www.ijecs.in International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242

International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2015, Page No. 10400-10403
Online Mobile Cloud Based Compiler
Miss. Pooja D. Pawar, Miss. Sheetal S. Rai, Miss. Madhuri V. Sherawade
Computer Department
NMIET,Talegaon Dabhade
Computer Department
NMIET, Talegaon Dabhade
Computer Department
Now a days Cloud computing is a very popular and rising technology using which it is easy to access on-demand network resources in a
convenient manner. Mobile cloud computing is the availability of cloud computing services in a mobile ecosystem. Mobile cloud computing
means services are provided by a cloud and anyone can accessed through mobile platforms. This paper introduce C/C++/JAVA compilers which
make it easy to compile and execute programs anytime anywhere by using their android smartphone. The main aim of this application is that
their is no need to install any software/compilers in their phones. Anyone can access these C/C++/JAVA compilers remotely through network.
General Terms
AES algorithm, Compilers.
Cloud computing, Mobile cloud computing, compilers, JSON,
Mobile.web services.
Cloud computing is a good technology which provides flexibility
for all educational institutions and the academic organization’s
needs, the platform and applications in cloud computing may be on
the institution campus, off campus, or a combination of both. It
fulfills the need of effective infrastructure and deployment model
for their dynamic demands. In current scenarios for executing a
program we need a machine in which C/C++/JAVA softwares
must be installed saperately on each machine. So it is time
consuming process as well as it requires more resources. Thats
why we implement the "Online Mobile cloud based compilers". In
which we are using mobile with cloud computing services. many
public and private institutions are uses cloud computing for better
delivery of resources even as they work with fewer resources.
Now a days everyone has their own android smartphones by using
which everyone can compile and execute C/C++ and JAVA
programs.It is useful for students, teachers, faculty, and staff .
Because of which teaching and learning can take place from
different places and at whenever that require and at any time.
Using any Internet connected device.Students and teachers can
access the content they need from home, train,park and library etc.
Fig. 1. Mobile Cloud computing
Mobile devices are uses more processing power as well as battery
life and it requires more storage. Cloud computing and mobile are
two such things use of these two is changing our lives. Mobile
cloud computing is useful in our day to day life. Cloud computing
provides an infinite computing resources. So new technology
Miss. Pooja D. Pawar, IJECS Volume 4 Issue 2 February, 2015 Page No.10400-10403
Page 10400
introduced called "Mobile Cloud Computing". Mobile cloud
computing is a new platform combining the mobile devices and
cloud computing to create a new infrastructure, whereby cloud
performs the hard and heavy lifting of computing tasks and storing
huge amounts of data which we can not perform in mobile. In this
new architecture, data processing and data storage is done outside
of mobile devices.
Keeps track of which user exist in which group.
3.2 Cloud server:
Features of mobile cloud computing:
Compilers are hosted on to the cloud like C/C++/JAVA. Web
services are also hosted on to the cloud. Which are used for
interacting the mobile device with the cloud server on which
compilers are installed. Database is for maintaining record of user,
code, compilation and execution.
1. Automated backups,uptime,SLA,maintenance.
3.3 User:
2.Automated upgrades.
Users are android mobile users. Users are responsible for typing
their program and upload that program on the server then server
executes the program and display the result on user’s screen.
3.Web and mobile access from anywhere.
4.Modern web based integration.
5.Elastic,pay as you go scale up or down.
6.Multi-tenant solution provided by vendor.
In system architecture there are three modules:
Admin module.
Cloud server.
User module.
Fig.2 System Architecture
The user will first select the language of the program that is
C/C++/JAVA and then writes their program on editor or download
the program which is available . Then upload the program on
server by clicking on upload button. when user click on upload
button an android java activity will be executed and the program
file will get wrapped into JSON object. After that the program is
send in JSON string format to the server program application the
device .Then program is save on the cloud server and returns the
program ID on user mobile. After clicking on compile button the
program is sent for compilation. A java application is hosted onto
the server which will accept the program file data which is in
JSON string format. Then it will retrieve the required data and
make two files one for program code and other for its respective
input file. Then the program file will its respective input file is
compile on minGW compiler and the result is store in a file . If
program contains errors then errors of the compile program file is
wrapped in JSON format and transferred back to android device in
JSON string format. And if program does not contain any errors
then message "Compiled successfully" is displayed on the user's
screen. Then user will click on execute button the respective
program is executed on server and result is again wrapped into the
JSON string format and received result is display on the device.
We are used REST web service over SOAP . Restful web service
having more architectural advantages than SOAP using which you
can design web services that focus on systems resources including
how resource states are transferred over HTTP by a multiple users
written many programs in different languages.
REST web service having following features:
3.1 Admin:
3.1.1 User management:
Manages user related data.
Username and password.
How many users uses which type of compiler
Validate users.
3.1.2 Report Management:
Manages different types of reports.
Audit reports.
Tracking reports.
Maintains records of which compiler is most uses by
It is a light weight web service ,So it can easy to access.
REST uses HTTP methods like GET,POST,DO etc.
It transfers XML ,HTML, JavaScript Object Notation etc
.where SOAP transfers only XML .
3.1 Flow of system:
(a) Login
(b) Authentication
(c) Select language
3.1.3 Group Management:
(d) Write or download the program from server
Manages group related information.
Maintains size of the group
(e) Upload program on server
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Page 10401
(f) Compile the program
Final Round
(g) Execute the program
In final Round ,MixColumns step is not performed.
(h) End
5. AES Algorithm
Steps in the AES Encryption Process
Here AES algorithm is used for security purpose. AES algorithm
uses 128-bit key for encryption and decryption.The encryption
process uses a set of specially derived keys called round keys.
These round keys are applied, along with a particular operations,
on an array of data that holds exactly one block of data the data to
be encrypted. This array is call state array.
Our Software, which we are going to develop,is the result of many
peoples dedication. It is the cumulative efforts of many minds
working together day and night that gave us the contentment of
designing the software. Special thanks to, the Project-coordinator
Prof. Ashwini Jadhav of computer Department, for her great
support. We express our gratitude
to our project guide and also H.O.D of computer department Prof.
Shyamsundar Ingle for guidance and who kept the things on track
and also to all other faculty members who helped
us directly or indirectly. Last but not least our acknowledgement
goes to all the well wishers of our project and to all our class mates
for their excellent support in all aspects.
Fig.3.AES Algorithm
KeyExpansions— AES requires a separate 128-bit round key
block for each round plus one more.
AddRoundKey—In this AddRoundKey step each byte of the state
is combined with a block of the round key by using bitwise xor.
SubBytes—In this substitution step according to a lookup table
each byte is replaced with another
ShiftRows—It is also called transposition step where the last three
rows of the state are shifted cyclically a certain number of steps.
In this paper we have introduced three online mobile cloud based
compilers C, C++ and JAVA. Because now a days to run and
execute any simple programs their is need of computer and
different compilers a must be installed on it. It is time consuming
process and also number of resources are required. Therefore to
avoid the dependency on computer and reduce installation time we
are developed an "online mobile cloud based compilers" using
which users can run and execute there programs anytime anywhere
using their android smartphones and can store the codes at the
cloud server as well as each students record is maintained for
future references. This application is helpful for students, teachers,
programmers as well as developers .The ability to use compiler
on mobile devices is that a programmer can easily access the code
and provides most convenient tool to compile the code and remove
the errors.
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