M E X T Knowledge Cluster Initiative July 25, 2005 “Knowledge Cluster Initiative” -present state & issuesYasushi Taguchi Director Office for the promotion of Regional R&D Activities Science and Technology Policy Bureau MEXT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology M E X T Framework of the S&T Policy in Japan 1995 The Science and Technology Basic Law was established ● Obligation for the government to establish the basic science and technology plan on every 5 years is stated 1996 The First Science and Technology Basic Plan was enacted ● Encouraging fundamental research activities → additional ¥ 17 trillion ($ 154.5 billion) government investment was planed over 5 years (which means the amount of the budget became twice as much as what it used to be) ● Promoting cooperation within industry, academia and government 2001 The Second Science and Technology Basic Plan was enacted ● the Four Key Fields is established: Life Sciences, IT, Environment and Nanotech/Materials ● Government Investment for R&D activities → more additional ¥ 24 trillion ($218.2 billion) government investment has been planed over 5 years (which means the 1 % of the GTP of Japan constantly invested each year) ● Reformation of the S&T system of Japan * Calculated as US$1=110yen 1 M E X T The Second Science and Technology Basic Plan (established by the Cabinet in March 2001) Regional S&T Promotion Policy of the Government of Japan ■ Formation of the Knowledge Clusters ● Universities and other public research institutions which have unique R&D themes and potentialities are put on the center core ● Business companies inside and outside the regions are expected to come into the clusters ● Human networks and joint research organizations are expected to be established in this process of forming the clusters ● Technical innovation is expected to occur successively through mutual stimulation between technological seeds in research institutions and practical needs in the real business world ■ Carrying out the regional S&T promotion policy smoothly ● ● ● ● Fostering and obtaining professional experts such as “connoisseurs” Building up coordinating ability between needs and seeds Promoting technology transfers in view of interregional cooperation Paying proper attention to local initiative, or cooperation under local leadership 2 M E X T The S&T Budget (National / Local governments) $ billion 350 300 250 Local gov't (initial budget) Local gov't (final budget) National budget (initial) 200 150 100 50 *calculated as 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 FY US$1=110yen 33 M E X T The Regional S&T Promotion Budget of MEXT $ million 250 200 150 100 50 0 1996 2001 2002 FY 2003 2004 * 2005 initial budget ** calculated as US$1=110yen 4 Knowledge Cluster Initiative To create an innovative and internationally competitive regional base which integrates research institutions, R&D industries or universities 18 clusters Annual budget about ¥500 million ($4.5million)/cluster (5-year project)*1$=110yen Nagano-Ueda [Nanotechnology] Sapporo [ IT ] Toyama-Takaoka [Life Sciences] Kanazawa [Life Science] Kansai Wide Area Cluster Osaka [Life Sciences] Kyoto [Nanotechnology] Kobe [Life Sciences] Hiroshima [Life Sciences] Ube [Life Sciences] Sendai [ IT ] Gifu-Ogaki [Life Sciences] Nagoya [Nanotechnology] Hamamatsu [ IT, Life Sciences] Keihanna [ IT, Life Sciences] Kyushu Wide Area Cluster Takamatsu [Life Sciences] Kitakyushu [IT, Env’t] Fukuoka [ IT ] Tokushima [Life Sciences] 5 Selection Process ① Selecting 30 candidate regions (May 2001) [1st Stage] [potential for R&D] Existence of a core research organization and its activities ⇒55 regions 45 regions [potential of industry] ①main industry’s sales > 300B Jyen or ②machinery’s product > 100B Jyen 1.Potential of Core research organization & technical seeds [2nd Stage] 30 candidate regions 2. System for collaborations 3.Persons of talent 4.VC 5.Incubation 6.Traffic infrastructure 6 Selection Process ② 30 regions submitted proposals of their own cluster’s plans. MEXT selected 12 regions to be subsidized in 2002. And 6 regions were selected in 2003 and 2004. Selection Criteria 1.Basic factors ・focus on a specific field ・existence of a core research organization ・infrastructures 2.Technical factors ・competence of R&D activities ・possibility of going into business 3.System for projects’ promotion ・assistance capabilities of a core organization ・structure of the Cluster Headquarters 4.Program carried by regional initiative ・promoting S&T policy ・adjustment to their future visions ・Leadership of the local government 7 M E X T FY 2002 2003 12 clusters (Start in 2002) 3 clusters (Start in 2003) 3 clusters (Start in 2004) Budget [yen] 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Evaluation Trial Evaluation Trial 6.6 billion 7.8 billion Evaluation 9 billion 10 billion 8 Structure of the Knowledge Cluster Initiative MEXT Reforms of science and technology systems Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Technology innovation creation programs in which Universities take core part MEXT selects areas and assists core organizations Cooperation Cluster Creation Plans of Local Governments ¾Local governments make their own action plans ¾Intensive promotion of various projects for creating Knowledge Clusters ¾Cooperative systems by industry, academia and government in which universities etc. take core part •Setting up the Knowledge Cluster Headquarters (Control Tower) •Promotion of supporting systems by S&T coordinators etc. Area with a high concentration of knowledge and industry Cooperative systems in which universities or other public research institutions take core part. Setting up Core Organizations Planning /Implementation Foundations or other corporations designated by local governments *Various projects Cooperation Universities, etc. Knowledge Cluster Headquarters Cooperation Sponsor research Cooperation Cooperation Firms and other related entities TLO, JST * • Conducting industry-academia-government successive joint research • Promotion of Patenting, incubating and developing of research results in which universities or other public institutions take core part • Staffing with specialist Science and Technology Coordinators • Forums or other type of meeting on research results will be held Knowledge Cluster Initiative will positively cooperate with other relevant projects like the Industrial Cluster Project of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). 9 Characteristics of the project Initiative of Local Government The “core organization” financing universities for research Leadership of the cluster headquarter Competition with other regions ⇒∼500 organizations, ∼1500 researchers ⇒promoting reformations of university's systems 10 知的クラスター創成事業における実績一覧(H14∼16年度) Knowledge Cluster Initiative ( 2002-2004fy) patents 特許数(件) treatises 論文数(件) abr. 海外 Dms. 国内 本事業の成果による 成果が他事業 商品化、実用化、企業 収入(売上、実施料 to other funds Sales awards 受賞(件) product 化件数(件) 国内 海外 に採択(件) Dms. abr. 収入等) (千円) (yen) acq. app. acq. app. 出願数 取得数 出願数 取得数 Newa 報道に取り上げられた件数(件) paper 新聞 TV テレビ journal 雑誌 Sapporo Sapporo 札幌 Sendai 仙台 30 34 16 40 0 2 0 5 7 0 66 11 56 40 56 9 66 0 7 0 6 37 17,849 50 9 15 Nagano 長野 Hamamatsu 浜松 41 136 10 118 0 10 0 2 7 37,400 301 56 49 23 43 2 69 0 16 0 2 1 0 131 27 10 Kyoto 京都 関西文化学術研 究都市 Keihan-na 71 252 17 93 0 18 0 17 27 37,229 151 3 78 97 77 12 116 0 18 0 13 12 31,577 98 12 21 Ooala(Saito) 大阪(彩都) Kobe 神戸 Hiroshima 広島 12 188 9 17 0 5 0 9 11 273,930 86 2 5 37 12 113 29 3 7 34 23 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 7 6 7 0 6,700 35 95 3 20 8 32 Takamatsu 高松 Fukuoka 福岡 18 55 12 77 1 10 31 10 0 0 2 0 0 0 13 0 12 1 0 0 132 44 9 2 13 19 Kita-Kyushu 北九州 52 151 5 84 0 7 0 5 27 53,120 84 1 46 Toyama-Takaoka 富山・高岡 Nagoya 名古屋 Tokushima 徳島 16 36 2 30 1 8 0 2 9 5,000 142 15 35 76 26 296 40 19 0 119 13 0 0 11 2 0 0 1 2 8 30 78,000 3,500 25 24 1 4 29 26 Kanazawa 金沢 Gifu 岐阜 39 52 14 32 0 3 0 0 0 0 45 6 3 Ube 宇部 32 51 54 62 6 1 31 18 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 15 0 0 30 25 13 3 14 15 Total 合計 728 1708 143 944 1 116 0 86 219 544,305 1564 197 474 M E X T Intermediate IntermediateEvaluation Evaluation-①Policy-①Policy PURPOSE : Effective implementation of the Knowledge Cluster Initiative in each region and formation of clusters TRAGET : 12 clusters which started in FY2002 POLICY : ○ Evaluation from a long-term point of view in consideration of regional autonomy (as this is the support system in a developing phase for the formation of “Knowledge Clusters” in the future) ○ Each cluster should be motivated to evaluate and reexamine its own project appropriately. ○ Subsidy in FY2005 for each cluster increases or decreases according to the results of the evaluation under a sense of rivalry. ○ MEXT evaluates the progress of past 2.5 years, self-evaluation, plans for next 2.5 years 16 12 Intermediate Evaluation−②Criteria− ItemⅠ ItemⅠ ItemⅢ ItemⅢ ItemⅡ ItemⅡ (1)Technical factors(R&D progress) 1.Progress (result in the 1st half) (2)Regional programs and autonomy ①Strategy for intellectual property, industrializing, etc. ②harmonization with other policies (3)Systems for the projects’ promotion 2.Quality of Self-Evaluation (1)Technical factors(R&D plans) 3.Plans (plans for the 2nd half) (2)Regional programs and autonomy (3)Systems for the projects’ promotion 4.Possibility of the future cluster Intermediate Evaluation③ -schemeSubmit self-evaluation report (Nov. 2004) Weighting Gr. Evaluating Gr. Weighting each item (Nov. 2004) Interview and Examination (Nov.∼Dec. 2004) Setting value on each item (S, A, B, C) Comments Total Score (Jan.∼Mar. 2005) M E X T Intermediate IntermediateEvaluation Evaluation Results①-Total Results①-TotalScoreScoreAnnounced on March 23, 2005 Total Score (Average of the Evaluaters) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Kitakyushu Fukuoka Takamatsu Hiroshima Kobe Saito (Osaka) Kansai Kyoto Hamamatsu Nagano/Ueda Sendai 0 Sapporo Score 21 15 Kyoto 4.00 3.00 A A 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 E Sendai Sapporo Nagano/Ueda A A 4.00 B 2.00 E B 2.00 E 1.00 B 2.00 E B 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hamamatsu A 4.00 Saito D (Northern Part of Osaka Prefecture) 4.00 C D C 3.00 D A D C C 2.00 E 1.00 3.00 2.00 E B B 1.00 D C Fukuoka Kobe D C 4.00 4.00 A A 3.00 3.00 2.00 E 2.00 E B B 1.00 1.00 Hiroshima 4.00 A D D A B C D E 3.00 2.00 E Takamatsu B 4.00 A 1.00 3.00 C Kitakyushu Science and Research Park R&D Autonomy Management SelfSelf-Evaluation Cluster formation B 1.00 4.00 Kansai Science City A 4.00 2.00 E 2.00 Average Score of the cluster B B 1.00 1.00 Average Score of 12 clusters D D D A 3.00 3.00 E 2.00 E D C C C C C 22 16 Intermediate Evaluation Results② -to be solvedSome clusters lack…… the course toward business in some research themes. integration of intellectual property strategy between Cluster headquarters and the universities. Some clusters need…… more market need analysis, numerical targets and involvement of private corporations. global activities toward the internationally competitive clusters. to foster or secure talented people in and out of the region. Some clusters in life sciences field …… are hampered by scope of claims and lead time for clinical trials regulated by pharmaceutical affairs law. Government has to address the system development to capitalize upon the outcome of university-level research. 17 M E X T Subsequent SubsequentDevelopment Developmentof of the the“Knowledge “KnowledgeCluster ClusterInitiative” Initiative” Methodology of Ex-post evaluation Plan post-“Knowledge Cluster Initiative” key-wards -give priority -widen area -diversify -harmonize & connect various policies 18 M E X T Cooperation with the Industrial Cluster Project of METI Ministries Concerned CSTP : Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office METI : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry CSTP Regional S&T Cluster MEXT Knowledge Cluster Initiative New technology seeds form industry-academiagovernment joint research ・Committee at the national level ・Committees at the local level within 9 regions established in October 2004 z Setting up committees for regional cluster promotion, holding joint conferences to announce project results z Encouraging cooperation within local entities z “Cluster Forum 2005” at Tokyo Big Sight to be held possibly form November 30 to December 1. z METI’s budget to put new technology seeds from the Knowledge Cluster Initiative to practical use z MEXT’s budget for universities to carry out joint research with the corporations which take part in the Industrial Cluster Project METI The Industrial Cluster Project New business based on the industry-academiagovernment networks Continuous support from the creation of seeds to business 19 8 M E X T The TheThird ThirdScience Scienceand andTechnology TechnologyBasic BasicPlan!? Plan!? (to (tobe beenacted enactedinin2006, 2006,now nowunder underdiscussion discussionatatCSTP) CSTP) Building of a regional innovation system toward the region of affluence and vitality Significance of regional S&T promotion Sophisticate and diversify national S&T Revitalize regional economy Secure safety and quality of life Promote dialogue between the scientific community and society Consistency with the strategic priority setting of national S&T Cooperation and complementary relations between the national and local governments 20 M E X T Please visit our website and get the cluster brochure http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/kagaku/chiiki/cluster/index.ht m Cluster Forum held at Tokyo Big Sight on September 29, 2004 21