Intervention Questionnaire

Intervention Questionnaire
For each of the following scenarios, answer whether or not you think the president
of the United States should authorize the use of military force and explain why.
1. a country attacks the United States?
2. a country threatens to attack the United States?
3. a country attacks one of our allies?
4. an ally launches an unprovoked attack on one of our non-allies?
5. a non-ally attacks a non-ally?
6. a nation enacts a policy of genocide within its borders?
7. an unfriendly country builds nuclear weapons despite U.S. warnings not to?
8. an anti-American dictator overthrows a pro-American popularly elected leader?
9. an anti-American leader is popularly elected to replace a pro-American dictator?
10. a country threatens to cut off our access to their natural resources (like oil)?
11. a country’s government permits the growth of drug crops which wind up in the U.S.?
12. a country’s government overlooks the training of terrorists within its borders?
13. a country is threatening to become communist?