Name ______________________________________ Satirizing the Entertainment Industry 9 English Mrs. Gregg


Name ______________________________________

9 English

Mrs. Gregg

Satirizing the Entertainment Industry

 Each group will read, listen to, or view a different piece of media—each of which satirizes a pop culture star or some aspect of the entertainment industry. o The Onion

 o Weird Al

 Choose “Tacky” o Scenes from This Is Spinal Tap


(YouTube links) o Weekend Update clips from Saturday Night Live

 (Weekend Update: 1-16-16)

 Small group work o Groups will organize a 5 minute presentation:

 List and discuss the satirical elements of the piece. Use your study guide.

 The object of satire

 The comment the piece makes on the entertainment industry

 Group presentations to the class o Groups will organize a 5 minute presentation:

 Your piece being satirized will be projected for the class to view.

 Each person in the group must share something.

 Share everything about the satire in the piece you analyzed.
