Rose Tree Media School District Root Word List Grade 9 Vocabulary

Rose Tree Media School District Root
Word List
Grade 9 Vocabulary
PLETE-to fill (L.)
replete (adj.) plentifully supplied
deplete (v.) to use up or exhaust
replenish (v.) provide a new supply for; fill again
COG-to get to know (L.)
incognito (adj., adv.) with one's real name, character, or rank concealed
incognizant (adj.) unaware
cognition (n.) perception; awareness
CLUD, CLUS - to shut (L.)
recluse (n.) person who lives withdrawn from the world
preclude (v.) to prevent
inclusive (adv.) including everything
JUNCT-(L.) to join (L.)
juncture (n.) point where two things join
adjunct (n.) something connected with and subordinate to a more important
injunction (n.) command; an authoritative order
THEO - god (G.)
theology (n.) study of religion and religious beliefs
theocracy (n.) any government headed by religious authorities
polytheism (n.) belief in more than one god
ONYM-name (G.)
pseudonym (n.) fictitious name used by an author instead of his real name
acronym (n.) word formed from the first letters or syllables of other words
antonym (n.) word that means the opposite of another word
MISS, MIT - to send, to let go (L.)
remission (n.) pardon; forgiveness; a lessening (of pain)
intermittent (adj.) stopping for a time and beginning again
demise (n.) death
DEMO - people (G.)
endemic (adj.) prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality or people
demographics (n.) the statistical study of human populations
demagogue (n.) a popular leader who stirs up the people to further his own interests
epidemic (n.) the rapid spread of a disease
CORD-heart (L.)
cordial (adj.) warm and friendly in manner
concord (n.) agreement; harmony
discordant (adj.) not in agreement; differing
SCRIPT - to write (L.)
proscribe (v.) to denounce or condemn; to prohibit; to forbid
conscript (v.) to compel by law to serve in the armed forces; draft
scribe (n.) a public clerk or secretary; a professional copyist of manuscripts and
transcript (n.) a written, typewritten, or printed copy, especially of a legal record or a
student's school record
AMPHI, AMBI - both (L.)
ambidextrous (adj.) able to use both hands with equal facility
ambivalent (adj.) acting in opposite ways; having or showing conflicting feelings
VOC-voice (L.)
advocate (v.) to speak in favor; recommend
(n.) a person who pleads on another's behalf
vociferous (adj.) making an outcry; characterized by loudness
VERB-word (L.)
proverbial (adj.) of the nature of a proverb; well-known; famous
verbose (adj.) using too many words, wordy
SOLI - alone (L.)
soliloquy (n.) a speech made by an actor to himself when alone on stage
desolate (adj.) devoid of inhabitants; deserted; barren
(v.) to make unfit to live in; lay waste
sullen (adj.) showing a brooding ill humor or resentment; gloomy
FAC, FIC - to make, do (L.)
facile (adj.) done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; easy
facsimile (n.) an exact copy or likeness; perfect reproduction
malefactor (n.) one who has committed a crime; evildoer
CANT - sing (L.)
recant (v.) to take back formally or publicly
cantor (n.) man who leads the services in a synagogue; man who leads the singing of
a choir or congregation
MAN - hand (L.)
manipulate (v.) to operate or control by skilled use of the hands; to handle; to influence or
manage shrewdly or deviously
manifest (adj.) apparent to the eye or to the mind; plain; clear
VOLVE - to roll (L.)
evolution (n.) any process of formation or growth; gradual development
convolution (n.) a coiling, winding, or twisting together
MED - middle (L.)
medieval (adj.) of, having to do with, or belonging to the Middle Ages (500-1450 A.D.)
mediator (n.) person or group that intervenes between others for the purpose of
mediocre (adj.) neither good nor bad; of average quality; ordinary
intermediate (adj.) being or occurring between; middle
LEVAT—to lift up (L.)
levity (n.) – lightness of speech or manner, especially when inappropriate; lightness
alleviate (v.) to make more bearable; to reduce pain, grief, suffering