Name _____________________________________

Name _____________________________________
Read Chapter 9 and answer the following questions.
1. The narrow entrance to the Persian Gulf is the _______.
a. Bab al Mandab
c. Strait of Tiran
b. Strait of Malacca
*d. Strait of Hormuz
2. Who depends most on Persian Gulf petroleum?
a. West Europe
*b. Japan
c. Russia
d. the U.S.
3. Most Iranians speak ______ and are of the _______ faith.
a. Arabic; Sunni
*c. Farsi; Shi'a
b. Arabic; Shi'a
d. Farsi; Sunni
4. Oil was first discovered in Persia in _____.
a. 1898
b. 1907
*c. 1908
d. 1911
5. Iran's ruling dynasty from 1925 to 1979 was the ______.
*a. Pahlavi
b. Qajar
c. Ottoman
d. Reza
6. During World War II, Iran
a. stayed neutral.
b. tilted to Germany.
*c. was occupied by the British and Soviets.
d. joined the Allied side.
7. In 1953, the CIA deposed Iranian Prime Minister ________.
a. Reza
*b. Mossadeq
c. Khomeini
d. Saddam
8. The shah governed by means of the secret police, the _____.
a. Majlis
c. Qajar
9. The shah attempted to modernize Iran by means of a
a. series of reforms.
*c. White Revolution.
b. military dictatorship.
d. Purple Revolution.
10. All the following are traditional monarchies except
a. Kuwait.
*b. Iraq.
c. Saudi Arabia.
d. Qatar.
11. The U.S. policy toward the shah was:
a. pressure him to reform.
c. friendly but distant.
*b. support him all the way.
d. warn him of unrest.
12. The shah fell in ______.
a. 1978
*b. 1979
c. 1980
d. 1981
13. The Kurds are ethnically related to ______.
a. the Arabs
b. the Turks
c. the Persians
*d. no one
14. The capital of Iraq is ________.
a. Tehran
b. Riyadh
*c. Baghdad
d. Ankara
15. The First Gulf War started in ______ with an _______ invasion.
a. 1979; Iraqi
c. 1980; Iranian
*b. 1980; Iraqi
d. 1979; Iranian
16. The best pipeline corridor from the Caspian runs through
a. Russia.
b. Kazakstan.
c. Georgia
*d. Iran.
17. Probably the biggest factor ending the Iran-Iraq war was
a. Iraq was loosing.
*c. Iran was exhausted.
b. Iran was loosing.
d. both sides were exhausted.
18. In 1990, Iraq invaded ________.
a. Iran
*b. Kuwait
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Israel
19. The Latin status quo ante bellum translates as
a. the given situation.
c. status comes before beauty.
b. nations with high status. *d. the situation before the war.
20. In 1990, Iraq was working on the following weapons systems:
a. nuclear.
b. missiles.
c. gas.
*d. all
21. The defensive phase of the 1991 Gulf War was called _________,
the offensive phase was called __________.
a. Desert Storm; Desert Shield
*b. Desert Shield; Desert Storm
c. Just Cause; Provide Comfort
d. Torch; Overlord
22. The
UN-sanctioned goal of the 1991 Gulf War was to
bring down Saddam Hussein.
destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
install a free and democratic regime in Baghdad.
liberate Kuwait.
23. In 2003, U.S. forces invaded Iraq from ________.
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Turkey
*c. Kuwait
d. all of these
24. In 2003 Iraq had ________ weapons of mass destruction.
a. many
b. some
c. nearly finished building
*d. no
25. The _______ are the largest group in Iraq.
*a. Shi’a
b. Sunni Arabs
c. Kurds
d. Jihadis
26. At this time, Iraq has a(n) [To Instructor: Answer can change
depending on events.]
a. stable democracy.
c. mild authoritarian regime.
b. unstable democracy.
*d. near civil war.
27. Only in 19___ was there no war in the Persian Gulf.
a. 86
b. 90
c. 91
*d. 93
28. Iraq now has _______ sovereignty. [To Instructor: Answer can
change depending on events.]
a. full, genuine
*c. U.S.-supervised
b. no
d. partial
29. In the end, only _______ gained from the 2003 war.
a. the U.S.
b. Saudi Arabia
*c. Iran
d. Kuwait
30. The Iraq War _______.
a. ended in 2003
b. ended in 2004
c. ended in 2006
*d. still continues