Nunthorpe Academy Standards Transgressions Strict compliance with our Academy Standards is expected from all of our students. As of 1st June 2015 should you be found to transgress against these minimum expectations you will be issued with an instant after school detention on that day from 3.00 – 4.00 pm. Examples of Transgressions you will be sanctioned for: Uniform Skirt – too short, wrong material, wrong colour Trousers – too tight, wrong colour Wearing trainers Blazer not being worn Hoodie being worn (this will be confiscated) Make-up KS3 student wearing ANY make-up KS4 student wearing too much (ie NOT DISCREET); or wearing eye/lip make-up False tan False/Acrylic/gel nails; nail varnish Jewellery Earrings that are not plain gold/silver studs Bracelets Rings Any other non-permitted jewellery Hair Unnatural dyes/colours eg pink, purple, blue, bright red, etc Short/shaved hair at sides with long hair on top Shaven heads Tramlines cut in Severe haircuts Equipment No planner/planner in poor state eg falling to bits, pages missing, graffiti on it No pencil case Punctuality Arriving late to the academy Mobile Phones Mobile being used at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner. All of the above will result in a Transgressions detention, plus any other transgressions deemed by a member or SLT or a PDL to be against Academy Policy. These detentions will be issued by a member of SLT or a PDL. You will attend the Main Hall at 3.00 pm promptly to serve your detention. D Jeffery AVP Standards 22 05 15