements of value of EMP-NO (EMP-NO is the identithe user community are met with a minimal fier schema for the entity EMPLOYEE). number of accesses to secondary memory EMP-NAME, EMP-NO, and AGE are atand with a minimal amount of irrelevant tribute descriptors since they apply only to data transferred. EMPLOYEE; DEPARTMENT-OF-EMThis paper presents alternative tech- PLOYEE and ASSIGNED-PROJECTS niques that can be used to quickly deter- are relationship descriptors that associate mine efficient record structures for large EMPLOYEEs with the D E P A R T M E N T s shared databases. In order to delineate the in which they work and with the PROJnature of this problem more clearly, the ECTs to which they are assigned. Relationpaper briefly describes both logical and ship descriptors may be thought of as physical database concepts prior to "logical connectors" from one entity to andiscussing the record structuring problem other. in detail. At the physical level, data items are typAt the logical level a database contains ically grouped to define database records and provides controlled access to descrip- (or records). In general, records may be tions of instances of entities as required by quite complex, containing repeating groups its community of users. An entity is a cat- of data items describing one or more entiegory or grouping of things [Chen, 1976; ties. Further, for operating efficiency, these Kent, 1978]; instances of an entity (or en- data items may be compressed or encoded tity-instances) are members of that cate- or physically distributed over multiple recgory (e.g., EMPLOYEE is an entity and a ord segments. Records are typically named A v Computing Surveys,Vol. 15,No. I,March 1983 Techniques for Structuring Database Reaords ° 47 ASSIGNED-PROJECTS EPARTMENT'OF"EMPLOY~/,I i RetrievalRequests Access Paths ] Reports and Other Outputs DatabaseUpdates EMPLOYEE File Organization DEPARTMENT File Organization PROJECT File Organization PhysicalDatabase Figure 1. A physical database with three file organizations- for the entities whose data items they contain. The record EMPLOYEE, for example, might be defined as all attributes of the entity E M P L O Y E E (EMP-NAME, EMPNO, AGE, and SEX) plus the relationship descriptor D E P A R T M E N T - O F - E M PLOYEE. The EMPLOYEE record might, in turn, be divided into two record segments; EMP-SEG-1, containing EMPNAME and EMP-NO, and EMP-SEG-2, containing AGE, SEX, and D E P A R T MENT-OF-EMPLOYEE. A record-instance at the physical level contains the description of an entity-instance at the logical level {i.e., strings of bits that represent the values of its data items). The set of all record-instances for a particular record is called a file. Similarly, the set of all segment-instances for a particular record segment is termed a subtile. If a record is unsegmented, it has exactly one segment (the record itself) and exactly one subtile (the entire file). Subfiles reside permanently in secondary memory in groups called data sets; that is, a data set is a physical allocation of secondary memory in which some number of subfiles are maintained. Each data set has a set of accesspaths {algorithms and structures) that are used to store, retrieve, and update the segment-instances in the data set. A data set with its associated access paths is termed a file organization. A physical database is a set of interconnected file organizations. Interconnections among file organizations must be maintained when the descriptions of related entities are stored in different data sets. As stated earlier, the, terms record and segment define groupings of data items. For convenience, however, these items are also used, respectively, in place of record-instance and segment-instance, provided that it is obvious from the context that instances and not their definitions are of concern. Figure I shows a physical database with three file organizations, EMPLOYEE, DEP A R T M E N T , and P R O J E C T , where each file organization is named for the file that its data set contains. That is, the EMPLOYEE file organization's data set contains the E M P L O Y E E file, and so forth, for the D E P A R T M E N T and P R O J E C T file organizations. Interconnections between the E M P L O Y E E f i l e organization and the D E P A R T M E N T a n d P R O J E C T file organizations are required for the relationship descriptors D E P A R T M E N T - O F - E M PLOYEE and A S S I G N E D - P R O J E C T S in the E M P L O Y E E record. The values stored for these relationship descriptors are termed pointers, where a pointer is any data item that can b e used to locate a record (or segment ff records are segComputing Smweys, VoL 15, No. 1, March 1983 48 • Salvatore T. March mented). Two types of pointers are commonly used: symbolic pointers (typically entity identifiers) and direct pointers (typically "relative record numbers" [IBM, 1974], i.e., the relative position of a record in a data set). A symbolic pointer relies on an access path of the "pointed to" file organization to retrieve records (segments). Direct pointers, on the other hand, reference records (segments) by location. Hence direct pointers are more efficient than symbolic pointers; however, they have wellknown maintenance disadvantages. For example, if a record (segment) is physically displaced, in order to maintain some physical clustering when a new record (segment) is added to the data set, all its direct pointers must be updated. On the other hand, symbolic pointers to that record (segment) axe still valid since its identifier was not changed. Pointers (symbolic or direct) are also used to connect records (segments) residing in the same data set. The record structures illustrated in Figure 1 are extremely simple (i.e., unsegmented records each defined for a single entity). Many other alternatives exist. Any of these records may, for example, be segmented and the associated subfiles stored in individual data sets. Alternately, a single record may be defined containing all data items. Such a record could contain PROJE C T as a repeating group within EMPLOYEE, which, in turn, is a repeating group within D E P A R T M E N T . The criterion for selecting among alternative record structures is the minimization of total system operating cost. This is typically approximated by the sum of storage, retrieval, and update costs. The data storage cost for a physical database is easily estimated by multiplying the size of each subtile by the storage cost per character for the media on which the subtile is maintained. In order to estimate retrieval and update costs, however, the retrieval and update activities of the user community must be characterized and the access paths available .to support those activities must be known. A retrieval activity is characterized by selection (of entity-instances), projection (of data items pertaining to those instances), and sorting (output ordering) criteria and by a frequency of execution. An Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 update activity is characterized by selection (of entity-instances) and projection (data items updated for those instances) criteria and, again, by frequency of execution. Selection and projection criteria for both retrieval and update activities determine which subfiles must be accessed. The frequency of execution, of course, determines how often the activity occurs. The total cost of retrieval and update also depends on what access paths are available to support those activities. In addition, the access paths themselves typically incur storage and maintenance costs. The access paths of a file organization define a set of record selection criteria which are efficiently supported. Each file organization has a primary access path which dictates the physical positioning of records in secondary memory. Hashing functions, indexed sequential, and sequential files are examples of types of primary access paths. As discussed by Severance and Carlis [1977], the selection of a primary access path for a file organization is based on the characteristics of the "dominant" database activity. In addition to having a primary access path, file organizations typicaUy have some number of secondary or auxiliary access paths, such as inverted files, lists, full indexes, and scatter tables. These access paths are used to retrieve subsets of records that have been stored via the primary access path. Secondary access paths are included in a file organization in order to support the retrieval activities more efficiently. They do, however, typically increase data maintenance costs and require additional storage space. Subtle trade-offs between retrieval efficiency and storage and maintenance costs must be evaluated in selecting the most cost effective secondary access paths. While access paths focus on the storage and retrieval of records, the actual units that they transfer between primary and secondary memory, termed blocks, typically contain more than one record. The number of records per block is termed the blocking factor. The retrieval advantages of blocking are obvious for sequential access paths where the number of secondarymemory accesses required to retrieve all of Techniques for Structuring Database Records a file organization's records is simply the number of records divided by the blocking factor. For direct access paths (including secondary access paths), the analysis depends on both the blocking factor and the proportion of records that are required, and it is less straightforward. If records are unblocked (i.e., stored as one record per block), then each record in a user request requires a secondary-memory access. Blocking may reduce the number of secondary-memory accesses since the probability that a single block contains multiple required records increases (although not linearly) with the blocking factor [Yao, 1977a]. The cost (measured in computer time used) per secondary-memory access, however, also increases (again not necessarily linearly) with the blocking factor since more data must be transferred per access [Severance and Carlis, 1977]. When the proportion of records required by a user request is large (over 10 percent [Martin, 1977]), the increased cost per secondarymemory access is typically outweighed by the decreased number of accesses needed to satisfy that request. Direct access paths are more commonly used, however, when a user request requires only a small proportion of records. The number of secondarymemory accesses is then approximately equal to the number of records required (i.e., approximately the same as when records are unblocked). In this case, blocking does not reduce the number of secondarymemory accesses but only increases the cost per block accessed. Therefore, the retrieval cost for that user is increased. Subtle trade-offs between the number of accesses and the cost per access must be evaluated for each user request and blocking factors that minimize total operating cost selected when access paths are designed. Both record structuring and access path design are significant database design subproblems, and their solutions are interrelated [Batory, 1979]. However, access path selection has been treated in detail elsewhere (see Severance and Carlis, 1977; Martin, 1977; CSxdenas, 1977; Yao, 1977b; March and Severance, 1978b) and will be discussed further only as it relates to the selection of efficient record structures. In addition, the problems of data compression * 49 and encoding are separable design issues (see Maxwell and Severance, 1973; Aronson, 1977; Wiederhold, 1977; Severance, 1983), and in the following analysis it is assumed that each data item has an encoded compressed length corresponding to the average amount of space required to store a single value for that data item. To determine a set of efficient record structures, one might proceed naively by evaluating the operating cost of all possible record structures (using time-space cost equations from, e.g., Hoffer, 1975; March, 1978; or Yao, 1977a). However, the number of possible alternatives is so large (on the order of n n, where n is the number of data items [Hammer and Niamir, 1979]) and the evaluation of each alternative is so complex that this approach is computationally infeasible. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: in Section 1 the record structuring problem is formally defined and relevant terminology is presented; in Sections 2 and 3 alternative record structuring techniques are discussed; finally, Section 4 presents a summary and discussion of directions for further research. 1. PROBLEM DEFINITION AND RELEVANT TERMINOLOGY As discussed above, a database contains and provides access to descriptions of instances of entities as required by its community of users. These descriptions are organized into data sets that are permanently maintained in secondary memory. The design of record structures for these data sets is critical to the performance of the database. This is evidenced by t h e order of magnitude reduction in total system operating cost reported by Carlis and March [1980] when flat file record structures were replaced by more complex hierarchic ones (see also Gane and Sarson, 1979). To review our terminology, recall that a data item is a characteristic or a descriptor of an entity. For instance, E M P - N A M E is a data item (a characteristic of the entity EMPLOYEE), whereas " J O H N DOE" is a value for that data item. At the physical level, data items are grouped into records; the data items of a record define the recComputingSurveys, VoL 1~, No. 1, March 1983 50 • Salvatore T. March Supplier 1 Part SUP-NAME SUP-NO DESCRIPTION ADDRESS PART-NO PRICE AGENT DISCOUNT Part Part Q t o P;rt Supplier 2 ( I I Figure 2. An aggregation of supplier and part records. ord's fields. Record-instances contain the actual data values. The set of all instances of a record is a file. For convenience, "record" is used for "record-instance" when "instance" is implied by the context. For operating efficiency the items of a record may be partitioned to define some number of record segments {thus a segment has fields defined by the subset of data items that it contains); the set of segment-instances for a segment is a subtile. Again, for convenience, "segment" is used for "segment-instance" when "instance" is implied by the context. In a database management system, data are physically stored in data sets. Each data set contains some number of subfiles. The record structuring problem is to define records and record segments (i.e., assign data items to records and record segments, thus defining their fields), to assign the associated subfiles to data sets, and, when more than one subtile is assigned to the same data set, to physically organize the segments within the data set. The objective is to meet the information requirements of the user community most efficiently. The problem of record structuring is a difficult one. Three factors Contribute to this difficulty: (1) modern databases typically have a complex logical data structure, which yields an enormous number of alterComputing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 native record structures; (2) the complex nature of the user activity on that logical data structure requires the analysis of subtle and intricate trade-offs in efficiency for users of the database; and (3) the selection of record structures and access paths is highly interrelated--each can have a major impact on the efficiency of the other. Each of these difficulties is discussed in more detail below. The logical structure of a database describes the semantic interdependencies that characterize a composite picture of how the user community perceives the data. Within the context of commercially available database management systems (DBMSs), three data models have been widely followed to represent the logical structure of data: hierarchic, network, and relational (see Martin, 1977; Date, 1977; Tsichritzis and Lochovsky, 1982). Since IMS [McGee, 1977] is the most widely used hierarchic DBMS, its terminology is used in the following discussion. There are several network D B M S s {e.g., IDMS, IDS II, D M S 1100 [C~rdenas, 1977]); however, they are all based on the work of the Data Base Task Group (DBTG) of the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL) [CODASYL, 1971, 1978] and are collec. tively referred to as CODASYL DMBSs; therefore the CODASYL terminology is used. Relational D B M S s [Codd, 1970, 1982] / Techniques for Structuring Database Records Supplier I SUP-NO AGENT 51 ADDRESS NAME Supplier 2 Supplier 3 Sup;tier N SUP-SEG 1 Figure 3. SUP-SEG 2 A segmentation of the supplier record. are best exemplified by INGRES [Held, Stonebreaker, and Wong, 1975] and System R [Blasgen et al., 1981; Chamberlin et al., 1981]; when terminology is unique to one of these systems, it is so noted. Each data model provides rules for grouping data items into hierarchic segments in IMS, owner-member sets in CODASYL DBMSs, and normalized relations in relational DBMSs. Database records could be defined and their files stored in data sets according to the groups specified by a data model; however, performance may be improved considerably by combining (or aggregating) some and/or partitioning (or segmenting) other of these groups. Suppose, for example, that there are two entities, SUPPLIER and PART, to be described in a database. Each SUPPLIER is described by the attributes SUP-NAME, SUP-NO, ADDRESS, and AGENT. Each PART is described by the attributes DESCRIPTION, PART-NO, PRICE, and DISCOUNT and by the relationship descriptor SUPPLIER-OF-PART (assume that SUPPLIERs can supply many PARTs, but each PART is supplied by exactly one SUPPLIER). Database records could be defined for both SUPPLIER and PART and their files stored in SUPPLIER and PART data sets, respectively. For database activity directed through SUPPLIERs to the PARTs they supply, however, the aggregation (i.e., hierarchic arrangement) illustrated in Figure 2 is a more efficient physical arrangement (see Gane and Sarson, 1979; Schkolnick, 1977; Schkolnick and Yao, 1979). In this arrangement each part record is stored with its SUPPLIER record, and the relationship descriptor SUPPLIER-OF-PART is represented by the physical location of PART records. On the other hand, database activities typically require (project) only a subset of the stored data items (see Hoffer and Severance, 1975; Hammer and Niamir, 1979). For a user activity that requires only the data items SUP-NO and AGENT, segmenting (i.e., partitioning into segments) the SUPPLIER record, as shown in Figure 3, is an efficient physical arrangement. In Figure 3 two segments are defined: SUPSEG1, containing SUP-NO and AGENT, and SUP-SEG2, containing NAME and ADDRESS. In order to satisfy the above mentioned user activity, only the subtile defined by SUP-SEG1 needs to be accessed. This subtile is clearly smaller than the SUPPLIER file; therefore fewer accesses and fewer data transfers are required to satisfy this user activity from the SUPSEG1 subtile than from the SUPPLIER file. Hence this segmentation reduces the cost of satisfying this user activity. If the data items required by a user activity are distributed over multiple segments, then evaluating the cost ~ more complex. If subfiles are independently accessed and may be processed "in parallel," then cost may still be reduced. However, this is not common in practice; usually access to multiple subfiles proceeds serially and thus at greater cost than access to a single subtile. While record segmentation may significantly reduce retrieval costs, it can also Computing Surveys, Vo]. !,5,No. 1, March 1983 52 • Salvatore T. March increase database maintenance costs. In particular, inserting or deleting an instance of a record typically requires access to each of the record's subffles. Clearly, the more subffles a record has, the more expensive insertion and deletion operations become. Record structuring may be viewed as the aggregating and segmenting of logically defined data, within the context of a database management system. IMS [McGee, 1977] supports aggregation by permitting multiple hierarchic segments to be stored in the same data set (termed "data set group" in IMS). In this case, children segments are physically stored immediately following their parent segments. CODASYL DMBSs support aggregation by allowing repeating groups in the definition of a record type and by permitting the storage of a MEMB E R record type in the same data set (termed "area" in CODASYL) as its OWNER, "VIA SET" and " N E A R OWNER". In CODASYL, a SET defines a relationship by connecting O W N E R and M E M B E R record types (e.g., if SUPP L I E R and P A R T are record types, then S U P P L I E R - O F - P A R T could be implemented as a S E T and S U P P L I E R as the O W N E R and P A R T as the MEMBER). Storing a M E M B E R record type " N E A R O W N E R " directs the D B M S to place all M E M B E R records physically near {presumably on the same block as) their respective O W N E R records. In order to specify " N E A R O W N E R " in a CODASYL DBMS, "VIA SET" must also be specified, indicating that access to the M E M B E R records occurs primarily from the O W N E R record via the relationship defined by the SET. Relational D B M S s do not support aggregation per se (i.e., "normalizing" relations requires, among other things, the removal of repeating groups [Date, 1977]). However, because substantial efficiencies can be achieved through the use of aggregation, Guttman and Stonebreaker [1982] suggest its possible inclusion in INGRES under the name "ragged relations" (since the relations are not normalized). In System R [Chamberlin et al., 1981] aggregation can be approximated by initially loading several tables into the same data set (termed "segment" in System R) in hierarchic order and supplying "tentative recComputing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 ord identifiers" during I N S E R T operations to maintain the physical clustering [Blasgen et al., 1981]. All three types of D B M S s support record segmentation. In IMS, segmentation is accomplished simply by removing data items from one segment to form new segments, which become that segment's children. Similarly, in a CODASYL DBMS, segmentation is accomplished by removing data items from one record type to form new record types and defining SETs with these new record types as M E M B E R S and O W N E D BY the original record type. The new (MEMBER) record types are stored VIA S E T but not N E A R OWNER. In addition, a proposed CODASYL physical level specification [CODASYL, 1978] suggests that record segmentation be supported at the physical level by allowing the definition of multiple record segments, termed storage records, for a single record type. In a relational DBMS, record segmentation is accomplished by breaking up a "base relation" [Date, 1977] into multiple relations, each of which contains the identifier (key) of the original; these then become "base relations." To be efficient, record structures must be oriented toward some composite of users. One design approach is simply to design the record structures for the efficient processing of the single "most important" user activity. Record structures that are efficient for one user, however, may be extremely inefficient for others. Since databases typically must serve a community of users whose activities possess incompatible or even conflicting data access characteristics, such an approach is untenable. An alternative design approach is to provide each user with a personalized database consisting of only required data items, organized for efficient access. In a database environment, however, many users often require access to the same data items; hence personalized databases would require considerable storage and maintenance overhead owing to data redundancy, and are directly contrary to the fundamental database concept of data sharing [Date, 1977]. The problem is to determine a set of record structures that minimizes total system operating costs for all database users. Techniques for Structuring Database Records The task of structuring database records is further complicated because the retrieval and maintenance costs of a database depend on both its record structures and its access paths. Consider, for example, a database containing 1,000,000 instances of a single record, where the record is defined by a group of data items totaling 500 characters in length. Consider also a single user request that selects 4 percent of the file (i.e., 40,000 records) and projects 30 percent (by length) of the data items (i.e., 150 characters) from each of these records. At the physical level, records may be either unsegmented or segmented, and the access path used to satisfy that user request may be either sequential or direct. Suppose that the physical database was designed with unsegmented records. Satisfying the user request via a sequential access path would require a scan of the file that, as discussed earlier, requires N / b block-accesses, where N is the number of records (here N = 1,000,000) and b is the blocking factor of the file. Assuming a realistic block length of 6,000 characters, the blocking factor for this file is 12 (i.e., 12 500-character records may be stored in a 6,000-character block). Satisfying the user request via a sequential access path would require 83,334 block-accesses. Assuming that the 40,000 required records are randomly distributed within the file, then satisfying this user request via a direct access path (such as an inverted list) would require M * (1 - (l/M) K) block-accesses [Yao, 1977a], where M = N / b and K is the number of records selected (here K = 40,000). Again, assuming 6,000-character blocks, yielding a blocking factor of 12, a direct access path would require 31,368 block-accesses. If, instead, the physical database was designed with segmented records, one segment containing only those data items required by the user request under consideration, then only that subtile must be processed. The expressions for the number of accesses required for sequential and direct access paths remain the same; however, again assuming 6,000-character blocks, the blocking factor increases to 40 (i.e., 40 150-character segments may be stored in a 6,000-character block). A sequential access path would require 25,000 • 53 block-accesses to satisfy the:User request; a direct access path would require 19,953. Clearly, segmented records processed via direct access path minimizes the number of block-accesses required to satisfy the user request; unfortunately, it may not be the most efficient database design. Four additional factors must be considered: (1) the types of direct access paths used to support such user requests typically incur additional storage and maintenance costs; (2) in a computer system where there is little contention for storage devices, the cost per access for a sequential access path is typically less than that for a direct access path, and hence the number of block-accesses may not be an adequate measure for comparison; (3) record segmentation typically increases database maintenance costs by increasing the number of subfiles that must be accessed to insert and delete record instances; and (4) both record segmentation and secondary access paths add to the complexity of the database design and hence may increase the cost of software development and maintenance. For the database and user request under consideration, the simplest physical database, and the least costly to maintain, has unsegmented records processed by a sequential access path. If a secondary access path (say an inverted list) is added to that physical database, then the number of block-accesses is reduced by 62 percent (from 83,334 to 31,768), a considerable savings even in a low-contention system. The cost of maintaining the secondary access path must, of course, be considered. On the other hand, segmenting the records without adding a secondary access path reduces the number of block-accesses by 70 percent (from 83,334 to 25,000) over unsegmented records processed by a sequential access path and by 37 percent (from 31,768 to 25,000) over unsegmented records processed by a direct access path. The addition of a secondary access path further reduces the number of block-accesses by 20 percent (from 25,000 to 19,953). The significance of this 20 percent reduction depends on the relative cost of sequential access as compared to direct access and the additional storage and maintenance costs incurred by the secondary access path. 54 • Salvatore T. March As illustrated by the above discussion, structuring database records is a difficult task, and the selection of inappropriate record structures may have considerable impact on the overall performance of the database. In the next two sections, alternative techniques for structuring database records are presented and compared. Techniques for the segmentation of flat files are discussed in Section 2; a technique for the aggregation of more generalized logical data structures is discussed in Section 3. 2. RECORD SEGMENTATION TECHNIQUES In this section, techniques for structuring database records in a flat file environment are discussed. A flat file is one that is logically defined by a single group of singlevalued data items (i.e., a single normalized relation). Table 1 shows the logical representation of a flat file personnel database that will be used in the following discussion. As is shown in that table, each employee is described by a set D, of 30 data items di, i - 1. . . . . 30; for instance, dl ffi Employee Name, de ffi Pass Number. Each data item has an associated length, li, corresponding to the (average) amount of space required to store a value for that data item, such as 30 characters for Employee Name. Processing requirements consist of a set U, of 18 user retrieval requests u~, r ffi 1. . . . ,18, each of which is characterized by selection, projection, and ordering criteria (S, P, and O, respectively), by the proportion of records selectedpr, and by a frequency of access v~. For example, retrieval request R5 has a selection criterion based upon Pay Rate, a projection criterion requiring Security Code, Assigned Projects, Project Hours, Overtime Hours, and Shift. Its ordering criterion is by Department Code within Division Code. The request selects an average proportion of 0.9 (90 percent) of the employees and is required daily (its frequency is 20 times per month). Retrieval requests R1 through R8 each select a large proportion of the stored data records (requests R1 through R3, in fact, require all data records). These retrievals are likely to be most efficiently performed by using a sequential access path which Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 retrieves the entire file (or required subfiles). Retrieval requests R9 through R18, on the other hand, each select a relatively small proportion of the stored records (R15 through R16 retrieve individual data records). These are likely to be best performed via some auxiliary access paths, such as inverted lists or secondary indexes [Severance and Carlis, 1977]. The record segmentation problem is to determine an assignment of data items to segments (recall that each segment defines a subtile) that will optimize performance for all users of the database. The problem may be formally stated as rain ~ vr Y, Xr~ RC(r, s)+ ~ SC(s), AER Ur~ U s~.A s~A where R is the set of all possible segmentations (i.e., assignments of data items to segments), A is one particular segmentation, s is a segment of the segmentation A, and X~, is a 0-1 variable defined as follows: Xrs ffi r 1, L0, if segment s is required by user request m; otherwise. Finally RC(r, s) is the cost of retrieval for the subtile defined by segment s for the retrieval request Ur, and SC(s) is the cost of storage for segment s, including overhead space required for its access paths (if any). Hoffer and Severance [1975] point out that, theoretically, this problem is trivial to solve. Since retrieval costs are minimized by accessing only relevant data and storage and maintenance costs are minimized by eliminating redundancy, each data item should be maintained independently. Such an arrangement would permit completely selective data retrieval and would eliminate data redundancy. Assuming that buffer costs and file-opening costs are negligible, this solution does, in fact, minimize retrieval cost for sequential fries that are independently processed in a paged-memory environment [Day, 1965; Kennedy, 1973]. To show that this is true, it is sufficient to look at the access cost for a single user, u~. If each data item is assigned to an independent segment (i.e., di is assigned to segment i), then the access cost for each subtile G~ b~ o~ T~ i ~ ~. ~J c~ !!° o~ a~ rJ~ fl ~ 1 ~ t C~r~ m~ 56 • Salvatore T. March A paged-memory environment assumes that any access to any subfile requires the N same amount of time and expense. ConCost(r, s) -- a ~ L, sider, however, a system in which all subtiles of the database reside on a dediwhere a is the cost per page access {including the average seek and latency, as well as cated disk and there is little contention page-transfer costs), B is the block size, and among users of the database. Sequential hence (N/B)l~ is the number of page ac- access to a single subffle then requires only cesses required to scan a subtile, where each one (minimal) disk-arm-seek operation for segment is of length ls. Here, l~ is equal to each cylinder on which the subtile is stored li, the length of the corresponding data item [IBM, 1974]. A n y access to a different subtile, however, requires an average diskdi. The total access cost for that user is seek operation. Thus access time (and hence cost) increases significantly when Xria N died ~ li, more than one subfUe must be sequentially processed for a single user request. Actual where each segment is now indexed by the time and cost estimates for such an envidata item that it contains. ronment must take into consideration the If this is not the optimal solution, then physical location of subfiles and the disthere must exist some subset of data items tance that the disk arm must move. d i n , . . . , dn such that the access cost for user Three major techniques have been sugur is reduced when those data items are gested for the determination of efficient assigned to a single segment, say segment record segmentations: clustering, iterative j. If u~ requires any data item in segment j , grouping refinement, and bicriterion prothen the subffle that it defines must be gramming. Each technique varies in the retrieved. Since the number of accesses re- assumptions it makes about access paths quired to retrieve a subffle via a sequential and the secondary memory environment it access path is a linear function of the seg- considers. These variations yield signifment length, the retrieval cost for the icantly different problem formulations. subtile defined by segment j is given by a Each, however, is restricted to a single flat (N/B) (lm+ . . . + ln). Mathematically this file representation, and none permit the yields replication of data. The techniques are first discussed indiN a ~ (lm+ ..- + l~)max(x. . . . . . . Xrn) viduallymclustering in Section 2.1, iterative grouping refinement in Section 2.2, and biN criterion programming in Section 2.3. Each < a - ~ (xrml,,, + . . . + Xrdn). then is used to solve the personnel database problem shown in Table 1. These results Clearly, this inequality is false since are analyzed and discussed in Section 2.4. l~ . . . . . l~ > 0 and x ~ . . . . . Xr~ ~ (0, 1}. Therefore, according to theory, the pre2.1 Mathematical Clustering vious solution must have been optimal. This appealing theoretical approach is Hoffer [1975] and Hoffer and Severance untenable in practice for several reasons. [1975] developed, for the record-structuring First, the complex nature of database activ- problem, a heuristic procedure that uses a ity requires both random and sequential mathematical clustering algorithm and a processing. For random processing (i.e., branch-and-bound optimization algorithm. processing via a direct access path), the Their procedure is restricted to sequential number of accesses required to satisfy a access paths but includes a detailed costing user request is not a linear function of the model of secondary memory (in a movingsegment length. Hence, the preceding result head disk environment). The solution to is not valid. In addition, the characteris- this problem is an assignment of data items tics of secondary storage devices and their to segments such that the sum of retrieval, data access mechanisms may not be well storage, and maintenance costs is minimodeled by a paged-memory environment. mized. required by that user is given by Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 Techniques for Structuring Database Records Mathematically, clustering is simply the grouping together of things which are in some sense similar. The general idea behind clustering in record segmentation is to organize the data items physically so that those data items that are often required together are stored in the same segment; in a processing sense, such data items are "similar." Conversely, data items that are not often required together are stored in different segments; they are "dissimilar." In this way user retrieval requirements can be met with a minimal amount of extraneous data being transferred between main and secondary memory. Unfortunately, user retrieval requirements are typically diverse, and a method of evaluating trade-offs among user requirements must be determined. The clustering approach therefore first establishes a measure of similarity between each pair of data items. This measure reflects the performance benefits of storing those data items in a common segment. It then forms initial segments by using a mathematical clustering algorithm to group data items with high similarity measures. Finally, a branch-and-bound algorithm selects an efficient merging of these initial segments to define a record segmentation. The factors included in the similarity measure are critical to the value of this approach. Hoffer and Severance [1975b] developed a similarity measure for each pair of data items (termed a pairwise similarity measure) based upon three characteristics: (1) the (encoded} data item lengths (li for data item dz); (2) the relative weight associated with each retrieval request (v~ for request Ur); (3) the probability that two given data items will both be required in a retrieval request (p~j~for data items di and d/in request u~). The first characteristic, li, is obtained directly from the problem definition (see Table 1) and reflects the amount of data that must be accessed in order to sequentially retrieve all values of that data item. For any pair of data items, the bigger the length of the data items, the more often they must be retrieved together in order for • 57 the retrieval advantage (for users requiring both data items) to outweigh the retrieval disadvantage (for users requiring one or the other but not both data items). Hence a pairwise data item similarity measure should decrease with the lengths of the data items. The second characteristic, v~, is also obtained directly from the problem definition and reflects the relative importance of each user request measured by its frequency of access. Again, for a pair of data items, the more frequently they are retrieved together, the greater is the performance advantage of storing them in the same segment. A pairwise data item similarity measure should increase with the frequency with which the data items are retrieved together. The final characteristic pi]~ is the probability of coaccess of data items di and d] in retrieval request u~ and is defined as follows. Let p~,. be the probability that data item d~ is required by user request u~. The value of pir is determined by the user request's (re's) use of data item di. Three possibilities exist: (1) Data item d~ is used by m for selection. Since only sequential access is permitted, the value of d~ must be examined in each record to determine if the record is required by u~; therefore the value ofp~ is equal to 1. (2) Data item di is used by u~ for projection only. Data item d/is required only from those records which have been selected; therefore the value of p~ is equal to p~, the proportion of records selected by Ur. (3) Data item di is not used by request Ur. Data item d~ is irrelevant for request u~ and therefore the value ofpi~ is 0. The value ofp~j~ is then given by p~'j~= 1, O, p~, if pir "ffipy~; if p~ -- 0 or py~ffi0; otherwise. For any pair of data items d/ and dj, Hoffer's similarity measure is given by S~(~) ffi Y,a.r vrS~~ (~) Ya,,r vr[ S~~ (~) ] ' Computing Sth~eys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 58 * Salvatore T. March where [x] denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to x, S~~ (a) denotes the pairwise similarity of data items d~ and dj in the user request u~, and a is a parameter that controls the sensitivity of the measure. The numerator is the sum of the similarity measures for a pair of data items in a retrieval request, summed over all retrieval requests and weighted by the frequency of retrieval. The denominator simply normalizes the similarity measure to the interval [0, 1] since S~p (a) is itself in the interval [0, 1], as discussed below. S~~)(a) is given by if 0, S~f ~(a) ffi ( li Jr b) (c~))~ li+ b pijr -~ O; otherwise, ' where C~p represents the proportion of information useful to user request u~, which is contained in a subffle consisting only of data items di and dy. Assuming that pi~ -> p]~, then it is given by C¢r) 'J ---~ ~0, if p~/~ffiO; li + p q r l j L l~ + b ' otherwise. Since 0 _<p/y~ _< 1 for all di, dj, and ur, and li -> 0, b -> 0 for all di and dy, then 0 _< C~,fl 1. Hence for any a _> 0, 0 _< (C~r~)~ _< 1 and 0 _< ~,~r~(a) <_ 1. For values of C~r~ < 1 (i.e., when piy~ < 1) larger values of a would cause (C}/~))~ to decrease rapidly and hence reduce the pairwise similarity measure S}p (a) for that user request rapidly as piyr decreased. Thus large values of a would yield low similarity measures (except, of course, when p#r ffi 1). Small values of a (particularly 0 _< a -< 1) would yield high similarity measures that would not decrease rapidly as p#r decreased. Having as a basis these definitions, the pairwise similarity measure Sij (a) does, in fact, exhibit the characteristics suggested earlier: for any pair of data items di and dy (provided that p~yr> 0 for some user request Ur), then Siy(~) decreases as the lengths l/ and b increase and Sq(a) increases as the frequency of access or the probability of coaccess of the data items increases. Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1,March 1983 Using this measure to form a data-item data-item similarity matrix, Hoffer and Severance applied the Bond Energy Algorithm (see McCormick, Schweitzer, and White, 1972) and used the results to form initial clusters (groups) of data items. The Bond Energy Algorithm manipulates the rows and columns of the similarity matrix, clustering large similarity values into blocks along the main, upper left to lower right diagonal. These blocks correspond to groups of similarly accessed data items that should be physically stored together. However, because block boundaries are generally fuzzy, initial clusters must be subjectively established from the permuted matrix. An optimal grouping of initial clusters is determined by a branch-and-bound algorithm, which (implicitly) evaluates the expected cost of all possible combinations of initial clusters and selects the one with minimum cost. The branch-and-bound algorithm is more efficient than complete enumeration since many (nonoptimal) solutions are eliminated from consideration without actually evaluating their costs. (See Garfinkel and Nemhauser, 1972, for a general discussion of branch-and-bound algorithms.) The algorithm first divides the set of all possible solutions into subsets and then establishes upper and lower bounds on cost for each subset. These bounds are used to "fathom" (i.e., eliminate from consideration) subsets that do not contain an optimal solution. A subset is fathomed if its lower bound is higher than the upper bound of some other subset (or if its lower bound is higher than the cost of some known solution). Each remaining subset is further divided into subsubsets, and the process is repeated until only a small number of solutions remain (i.e., are not fathomed). These remaining solutions are evaluated and the minimum cost solution selected. Hoffer and Severance [1975] report that although the execution time of the branchand-bound algorithm is significantly affected by the number of initial clusters selected, the performance of the final solution is not--provided, of course, that some "reasonable" criteria are used to establish the initial clusters. They also suggest the potential for developing an algorithmic prox Techniques for Structuring Database Revords cedure to identify a "reasonable" set of initial clusters, thereby reducing the subjective nature of this approach. They do not, however, present such a procedure. 2.2 Iterative Grouping Refinement Hammer and Niamir [1979] developed an heuristic procedure for the record structuring problem which iteratively forms and refines record segments based on a stepwise minimization ("hill climbing") approach. Their procedure considers the number of page accesses for multiple record segments that have been stored nonredundantly. Access may be either sequential or random via any combination of predetined secondary indexes (i.e., direct access paths), each of which is associated with exactly one data item. In order to evaluate random retrieval, they define the selectively, S~, of a data item (S~ is used to represent the selectivity of data item di) as the expected proportion of records that contains a given value for that data item. The selectivity of a data item is estimated by the inverse of the number of distinct values the data item may assume. If an index exists for a data item, then the selectivity of the index is equal to the selectivity of the data item. The performance of a segmentation is evaluated by the number of pages that must be accessed in order to satisfy all user requests. For each subtile required by a user, the number of pages that must be accessed is given by where C~ is the number of combinations of k objects t a k e n j at a time, N is the number of records in the file organization, b is the blocking factor (i.e., segments per page) for the subffle, and s is the number of segments required from the subtile. This expression is derived by Yao [1977a] and briefly discussed below. Assuming that the s segments required by a user request are uniformly distributed over the pages on which the subtile is stored, then the retrieval problem may be viewed as a series of s Bernoulli trials without replacement (see Feller, 1970). Then C~-b/CN is the probability that a page does not contain • 59 any of the s required records. One minus this quantity is, of course, the probability that a page contains at least one required record. Multiplying by N/b, the total number of pages, gives the expected number of pages which must be accessed. For a more detailed discussion of this derivation, the interested reader is directed to Yao's paper [Yao, 1977a]. The remaining factor, the number of segments required from each subtile, is calculated as follows. Assuming that the selectivities of data items are independent, that selection is done first with all indexed data items, and that subfdes are linked and directly accessed, then the number of record segments required from a subtile, f, by a user u~ is given by s f f i N * II S , where Lf is the set of selection data items required by user u~ that are either indexed or appear in subfdes accessed before subtile f is accessed. The record structuring proceeds as follows. An initial segmentation is formed, with each data item stored in a separate segment. This is termed the trivial segmentation. The procedure iteratively defines new segments by selecting the pair of existing segments that, when combined, yields greatest performance improvement. When no pairwise combination of existing segments yields improved performance, single data item variations of the current segmentation are evaluated. If any variation is found that improves the performance, then the procedure is repeated, using that variation as the initial segmentation; otherwise, the procedure terminates. While it is possible for the procedure to cycle a large number of times, experimental evidence suggests that for reasonable design problems it is not expected to cycle more than once before terminating with an efficient, if not optimal, record structuring. Hammer and Niamir report determining record structures yielding access cost savings of up to 90 percent over the cost of using a singlesegment record structure. They do not, however, consider the cost of data storage, buffer space, or update operations, nor do they consider the complexities of a movingComputing Surveys~Vol. 15, No. lj March 1983 60 • Salvatore T. March head-disk environment in which such databases are likely to be maintained. the remainder of the data items; the length of each is given by 2.3 Mathematical Programming Eisner and Severance [1976] proposed a mathematical programming approach to the record structuring problem, which was extended by March and Severance [1977] and March [1978]. This approach views record structuring as a constrained optimization problem in which the objective is to minimize the sum of retrieval and storage costs. Based on a behavorial model of database usage that predicts subsets of "high"-use and "low"-use data items, the procedure is restricted to considering at most two segments: "primary" and "secondary." Data items with high usefulness, relative to their storage and transfer costs, are isolated and stored in a primary segment; the remaining data items are stored in a secondary segment. All activity must first access the primary subtile, and may access the secondary subtile (at additional cost) only if the request cannot be satisfied by the primary subtile. The possibility of retrieving data items by only accessing the secondary subffle is not considered. Eisner and Severance [1976] analyze this design problem by assuming that activity to the primary subfile is either all random (with both subffles unblocked) or all sequential (with a blocked primary subfile and an unblocked secondary subtile). In addition, they assume that pointers stored in the primary segments link the corresponding secondary segments. They formulate the problem as a bicriterion mathematical program and develop a parametric solution procedure as discussed below. A record segmentation, A, is defined by a subset Da C D of data items that are assigned to the primary segment. The length of each primary segment is given by WA---- F, l i + p , -diEDA where p is the length of a system pointer. (Note that if both primary and secondary segments are sequentially processed, then the pointer is unnecessary and hence p is set to 0.) The secondary segments contain Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 diED-DA and WA + WA-- W, a constant. Associated with any segmentation A is a subset UA C U of users whose retrieval requirements are not satisfied by the data items assigned to the primary segment. The cumulative frequency of retrieval by satisfied users during time period T is VA = E uj~U-Ua Vj. The frequency of retrieval by dissatisfied users is (zA=~vj, u]eUA and VA + VA ---- V, a constant. When a user requires a data item di that is not part of the primary segment, then the secondary subtile must be accessed as weft. A frequently referenced data item, say di, could be moved to the primary segment; this inclusion, however, would create an additional transportation burden (proportional to li, the length of data item di) for all users of the database, and in particular those users not needing di. Consider a database with N records and assume that primary and secondary subfiles are both unblocked. Let al be the cost of a single access to the primary subtile, tl be the unit cost of data transfer from the primary subtile, and s~ be the unit cost of primary subtile storage over the time interval T. Similarly define a~, t2, and s2 for the secondary subffie. Given a specific segmentation A and assuming that the primary and secondary subffles are both sequentially processed, then Costa ~- N((al + tl WA) Y + (a2 "}" t2 W A ) ~rA Jr S l W a 4" S2WA). (1) This equation is explained as follows: (al + tl Wa) is the cost to access and transfer one primary segment. Multiplying by N gives the cost to retrieve the entire primary subtile. Since V is the total frequency of retrieval for all users, N(a~ + t~WA)V T e c h n i q u e s for S t r u c t u r i n g D a t a b a s e R e c o r d s • 61 d~ U1 do Uo Figure 4. Networkrepresentationused by Eisner and Severance[1976l. is the total cost of retrieval from the primary subtile. Similarly, the term N ( a 2 + t 2 W A ) V A is the total cost of retrieval from the secondary subtile. N(s~, WA) is the cost of storage for the primary subtile, and N(s2, ~VA) is the cost of storage for the secondary subtile. Defining R to be the set of all possible record segmentations, the design problem becomes min N((a~ + t~ WA) V + (a2 + t2WA) VA A~R + sl WA + s2 WA). (2) This expression can be reduced to one in WA and IYA to yield min K3 - K4(K1 - W A ) ( K 2 --" fZA), A~R where K1 = W + a2/t2, K 2 = (tl V + sl - s2)/t2, K3 = N(a~ V + s2 + t 2 K I K 2 ) , K 4 = Ntz. (3) sions (i.e., (K1 - W~) and (K2 - ~ ) ) . T he fact that its solution also solves the objective (3) can be seen by noting that (1) a constant may be added to or subtracted from an objective function without changing its optimal solution (hence K3 can be subtracted from (3)); (2) an objective function may be multiplied or divided by an positive constant without changing its optimal solution (hence the result of subtracting K3 from (3) can be divided by K4); (3) maximizing an objective is equivalent to minimizing its negative (hence the change from a minimization in (3) to a maximization in (4)). Geoffrion [1967] has shown that if K1 _ WA >--O, K 2 >-- VA >--0 and R is a continuous convex set, then a solution A* that solves the objective max c(K1 - WA) + (1 - c)(K2 - VA) A~_R (5) over all c ~ [0, 1] also solves the objective (4). Eisner and Severance [1976] also examined objective functions of this form specifFor reasonable values of ai, t~, and si, K1, ically for the record segmentation problem, K2, K3, and K4 are nonnegative constants and the objective function (3) is minimized where the set R is discrete. T h e y analyzed the problem using the network formulation by that segmentation which solves illustrated in Figure 4. Data items and users m a x ( K 1 - W A ) ( K 2 - VA). (4) are represented by nodes in the network. AER Activities are described by edges that conT h e expression (4) is termed a bicriterion nect each user Ur to all data items required m a t h e m a t i c a l p r o g r a m because its objec- by that user. User u~, for example, is shown tive function is the product of two expres- to require data items d~, d3, and ds. Two Compt~tiug Surveys, VoL 15, No. 1, March 1983 62 • S a l v a t o r e T. M a r c h additional nodes (do and uo) and a set of directed edges (from do to di V di ~ D and from uj to Uo V uy E U) complete the network representation The capacity of an edge, (do, di) is given by cli, where li is the length of data item di and c is a parameter that varies the relative cost of retrieval as compared to that of storage. The capacity of an edge (uj, uo) is given by (1 - c)vr, where Vr is the frequency of retrieval by user Ur. The remaining network edges have infinite capacity. Intuitively, the capacities of the arcs represent the relative importance of data item length as compared to retrieval frequency for the overall performance of a segmentation. By using this network formulation and standard network theory (see Ford and Fulkerson, 1962), the maximum flow from do to u0 may be quickly calculated, and is given by min CWA 4- (1 -- c) VA. (6) A~R Noting that eq. (5) may be written as max cK1 + (1 - c ) K 2 A~R -- (cWA + (1 -- C)17A) or cK1 + (1 - c)K2 - rain cWA + (1 -- C) ~A, AER it is clear that for a given value of c, a solution to (6) also solves (5). Using this approach, Eisner and Severance developed a procedure that produces a family of "parametric" solutions for the parameter c. On the basis of conditions established by Eisner and Severance [1976] the procedure terminates either with a parametric solution, which is known to be optimal, or with the best parametric solution and a lower bound on the optimal solution. If the best parametric solution is not "sufficiently close" to the lower bound, a branch-andbound procedure is used to find the optimal solution. March and Severance [1977] extended this work in the area of blocked sequential retrieval. They generalized the analysis to a situation in which primary and secondary subffles are arbitrarily blocked, subject to the constraint of a limited buffer area; they then presented an algorithm that deterComputing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 mines an optimal combination of record structures and block size, given a fixed main memory buffer allocation. The more complex design problem is analyzed as follows. First, the Eisner-Sever. ance procedure is used to produce the family of parametric solutions. Ranges on the primary block size for which each parametric solution is known to be optimal are then established. Within each such range an optimal combination of primary block size and segmentation is determined and the cost of that combination calculated. The least cost combination becomes a global upper bound for the problem (all other combinations may, of course, be discarded). For each range in which an optimal solution is not known, a lower bound is determined. A range may be fathomed (i.e., eliminated from further consideration) if its lower bound is greater than the global upper bound. For each range which remains, a branch-and-bound procedure that either fathoms the range or determines an optimal segmentation-primary block size combination for that range is used. This segmentation-primary block size combination then becomes the global upper bound (otherwise the range would have been fathomed). When all ranges have been analyzed, the global upper bound is, in fact, optimal. The procedure does guarantee to produce an optimal assignment of data items to primary and secondary segments, and total cost savings of 60 percent over the cost of using single-segment record structures have been demonstrated. While this procedure considers the cost of data storage, it does not explicitly consider buffer space or update costs. The procedure has, however, been interfaced with a model of secondarymemory management (see March, Severance, and Wilens, 1981) that implicitly considers these effects. 2.4 A Comparative Analysis of Record Segmentation Techniques Three approaches to record segmentation have been discussed: mathematical clustering [Hoffer and Severance, 1975], iterative grouping refinement [Hammer and Niamir, 1979], and bicriterion programming [Eisner, and Severance, 1976; March and Severance, 1977]. Table 2 characterizes each of Techniques for Structuring Database Records Table 2. • 63 A Characterization of Techniques for Record Segmentation Scope of the problem Technique Access paths Secondary memory environment Class of record structures Evaluation criteria Composite of retrieval Storage and maintenance costs Number of page accesses Mathematical clustering Branch and bound Composite of retrieval Storage costs Bicriterion mathematical programming Clustering Sequential Moving head disk ~_1 Segment No redundancy Iterative grouping refinement Bicriterion programming Scan Predefined indexes Any predefined access paths Paged ~1 Segment No redundancy Paged 1 or 2 segments No redundancy these techniques by the scope of the problem addressed (i.e., the types of data access paths, the secondary-memory environment modeled, the class of alternative record structures allowed, and the criteria by which alternatives are evaluated) and the type of algorithm used. Assuming a flat file logical data structure, stored without redundancy, each approach establishes an assignment of data items to subffles, which improves the overall system performance by either eliminating or reducing unnecessary data transfer. The mathematical clustering approach produces a permuted data-item × data-item similarity matrix; this matrix must be subjectively interpreted to form initial groups of data items, which are then combined using a branch-and-bound procedure. The iterative grouping-refinement procedure iteratively groups pairs of previously established data item groups, and evaluates single data item variations in the initial solution for improved performance. The mathematical programming approach formulates the problem as a bicriterion mathematical program which is solved by using a network representation and classical operations research techniques. The solution isolates a set of data items with high usefulness relative to their storage and transfer cost. These data items are stored in a primary segment; the remaining data items are stored in a secondary segment. The first two approaches are heuristic in nature, and while both yield considerable cost savings, neither can guarantee opti- Type of algorithm Hill climbing mality. The first, mathematical clustering, is more limited than the second, iterative grouping refinement, in that it only consid. ers sequential retrieval activity, while the latter considers both sequential and random retrieval. The third approach, bicriterion programming, guarantees optimality; however, it is restricted to a maximum of two segments processed as primary and secondary. It is capable of modeling both sequential and random retrieval; but for random retrieval, it assumes that both primary and secondary segments are unblocked. Each of these techniques was used to solve the personnel database problem shown in Table 1. Extensions and/or modifications were made to the various techniques to permit solution of this problem and a meaningful comparison of results. In order to facilitate this comparison, the characterization of the computer system and data set shown in Table 3 were assumed for all experiments. In addition, since the clustering technique is limited to sequential-only data access, this restriction was also initially placed on the other two techniques. Following a presentation of the results from each technique, a comparative analysis is given. When applied to the personnel database problem shown in Table 1, the clustering approach yields the permuted similarity matrix of Table 4. The values in Table 4 represent the "normalized" similarities between each pair of data items. These values range from a minimum of 1, when the data ComputingSurveys,YoL 15, No. 1, March 1983 64 ° S a l v a t o r e T. M a r c h Table 3. A Characterization of the Computer System and Data Set System parameters Disk device Minumumdisk arm access time Average disk arm access time Rotation time Size of a track (maximumblock size) Tracks per cylinder Cost allocation Cost of bufferspace Cost of disk space Cost of retrieval time Data set parameters Number of data records items are "rarely" required together, to a maximum of 100, when the data items are always required together. This particular example illustrates the difficulty of establishing initial clusters from the permuted similarity matrix. It is clear, for example, that data items 17, 18, 29, and 30 should be initially assigned to the same segment since their similarities are all 100. Data item 28, on the other hand, has pairwise similarities of 51, 51, 51, and 53 with data items 17, 18, 29, and 30, respectively. Should it also be included? If not, where should it be initially assigned? The initial clusters shown in boxes in Table 4 were subjectively established by the author simply by intuitively looking for "high" similarity values. The results from (implicitly) evaluating, via a branch-and-bound algorithm, all possible combinations of these initial clusters, in both a dedicated disk environment and a paged-memory environment, are summarized in Table 5. In order to similarly apply the iterative grouping-refinement procedure to the personnel database problem, the calculation of s (the number of segments required from a subffle, f, by a user ur) was modified to allow a user to select multiple values for a data item in a single retrieval. The modified value is s = N* 1-[ S i * M r i , dlelrf where N, Irf, and Si are as defined in Section 2.2 and Mri is the number of values of di that are required for the selection criteria of user u,. In addition, in order to eliminate the explicit storage of linkage data, it is Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 36.3 milliseconds 43.3 milliseconds 16.7 milliseconds 13,030 characters 19 $2.27 × 10-~/character-second 0.67/cylinder/month 0.01/second 30,000 assumed that each segment-instance of a single record-instance is stored and addressed by relative record number within its respective subffle. Again assuming the system and data set parameters of Table 4, this procedure was applied to the employee problem shown in Table 1. To facilitate comparison with the other record segmentation techniques, three different accessing environments were considered: (a) sequential access only, (b) sequential access within a subfde (i.e., no indexes) but direct access (via relative record number) from one segment to another of the same record, and (c) direct access via a set of indexes (one for each selection data item). The results of these experiments are summarized in Table 6. Finally, the bicriterion programming procedure was applied to the employee problem shown in Table 1. Again, the system and data set parameters of Table 4 were assumed and the three different accessing environments described above were considered. In order to model the effects of secondary indexes, however, it must be assumed that both the primary and the secondary subffles are unblocked [Eisner and Severance, 1976]. The results of these experiments are summarized in Table 7. The results produced by each algorithm are discussed below. Prior to this discussion, however, it should be noted that the performance measures of each are not directly comparable. Although both the clustering algorithm and the bicriterion programming algorithm use "Operating Cost" as the measure to be minimized, each evaluates this measure differently. The clustering algorithm includes the cost of buffer it ~D o e. E Q~ ..Q o 0. c. 0 O. ~D . xh t~L~ c~ ID LE cD O. .Q L~ I- ) 66 • Salvatore T. March Table 5. Analysis of the Record Segmentation Selected via the Clustering Heuristic and Branch-and-Bound Algorithm Cost of storage retrieval Unsegmented Data items ($) Trivial segmentation (%) (%) 1-14, 16, 25-26 15 17-18, 28-30 19-24, 27 134 120 78 41.8 35.0 1-14, 16, 25-26 15 17-18, 28-30 19-24, 27 295 120 121 59.0 -0.8 Data item assignments Segment (a) Dedicated disk environment 1 2 3 4 (b) Paged-memory environment 1 2 3 4 M e m o r y environment Table 6. Selected segmentation Cost reduction ($) ($) Over Over trivial unseg- segmenmented tation Analysis of the Record Segmentations Selected by the Iterative Grouping: Refinement Heuristic for the Personnel Database Problem Performance improvement SeTrivial lected Unseg- segmen- segmenmerited tation tation Data item assignments Processing environment Segmerit Data items Segment Data items Over unsegmented (%) Over trivial segmenration (%) (a) All sequential processing Each data item stored in its own segment 294,824 41,979 41,979 85.8 0.0 (b) With no secondary indexes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 1, 15 16 17-18 27 19-20 26 21-22, 28 23-25 29 30 294,824 37,879 30,159 89.8 20.4 (c) All selection data items indexed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19-24, 26-27 25 28 29 30 132,405 30,187 29,804 77.5 1.3 20 21 22 23 space and the effects of disk arm movement and rotational delay induced by the "simultaneous" processing of multiple subfiles Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 stored on a common disk. These factors are ignored by the bicriterion programming algorithm, which assumes a paged-memory Techniques for Structuring Database R e c o r d s Table 7. 67 * Analysis of the Record Segmentation Selected by the Bicriterion Programming Algorithm Cost per month Data item assignment Processing environment Primary Secondary Unsegmented ($) Segmented ($) Cost reduction (%) (a) Blocked primary and secondary, each sequentially processed 1-16 17-30 206 96 53,4 (b) Blocked primary, unblocked, randomly processed, secondary 1-16, 24-27 17-23,28-30 206 115 44.2 (c) Unblocked primary and secondary, both randomly processed (with an index for each selection data item) 1-16, 23-27 17-22,28-30 1884 1878 0.3 environment and considers only page access and transfer costs. Both include the cost of data storage. In contrast, the iterative grouping-refinement algorithm does not explicitly consider cost but attempts to minimize the number of page accesses (multiplying by the cost per page access, of course, gives total access cost). It does not consider the cost of data storage. In a sequential-only data processing environment, the iterative grouping-refinement procedure selected the trivial partition in which each data item is stored in a distinct segment (Table 6a). For the same access environment, quite different segmentations were selected by the other approaches (see Tables 5a and 7a). The reason for this discrepancy is the difference in the criteria used to evaluate a segmentation. The iterative grouping-refinement technique seeks to minimize the total number of page accesses, which, as discussed above, will always result in the selection of the trivial partition if all subfiles are sequentially processed. The clustering technique, on the other hand, seeks to minimize a function of retrieval and storage costs that takes into account the complexities of secondary memory and multiple file processing. It is important to note that when the secondary memory environment is restricted to page accessing, then, provided that the cost of buffer space is "reasonable," the trivial partition (i.e., with each data item in its own segment) is also "optimal" for the clustering technique; however, since initial clusters are subjectively established, this solution may never be considered (see Table 4). Finally, while the bicriterion programming procedure seeks to minimize the sum of data access costs and storage costs in a paged-memory environment, it is limited to a maximum of two segments and therefore does not consider the trivial partition. In order to compare each procedure's performance in generating efficient record structures for sequentially processed files, the segmentations selected by each procedure were evaluated assuming both a dedicated disk and paged-memory environments (by the evaluation procedure used in the clustering technique). The results are summarized in Table 8. As shown in that table, the clustering algorithm selected an efficient segmentation for both the dedicated disk and paged-memory environments, while the iterative grouping-refinement algorithm selected a segmentation that was considerably less efficient for the dedicated disk environment but slightly more efficient for the paged-memory environment. The segmentation selected by the bicriterion programming algorithm, while never the most efficient, is also an efficient segmentation. Given the increase in complexity as the number of segments per record increases, the restriction to two segments may actually be desirable. Note that the bicriterion programming algorithm took nearly two orders of magnitude less computer time to produce its solution than either of the other two algorithms. Timing consideration~ are discussed in more detail at the end of this section. The remaining processing environments require direct access to at least some subfiles. The clustering approach is inappropriate for such problems and therefore is not included in the following discussion. Computing Surveys,Vol. 15,No. 1,March 1983 68 • Salvatore T. March Table 8. Analysis of Solutions for Sequential-Only Retrieval Dedicated disk environment Paged memory environment Cost reduction Data time assignment Procedure Clustering Segment 1 2 3 4 Data items Cost of Over retrieval unsegand stor- mented age ($) (%) 1-14, 16, 25-26 15 17-18, 28-30 19-24, 27 Iterative grouping refinement Trivial segmentation Bicriterion programming 1 2 1-16 17-30 The segmentations selected by the iterative grouping-refinement algorithm and the bicriterion programming algorithm are widely different from each other in each of the processing environments considered. Again, this results from the evaluation measures used and the limitations of each procedure. The bicriterion programming procedure limits the number of segments to two and requires that subffles be unblocked in order to model random processing. Clearly, the ability to block segments contributes substantially to the processing efficiency when moderate-to-large portions of a file (subffle) are retrieved. Eisner and Severance [1976] point out that record segmentation has considerably greater potential for cost saving when subffles are blocked. These effects are seen in Table 7, which shows significant cost reduction when at least the primary subffle is blocked and minimal cost reduction when neither primary nor secondary subfiles are blocked. In addition, as discussed in Section 1, the existence of secondary-access paths reduces the potential for cost reduction. This is seen in Table 6, where the percentage of reduction in the number of accesses drops from 89.8 percent to 77.5 percent when indexes are added for the selection data items. The effects of secondary indexes are even more pronounced when the retrieval emphasis shifts from large subset to small subset. In the personnel problem (Table 1) the first eight retrievals require large subsets Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 Over trivial (%) Cost of retrieval Over and unsegstorage mented ($) (%) Over trivial (%) 78 41.8 35.0 121 59.0 --0.8 120 10.4 0.0 120 59.3 0.0 82 38.8 31.7 135 54.2 -12.5 (90 percent or more) of the data records, while the last ten retrievals require a small subset (1 percent or less) of the data records. Focusing only on the small subset (or so-called "executive" retrievals [Eisner and Severance, 1976]), both algorithms were used to determine efficient record segmentations. The results are summarized in Tables 9 and 10. The performance improvement decreased from well over 93 percent to under 57 percent for the iterative grouping-refinement algorithm and from nearly 45 percent to 0 percent for the bicriterion programming algorithm. Consider the results from the iterative grouping-refinement algorithm shown in Table 9. The overall performance improvement obtained by indexes (with unsegmented records) is a 91 percent reduction in the number of accesses required (178,204 to 15,784). The incremental improvement obtained by segmentation is only 4 percent (from 15,784 to 8,399). From the other perspective, however, the overall performance improvement obtained by segmentation alone (without indexes) is over 93 percent (178,204 to 11,949). The incremental improvement due to indexing is under 2 percent (form 11,949 to 8,399), yielding a total improvement of 95 percent. Either segmentation alone or indexing alone contributes significant performance improvement and greatly reduces the contribution of the other. To see why this is true, we must consider the effect of isolating a "selection" Techniques for Structuring Database R e v ~ d s Table 9. • .69 Analysis of the Record Segmentations Selected by the Iterative Grouping-Refinement Heuristic for Executive Retrievals Performance improvement Number of accesses Unsegmented Trivial segmentation Seletted segmen. tation Over unsegmented (%) Over trivial segmenta~on (%) Data item assignments Processing environment Segment Data ~ems Segmeat Data ~ems (a) All sequential processing Each data item stored in its own segment 178,204 21,400 21,400 88.0 0.0 (b) W i t h n o s e c o n d a r y indexes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 178,204 17,301 11,949 93.3 30.9 15,784 9,607 8,399 46.8 12.6 (c) All selection data items indexed 1 2 3 4 5 6 Table 10. 10 2 3 6 5 26 7 1, 8-9 11 12 13-14 12 13 14 15 16 17 1, 5, 7-9, 13-14 2-4, 12, 19-24, 26-27 6 10 11 15-16 18 19 20 21 22 15-16 27 17 18 24 4, 19-20, 22-23 21 25 28 29 30 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 18 25 28 29 30 Analysis of the Record Segmentations Selected by the Bicriterion Programming Algorithm for Executive Retrievals Cost per m o n t h Unsegmented Segmented Cost reduction 136 65 52.2 1, 4, 6, 8-9, 1113, 15-23 25, 28-30 136 59 56.6 15-18, 25, 28-30 37 37 0.0 Data item assignment Processing environment Primary Secondary (a) Blocked primary and secondary, each sequentially processed 1-14 (b) Blocked primary; unblocked, randomly processed secondary 2-3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 24, 26-27 (c) Unblocked primary and secondary, both randomly processed (with an index for each selection data item) 1-14, 19-24, 26-27 data item in its own segment. Such an arrangement effectively reduces the search time required to satisfy that selection criteria. The subffle is itself an index since it merely contains (value, pointer) pairs for 15-30 ($) ($) (%) each record in the file (the pointer part being explicitly maintained by position in the subffle). While the time required to search the subtile for the appropriate "values" can be reduced by secondary inComputing Surveys, VoJLlSk No. 1, M~urchl~B3 70 Salvatore T. March Table 11. Computational Time (Seconds) for Each Record Segmentation Procedure Personnel database Algorithm Sequential only Clustering 253.5 Iterative grouping refinement 152.3 Bicriterion programming 5.6 dexes, the improvement is mitigated by the fact that such subffles are quite small compared to an unsegmented file. Similar results are obtained from the bicriterion programming algorithm although the effects of segmentation are not quite as dramatic since the number of segments is limited to two. As shown in Table 10, with unsegmented records, indexes reduced the total cost by 73 percent ($136 to $37); no additional improvement was obtained by segmentation. Again, from the other perspective, with no indexes, segmentation reduced the total cost by over 52 percent ($136 to $65). Indexing further reduced the cost by over 20 percent (from $65 to $~7), yielding a total improvement of nearly 73 percent. One final factor is considered: the run time of the algorithms. Table 11 shows the time required by each procedure, running on a CDC Cyber 74 Computer, to solve the database problems discussed above. Clearly, the bicriterion programming approach is considerably faster than either the mathematical clustering or the iterative grouping-refinement approaches. However, H a m m e r and Naimir have suggested techniques for improving the speed of the iterative grouping-refinement procedure that were not incorporated into the implementation used by the author. While the above techniques provide valuable insight into the record structuring problem, the restriction to flat file data representations severely limits their applicability for modern database design problems, where the logical data structure is typically quite complex. The following section presents a record structuring technique, called "aggregation," that recognizes Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 Without indexes . With indexes . 1202.1 4.5 Executive retrievals . Without indexes With indexes . 539.3 564.5 282.9 4.3 2.7 2.6 the complexity of the logical data structures typical of modern databases. 3. HIERARCHIC AGGREGATION Aggregation is a type of record structuring that physically arranges groups of data items that have been defined by some data model. It is motivated by the recognition that in database systems the logical structure of the data and the activities on that data are typically complex and interrelated. As with record segmentation, the task of determining an efficient aggregation may be formally stated as that of minimizing storage and retrieval costs over all database users. However, retrieval and storage cost functions, and the set of possible aggregations over which their sum is minimized, are highly dependent upon the data model under consideration. This section discusses a technique termed hierarchic aggregation. As its name implies, hierarchic aggregation assumes that the logical data structure is expressed in the hierarchic data model. Thus the set of aggregations from which a record structure is selected is restricted to "child" segments being aggregated iteratively into "parent" segments. Such an approach is also possible for the network and relational data models; however, its efficiency is highly dependent on the single parent restriction of the hierarchic model, and this restriction does not apply to the network or relational models. Schkolnick [1977] developed hierarchic aggregation for use in designing IMS databases since IMS is a widely used hierarchic DBMS. The scope of the problem addressed by Schkolnick is restricted to hier- Techniques for Structuring Database Records I NAME I PAYROLL • 71 E ADDRESS SKILL EXPERIENCE I Figure 5. A graphical representation of a hierarchic personnel database. archic organizations of data stored without tains a SKILL segment and some number redundancy in a paged secondary-memory of E X P E R I E N C E and E D U C A T I O N segenvironment, and sequentially processed ments related to that SKILL). The number via hierarchic scans. A hierarchic organi- of instances of a type tree Tj associated zation of data is simply one which can be with a root segment S, is denoted Zj and is represented by a tree structure. The basic called the Z-fanout of segment], A type tree defines a hiera~hic organielement considered is termed a segment. o storage Again, a segment is defined by the set of zation Given a type t r ee, a physical data items it contains; however, in this con- scheme must be devised which efficiently text, a segment is assumed to be indivisible supports the activity upon that structure (hence it is the "basic element"). Each seg- Two storage schemes are immediately obment is described by length (the number of vious First, one may use the hierarchic characters required to store the segment) preorder to linearize the structure and then and type (an identifier for the items stored simply store segments sequentially, accordwithin the segment). Segments are orga- ing to that ordering, in a single file organinized into trees by means of a type tree. A zation. Alternatively, one may store each type tree is an (m + 1)-tuple T ffi (S, TI, segment in a separate file organization. The T~. . . . . Tin), where S is the root segment of first structure has obvious advantages for the type tree, TI, T 2 , . . . , Tm are children the retrieval of all information for a partictype trees of S, and m is termed the root ular instance of the m a i n t y p e tree (e.g., all fanout of T; if m -- 0, then T is called a root information describing a single employee), while the second has advantages for the tree. Figure 5 shows a graphical representation retrieval of all instances of a single segment of a type tree, T = (NAME, T1, T~, T3), for tree (e.g., skill information for all employa personnel database. T1 ffi (ADDRESS) ees). Unfortunately, retrieval requirements and T2 -- (PAYROLL) are root trees, are rarely so simply characterized, and the whereas T3 = (SKILL, T4, T0) is a type tree selection of efficient record, stixtctUre must containing T4 = (EXPERIENCE) and take into consideration t h e type and freT5 = (EDUCATION). Each employee has quencies of retrievals, as well as the actual exactly one NAME segment (containing, structure of the hierarchy. e.g., first, middle, last name, employee pass The number of possible record structures number, social security number), some is a function of the n u m b e r of segments. number of A D D R E S S and PAYROLL seg- Consider an n-segment type tree T, and ments (containing, perhaps, current and arbitrarily index each segment by the order historical information), and some number in which it would appear in a preorder of SKILL type trees (each of which con- traversal (see Knuth, 1973) of that tree. An ComputingSm~,~s,V ~ 15,~ , Ma~eh1983 72 • Salvatore T. March aggregation C of that type tree T is a set Xc ffi {xj(C)}y-2, where x](C) is a 0-1 variable such that 1, x/(C) ffi 0, i f j is stored with its parent; otherwise. A t'de organization is defined for each segment which is not stored with its parent. Since each segment has exactly one parent (except the root segment, which has no parents), there are 2 n-1 possible ways to aggregate the segments of the type tree T. Figure 6a shows several ways of aggregating the segments of the type tree illustrated in Figure 5. Figure 6b shows the corresponding record structures for those aggregations, with repetitions of segments shown only when those segments are aggregated. The objective of hierarchic aggregation is to determine a set of record structures t h a t meets the database activity with the minimal number of page accesses. Considering segments to be indivisible units and given a set of user retrieval requests defined by hierarchical scans (i.e., by the transitions among structurally connected segments), Schkolnick developed criteria for determining the number of page accesses required to satisfy a retrieval request for a given set of record structures. These criteria are based upon the type of transition required and the record structures (and thus the file organizations) defined by the selected aggregation. Since it is assumed that file organizations are independently processed, then any transition from one file organization to another is assumed to cause a page access. Only transitions that occur within a single file organization need by considered further. Schkolnick argues that there are only three types of transitions of concern: (1) parent-child transition (PCT), a transition from a parent segment to the first instance of one of its children (e.g., from a NAME segment to the first instance of a PAYROLL segment for a single employee); (2) twin transition (TT), a transition from one instance to the next (in hierarchic order) of the same segment type, provided that no parent segment appears Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1983 between them (e.g., from one instance of a SKILL segment to the next for the same employee); (3) child-parent transition (CPT), a transition from a child segrnentj to the next instance (in hierarchic order) of a parent segment type i {e.g., from an instance of a SKILL segment for one employee to the instance of the NAME segment for the next employee). This next instance is called the "uncle" segment of the given child segment. All database activity may then be characterized by the number of such transitions given by nij ffi the number of PCTs between parents of type i and children of type j, nit ffi the number of TTs between instances of segment type i, and nj,. ffi the number of CPTs between children of type j and parents of type i. The record structuring problem may be formulated as min P(C) = ~ (ni~ii(C) C~8 lET + ~ [nijPij(C)+njiPji(C)]), yes(O where 0 is the set of all possible aggregations. S(i) is the set of segments which are sons of segment / ~ T, and Pi~(C), P~(C), and Pj~(C) are the expected number of page faults for TT, PCT, and CPT transitions, respectively, for a given aggregation C ~ #. Expressions for Pii( C), Pij( C), and Pii( C) are obtained by determining the expected number of page references for each transition and then determining the relationship between page references and page faults. Assuming that each file organization has some number of buffers in main memory which hold the most recently accessed pages from that file organization, then a new page reference causes a page fault only ff the referenced page is not in a buffer. For a specific aggregation, the number of page faults caused by a set of transitions depends on the frequency of each type of transition, on the conditional probability that each transition type is followed by any of the others, and on the number of pages held in main memory buffers. Since it is f--.~. ~-~\\ ~ 1 d d d \\ ,'x\ ~ d II ) ) ~ 2> f ~N ®srqr4®rq <a I ,2 d i I 7 I I i E II i// "/ F / r - - - q l h ~< \ ~- . / ~J .J "~' 77j r~ ' < '\ / . ,. P. . IF;q I r - ~ ~ × II =l O1 II. ff \ / -E 74 • Salvatore T. March assumed that access is done via hierarchic scan and that each file organization has at least one buffer, conditions for page faults for each type of transition in terms of new page references are characterized as SKILL (Zs ffi 3), each of which contains one SKILL segment and two EDUCATION segments (Zz = 2). Thus, the distance between NAME segments, DNs, is PCT ffi any new page reference causes a page fault (since it is highly unlikely that the page containing the child segment is in main memory from a previous access), T T ffi any new page reference cause a page fault (again, since it is highly unlikely that the page containing the twin is in main memory from a previous access), and CPT ffi a new page reference causes a page fault if and only if the parent segment is on a page different from the uncle segment (since the parent must be accessed before the child in a hierarchic scan). •10+3.(15+2.5) DNN = 1N + Zs(/s + ZEIE) ffi 85. Functions are similarly calculated for the distance between parent-child segments and child-parent segments. Given these distance functions, the probability of a new page reference for any type of transition is determined as follows. Consider a transition from a segment of type g to a segment of type h (where g may be the same as h). If the distance from g to h, Dgh, is greater than the page size, then the transition will always cause a new page reference. If, on the other hand, the distance between g and h, Dgh, is less than the page size, then a new page must be referenced In addition, since it is assumed that file only if the distance between segment g and organizations are independently main- the end of the page on which it is stored is tained, any transition from one file organi- less than Dgh. Assuming that g is randomly zation to another is assumed to cause a located on a page, then the probability of page fault. this occurring is simply the ratio of the To determine the expected number of distance between g and h, Dgh, and the page page references for each type of transition, size, B. For a given aggregation C, the probthe distance between segments in the ag- ability of a new page reference for a trangregation must first be determined. Since sition from a segment of type g to one of aggregated segments are stored in hier- type h may be mathematically stated: archic order, the distance between two seg6eh(C) = min(Dgh(C)/B, 1). ments is simply the sum of the lengths of all intervening segments in the hierarchic Expressions for the expected number of order. Consider, for example, the aggrega- page faults for each type of transition (astion defined by X2 = {0, 0, 1, 0, 1] (see suming t h a t i is the parent of j) for a given Figure 6) and assume that the segment aggregation, C, are as follows: lengths are given by 1N ffi 20, 1A ---- 50, lp .ffi 10, ls ffi 15, lx ffi 30, 1E ffi 5 for NAME, (1) For a parent-child transition, if child segment j is stored with its parent (i.e., ADDRESS, PAYROLL, SKILL, EXPExy(C) = 1), then Pi/(C) is simply the RIENCE, and EDUCATION segments, reprobability of a new page reference; spectively. Further assume that the Z-fanotherwise, Pi/(C) = 1. Mathematically, out for each segment is given by ZA ffi 2, this may be stated as Zp = 52, Zs =- 3, Zx = 5, ZE ffi 2 ( t h e Z fanout is irrelevant for the root segment P~j(C) ffi ~,AC)xAC) + (1 - x/(C)). NAME). Then the distance between twin ADDRESS, PAYROLL, and EXPERI- (2) For a twin transition, Pjy(C) is simply ENCE segments (DAA, Dpp, Dxx, respecthe probability of a new page reference, tively) is simply the length of each segment, or 50, 10, and 15, respectively, since they are P~A c) = ~//(c). each root segments and not involved in any aggregations. Between each NAME seg- (3) For a child-parent transition, if the child segment j is stored with its parent ment, however, are three subtrees rooted at Computing Surveys, Vol. 15, No. I, March 1983 Techniques for Structuring Database Records (xj(C) ffi 1), then PjI(C) is the probability of a new page reference; otherwise, it is the probability that the uncle segment (of type i) is stored on a different page than the parent (also of type i). Mathematically, this may be stated as Pj~(C) ffi ~j~(C)xAC) + ~ . ( C ) ( 1 - xAC)). The cost function for a subtree rooted at i may then be stated Ki( C) ~- nii~ii( C) +~ j~s(i) { n~j[&j(C)xj(C) + (1 -xj(C))] + n~(C)[~j~(C)xAC) + ~(C)(1 - xAC))] +KAC)), where Cj is the restriction of C to only those variables in the subtree rooted at j. Since K~(C) ffi P(C), the aggregation that minimizes KdC) also minimizes P(C). A brute-force approach to the problem generates Ki(C) for all possible (i.e., 2"-~) aggregations C E a. Schkolnick noted that the brute-force approach spent a great deal of time generating and evaluating record structures that were known to be nonoptimal (i.e., ones that were not optimally aggregated). Using this information, he developed a branch-and-bound algorithm that produces an optimal grouping of segments in linear time. To test his algorithm, Schkolnick collected usage statistics from an actual 25-segment hierarchical database for a period of 24 hours and used his branchand-bound algorithm to determine an optimal record structuring. Five alternative record structurings were evaluated for comparison. Schkolnick then loaded the database into each of the six configurations and obtained measurements of the actual system performance. In no case was the performance of any of the alternative configurations better than that of the configuration selected by the algorithm--in most cases it was considerably worse. While this approach has been studied only for the restricted case of the hierarchic data model, it is also applicable to other data models. Teorey and Fry [1982] suggest a two-step approach to aggregating • 75 network structures, in the first step, the network structure is broken down into a set of overlapping hierarchies and the Schkolnick algorithm directly applied to each hierarchy. In the CODASYL terminology used by network DBMSs, a network is defined by record types related via O W N E R M E M B E R SETs, and a record type may be a M E M B E R of more than one SET. Forming a set of hierarchies from a network structure is relatively straightforward: when a record type is a M E M B E R of only one SET, then the O W N E R and MEMB E R record types are already hierarchically related and no further work need be done; however, when a record type is a M E M B E R of more than one SET, then a distinct hierarchy must b e formed for each O W N E R record type, with the M E M B E R record type appearing as a child. Since a record type may appear in more than one hierarchy, it may also appear in more than one aggregation. Assuming that data are stored nonredundantly, then record types appearing in more than one aggregation conflict with the method of implementation. Such conflicts are resolved in the second step of the Teorey and Fry procedure by evaluating all possible combinations of conflicting aggregations. Consider, for example, the "classic" EMP L O Y E E - P R O J E C T database illustrated in Figure 7a with the three record types (EMPLOYEE, PROJECT, and ASSIGNMENT) and two sets (EMPLOYEEA S S I G N M E N T and P R O J E C T - A S S I G N MENT). Then two hierarchies must be created as shown in Figure 7b. If the application of the Schkolnick algorithm to each hierarchy results in A S S I G N M E N T being aggregated together with both EMPLOYEE and P R O J E C T , then two alternative CODASYL implementations must be evaluated: (1} A S S I G N M E N T aggregated into EMPLOYEE with P R O J E C T stored separately (denoted by the dashed box on the left side of Figure 7c) and (2) A S S I G N M E N T aggregated into PROJECT with E M P L O Y E E stored separately (again denoted by the dashed box on the right side of Figure 7e). This approach may similarly be applied to the relational model in which multiple relations can be hierarchically structured (e.g., by fore!gn keys or partial key matches). Computiug Surveys0 Vol, 15, No. 1, March 1983 76 Salvatore T. March PROJECT EMPLOYEE \ / EMPLOYEEASSIGNMENT PROJECTASSIGNMENT \ / I ASSIGNMENT I (a) PROJECT EMPLOYEE I ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT (b) EMPLOYEE PROJECT I PROJECT ,I ASSIGNMENT I EMPLOYEE 1 I I' [ [ ASSIGNMENT I [ I (c) Figure 7. Aggregation of an employee-project database: (a) a CODASYL network; (b) overlapping hierarchies; (e) alternative CODASYL implementations. 4. SUMMARY AND DIRECTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH This paper has addressed the problem of selecting efficient record structures for a database system. Simply stated, the problem is to determine which data items should be physically stored together so that the Computing Surveys, Vol, 15, No. I, March 1983 total operating costs are minimized. The solution depends on the intrinsic structure of the data (as expressed in some data model), its volume and volatility, characteristics of the user retrieval requirements and the computer system environment, and the selection of data access paths within the database. Techniques for Structuring Database Records Two aspects of record structuring have been delimited, segmentation and aggregation, and alternative techniques for each aspect have been presented and discussed. A complete record structuring for a database would include both aspects; however, current techniques focus on only one or the other. Mathematical clustering, iterative grouping refinement, and mathematical programming each address record segmentation. Mathematical clustering considers only sequential processing but includes a detailed costing model of secondary memory. Iterative grouping refinement considers both sequential and random processing but assumes a paged-memory environment. Both of these techniques are heuristic in nature and cannot guarantee an optimal solution. Mathematical programming, on the other hand, does guarantee optimality; however, it limits the number of segments to two, processed as primary and secondary. Again, it assumes a paged-memory environment. Hierarchic aggregation addresses record aggregation. As its name implies, this technique was developed for the hierarchic data model. It may, however, also be applied to the network data model by first decomposing the network into a set of overlapping hierarchies. There are several major areas of concern for future research, each of which is motivated by weaknesses in the techniques discussed above. The first is data redundancy. While data redundancy causes both update efficiency and integrity concerns, it may be of great practical significance in meeting data retrieval requirements, particularly where the volume of update is not significant. None of the techniques discussed above address data redundancy. A second area for research is that of determining the effects of update operations. The costs associated with doing update operations are significantly different from those of retrieval operations and therefore affect the selection of record structures in different ways. In addition, alternative record structures vary greatly in their requirements for backup and recovery procedures. Consider, for example, a record structure that isolates all data items subject to update. Clearly, the backup and recovery considerations for the volatile , 77 subtile are quite different from~those for the stable file, and substantial cost savings may be realized by such an arrangement. In any database serving a diversified user community, the question of data security must also be considered. Although in certain cases segmented record structures may be more expensive to implement, for security reasons it may be desirable to isolate sensitive data items in a high-security segment, perhaps stored on a separate disk device and requiring specific access authority. The final area for future research is the integration of record structuring with the selection of data access paths. What is needed is a comprehensive model that will include both aggregation and segmentation and explicitly incorporate the effects of alternative data access paths. Such a model would serve as the basis for an integrated approach to database design optimization. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The research describedin this paper was supportedin part by the David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center under contract N00167-80C-0061. The author would like to thank the referees for their incisivecomments on earlierversions of this paper. 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