Chllp'hr 3 I Faculfy Appola1wen"t. Tenare. Prc:.atlon, and Re"tlre.ent Pol lcles
3.01 I Appointment Notice
3.02 I Term of Appointment
3.021 I Academic Ye~ Appointments
3.022 I Annual Appointments
3.023 I Summer Sessions Appointments
3.024 I Employment Oath
3.025 I Emeritus Appointment
3.03 I Salary Payments
3.04 I Faculty Ranks end Titles
3.05 I Types of Appointments
3.06 I Special Conditions of Appointment
3.07 I Notice of Nonreappolntment
3.08 I Recruitment Polley
3.09 I Polley Concerning Employment of Relatives
8 I TEHt.m:
3.10 I
3.11 I
3.12 I
3.13 I
3.14 I
3.15 I
3.16 I
3.17 I
Interpretative Statements on Tenure at The Wichita State University
Nontenureble Positions
Tenure Polley
Probationary Period
3.131 I Time Limit
3.132 I University Regulations
3-133 I Annual Evaluation of Nontenured Faculty
Guidelines and Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
3.141 I Presidential Guidelines for the Awarding of Tenure
3.142 I College Guidelines and Criteria
3.143 I Guidelines of the University Tenure, Promotion, and Academic
Freedom Committee
Tenure and Promotion Calendar
Tenure and Promotion Review Process
3.161 I Presidential Review of Nominees for Tenure and Promotion
Polley of Nondiscrimination end Affirmative Action
3.18 I Resignation
3.181 I Statement of Resignation
3.182 I Resignation Procedures
3.19 I Retirement
3.191 I Retirement Eligibility
3.192 I Mandatory Retirement
3.193 I Retirement Benefits
3.20 I Dlsml~sal for Cause
3.21 I Financial Exigency Procedures
3.22 I Termination Procedures
3.01 I Appolnt.en"t Natlce
Faculty appointments are formalized by an appointment form or notice that states the term of
employment, s~lary, faculty rank, and appointment status. Appointment notices for the next academic
year are Issued by the Presld&nt's Office as soon after the legislative session as possible.
J.02 I Ter;a of"
3.021 I
Yocr, Appolatwecrts
The following guldel lne
Februer;y 16, 1978:
on ecedemlc yeer, eppolntments wes edopted by the Councl I of
Acedemlc year appointments ar.e for e period of eppr_oxlmately nine months beginning Just prior to
fell r,eglstr.etlon and extending through spring Commencement.
Faculty duties Include teechlng,
edvlslng end counseling, r,esear,ch, scholerly ectlvltles, other university duties, and community and
pub I lc s~vlce.
Per,lods when clesses ar,e not In session ar,e nor,melly devoted to the above I lsted
nonteechlng funCtions or to other, speclelly scheduled ectlvltles.
J .022 I Annua I Appol at.crb
Some faculty and most edmlnlstr,atlve personnel receive annual eppolntments,
hoi !days es descr,lbed In 4.054 and 4.055.
J.02J I
Sessloa Appolul...rts ·
Some member.s of the faculty are eppolnted to teech In the SuiiWler Session.
Session teaching Is e metter of college and departmental policy end decision,
established by the director of the Su~er Session.
subJect tc
to Summer
:5.024 I &plopacrt Oatil
Kensas I aw requ I r,es that el I stete emp I oyees sIgn the fo II owIng Emp I oyment Oath:
I do solemnly swear Cor affirm) that I wll I suppor,t the Constitution of the
United States and the Constitution of the State of Kansas, end faithfully discharge
the duties of my office or employment.
So help me God.
<The final sentence may be
The oath Is Included In pape~s that must be signed at the time of employment.
It must be on
befor,e any check.s In payment of sa I ar_y or wages may be Issued by the state tr.easurer.
J.025 I
Emeritus status recognizes mer.ltorlous service to the unlver,slty and may be conferred upon a retlr,lng
lndlvlduel who hes s~ved The Wichita State University tor, a minimum of ten continuous year,s.
To be
considered In the deter,mlnatlon of mer.ltorlous service ar,e the person's contr,lbutlons In the areas of
teaching, schol~ly activity, s~vlce or leeder,_~h!p.
Recommendations for, the award of emer,ltus status must be made by the department,
of the appropriate Dean, and forwarded to the University Pr.esldent.
Exceptions to the above
3.03 I
with the concur,r.ence
may be gr,anted by the University President. (3-89)
Salerles for nine-month appointments are paid In 9 equal Installments on the day of the month,
begInnIng wIth the fIrst payment on October 1 •
N I ne month sel arIes may be spr,ead over, a 12 month
period by utilizing the University's check. spreading options.
See 4.027 end 4.036 In this Handbook
for Information about these options.
In the case of appointments for. the fell semester only, salary
Is peld In 4 equel lnstellments with the first pa)·ment on October 1.
In cese of eppolntments tor the
spring semester only, selery Is peld In 4 equel lnstellments, with the flr,st peyment on March 1.
Se I ar l es tor, ennue I eppo l ntments ere pal d l n 12 equal l nsta II ments on the t l r,st dey of the month efter
the end of the t lr,st peyr,ol I per,lod.
Fecufty seler,les for teechlng In the Surrmer Session are
deter,mlned ennuelly.
3.04 I Feculiy Ranks eDd TI-tles
The prlnclpel titles end r_enks granted by the University to ecodemlc feculty ore those normally
bestowed by I nst I tut Ions of hIgher educet I on: pr,ofess«,, essoc fete pr1ofess«,, ess I stent pr,ofessa-,, end
Full-time feculty holding less then the minimum cr,edentlels for, Instructor renk. ar,e
occeslonelly eppolnted es esslstent lnstr,uc:toljs. Titles used to deslgnete pert-time lnstructlonel
Include lectur,er, end adjuac:tlfeculiy associate. The term vlsltlag Is used In conJunction
with the beslc ecedemlc titles for lndlvlduels who Join the feculty for e short p~lod of time,
usuelly with the Intent of r,eturnlng to e position at another, acodemlc Institution.
The University hes various specie! professorships thot It bestows upon faculty In recognition of
distinguished scholarly echlevement and distinguished contribution to the University.
The special
professorships Include Regents pr~fesscrshlps, estebllshed by the Kanses Board of Regents; Ualv~sliy
pr1ofesscr,shlps, funded by the Unlver.slty; distinguished pr,ofesscr,shlps, endowed by donors or the
Endowment Assocletlon; end prpfesscrshlps ~ltl, ewerded to outstanding retlr.ed feculty.
3 .05 I Types of Appo lll'hlelrts
Feculty eppolntments are of three basic types: temporary, probationary, and with tenure. Temporary
appointments are for o specified period only,
and carry no expectetlon of
AdJunct/feculty essocletes end lecturers have temporery eppolntments for one semester, subJect to
r_enewel on the besls of need tor Instruction.
Probetlonery appointments are those eppolntments thet
mcy, on the basis of continuing satlsfoctory performance,
feed to review for the awerd of tenure.
However, probetlonary eppolntments carry no expectetlon or promise thet r,evlew for the eward of tenure
will be underteken or that tenure will be awarded.
Probetlonary eppolntments are r.evlewed on an
annuel bes Is, end mey or may not be r.enewed. Probetlonory eppolntments will not be contlnuee for more
then seven yeers.
Tenured appointments will be annuelly renewed unless the faculty member Is
dismissed thr,ough pr,oper ectlons and pr.ocedures.
3.06 I Special Conc:lltloas of Appolnt.ent
Any special conditions of eppolntnl8nt will be Included In the appointment for,m signed by the employee.
Special conditions of eppolntment Include but er,e not limited to: dete by which a terminal degree
end/or, field registry Is expected and the cons.equences of nonattelnment, or, specie! conditions for
nomlnetlon for tenur.e review conslderetlon (such es an eddltlonel or field r.eglstry>.
It Is
the r,esponslblllty of the employee to Inform the department end dean of eccompllshmen+ of the
conditions of appointment.
3.01 I Natlca of
Kansas Boerd of Regents has edopted the following policy regarding timely notice
nonreappolntment for faculty members holding pro~atlonary appointments.
Notice of nonreeppolntment should be given In writing In accordance with the following standords;
however, such standards shell not be appllceble to any admlnlstrotlve assignments:
1. Not later than March 1 of the first ocedemlc yeer of service,
It the appointment expires at
the end of thot year; or If e one-year appointment termlnctes during an academic yeer, et least 3
months In edvonce of Its termlnetlon.
2. Not Jeter than December 15 of the second academic year of service, It the appointment expires
t~t the end of thot yeer; or, If en lnltlol t'olo-year appointment terminates during en academic year, ot
least 6 months In advance of Its ter,mlnatlon.
3. At least 12 months bofor,e the expiration of an appointment eft~ two or, mor;e year:s In the
These ·statements shall apply even dur:lng periods of declared financial exigency, unless
Impossible, In which case notice shell be pr,ovlded as eer,ly as possible.
:5.08 I Recr:uiUent- Polley
Negotiations looking to the possible appointment for the following fall of per,sons who ere already
faculty 111e111ber,s of other, Institutions, In active ser,vlce or. on leave of absence end not on t~mlnel
appointment, should bo begun end completed as early es possible In the academic year. It Is deslr,eble
that, when feasible, the faculty 111e111ber who has been eppr_oeched with r:egard to another position Inform
the appropriate offlcer,s of his Institution when such negotiations are In progress. The conclusion of
a binding agr,eement for, the faculty member to accept an eppolntlnent elsewhere ·should always
followed by prompt notice to his Institution.
Cbepter 5 I Acadall Ic Po I I cles
5.01 I Admission Policies
5.02 I Enrollment Process
5.021 I Preregistration and Registration
5.022 I Academic Advising
5.QJ I Class Policies
5.031 I Classroom Assignments and Class Time
5.032 I Class Lists
5.033 I Instructor Attendance Obligation
5.034 I Student Attendance Obligation- Absence Letters
5.04 I Examination Policies
5.041 I Finality of Grades
5.042 I Special Examinations and Reexaminations
5.043 I Make-up Examinations
5.044 I Final Examinations
5.05 I Grading Pol fetes
5.051 I Basts of Grades
5.052 I Definition of Grades
5.053 I Withdrawals
5.054 I lncompletes
5.055 I Midterm Grade Reports
5.056 I Final Grade Reports
5.057 I Change of Grades
5.06 I Student Rights and Responsibilities
5.061 I Student Rights and Responsibilities
5.062 I Statements on Academic Honesty
5.07 I Court of Student Academic Appeals
5.08 I Student Record Policies
5.081 I Open Record Polley
5.082 I Confidentiality of Student Records
5.09 I Handicapped
5.10 I Other Policies
5.101 I Teaching Loads
5.102 I Motion on Evaluation of Teaching
5.103 I Student Access to Faculty- Office Hours
5.104 I Tornado Warning Polley
5.105 I Inclement Weather Polley
5.106 I Honorary Degree Polley
5.01 I
Kansas law (K.S.A. 72-116) provides that any person who graduates from an accredited Kansas high
school Is entitled to admission to the freshman class of any of the Institutions under the Kansas
Board of Regents upon presentment of the high school transcript.
Kansas residents may also qualify
far admission with an acceptable GED test score.
Out-of-state applicants are eligible for admission
If they rank In the upper one-half of their high school graduating class or present acceptable test
scores and high school grades.
Transfer students from other colleges and universities who have a
cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 are eligible for admission. "Open admission students"
(students Cll who have graduated from high school and have not attended high school or college during
the past two years or (2) who have not graduated from high school but are at least 21 years of agel
care admitted upon application (transcripts or test scores not required) to a nondegree bound status In
the Division of Continuing Education.
Also eligible for open admission status are persons currently
on active military duty or persons holding a baccalaureate or higher degree.
The specific rules
The vice president for student affairs Is the coordinator of the WSU compliance effort.
Handicapped Services office provides readers for the blind, test proctors, library and research
assistants, typists, Braille transcribers and proofreaders, wheelchair pushers, and mobility and
transfer aides.
Auxiliary aids and materials available for student use Include manual end electric
Bralllewrlters, slates and styli, Speech Compressed Players, Talking Calculators, 18 point type
musical scores, tactile maps, lap desks, mobility canes, transcribing papers, end wheelchairs for
emergency use. With adequate lead time, textbooks can be provided on tape and/or In standard Braille.
Contact the office for a detailed list of services and resources.
5.10 I otber Pol lcles
5.101 I Teaching Loads
The standard teaching load normally shall be the equivalent of
three different preparations.
12-hour maximum,
5.102 I Mcrtlon on Evaluation of Teechlog
Moved that the Faculty Senate supports the rtght of the chair of a department to require formal
evaluation of the Instruction offered by a member of the faculty In cases of formal complaint In
writing by student or students In that faculty member's class or classes.
In case of complaints
regarding a chair's teaching, recourse should be had to the dean of that chair's college. Complaints
may be brought during the term In which the class or classes were taught or In the next subsequent
Choice of the means of evaluation end the number of classes In which that evaluation Is to be
done will be determined by the chair In consultation with that member of the faculty.
This procedure
Is In addition to the other complaint procedures In the Handbook for Faculty. (3-89)
5.10) I Student Access to Faculty - Offloe Hours
All members of the faculty shall flle office hours with the dean of the college not later than the
beginning of the second week of each semester.
The schedule of office hours should be posted at the
faculty member's office and should be announced to each class.
The office hours should be extensive
enough to provide ample opportunity for scheduled and unscheduled conferences with students.
reasonable effort should be made to maintain the office hours as scheduled and announced.
5.104 I Tc:rnodo Varolog Polley
In the event of a tornado warning, lndlcatln.g a tornado has been sighted end warning sirens are
activated, Instructors shall Immediately dismiss classes.
Occupants of each building should seek
shelter In the area that has been determined to provide the best shelter.
Signs ere posted In each
building during the normal tornado season Identifying the location of tornado shelter areas.
5.105 I I ac I ~t Weof'hef" Po It cy
In the event cf Inclement weather such as heavy snowfalls, lee storms, or other emergencies, the
president of the University may decide to cancel classes.
If classes are canceled, University
telephone operators, the University Pollee Department, and local news media will be promptly notified.
The University radio station, KMUW, Is the primary source of Information to the faculty, students, and
the public on the closing and reopening of the University.
5.106 / Hoacr.-y
The Wichita State University shell award honorary degrees for notable accomplishment In business,
public service, research end/or Invention, artistic or academic pursuits, or humanitarianism.
selected for award shell be that most appropriate to
It Is e requirement of the award that the recipient be present In person et the
occasion when the degree Is to be conferred.
In accordance with policies of the Regents, the
following degree titles shell be available for honorary ewerd:
Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Humane
Letters, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Literature, Doctor of Letters, end Doctor of Fine Arts.
Each degree-granting college will name a College Honorary Degree Committee of-three senior faculty
To these committees will be delegated the authority of the faculty to recommend candidates
for degree In the special case of honorary degrees.
These college-level committees will receive
recommendations for honorary degree recipients from within their own college, from the University
central administration, the Endowment Association, the Alumni Association, or from any other unit of
the University.
Recommendations for the ewerd of honorary degrees she! I be accompanied by e statement of Justification
for the award end whatever documentation Is appropriate.
Each college committee shell set Its own
standards for honorary degrees and whatever exclusions and guidelines It considers appropriate.
matters pertaining to the business of these committees shell be considered confidential.
The recommendations of the college committees wll I be forwarded to the Executive Vice President for
Academic Affairs by February I each year.
The President, Executive VIce President and President of
the Faculty Senate comprise the University Honorary Degree Committee.
This committee wll 1 review the
college level recommendations and make the final decision on requests to be submitted to the Kansas
Board of Regents for approval. C7-88J
Chapter 6 I Reserch
6.1~ I
6.15 I
6.16 I
University Liaison
Information Services
Proposal Preparation and Follow-up
Administration of Grants and Contracts
University-Supported Research Grants
Direct and Indirect Costs
University Ownership
6.081 I Books and Materials
6.082 I Equipment
Patent Polley
Copyr!ght Procedures
Polley on Research Involving Human SubJects
Polley on Radiation Sources
Polley on Hazardous Chemical Materials
Polley on Animal Care
Polley on Biohazards
Drug-Free Workplace Policy/Drug Awareness Program
The Wichita State University's current and future academic development and related research and
sponsored program development depend extensively upon the University's ability to respond to urban and
regional needs for research, educational services, and other special programs.
In recognition of
this, the Of11ce of Research Administration has been established as the University agent through which
all sponsored programs are processed, negotiated, administered, and reported.
The Office of Research Administration provides advice and assistance to faculty members In
preparing and submitting applications for research training and ether grants and contracts.
Specifically, the office has five areas of responsibility: (J) University liaison with outside funding
agencies, (2) sponsored program Information services, (3) coordination of preparation and submission
of proJect proposals, <4> administration of grants and contracts, and (5) administrative services for
the Faculty Support Committee.
6.01 I Universi-ty LIaIson
The Office of Research Administration Is the University agent through which local, state, and federal
governmental units and other prospective funding agencies and organizations channel their requests for
special assistance under grants and contracts.
Further, It Is the agent through which faculty
coordinate their efforts In the development of research and other sponsored program proposals.
office assists faculty In making contacts with. appropriate governmental, business, and foundation
officials; works to stimulate the Interests of these agencies In appropriate University programs
whenever possible; and maintain communication between the faculty, University
administration, and
prospective funding agencies.
6.02 I lnforlllaTion Services
Through established contacts with governmental agencies, private foundations, and professional
associations and through special periodicals, the Office of Research Administration maintains an
extensive library of up-to-date Information about funding sources. The office provides Information to
faculty members and administrators about (1 >current sources of program support, both public and
private, (2) proJect guidelines, (3) new programs and deadlines, (4) existing programs and funding
trends, and (5) pending legislation of Institutional Interest.
The office also provides a clearinghouse of Information on faculty Interests and University
programs and capabilities.
the University Radiation Safety and Hazardous Chemical Materials Committee.
Information concerning regulations governing hazardous material acquisition, use,
disposal may be obtained from the University Hazardous Chemical Materials Officer.
6.14 I Polley on Anlaol Care
The use of cats, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, non-human primates, and certain other warmblooded animals other then humans In ell activities under the purview of WSU faculty, staff members,
or students Is to be carried out In compliance with the federal Animal Welfare Act, as emended.
University Animal Use Committee has been designated to review the use of animals In experimentation or
teaching end to certify compliance with appropriate regulations to the Department of Agriculture end
other agencies. Information concerning the appropriate animal care regulations con be obtained from
the Office of Research Administration.
6.15 I Polley on Biohazards
The University conducts surveillance over all Instructional, research and service activities Involving
blologlcel or physical agents that might cause disease, physical trauma, reproductive disability, or
deeth of plants or animals.
The University Radiation Safety and Hazardous Chemical Materiels
Committee monitors uses of natural and synthetic toxic chemicals, explosives, and Ionizing or
nonionizing radiations. The Institutional Blosafety Committee CIBC) has equivalent responsibility for
work with recombinant DNA, Infectious agents, and the use end maintenance of potentially dangerous
plants and animals.
All projects Involving biological materials which may be hazardous for University personnel or
the community at large must be approved by the Institutional Blosafety Committee prior to Initiation
of work.
Each approval wll I be based on a statement from the project director, certified by the
Immediate administrative officer Involved, attesting to compliance of protocols with eppllcable
federal guidelines or federal, state, and local lows. For continuing projects, the committee requires
annual statements documenting ongoing compliance.
All reseerch on recombinant DNA must adhere
specifically to the National Institutes of Health's Guidelines for Reseerch Involving Recombinant DNA
Similarly, all work with Infectious agents must conform with the general contelnment
recommendations outlined by the u.s. Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, Office of
Blosafety, In the publication "Classification of Etlologlcel Agents on the Basis of Hazard. 11
efforts not covered by external directives or guidelines, the project director Is to submit to the
committee for approval descriptions of controls to be exercised based on best professional judgment.
All project facti itles and operations falling under Jurisdiction of the lnstltutlonel Blosafety
Committee may be subject to direct Inspection by representatives of the Committee as well as federal,
state and local responsible officials.
Specific Information concerning governmental and Institutional regulations affecting uses of
hazardous biological materials may be obtoln~d from the chairperson of the Institutional Blosefety
Committee, or the Office of Research Administration.
6.16 / Drug-Free Workplace Pol fey/Drug Avereness PrO!T•
It Is tho policy cf The Wichita State University that the unlawful ITianufacture, distribution,
clspenslng, possession or use of controlled substances Is prohibited In buildings, facllii·les or
grounds controlled by the University {hereafter referred to as "workpiece").
Any officer or employee
of the University, Including faculty, other unclassified personnel, classified personnel, and student
employees, found to be Illegally manufecturlng, distributing, dispensing, possessing or using
controlled substances at the workplace of the University regardless of the site of the workplace,
shall be subject to disclpl !nary action In accordance with applicable policies of the State of Kansas,
the Board of Regents, and The Wichita State University.
Officers end employees are reminded that
Illegal manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances may also
subject individuals to criminal prosecution.
As a condition of employment, all employees of The Wichita State University shall eblde by the
terms of this policy statement and will notify The Wichita State University of any criminal drug
statute conviction for a violation occurring In the workplace no later than five days after such
conviction. The Wichita State University will, In turn, notify as appropriate, the applicable federal
agency of the conviction within ten C10l days of Its receipt of notification of the conviction.
purposes of this policy, "conviction" means a finding of guilt Clncludlng a plea of nolo contendere)
or Imposition of sentence, or both, by any Judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine
violations of the Federal or State criminal drug statutes.
The term "controlled substances" as useli In this policy means those substances Included In
through V of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act and as further defined by
regulation at 21 CFR 1300.11 through 1300.15.
A listing of controlled substances will be maintained
In the offices of the Assistant Dean of Faculties, Human Resources, Research Administration and at
other appropriate locations on campus.
The term does not Include the use of a controlled substance
pursuant to a valid prescription or other uses authorized by law.
Drug Awareness Progr•
The Wichita State University Drug Awareness Program Includes but Is not limited to the following:
Drug-Free Workplace policy statement <Section 1. above)- This policy will be distributed to
current employees, new employees at the time they sign up for employment, and will be
referenced In the Handbooks for Faculty, Staff and Students as each Is updated;
Special programs - Educational programs on drug awareness and substance abuse will be
presented on a periodic basis to Inform employees of the dangers of drug abuse In the
workplace and promote a drug-free work environment end workplace;
Counseling and Testing Center services- The Counseling and Testing Center Is a resource
available to all employees for drug awareness and substance abuse counseling, Information,
and programs.
Employees are encouraged to use this resource to assure a drug-free
environment and workplace; and
Penalties for policy violation- In accordance with University disciplinary policies end
practices, when an employee Is found In violation of this policy, he/she may be subject to
penalties up to and Including termination. Employees may also be required to satisfactorily
participate, at their expense, In a substance abuse or rehabilitation program before being
allowed to return to work.
Appropriate action will be taken within thirty C30l days of
notice to the University of a conviction or violation of the statement on a drug-free
Federal Flaenclel Aid
Students receiving Pel I Grants and/or other types of federal financial assistance Cas designated
by the Department of Education) will be required to sign a certificate Indicating compliance with the
Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.
The Financial Aid Office will assure Institutional compliance with
this federal requirement.
l11p 1-..~rilon
When required for the award of a grant and/or contract, the Office of Research
will provide certification that the University Is a drug-free workplace.
Employees must notify their supervisor of a criminal drug statute conviction for a violation
occurring In the workplace no later than five working days after such conviction. The supervisor
must notify the employee's VIce President, who shall assure compliance with further notification
59 a
Within 10 working days of notification of a drug conviction of an employee, the Office of
Administration shall notify the appropriate granting/contracting agency of the
Within 30 days of the employee's notice, the University shall take appropriate
disciplinary action.
Effective March 18, 1989
Chep1ar 7 I Universi-ty Services and Miscellaneous lnfcriDII'tlon
7.01 I Library Services
1.02 I
7.03 I
7.04 I
7.05 I
7.10 I
7.011 I Computer Searching
7.012 I Faculty Carrels
7.013 I Interlibrary Loan
7.014 I Library Purchases
7.015 I Reference Services
7.016 I Library Hours
Media Resources Center
Cable Television
Campus Activities Center and Bookstore
Campus Credit Union
Counseling Center
KMUW Radio
Reading and Study Skills Center
Heskett Center
Ulrich Museum
7.11 I Smoking and Alcohol Regulations
7.111 I Smoking Regulations
7.112 I Liquor Regulations
7.113 I WSU Alcohol and Cereal Malt Beverage Polley
7.114 I Faculty Substance Abuse Polley
7.12 I Official Hospitality
7.01 /Library Services
7.011 /
For a nominal fee, reference librarians will search machine readable bibliographic data
produce customized bibliographies.
7.012 I Facul-ty carrels
Carrels are available to faculty engaged ln.research requiring heavy use of library resources.
Carrels are assigned each semester (fall, spring, end summer). Application forms may be obtained at
the Circulation Desk.
7.013 I hrterllbr8r'y Loan
Research materials not available at WSU may be requested through Interlibrary loan.
Requests must be
made on official Interlibrary loan request forms, available In the Interlibrary Loan Office (ext.
3167) or at the Reference Desk.
7.014 I LIbrary Parcheses
Materials (Including books, periodicals, documents, research reports, microforms, films, maps, and
recordings) needed for teaching and research may be recommended for purchase at any time.
should be forwarded to the librarian serving as liaison to your department or to the coordinator of
col lectlon development Cext. 3591). Receipt of Items usually takes at least four weeks.
1.112 I Liquor Regulations
The Kansas Board of Regents adopted In February,
liquor on campuses:
the following policy on the consumption
Consumption of alcoholic liquor may be permitted under authorized and appropriately controlled
conditions and guidelines to be determined by the administration of each school and set forth In
en Institutional policy on service of alcoholic liquor.
Alcoholic liquor may only be served at
luncheons, dinners or receptions which honor Individuals and which occur In connection with
official University events and/or fundralslng activities for University programs. The service of
alcoholic liquor at such events must be approved, In advance, by the chief executive officer of
the Institution and may only be held In those non-classroom areas, and outside grounds
Immediately adJacent thereto, which are specifically designated for such activities In the
Institutional policy on service of alcoholic liquor.
Each Institution shall file and maintain a
current copy of Its policy on service of alcoholic liquor with the Executive Director on behalf
of the Board.
Each Institutional chief executive officer shall also be prepared to provide
Information to the Board In relation to the service of alcoholic liquor on campus as requested by
the Board or Executive Director. <2-88)
7.113 I WSU Alcohol -d Cereel Mel't Beverage Polley
Alcoholic beverages may be served by the Alumni Association and/or the Endowment Association
selected areas which are not used for classroom Instruction.* The serving of alcohol will
restricted to University development activities.
*Morrison Board Room
Cf"AC Foyer
McKnIght Foyer
Ulrich Museum
Campus Activities Center
Hubbard Hall Foyer
WII ner Foyer
Henry Levitt Arena
Cessna Stadium
Heskett Center Foyer
Wiedemann Hall Foyer
Original Pizza Hut Building
Approval for events In which alcoholic beverages are to be served must be obtained from the University
President. No persons under 21 years of age are allowed to consume alcohol at an event In which
alcohol Is served. Food must be available at all functions In which alcohol Is served. Consumption of
alcohol Is permitted only within the approved area designated for the event.
Care must be taken by event crganlzers to assure that alcohol will not be served to persons who appear
to be Intoxicated. At ell events In which alcohol Is approved for use, a non-alcoholic beverage must
also be available to participants.
The distribution or consumption of alcohol on the University
campus In any circumstances other than the above Is prohibited.
The sale of cereal malt beverages (3.2% beer) to Individuals Is restricted to licensed spaces In the
Campus Activities Center. No persons under Zl years ot age are allowed to possess or to consume cereal'
malt beverages at ~ny event in which cereal malt beverages are served. Cereal malt beverages may be
served at campus group events approved by the VIce President for Student Affairs or his designee.
Consumption ot cereal malt beverages Is permitted only within the approved area designated for the
event. (3-89)
Care must be taken by event organizers to assure that cereal malt beverages will not be served to
persons who appear to be Intoxicated.
Non-alcohol Jc beverages must be available at ell events In
which cereal malt beverages are served.
The sale, distribution, or consumption of cereal malt
beverages on the University campus In any circumstances other than the above Is prohibited.
At all times the marketing, sale, and/cr consumption of alcoholic or cereal malt beverages must be In
full compliance with State statutes and regulations. VIolations of State law and/or University
policies on the part of groups or Individuals will be handled In accordance with applicable law
enforcement or University disciplinary procedures. The Division of Student Affairs will provide
Information and services regarding alcohol education and abuse prevention programs. (2-88)
7.114 I Facul1y SabS'tance Abuse Polley
PURPOSE. This policy for dealing with faculty members with substance abuse problems Is Intended
to enhance and encourage a cooperative effort between faculty and the university and to serve and
protect the Interests of both. The policy recognizes that professional assistance can often return an
Individual to full productivity and Is based on the premise that It Is the faculty member's right and
responsibility to seek professional assistance for a substance abuse problem.
This policy was
developed by a faculty senate ad hoc committee and Is administered through the Office of the Assistant
Dean of Faculties, Wichita State University.
SCOPE. A faculty member with a possible substance abuse problem, even In Its early stages, Is
encouraged to seek dTagnosls and treatment.
The faculty member should be assured that seeking
assistance, pursuant to this policy, for an actual or potential substance abuse problem, will not
Interfere with Job status, promotional opportunities or other privileges.
A substance abuse problem
Is defined as one In which a faculty· member's use or misuse of alcohol or drugs Is reasonably believed
to be affecting the faculty member's job performance.
POLICY OVERVIEW. The goal of this policy Is to assist Individuals In seeking professional help
so they may return to full productivity.
All faculty members, especially department chairpersons,
should work to engender a university-wide enlightened attitude and a realistic recognition of the
nature of substance abuse problems.
<ll Responsibility for Implementing this policy rests with faculty.
Care must be taken to
follow procedures so that no faculty member with a substance abuse problem will be penalized for
Implementing the policy.
(2) Supervisors will seek to do everything reasonably possible, consistent with applicable
laws and university procedures, to make certain that Information revealed by the faculty member
receiving professional assistance relating to an actual or potential substance abuse problem will
remain confidential.
Implementing this policy will not requJre, or result In, any special treatment,
privileges. or exemption from the standard administrative practices applicable to job performance
Action Guidelines.
The steps listed below are suggested guidelines only.
chairpersons, deans, and other faculty supervisors should not attempt diagnosis, even if they
have professional GUallflcatlons to judge that a faculty member's work has been affected by a
substance abuse problem.
Before attempting Intervention In a situation Involving a faculty member with a
substance abuse problem, the concerned supervisor should discuss with his/her supervisor and the
Assistant Dean of Faculties the pertinent rules and requirements concerning protection of rights of
the person believed to be suffering from a substance abuse problem.
It may also be helpful for the
supervisor to consult with a professional In substance abuse treatment without Identifying the
concerned faculty member before meeting with him or her.
The University's Counseling and Testing
Center Is staffed with professional counselors who may be able to assist supervisors.
The supervisor should meet with the faculty member Informally end discuss the observed
Job performance problems.
Supervisors should not attempt diagnosis•
If the faculty member
references a substance abuse problem as a causative factor for the Job performance problems, the
supervisor should reference this substance abuse policy and encourage the faculty member to seek
professional counseling for the problem.
In this discussion, a date will be set by which
Improvement In Job performance will be assessed.
CA list of professional agencies will be
available to supervisors.
This list may be obtained by contacting the Office of Assistant Dean
of F ecu It Ies. l
The supervisor and faculty member may also wish to consider the following
which may pursued In connection with or In addition to professional counseling:
A faculty member with accrued sick leave may take sick leave.
This option would
allow the faculty member to enter an Inpatient treatment center and adopt a treatment
A faculty member may request, pursuant to applicable University and
Regents policies, to be placed on leave of absence without pay.
What concerns the University Is that the
It Is
problems presented at the Informal meeting.
follow up the suggested professional counseling, to
assume financial responsibility for the costs of the
faculty member address the Job performance
the responsibility of the faculty member to
cooperate with prescribed treatment, and to
Between the Initial meeting wherein this pol Icy Is activated and the date agreed upon
In paragraph 4.b.C2l, the supervisor will continue to monitor Job performance but will In all
other respects leave the Initiative for further discussions to the faculty member.
progress reports end continuing dialogue between the supervisor end faculty member are
C6l If the faculty member's Job performance has Improved to an acceptable level by the date
prescribed by the supervisor, and as agreed to by the faculty member, the member should be so
Informed and no further action Is required or necessary.
On the other hand, If the faculty
member's Job performance remains below acceptable standards, the supervisor and the University
will follow normal procedures with regard to unacceptable Job performance, Including, but not
necessarily limited to, non-reappointment or dismissal.
This policy Is supplemental to and subJect to ell existing University policies,
policies, end applicable state and federal laws. (3-89)
Board of Regents
7.12 I Official Hospitality
All state funds for departmental use for "official hospitality" are centralized In an account
by the executive v!ce president for academic affairs.
This account provides
entertainment end hospitality for official guests of the University.
State regulations prohibit the
use of official hosp!te!!ty funds for entertaining members of state boards or commissions, state
officers or employees, students or prospective students and their parents, except when any of the
foregoing are conducted with University members as official hosts or when state officers or employees
because of their particular expertise, knowledge, or background attend a function of another state
University personnel acting as official hosts should be limited to a number absolutely
essential to complement the event.
The Office of the Executive VIce President for Academic Affairs will supply the appropriate forms
for requesting expenditures for official hospitality.
Such requests should be presented for
authorization at least one week prior to the proposed function.
Director of Honors Program
Faculty members chosen from among 8 Senate divisions
and University
The Honors
procedures affecting
Committee Is concerned wlth
the Honors Program tor the
and reviews
oollcles and related
academically talented
It recommends changes In the rules under
considers applications by students who Wllnt
Independent study le!!dlng to a degree with department!!! honors.
The Honors Committee will review and recommend to the Senate alI
curricular changes for the Honors Program other than routine course
proposals and changes. (3-89)
The Honors Committee will review and approve catalogue copy
Honors Program. (3-89)
which the program functions.
Reports to the Senate, as required under the Standard Change to all Polley
Committees, shall Include recommend!!tlons made to and actions taken by the
Honors CoordInator.
members chosen from among 10
The Library and MRC Committee:
Recommends changes In Library and MRC Policies.
Reviews policies which relate to the Library and the MRC.
Reviews and makes recommendations to the administration of
Llbrary/MRC about the allocation of their acquisition budgets.
Reviews proposed
Channel 13.
Appendix R
Polley -d Procedures for Responding 1o S-tudents end Ellployees vltb AIDS
Polley Statement
It Is the policy of The Wichita State University that students and employees who have AIDS, ARC
or positive HIV tests, will be allowed normal classroom attendance and/or performance of regular duty
assignments as long as they are physically and psychologically able. For purposes of this policy, the
following terms shall be used: acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); AIDS-related condition (ARCl
and positive human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody tests.
This policy covers Illness and
conditions related to AIDS, ARC and positive HIV tests.
The University will offer educational
programs to students and employees to promote knowledge and prevention of AIDS, ARC and positive HIV
Procedures Related to Identification and Treatment of Students and Employees
and/or positive HIV tests.
Screening prospective students and employees for AIDS, ARC and/or positive HIV tests
not be done nor be a part of the regular admission or employment processes.
In accordance with existing University procedures, an employee's or student's medical
record, personnel file, and/or educational record, Is confidential (Including Information on
or related to AIDS) and may not be released without the Individual's permission except as
by law.
Disclosure by University personnel
medical/personnel Information Is prohibited without the written consent of the Individual or
as otherwise allowed by law.
VIolation of this confidentiality will result In disciplinary
action In accordance with existing University policy.
Students and/or employees who have AIDS, ARC and/or positive HIV tests, wll I be allowed the
usual access to campus academic, social, and cultural activities. Access to common social
areas such as the Campus Activities Center, cafeterias, the Heskett Center, gymnasiums and
other recreational facilities will not be restricted.
Individuals with AIDS, ARC, or positive HIV tests participating In activities where an
exchange of body fluids, such as blood, may occur (e.g. contact sports, educational
laboratory/clinical settings such as In the life sciences and health professions) should
discuss the advisability of participation with their physician.
The participant with AIDS,
ARC, or a positive HIV test has the responsibility to Inform other participants of the
possibility of contamination.
Individuals with AIDS, ARC and/or positive HIV tests, wi II not be restricted access to food
service areas nor wll I food service workers be so restricted, unless they show evlder.ce of
another infection, condition, or Illness for which there should be such restrictions.
Supervisors of food service facilities shall assure access Is not restricted.
All food service workers should follow recommended standards and practices of sanitation and
personal hygiene.
Any food tainted with blood or other body fluids must be discarded
whether or not the handler Is Infected with AIDS virus. Any equipment contaminated by blood
or other body fluids must be washed In soap or detergent and water and then disinfected with
an appropriate chemical germicide C1 :10 solution of household bleach or alcohol).
Employees with AIDS, ARC, or positive HIV tests will be treated, for all work-related
purposes, In the same manner as persons who develop other kinds of Illnesses.
If a person
Is no longer able to work, as with other Illnesses, he/she will be expected to use sick
leave and/or annual leave until these are exhausted.
At that point, the employee will be
required to take leave without pay.
Leave without pay Is generally limited to the maximum
of one year.
If the employee Is unable to return to work, she/he may be eligible for
disability leave. In addition, as required by nondiscrimination laws protecting handicapped
and disabled persons, the University will, on a case-by-case basis, make reasonable
accommodations to help persons with AIDS carry out their work duties.
Information tor
purposes of requesting reasonable accommodations should be provided to a member(s) of the
University Advisory Committee on AIDS as defined later In this document.
That Information
will be kept confidential by the Committee except Insofar as It must be divulged to make the
Occupants of residence halls wll I not be advised that another occupant has AIDS, ARC or a
positive HIV test.
Current medical Information Indicates there Is no risk to sharing
dormitories with Infected Individuals, however, there may be circumstances where those with
AIDS or ARC might be exposed to certain contagious diseases In a close living situation.
Because of the medical · need for these students to exercise greater control of their
environment, they will be offered appropriate options based upon consultation with each
Individual's personal physician.
The University recognizes the Independent nature of Greek chapter houses and offers them the
educational, health, and student service resources of the University community In dealing
with Issues relative to AIDS, ARC or positive HIV tests.
Any employee who works with or provides services for an Individual who Is known to have
AIDS, ARC, or a positive HIV test wl I I be expected to carry out his or her normal work
An employee requesting transfer due to concerns about the disease will be
considered for such vacancies as are available on the same basts as other candidates for the
Students or employees may contact Student Health Services for Information about AIDS, ARC
and HIV testing.
Additionally, student and employees requesting HIV testing should
referred to the Wichita/Sedgwick County Department of Community Health or to laboratories
they prefer.
111. AIDS Prevention Education Program
To assure compliance with the policy and procedures statements above, It Is Incumbent upon the
University to provide education and Information. on AIDS, ARC and positive HIV tests. A critical means
of Impeding the further spread of the disease Is the provision of timely and accurate advice,
Information end education to Individuals, groups and policy makers.
The University Wellness Council, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs, shall be
responsible tor developing and coordinating a comprehensive education program on AIDS, ARC and
positive HIV tests for students and employees.
This program Is to Include specific workshops and
Information dissemination en: AIDS, ARC, HIV antibody testing and meaning of results; prevention,
transmission and Implications of the disease; Intervention and treatment; support resources; and a
complete explanation of establ !shed University policy.
A host of psychological, social, political,
economic, legal and cultural factors should also be discussed, as appropriate, In programs for
specific audiences.
Programs and Informational materiel should be generally and/or specifically
targeted to students, administrators, faculty, unclassified professionals, classified staff, members
of campus organizations, coaches, trainers, student-athletes, residence hell personnel, food handlers,
custodians, Heskett Center staff, orientation personnel, Student Health Services personnel, persons
not employed by the University but who voluntarily teke leadership roles In certeln University
ectlvltles such as club sports, and faculty, staff and students Involved In teaching and research
programs In wet laboratories.
AIDS prevention and education programs must be conducted by professionals working In this field.
The University Advisory Committee on Aids Is responsible for advising the VIce President of
Student Affairs of any modifications to this policy which may be required In the future.
Additionally, this committee must be consulted before actions are taken to dismiss a student
from the University and/or dismiss an employee for reasons related to having AIDS, ARC or a
positive HIV test.
This committee should also be consulted when employee or student
accommodations ere needed as a result of the Individual having AIDS, ARC, or a positive HIV
The University Advisory Committee on Aids Is composed of the assistant dean of faculties,
director of human resources, director of employee relations, associate vice president for
student affairs and dean of student life, end medical director of Student Health Services.
This committee reports to the VIce President for Student Affairs.
This policy shall be distributed to students and employees through regular policy
dissemination mechanisms; the Handbooks for Faculty, Staff, and Students will reference this
policy as each Is updated.
The University Wei lness Council will be provided steff support for the conduct of programs
and Information dissemination by the Office of the VIce President for Student Affairs.
All budget end budget review officers shall assure employees and students ere familiar with
this policy and take steps necessary to essure academic work, and laboratory environments
are In compliance with efforts to prevent the transmission of AIDS end ARC. (4-89)