www.ijecs.in International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242

International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2015, Page No. 10338-10345
Social Sensing: An Exploratory Investigation for Smart City
Rajesh Kumar Sahu, Lokesh Kumar, Vinod Kumar
MATS School of InformationTechnology
Raipur (C.G)
MATS School of InformationTechnology
Raipur (C.G)
MATS School of InformationTechnology
Raipur (C.G)
Abstract - In the era of information technology, Social sensing [1][3] is a latest useful technology for collecting the
information which is directly associated with the human and other social resources. Most common example of social
sensors are smart phones( mobile), in the smart phone , there exists many in-built sensors like GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and
other location finding apps, temperature mapping sensors. The sensor are not used only in mobiles but also in automobiles
vehicles like Bus, Car, Oven, Television, microwave etc. in smart kitchen to make smart home. The main concept is to
make knowledge based society and intelligent system on the national and international level. Smart city is todays as well as
future demand in the modern society for every country to arrange and run the social system in proper, efficient and
effective manner. In this paper, the efforts have been made for various aspects of a smart city design and Implementation.
phenomenon. It has intelligent processing capability which can
Keywords - Smart Cities, Sensor and Actuator Networks, hold the data temporarily, perform aggregation and transmit the
Internet of Services, Ubiquitous Sensor Networks, advanced data to nearest node or sink [35]. Without sensors, the concept
sensing, physical network.
of Smart City cannot be imagined. Therefore, the sensors are a
key device to open the door and dream of Smart City. Sensors
can be networked in wired or wireless manner depending upon
In the present scenario, smart city is an advanced situation for the requirement.
city development supported by a new IT technology with
scientific manner to use resource the present city. The design of
“smart cities” has paying attention large knowledge in the
framework of urban city development policies [1]. These
technologies are mobile telecommunication with internet, cloud
computing, advance sensing devices, Ubiquitous sensor
network, Ad-Hock networks, and smart city is based on things
of internet. It’s used infrastructures such as broadband which is
or can be Ubiquitous, LAN and data centers is used to storing
the large amount of data’s which is come from the social
networks and all sensor devices. The main concept of smart city
to make knowledge based society and intelligent system on the
Fig1. Sensor Device Overview
national and international level, The Smart City has been
important to the plane of a solution national strategy as well as
international strategy. As action and application providers,
and fig.3 of smart city contain many
telecom operators are playing a very important role in the
field plays a very important role
developed chain, as a model of “Government and Service
providers and content provider” in the series of a smart city is for the human and animal for treatments. Smart transportation
helps in smart carrying of the goods [36], material and others,
broadly accepted.
up-dawn one place to another place.
Sensor device
Sensor is a tiny and intelligent device which operates to
measure the physical or any other intended environmental
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Page 10338
Fig 2. Model of Social Sensing in Smart City
And smart infrastructure is make to smart home,
building, manufacturing factories, and all smart
constructions which is most important to make a smart city
in the country. Another field is smart services which is
responsible for providing the intelligent and smart services
for the public. This service is given by the government,
telecom operators and other service providers [37]
Fig 3. Architecture Social Sensing in Smart City
Services like- open Internet services, this can be in the
public area or private area [38], telecommunications
services for communicating to each other, electricity supply
in the home, hotels, organizations, public sectors and private
sectors are included, water related services are provided for
public in daily life. And all primary required services,
people can access and use these services for fulfillment of
their needs and daily life needs, one more important
problem are security [39]. Security is most important for
every individual like their personal security, privacy of
personal information, goods security in the society.
There are many more sensing applications for sensing the
social information-
One of the extremely main applications of the WSN sensor
is in the medical care unit. Toward help management in the
hospital and clinics, sensor device can be use in this location
for a variety of application available. In particular WSN
networks area, is a extremely energetic investigate playing
field. In this place we can create a particular body area
network for a patient [1]. The Wireless sensor body area
network consists of interrelated sensors sited in special
measurement of the human being body. The sensor can be
fit inside the body or outside the body. And this [21] sensor
device sense the information which is related to human
being and send it to the remote location for further analyzing
The advantages of the Wireless sensor body area network
are to send the information to the base station and where real
data, situations are monitored. Individuals with heart,
kidney, cancer etc problems, and the data can classify
according to their characters. In the medical field wireless
sensor body area network is not limited, means it advantages
and characteristics are unlimited. Therefore this is most
frequently used in medical fields for easy and effective
human treatment.
In [40] the hospitals and Medicare areas, we can
deploy the sensors for the human being, patient treatment,
monitoring and sensor send sensed data to the remote
system and remote system performing [33] the analysis task
on real time data which is coming from the patient body area
The received data are raw data so we need to analysis and
convert into complete information and categorized into
separate part according to their solution procedure
mechanism [34][41].This problem and data analysis job
doing by the medical specialist or medical analyst
separately. Specialist make a report and send it to related
doctor and also store result for future use for related patient
and other same problematic patients.
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Page 10339
Fig. 6- Vibration, pressure, and flow sensors in a pipeline. These
are used to monitor the integrity of the pipeline, as described
Fig. 4
Every problem is handled by the field specialists so
less chance to mistakes in result and one man can handle
one problem so it provide quick response for patients.
In the present, time as well as future time our most
important requirement is water for live life. Without water
we can’t live. Because water is the most important for our
life. Water is most important natural resources in urban and
town areas. Water supplying for residential customers to
public infrastructure, such as public place parks, restaurants,
hotels, and all other public place. So that water supply has to
be done successfully and has to be in time. Also capable
quality organizes has to be performing to make sure that
water is in safe hands for human use. Normally water supply
chain is collecting point (such as river, sea, tube wells etc)
and for water storing facilities (such as reservoirs, big tanks
etc) and we use filtering methods to water fresh techniques
[9]. After filtering we use normally pipe lines for water
distribution[1] (pipe can be placed in above, underground,
and under water) the complete water distribution system use
collecting water points, storing services, to the customer’s
home location.
These supply systems are in core non-intelligent.
For example, if there is a any leak in one of the supply
pipes, it can be difficult to diagnose the system before time
sufficient to sense the fault, in particular if it is not with
pleasure noticeable (in case of underground pipes for
example)[10][11]. Advanced sensing enables a more reliable
error finding system. Possible locations to deploy sensors
and parameter of notice, from a monitoring outlook, in water
supply systems, show below Examples:
Sensors of such applications include monitoring the filled
stage in storage tanks, leak detection and monitoring the
water quality at exact points next to the supply system [1].
Usual electricity distribution systems are one way
transmission, means, not-intelligent. Normally, these energy
distribution infrastructures provide unidirectional flows,
from the power generating station to customer’s homes. The
supplied electricity is expected or predicted, delivering
complete supplied electricity to the customers [12]. But it
does not deliver full amount of electricity because some
natural and un-natural factors cause effect on the electricity
distribution systems. So we develop some techniques
through previous available data, organized to perform load
tracking for instances where the demand exceeds the supply.
A development to the predictable distribution system is a bidirectional system; in the logic that electricity flows from
terminals to client’s location and communication to each
others. A more well-organized use of energy is then
possible, whereby power can flow return back to the
terminals (to be stored for later use) in cases of less demand
or in emergency time. This system is known as smart sensor
or circuits [1]. The concept of power distributed system
making enables setting. Where, in its place of having a
centralized production scheme, so extra electricity
generation points can be established near to customers and
fulfill their needs, therefore reducing the crash of losses on
electricity transportation over long distances places. These
techniques enable us to implement more new technique
based on demand and supply programs to build in circuits,
called smart sensors. This sensor is self organized and take
decision to monitoring, providing request response
mechanism for the power grids points. This sensor is
deployed on the wires and distribution terminals for
monitoring the power transmission. If any type of problem
or issue is sensed then record the data and send it to the
central office for taking appropriate measure. The sensor
monitors all possible issues in the power distribution system
[1]. Utilities make sure that power delivery occurs within
secure restrictions.
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Page 10340
utilization reports. In the building, wireless personal area
network implementation is helpful to a great extent for
controlling the equipments where a remote device talks to
the home equipments. WPAN enable
building connects outside of the environment and operates
using World Wide Web. With the help of internet anyone
can monitor and can have control over the premises of one’s
building and components in the smart building.
For example, [13] systems like STAMP sense the
temperature, sag and pressure values of slide line in real
time and resolve the state, or strength, of the line from these
capacity STAMP achieves this using a distributed electricity
system (DES) and heat sensor sense and detect and solve
or clearing problems [1]. We set up sensor on the every
power distribution terminal and it monitors stress in wires.
These sensors have to be carefully monitored to make sure
that the circuit is working at its imparity capacity, which is
dependent on heat [1].
In [1][3] this area, a plane is proposed to develop a smart
building in the smart city. In smart building it is tried to
provide many effective features and functionality like
energy utilization, energy generation using solar panel, rain
water management, smart vehicle parking, Automatic air
flow control, and environment has to be properly sensed, in
the heart of the home there should be a centralized energy
sensing meter which monitor the generation of energy from
Sources like solar panel and others, simultaneously it will
also monitor the energy consumption at different nodes.
Energy sensing device is interfaced with a smart meter for
The weather forecasting is important field of smart city
because it ensure that quality of life and safety, in this field
we monitor the air, level of carbon dioxide, oxygen as well
as other harmful gases quality of water, humidity, rain,
temperature, all type of pollution, vice noise etc[1].
Traditional way to monitoring environment using some tools
and technique by the human and make a report for the
analysis. But in this process man can do the mistakes
unfortunately. So it is recommended the smart city [30] [32].
Smart city which is capable to sense and take proper action
Today’s most important need is resource monitoring and
security. Because resources are most useful and important in
any organization, so we need to protect our resources [42].
For this work we deploy the sensors and monitor our
resources remotely. This is easy and coast effective
mechanism to protect the resources. For this task, we use
special type of sensor which is design specially for
monitoring purpose and some example like [15] [24]
(CCTV camera, night vision camera and others devices).
When any one tries to attack our resources then it is capable
to capture videos and send information to the remote
security station. Where human operator watches the
recording and takes action for this malicious activity.
Today’s most crucial problem is traffic control and
management, because, every day increase in large amount of
motor vehicles on the road [5]. So this is very difficult to
monitoring, controlling, and parking place. In the smart city,
this problem is handled by use of wireless sensor networks
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Page 10341
to manage and control traffic related problems [6]. For this
task, special type of sensors are used which is Ad Hoc type
and communicate to local nearest object. Capable to routing
decision communicating vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to
signal terminal and sensor send information to the remote
traffic base station [27]. Base station manages and controls
all the motor vehicles running on road. In the smart city
every vehicle has a unique identity code which is used to
tracking the vehicle.
In [11] smart city, depending upon the type of requirement
for sensing. It is very necessary to model the sensor in such
a manner whose deployment may prove suitable in smart
city. Modeling of sensor needs great expertise in the area of
designing and modeling of sensor. It is time consuming and
costly too.
Sensors must be deployed in such a place in smart city
where sensor could monitor the physical phenomenon and
other related activities properly. In case of improper
communication among different sensor nodes and base
stations. The result may be incorrect. This causes
inappropriate monitoring of smart city.
Sensors are energy constrained devices which has battery
life of limited time. Therefore, mechanism for keeping
sensors alive is a great concern because sensors may die in
absence of energy.
In case of calamity, the entire system may be damaged. But
with appropriate precautions, mechanism, predication, the
damage done can be reduced [43]. With the help of whether
forecasting and prediction, the rehabilitation of people can
save various lives.
In the smart city most challenges arise such that
sensor are very costly, sensor modeling, deployment, energy
efficiency, managing and security etc.
Deployments and enabling the technologies for sensing
purposes leads to many issues which have to be kept in the
consideration of Smart City Concept [23]. Smart City
Network is very prone to different unexpected and
unauthorized access. Cyber Terrorism and cyber vandalism
is very common type of cyber attacks in the smart city.
The sensors deployed in the different area of smart city will
generate huge amount of data. Whose management and
processing is a great challenge to handle. The generated data
may be of various varieties. This huge amount of data will
also cause network traffic. Generated data will be sensitive
and general. General data is not of any risk but sensitive
data is needed to be managed in effective and efficient
In this paper, the role of social sensing in smart city has
been discussed including various areas in which social
sensing can be utilized; it has also focused on different
aspects and issues in smart city establishment which
involves different types of tools, technologies and models.
Application of social sensing for traffic control, water
supply and distribution heath monitoring electricity
distribution etc. with different risks and challenges is
discussed. It is found that the smart city is a modern concept
which is in its emerging phase of its development. Abundant
research opportunities are open for researchers to give
maturity to this budding field.
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Mr. Rajesh Kumar Sahu is
pursuing MCA from School of
Information Technology, MATS
University Raipur (C.G) INDIA.
Mr. Lokesh Kumar is
pursuing MCA from School of
Information Technology, MATS
University Raipur (C.G) INDIA.
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Page 10344
Mr. Vinod kumar is a PhD
Department of Mathematics and
Application, Maulana Azad
Technology, Bhopal (MP) India.
He is doing research in the field
of Big Data Technology and
associated in the wireless sensor
Moreover, working as faculty in
Technology, MATS University
Raipur (C.G) INDIA.
Rajesh Kumar Sahu IJECS Volume 4 Issue 2 February, 2015 Page No.10338-10345
Page 10345